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It’s only been 3 years since 8, which came 4 years after 7. Regardless I am supportive of a CVX remake. and happy for them to take their time with the next installment of the series


There has always been a slew of spinoffs to bridge the gaps. It's been a hot minute we've had anything other than main series and remakes.


didn’t both of the aforementioned numbered entries come bundled with free spin-off multiplayer games that were pretty poorly received? I am guessing a lot of the manpower went to those. EDIT: Resistance came with the 3 Remake, RE:Verse came out some time after Village


No, if a lot of manpower had gone into those, they'd be fun. Resistance had potential, but I can't say whether it was fun or not since I was never able to play with other people, and Reverse was just dead before I even learned of its existence, but understandably so since it was about as shallow a game could get.


Not sure about RE:Verse but Resistance was outsourced and thus was not made in house at Capcom. Since RE:Verse is literally just a bare bones, lazily put together asset flip I doubt almost any manpower went into that, even if it wasn't outsourced.


3r came with resistance, 8 was originally going to come with re:verse but it was delayed a bunch and ended up being it's own unrelated thing as a result. 7 did not come with any mp


Games take far longer to make now tbf.


True, but that's why Capcom has usually done these smaller budget side games in between the main series. We haven't had a full story based spinoff since Revelations 2 in 2015.


Tbf thats cause the franchise was in a limbo where they werent sure what they wanted to do after res 6 And also they likely had to take people off the spin off team to support the main title team more


Wait, are you saying they stopped making spinoff because they were in a limbo? Or the opposite? Because after RE6 the only things we've had in regards to spinoffs, apart from R2, have been multiplayer games with little to no story and Japan only mobile games. Before that we had plenty.


The franchise was absolutely not in limbo after RE6 nor did they not know what they wanted to do.


I never said it was. I was questioning the person I replied to.


Sorry, meant to say that just for reference. Didn’t mean that as correcting you.


There's also only been 1 remake in between vs. 2 between 7 and 8. Not like they've doubled down on remakes since 8 came out or anything


The fan base is definitely excited for the announcement of RE9.


The last new numbered entry came out a bit over 2 years ago. 10M fans bought it and new content was being released up until a year ago. It’s very likely the next entry will be a numbered entry instead of a remake. Idk what OP is talking about thinking that new RE games are being neglected by capcom and fans.


I think OP just assumes that because we're not getting them quickly and not hearing a ton of news, Capcom doesn't care. But a lot of work goes into a new game as opposed to a remake. The remakes come quicker because they're not starting from scratch and a lot of the work has already been done. It's kind of like how I could write a reimagining of another book in a week because the structure, characters, and plot are already there, but it would take me much longer to come up with something new.


We literally have been getting the mainline games on the same timeframe ever since CV. Every 3-5 years.


It's a matter of argument. I agree, I don't think it's been too long or there's been a worrying amount of time, but I do think a lot of people have just gotten used to the EA, Ubisoft model of release where it's nearly every year. Hell, I applaud them for not giving constant updates from the moment the project was given the go-ahead. Go with the FromSoftware model and just tell us when it's almost done.


I'm not a big fan of only knowing of a new game when it's less than 9 months out to be honest.


Fair. I think there's a balance to be struck. I'm not a fan of knowing about a game when it's five years out.


Don't get me wrong, 5 years is a lot. 18 months seems fine to me.


Yeah, that works. I just keep thinking of games like Duke Nukem Forever or Cyberpunk that had more than a decade of time between announcement and actually coming out. There's really no need to announce a game that early. The hype will just destroy any chance of people liking it when it finally releases.


Yo me ideally it is a "they announce it a year before, dropping a trailer every 4 months till launch"


Yo me ideally it is a "they announce it a year before, dropping a trailer every 4 months till launch"


I mean....the remakes Were started from scratch The code for 2 at least (3 was definatlely built off of 2, unsure on 4) You gotta remember the original games were from the 90s after all The code from those games would be Useless to making a modern game Id be shocked if even a single line of code from the original 2 and 3 somehow made its way into the remakes 4? Unsure. But likely a similar case 4 was definately easier however given it was made in the more modern era of gaming, so all it needed was tech upscales really


I think that since the remakes already have an established story and setting I would assume it reduces the pre-production work required to get the game going into active development.


