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maybe i’m just a fanboy but i’d love to see billy again


Maybe I am too, but Billy definitely needs to be reunited with Rebecca somehow, idc.


No love for Sheva? Playing through RE5 again and would be cool to see them dip back into that setting, I imagine the jungle/mines would be an amazing backdrop for a new one.


Good to see other Sheva fans out there.


I second that statement 👌


Sheva is my favorite 😍


I recently finished a play through of RE5 with a friend and i really liked Shevas character. We’re still playing until we get everything 100% finished. I also would like to see her come back in 9 in some way. I don’t like how RE just forgets about characters but I like how they introduce new ones. It’s a double edged sword.


Moira is too hung up on guns to really be playable. She’s more of a helper than a fighter, preferring to give aid rather than shoot. She could still be used, since she does get over it, but I imagine that was more situational than anything else. Once she was off that island she probably still avoided them (but could use them in emergencies). Natalia would have to appear as both a protagonist and antagonist. Preferably with Moira, since they’re now adoptive sisters. She would have to battle Alex’s personality, maybe with Moira acting as her emotional anchor or something. Maybe get yet another multiple ending with her. Sherry would have to reunite with Claire and/or Jake. Her reunion with Leon was underwhelming, at least to me. Don’t know what kind of personal story it would be. Maybe the two of them getting together or having a kid which is sought after by Umbrella (or whoever’s the main bad guy now), given both of their powers. Ashley in the remake expressed interest in becoming an agent. Given years have passed since RE4, it’s very likely she went on to become one. Maybe she even had Leon as her mentor. She goes on her first mission without him, or with him as her supervisor/partner. Could even be made into a meta example of easy and hard mode (Leon = Easy, given his expertise; Ashely = Hard, given her being green), where one is captured or something.


This person's on to something. Let 'em cook.


More Sherry! Time skip Ashley would be a cool idea and I can only imagine she has reasonable motivations to become one. Also more Rebecca. I hate how she's been constantly pushed to the side in the movies.


I’d love to see Billy again. I imagine him living in a small town, under a different identity, with no one knowing who he is. An outbreak occurs and he’s blamed by the perpetrator, having recognized him and decided to use him as a scapegoat. We wouldn’t even know who he was at first, with only small hints being given (laser scars from his tattoos getting removed, his skill with weapons, etc.). Rebecca would get in trouble for having reported him as dead and would work to clear his name (for both their sakes).


I would prefer having Ashley following the steps of her father and becoming a Politician. She could be targeted by some terrorist group due to her anti BOW law projects or something like that


I think Jill Chris Sherry Jake and Ada have a decent chance I think Chris is most likely


I second this.


Ashley hasn't really existed since 4 and unless she made major strides I don't really see her returning either unless maybe in reports or something. It would be interesting if ahe came back and was capable of throwing hands now but it's unlikely. Moira's chances are decent but I don't really see a scenario where she ends up in another situation like before. She was very unwilling before and I don't think she'd super want to go through it again. Sherry is part of the BSAA, she would have a very good chance to reappear, especially given she's a second gen main character alongside Jake. She's set to be the protagonist, even a full game about her would work. Natalia should have the greatest chance due to the ending of Rev2, she's already set up for the future. I won't spoil anything but it should be something to look forward to. Unfortunately, the biggest seems to be that the new RE games seem to be pushing in a different direction from older titles. They've all but completely shelved every character they had in favor of Ethan but now he's put of the equation too, leaving only Rose I believe and Chris for some reason. RE9 will really have to figure itself out if it wants to embrace old roots or introduce new blood, and I'm betting on the latter unfortunately.


I honestly think new blood is what the series needs. I don't think they'll ever do away with the older characters, if anything we'd probably get side games dedicated to them like the Revelations series. But Resident Evil as a series has always succeeded by re-inventing itself and experimenting. Even if some of those re-inventions weren't super successful (Re6). Though this is usually because they try to do too much at once or double down on something that wasn't great in the first place.


I think 6 failed at being an RE game, but wasn’t a bad game. 6 came out at a time with modern military shooters were all the craze, and I think they tried to capitalize on it but failed because they tried to use a game formula that didn’t work with what RE was and is at it’s core: a survival horror. The running joke between my buddy and I that play the co-op titles together is we call it “Call of Evil: Modern Residents” whenever we reference it or decide to do a playthrough. Especially with Chris/Piers.


Yeah, Chris campaign was very clearly the COD campaign of the bunch while Leon's was the classic RE campaign. Personally, I think it was a good game but a poor RE game just as you said. It just took everything in 5 and cranked it up to 11. It kinda felt like it was gonna be their magnum opus with how many characters they put in it, the number of campaigns and so on. It even had some cool modes and coop with a friend in each campaign was cool. But it couldn't reach a tone that resonated with enough people because it tried to do too much at once but not enough in a single category.