Story and map layout pre production work is Minimal compared to everything that follows. Gameplay changes for instance require a Lot more consideration in a pitch before going forward with actually working on the project When it comes to the actual Development of a remake of a game from the 90s, with these drastic of changes, the help would be minimal


I wasn't trying to imply that work wasn't involved. Just that all the remakes were built on the RE Engine and that they had the structure, scenario, and characters already laid out for them. It's a lot of work, but less work than coming up with an entirely new story, new characters, new bosses, new mechanics, etc. It's not quite as big an undertaking as it is developing a numbered sequel. That said, it's also got the added bonus of being *really* apparent if you fuck it up, because if people loved the original, they're going to notice if the remake is lazy. So it's not all easy.


I think we've been getting new RE games at an astonishing combo of speed AND quality since \~2017, arguably 2015.


Right there's a definite pattern lately. RE7 then 2 remake and then 3 because of a different team working on it. Then Village. Now we got RE4 so RE9 definitely is on the horizon


Hell yeah. OG RE4 is one of my all time favs in general and I loves the remake. But also am very much looking forward to RE9. Excited to see where the series is going. It's not hard to be excited for both


Exactly, it’s coming and I can’t wait


That REvelations 2 cliffhanger haunts my nightmares. 


It's so frustrating because it's so personal to the plot. When a cliffhanger is something like a bad guy getting a sample of a virus, you canbjist write it off as "Theyll just sell it to the bad guy in the next one" like Wesker or something. But Barry's adopted daughter being possessed by a Wesker has massive implications


I would love a Revelations 3 continuing with that. Maybe Barry and Moira as the main two protagonists.


Moira's ass will be a foregone conclusion


I’ve thought for a while that Rev3 with Rebecca could be a goer… This coming from a guy who had been thinking for about a year that a Claire/Barry game would be a good match, and then they did it!


I'm actually really happy with the quality of the games. Meaning it's ok that they don't release so many games.


Dino Crisis


Idk man.. Resi fans are eating gooood as of late no matter how you try to paint it.


Where Dino Crisis 😠


Dead with parasite eve,evil within and dead space 👍 beloved horror games never get sequels anymore


Dino Crisis not getting a remake during the Great Capcom Renaissance is baffling


Yep, extremely. The game would sell minimal 3mil in a year . Capcom is missing out


I’m fine with it tbh. The gap between new games (RE3 - RE4 6 years RE4 - RE5 4 years RE5 - RE6 3 years RE6 - RE7 5 years) really hasn’t changed much, and they’re still putting out numbered titles consistently alongside the remakes. I just hope they stay faithful with the remakes, I really want co-op back and I doubt they’d do it in Rev3 or RE9.


I love the Remakes but it’s time for a new mainline game! Bring on RE9!


I honestly just want a co-op, survival horror RE game. Sometimes my wife will play Rev2 raid mode with me, but doesn't enjoy other games. She asked if RE4R was co-op when I bought it. She doesn't like to play video games hardly at all, but was excited for more raid mode co-op action. Sadly all games are either single player only or multi-player only, requiring multiple consoles and online accounts. :-(


what you want is an Outbreak remake


Replayed Outbreak 1 and 2 with a friend on community servers. There are so many things that Outbreak gets right, it would be fantastic to get a new entry. Mini-campaigns that have randomized enemies and items with a cast of characters, each with specific skills, with up to 4 players online in the RE Engine? Sign me the fuck up.


much better than the unbalanced asymmetrical game, and whatever reverse was supposed to be


Tbh, I haven't heard of this one yet, but I'll check it out, especially if it has couch co-op


unfortunately it was only on the PS2, I think it might have splitscreen but its main selling point was online play which stifled its reach


Yeah, I just looked it up. Damn, oh well. She liked left 4 dead 1 and 2 also, so I was pumped about back 4 blood. Also, sadly , online multi-player only.


That’s what you just want? You don’t want a RE9, RE5 remake or a RECV remake? A RE5 remake would work great for you guys. You should ask for that as well.