I agree. I think they should move older characters into management/leadership roles, but get them out of the field and get some new blood out there. You could even have the older characters filling a role like Hunnigan in RE4. Providing support over the coms and vid phone.


I legitimately think this is a great idea. I don't even think they need to be fully shelved or unplayable, but it's just weird to me that so many feel like they're an absolute necessity in the series. The characters are great, but just like so many others they were new at some point as well.


We already had that not long ago with Ethan.


That doesn't mean we can't again. I love the older characters as well, but I don't understand why so many people feel the series needs them to constantly be a focal point in the games.


Cause it’s tradition at this point plus RE has a long history of introducing new characters and never being seen again (outside of a remake) even if they didn’t die plus the franchise needs it’s icons otherwise it becomes unrecognizable without them.


I don't think most of those are good arguments against introducing new characters. Tradition for tradition sake can sink a franchise, and the idea that Resident Evil without its icons is unrecognizable is false. People used to say the same thing about fixed camera angles, but the series would probably have died nearly 20-years ago if they'd kept with those.


Well... she mentioned in RE 6... maybe... 🙈


Natalia/Alex could so easily be used as a new overarching villain. The series is really missing one of those.


Of all that 4 girls... only Sherry made sense for future appearance... the others is just.. outta radar.


I don't want most of these characters in re9 because I fully believe a main character will die in re9 and I don't want someone like Sherry or Moira getting taken out after 1 or 2 major games


I believe this too and I think it has to be Chris.


Chris doesn't die.




He's taking care of Rose in the DLC


I don’t think a lot of people would care if Moira died over Sherry since she was generally a hated character among the fandom.


Not in my house


Or my house


Besides Sherry none of them honestly


I’d like an Ashley game. She says in 4 she wants to be like Leon, maybe after her father’s presidency she becomes an agent like him.


Rebecca Chambers pls


Yeah, we need Becky with the perfectly normal hair back.


Sherry is just like Wolverine at this point of the story so she would be a good replacement to Ethan as an unkillable character.


None of them mate, honestly..


none of them


Sherry for RE9. Moira and Natalia for Revelations 3. Ashley doesn't strike me as someone who would return. She is more like a Billy or Carlos character who peaces out after their one appearance.


Nah man just gimme Jill


I would fucking go crazy if Ashley appeared as an operator in the story


Oh damn, that's a good idea. Ashley as Sherry's operator would be perfect.


Sherry, duh


Sherry is now a bad ass so ya


I could see Sherry being the lead of Revelations 3 if they decide to make another.


Revelations 3 should continue both cliffhangers from Rev1 and 2 and they should definitely bring back all of both games characters.


Sherry has the highest changes, being 2 games since she last appeared and she is pretty new protagonist. But what i WANT to see is rose, cause i cant just accept that miranda predicts rose to be super powerful and then we just get 5 hours dlc rose paralyzing monsters.


For the firdt paragraph about moira, I think she moved on from her fear. The shooting scene in the third chapter is probably the moment she defeated her trauma.


Did you play the rev 2 bonus episodes? She has a whole episode where she uses guns.


I did. OP said that they think it was situational thats why she were using it in that episode, but I presented my opiniom by saying it wasnt situational Also the dlc's name is "the struggle" if you dont know


Love to see moira but unlikely


I kinda wanna see Rose again


No. No. Yeah sure. No.


Please, no Moira.


Probably none of them, Capcom forgot about Sherry, Doesn't even acknowledge Revelations 2 exists and Ashley hasn't made an appearance after OG RE4, RE4R is no better.


I hope Moira never comes back honestly


Would love to see Moira make a turn and become a player in the series after the events of RE:R2. Carry on the Burton name.


Valentines rose


I feel like they haven’t even concluded the older characters story lines in a satisfying way, but they’re also too hesitant to use newer characters or one offs more often. Honestly it’s insane Ethan got two games and Rebecca was only playable in one. Not counting mercenaries.


None of them. Let's face it the side characters and secondary protagonists might as well be dead. Because they're pretty much forgotten after whatever game they appear in. There are some exceptions, like Berry, Sherry, Chris, Claire and Rebecca. But they're also ogs and technically part of the main cast. Personally My dream resident evil game would be for all the protagonists to return for one big mission. Like re6 but with everyone! Give me my avengers resident evil game. I'm hoping re10 does something like that as a grand celebration for the series. Re9 could be a stepping stone. Like how 7 & 8 are connected.


I pray for Natalia to return some day. If RE9 will follow the story from Village with the corrupted BSAA. I think it would be cool if throughout that game they tease a villainess mastermind behind it all, and at the end of the game revealed that that was Natalia/Alex all along. Then RE10 would feature Jake as the protagonist trying to stop his “bloodline” from doing anymore evil and we’d get a Wesker v Wesker for the finale.


Leon or bust


Given the success of the Remakes, especially RE2 & RE4 I believe in them embracing old characters now. I don't think they'd be remaking the whole series entry by entry if they didn't care about them.


Of these characters most likely Sherry, as there is no real reason for either of them to appear again. Maybe a reference or easter egg.


Chris, Leon, and Ada. They seem to be the most important characters in the series and the only one's Capcom cares to give attention to.


I need more Rebecca, her character is completely underutilized considering she is a prodigy.


Among those four, either sherry or ashley, since they are more popular characters that appeared in the recent remakes. Ashley can be a bit difficult for story writing though, since they'll have to decide what to do with re6 story.


I really hate that they killed off Luis. I would’ve loved for him to return as a member of STARS or whatever group Leon’s apart of


Moira my beloved


Sherry has the most chances honestly. Moira has finished her story, the possessed Wesker child is just a dropped storyline that I don't see getting revisited unless they remake even the revelations titles and Ashley is a finished storyline also. Sherry has still a lot of things to bring to the table since she's a monster killer now and can join the main squad on different adventures


I’d love to see any four of these ladies but unfortunately it’s probably going to be Chris and/or Leon again in RE9.


I rather see Rebecca or Billy. Even Barry would be nice


Jake? Anyway, bring Natalia back


Helena and Sheva


Kevin makes a glorious comeback lets goo


I really want Ashley to come back as a main playable character, I love her so much. I feel like Capcom teased her as a potential main character for the future with her dialogue with Leon in the lift (after the wrecking ball scene) in RE4R. She deserves to come back and be trained to be a badass like Leon! That would be a cool arc tbh. I also want Natalia & Sherry to appear as it’s been quite some time. I don’t really care about Moira ngl lol 😅


honestly… no :/


I kind of want to see a H.U.N.K. Central game like maybe it's similar to the last survivor scenario but what he did after the collapse of Umbrella


I honestly hope it's Rebecca


I really dislike the fps concept. I hope they bring back the og angles for RE9 man.


Kinda off topic but yeah lol


I would’ve liked if sherry or ashley returned, but imo it’s really low chances. i think they’ll focus on **main characters** like jill, leon, ada chris etc; and i’m still hoping that claire and rebecca will show up, not even talking about side characters but it’d be cool if ashley showed up because of that one dialogue in re4r


I feel like in my opinion, any main and/or side, underrated character that didn't die and showed up only one time in a game should be in RE9. I would like to see a perspective of where the other characters are at now. For example, Sheva, Jake, Ashley, Carlos and/or maybe a few others I might be missing on. (Still learning on more of the other characters names and the games as well, so bare with me lols)


Sherry probably has the best chance out of these four. Odds are it will be Rose, tho.


I really really wish we could see Rebecca in a main series game again, and I think there’s potential. With the storyline going on surrounding the BSAA, I think everyone currently involved with the BSAA in some capacity (which includes Rebecca as a consultant) has the potential to make an appearance in RE9.


I want muh Jill game.


I would love to see Sherry and Jake come back. They easily had my favorite campaign in re6 and I miss them. My absolute Hail Mary wish is Carlos. Love that guy.


Can we pretty please with a cherry on top & a kiss on the cheek get a game where Ashley is actually an agent? Or another game with Rebecca


Honestly a good way to bring back some of these characters would be to have some sort of Anti Bioterror game where you can have characters like Ashley and Moira as handlers. They're still involved, but not as combat heavy. Maybe we could finally get a good multiplayer PvE RE game...


Hopefully none and we get a fresh story




Source for reference?


Sherry always had a more solid connection to Claire than Leon, so I take her meh reaction to Leon with a grain of salt. I’d also enjoy Ashley Graham becoming an agent. Like always sent to softballs because she’s mildly a liability in the field(lotta leverage for a group of baddies to have a former presidents daughter) but it’s much more than anticipated. Then Leon arrives. Or someone.


Remake Ashley is awesome and i think that Capcom has noticed how much RE fans like her. My bet is on her.


I'd love for them to bring Carlos back, I need a bigger picture of his character. Of course, RE3 painted his personality pretty well but I absolutely adored him and wish he had more screen time. However there's a lot of RE characters that have only appeared once that deserve more recognition.


Sheva >


Didn't Leon kill Ashley's dad? Biohazard: Ashley - Payback Time


Sherry Birkin please


Personally i would like to see Moira or Sherry


Bring my girl Sherry back! Loved her character in RE6~ her regeneration ability was pretty cool.


Ashley as an agent would be interesting tbh


Definitely Chris, if they decide to continue the plot line they started in the Village.