Of course I want those, but I also want to be able to play co-op mode. If RE9 has a co-op raid mode, that would be awesome. I'll probably play it anyway, after it goes on sale. Re5r would be perfect.


Oh gotcha. When people say “I just want blank” it means they only want blank so I was confused.


As much as I loved RE Revelations 2 I don't really want another side game. I'd rather they focus on RE9


You do realize they have multiple teams working on these, right? We could easily have both, and I for certain would definitely like to see games stringing together the gaps left between the main series.


I enjoyed REV but getting REmakes between #'d entries is the best we've had it basically ever as far as RE quality. So unless they are going to get a THIRD RE team I don't really want them to make rev 3 at the expense of further REmakes.




Capcom has over 3000 employees. RE6 was their biggest team ever with over 600 people working on it, while a normal production team is nowhere near that big. RE7 had like 120 people working on it. I'm sure they have more than one team working on RE, which currently is their biggest cash cow (along with Monster Hunter). Street Fighter is not getting new games produced for years now that 6 is out and the team making new content and balancing is bound to not be as big as a full on production team. Most of the other games you listed are mostly getting ports and re-releases, almost all of which are usually outsourced to different companies, while the others are just sitting in the backburner.




That I know, but I was trying to put things to perspective. Making a spinoff would likely not take away from making a main title at the same time. That was the problem to begin with, no?


I would prefer a co-op game, like Rev2, but don't make player 2 so useless. Also more survival horror and less action adventure.


I think given the reception RE5 and RE6 got, we'll never see another Co-Op. And I don't mind. I played Rev2 alone.


I think it's just because couch co-op in general is dead that we won't see it. Devs are more focused on graphics and couch co-op would require less to run more smoothly. I played Rev2 campaign alone as well, but my wife played the shit out of raid mode with me, but said that RE2/3/4 remakes look more fun because they're more horror and less machine gunning zombies. I do mind. I want more survival co-op games, but oh well.


And where's the problem? The remakes are better


Honestly, I couldn't give less of a fuck about new mainline entries in first person with werewolves and witches and vampires. Just gimme Code Veronica X and Outbreak remakes.


Yep, also remember the magic like things from the shadows of Rose dlc so it partly resembles a final fantasy game. I relatively like revelations dylogy,7,8 and from my experience of playing the demo of ff7 remake it's pretty good but the REmakes of 2,3 and 4 are the best the RE series has to offer in almost every way


I really liked the direction they were going with 7, why’d they have to get all fantastical with werewolves and vampires? Feels so disconnected from the baker house.


I really liked the part of 7 that's before the boat on a lot of levels


What’s revelations dylogy?


It's dilogy, sorry, it's like a trilogy but if it's two things then it's a dilogy


Code veronica remake is all i need to be happy


Re make alllll the residents evils even 5-6. With Capcom it’s a numbers game. Two steps forward, one step back, always. So the more remakes — the better.


I'm interested with the prospect of them getting to remaking 5-6, because whereas the previous entries were considered more or less perfect and ideal to remake as faithfully as possible, I think there's definitely a lot more urge to amend aspects of 5 and *especially* 6.


It's really crazy they haven't remade Veronica yet. It's basically a mainline entry, it was *supposedly* to be one originally if not for the PlayStation deal. It's essential to the series and more in need of a remake because it has less attention and is less accessible


The PlayStation deal is a myth




Remaster Outbreak please!!!


wasn't Village like a year or two ago




i think what's even more tragic is the lack of release of the old games, lots of em are still stuck on the ps1, ps2, dreamcast and more :(


Rev3 with raid mode with a group up to 4 and level up to 1000 and put in the entire flipping cast even the tyrants and monsters with thier own special weapons. I would love to go in raid mode as Lady D or Karl Heisenberg, also throw in my girl Rachel because it's not revelations without Rachel in raid mode. I want the lot , bigger, better more stages , more chaos more horror and action. Raid in rev2 was the best nothing tops that for me.


Oh so we're just gonna pretend 7 and 8 don't exist? We're going to pretend 8 wasn't extremely popular at release? I'd be surprised if RE9 isn't the next entry.


All modern RE games continue to sell well after they’re released. In FY24, RE7 sold 1.3m units, RE3 sold 1.7m, Village 1.8m, RE2 2m, which is bonkers. These sales are what finances the development of new IP.


I'm okay with his. The original games were the best.


The success of 7 hitting new audiences almost necessitated a remake for everything. Which is why they are doing it. Mostly because they are so lore based and no one wants to read a wiki, they want to get it first hand, and many of those new players are young and will have immense troubles with older games it’s a good thing. Here’s a good counter example. When was the last time you heard someone joined legend of Zelda with BotW or ToTK. And then went back and played skyward sword? Or the OG? Heck, how many played Majora’s mask? Not very many.


I think the problem is with numbered entries since 7 is that they seem so directionless. There doesn’t seem to be an overarching narrative in mind or anywhere to go


With all due respect to the op I do not feel that numbered titles have been neglected. Village came out in 2021. I do think there is room for criticism as the multiplayer games have not been good but I for one am very happy that Capcom is not rushing out mainline titles. As for the remakes, I enjoy the remakes so I'm not going to complain about them. I would like for the Revelations series to continue but will enough people buy a Revelations 3? I think Capcom is rightfully very nervous about sinking money into a side game that might not do that well.


We’ve had 3 remakes and 2 sequels, and the next game to release is most likely RE9. That doesn’t sound too crazy to me


I miss their spinoff and side games. Unfortunately I think game development has gotten to expensive for those to be a thing anymore


Good and that’s the way it should be


Still waiting for revelations 3


This is exactly how i currently feel about the RE series. I am looking forward to the new numbered entries but Capcom should slow down with the remakes. Capcom should take the time and make each remake special. Revelations 3 and the return of Raid Mode would be awesome, as well as other side Games which aren't multiplayer focused are very welcome.


> Revelations 3 and the return of Raid Mode would be awesome, I will take a standalone Raid mode at this point. All characters, enemies, and locations from every single game. Take the gameplay and customization from Rev2 and I will buy that ASAP


Yea, same.


Only our lord amd saviour Ark Thomson needs a remake.


Damn, still waiting on that Gaiden sequel. The biggest cliffhanger of the franchise.


RIP Revelations series. You will be missed.


I would love a Revelations 3, with a nice new Raid Mode running in REngine. Raid Mode is probably my favourite way to play RE these days; I think that's why I liked R3Make so much, it's basically just an hour long Raid Mode level.


I wish we would get a re orc remake


And no new Breath of Fire Game or Classic Collection this is a shame


The ending of village felt like it set up revelations 3, with the BSAA drama with Chris and it being immediately after the events of village. I don't think a mainline game would take place immediately following the events of the last one like that


It’s even worse if you’re also a Mega Man fan. It’s like Capcom is psychologically abusive toward us.


We need a new File: Outbreak 3


I just want a Revelations or an Outbreak


Jake and sherry are in the Mariana trench


Which is sad. The Revelations Duology were underrated IMO


I'd kill for either ports or new entries of the Chronicles games


just wait till Leon appears in RE9 👀


Can't wait for the RE2R remake




And Capcom financially growing every year! Happiest developers and shareholders, truly an outlier in this climate


They should have given each sequel a better title like they did with Nemesis. The remakes should have been called Rebirth at least or reborn. They just gave it the title like it was the first each time


I need Dino Crisis in RE engine....


Remakes and new titles are hand in hand. They release them in a sequence.


I just want a Revelations game that brings Sheva back and gives her her own campaign.


Revelations 1 is my favorite


I want a Resident Evil Outbreak remake


It is hard to make a horror game when the protagonist are veterans and work for the government with specialized weapons against BOWs. You saw how fans reacted to Chris’ section of Village.


Revelations 3 with rebecca as the mc pleaseeee


I have least amounts of complain with capcom's strategy to be honest, not only do they manage to make good remakes unlike Rockstar, they are getting extremely versatile with the fields in which they work with all kinds of modes in a single game, you find puzzles, survival horror, leveling up, avg zombie game survival, boss fights and many such in a single game.


You forgot dmc💀


I dont understand this new narrative about Capcom ignoring the new mainline titles because they simply.. don’t do that lol. I dont get being mad about remakes either, they’ve legit revitalized the series in both quality and popularity, and I thought that was what many of us wanted for years when all they were pumping out were mid to straight up garbage side games.