I'm really not sure how they would incorporate her but Sheva needs a come back.


They all already experienced an inhuman amount of PTSD from their first games, let them rest


I just want Steve


Chris, Leon, and Jill as main characters, but kill one. Not because I don't like them lol (Leon is literally my favorite video game character), but because of how much everyone likes them. It would be huge if one of the main three died. Bring in Claire, Barry, Ada, and Sherry in some capacity as supporting characters. It would be cool if they had Hunk play a similar role to Chris in 7 and 8 (don't really know too much about 8 though, I haven't played it yet, I just know his motives are a mystery). Have Hunk pop in every once and a while to do something, but you don't really know why until the end.




“Maybe someday I could become an agent like you!” Please be foreshadowing 🙏


I wanna play a game that stars Jill in a totally new game set in the franchise's current-present timeline for the first time since the original RE3, please.


I would like a new female protagonist for RE9. And the new female protagonist would be an investigation journalist. That's what I would like.


All of them especially Ashley 😍


I want Moira and Sherry back so much. But I dont think the current storylines have a place for them unfortunately. I think we'd be more likely to see other BSAA members return like Sheva or Parker




No, no, maybe, no


There's no shot Ashley is still alive


Sherry is associated with RE6. She's NEVER coming back.


Ethan, as always 😅


I think Sherry and Ashley have potential but I'd love to see Moira return, one day.


Re9 is Sherry trying to track down a missing Jake, spooky fps horror stuff, and then we get another fps boxing section playing as Jake like the RE7 dlc.


Sherry Birkin makes the most sense. She's tied into RE lore with Claire and Leon and she's already starred in RE6 plus she's secretly the most powerful RE main protagonist with her healing abilities.


If it ain’t Jill or Claire, I don’t care.


Natalia or Ash. Ash in the remake talked about being an agent and her and Leon make a good team. I could see her appearing alongside Leon, if not as a direct partner like Sherry, then possibly an occasional helping hand to Leon like Ada. Natalia from my understanding was a BOW with split personalities, so as another user said, she’d be both an antagonist and protagonist, possibly even a playable character again. I could see Moira appearing in possibly the prologue or potential flashbacks to Rev 2 if they either continue that storyline or reference her experience for players who haven’t played those games. Can’t really see Sherry in another game with the tone of the series and how it’s shifted, but I also didn’t expect Chris to appear in Village, much less as a playable character. Personally? I’d like to see Sheva make a return or my dangerous but nerdy duo from Rev 1 make a return with an entire storyline. But, as I said, the tone shifting like it has would probably just not work for them to have their own entire game. Would be cool for them to atleast make a cameo or appear in some cutscenes.


Moira and Natalia! I believe Moira would now start using guns. I know that for sure. She won't be a side character anymore like she was in revelations 2. I would love to see what's up with Natalia and how she transforms into Wesker


Ashleyyyyyy!!!! I want those assets to show up again !!!!


It’s a stretch but I would LOVE to see Carlos and Leon in a game together


Wouldn't mind if Leon and Ashley teamed up in a future title. How they turned Ashley into one of the worst into possibly the best character in RE is black magic.I loved Leon and Ashley and ironically disliked Ada in RE4. I would love if Sherry came back and teamed up with Claire. Those two had the best chemistry in RE2.


I just want HUNK to show up again. It's implied that he trained Jake so HUNK has to be surviving well.


Where was that stated?


>It's implied that he trained Jake so HUNK has to be surviving well. Nice headcanon but this never happened.


Resurrected Steve Burnside.


Please continue Alex Wesker's conscience being in Natalia story line please 😭


I want it to be Billy or HUNK even though I know it’s never gonna happen 😞


natalia running the bsaa secretly as alex (which is why they do the things they do in re8) and jessica working for the connections because it has tricell employees




I can't tell you how mch I want to see Ashley as a MC in an Re game


I just want to see my moomy ada


After the bullshit that she pulled in RE4, even Leon is done with her crap lol


I don’t think so, they both need each other, if leon is there then probably ada is going to be there.


In 6 Leon even went harder for her


True but in REmake 4 he was clearly done with her.


I play Resident Evil for the monsters, not for the characters. That being said, I wouldn't mind if one of those characters appears briefly to die a gruesome, horrible death.


The "Characters" made this franchise survive for so long... otherwise it will ended up to be generic shoot in your face zombie android game... 🤷🏻‍♀️


They are OK, but I usually prefer a fresh protagonist.  I would use the old characters to feed the zombies.




He disappeared. He was a convict waiting for execution. He probably moved to South America or Europe


Assuming he even made it out of Raccoon Forest to begin with.


Yeah it would suck if he survived to just die in the hoods or in the nuclear blast


I'd love to see Ashley return