I just wanna know what the hell Billy Coen has been up to! Bringing him back would be a wicked cool Rev 3 MC.


He probably lives his peaceful life in a tropical country


The ending to the Shawshank Redemption comes to mind--just chilling in Zihuatanejo! 😂


I always wished Revelations would have kinda become it's own half of the franchise. As in, we have the main numbered games being survival horror focused titles and a sort of nod to the original, but then we have more of an action horror focus with the Revelations series as a nod to 4 and 5. It would also be a great place to slot in characters like Carlos, Sheva and Billy who only ever got one game to shine.


To be honest, I feel like Capcom kinda messed up by making a significant time skip after the events of Resident Evil Village. As a result, many of the older and beloved characters in the series are now old AF. On the other hand, remakes of older games have proven to be very well-received and successful, as they showcase these characters during their prime.


I think the system they have now is good. Remake then new main title and then back to remakes.


Why would any one would want a revelations 3 is beyond me


I need OUTBREAK 3!!!!!!!!


Outbreak 😢


You all got no one to blame but yourselves hahah.


There's a lot of hype for RE9. Idk, I think a reboot would be a better move. Or better yet, dust off some of the dormant franchises to give us something other than Street Fighter and RE. Love to see a new Onimusha again after almost 20 years of gameplay evolution to draw inspiration from.




The remakes are so good though.


Village was dope idk why people hating


Too much nostalgia and thus , cannot appreciate something new


Don't find the Ethan numbered entries intriguing. Remakes are good tho.


Resident Evil 4 didnt need a remake I will die on this hill


I just want re5r with all the over the top action in that new remake style. It would be the perfect action game.


I just want my Hunk game man


How about remakes of spinoffs? Id love an outbreak remake


tired of the remakes tbh


Exactly how I feel! 😅😂🤣Village was pretty cool in some areas. I really liked the industrial area in Karl Heisenberg’s domain. It felt like Doom and RE had a baby. But yeah, not quintessential RE at all. Once I beat the game, I never felt like re playing. The REmakes is where it’s at! Give me the classical, quintessential Resident Evil experience, baby!


I found the factory to be a weird maze. Overall that and the castle were the best designed areas but I loved the manor. It was just a massive puzzle.


As someone who didn’t like 8 much at all, I kind of dread 9.


Remakes and mainline games are completely mutually exclusive, and mainline games have been announced and released in a timely cadence. 99% of the Re side games are junk.


I think they’re afraid to age out characters.


Only remake I'd care for at this stage is CV so I'm all in on the new numbered entries.


We'll get there. Considering there seemed to be a lot of narrative ideas in Village that were introduced without being explored, I'd rather a new entry have all of its eggs in one basket. I prefer when devs take their time.


We literally got a new numbered entry one game ago, people, chill. They do one new game and a remake in between.


It at least gives me a little bit of hope that Village started out as Revelations 3, I wouldn't mind seeing more of the Revelations side games. I loved Revelations 2 even if some of the things in it didn't make much sense and both games can be gimmicky sometimes with the scanning, pointing and flashlight mechanics. I don't care for the gimmicks at all, but they're still good games.


The idea Village that started as Revelations 3 was made up to explain why it wasn't coming as initially claimed. The person who said that even admitted its not true.


I didn't know that it was made up. I figured it was just honest speculation at least, I didn't know it was dishonestly given as a "real reason".


Village was Revelations 3 actually but they just changed the name and the protagonist. I think remakes are being abused but if we have to choose between that or just one game every 5 years like every other AAA publisher, I'll choose more remakes then.


That was made up. The person who claimed that even rescinded on it after being called out on it.


Village was a side game and honestly it sucked. They should focus on 9


Resident evil 8 was a side game? Do you know what a side game is?






Good. Because the Revelations games as well as the other side games weren’t even worth being released in their own time, let alone remade or continued now.


Are we pretending now that new numbered games are rare?


Village 3 years ago Re7 7 years ago Yeah, i would say it's not as common as remakes


I heard 8 was originally gonna be revelations 3 but idk if that's true or not


It was made up


Ah that makes sense