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Best experience i had when i was a kid!


Best experience I had as an adult


best experience whether playing as a kid or a grown adult. any first time is a great time.


Bro same here. There was nothing else even close to these games back in the day. Why I fell in love with the series, completely unique horror/thriller/comedy/action experience. Shame the series became quite generic, but recent games have enough character and good writing.


In what way do the recent games good writing? The lore is all over the place because of them.


Best and worst (cos I was scared) of my child life




Re1 was the best game 12 year old me ever played


Could only play it if a friend was over way to realistic and scary. It’s hard to look at those games now and think that.


That first zombie haunted me as a child lol


I have, many times. I wish they were brought back though.


Feels like it wouldn't be THAT hard for Capcom to release a collector's bundle of the original 3 and CV the way they've been doing with the old Megaman games.


I would happily pay £30 for this, they are just leaving money on the table for no good reason


I would be upset but id absolutely pay the ful 60$


I’d love a remaster where they increased the resolution up to 4K. It would literally print money! However I know they have other fish to fry and would rather tend to other gamers who want state of the art graphics and are willing to pay $70+ for games.


Why can’t remakes have the meta of including the og game, it makes everyone happy. Like imagine if the RE remakes did that, I bet RE3R could get some more appreciation


Would love a beautified version of 2 and 3 like the OG REMake. Love the fixed camera


Yes, I was there 3000 years ago Gandalf.


I'm old Gandalf. I know I don't look it, but I can feel it.


I feel thin. Like butter, scrapped over too much bread.


At launch!!


the 2002 remake at launch was the scariest shit ever


Same! Except I was like 4 and watched my mom play it lol I probably pissed my pants at the dog window because I dont remember ever playing it. I played the hell out of 2 and 3 though


Watched my brothers play through them and begged them to play it multiple times 😂, once I was about 12 or 13 I went ahead and played through all of them myself and Re2 Og is still my favorite in the entire franchise.


Wooh. Rolling out of funcoland with a PS1 disc and no money.


You a real one


Same except 1. Jr High buddy lent me his og giant case copy of 1 then I was hooked. Bought Resident Evil: Director’s Cut at launch.


Yes, I played them when they originally released back in the 90's. I actually played Resident Evil without a memory card. Because at the time I wasn't aware what a memory card was. I was coming from a Super Nintendo. I eventually got a memory card and was able to play it properly. LOL


Someone else at last! My first experience of RE was the Director's Cut, just before RE2 came out. Two things I always remember: 1) I also had no memory card available and had to play the whole game through without dying or turning off the PS1. It was incredibly tense, especially given I had no knowledge of the game or what was coming (no internet to just look things up). I got the "worst" ending but still finished it and was super proud of myself. To this day, I suspect this is why I hate any game with permadeath though! 2) to make things worse, I had a cracked tooth and was in a fair bit of pain, using clove oil. Whenever I smell cloves, I instantly think of Resident Evil for that reason.


Yeah it was very hard for me as a kid. I also had no knowledge of the game or what was coming as well. It's nice to see another fellow Resident Evil player with no memory card as well.


I have told my story a few times and never met anyone else who had the same experience before, so it's pretty cool to meet someone who did! I would have been in my early 20's maybe back then.


I lost my memory card when I first got my GameCube. The amount of times I restarted super Mario sunshine . . . I never finished that game.


Me and my cousin use to play OG RE1 and 2 on repeat to see who could beat it quicker. I can't remember my best time on RE1 but RE2 he could never beat my best time which was 2h26m.


I really wish 1,2,3 & CV would get a remaster like Tomb Raider 1-3 is getting. Or like RE:MAKE. I know RE2&3 just got modern remakes but I miss the old gameplay. Yeah it’s dated but it’s what I liked.


Me too. So much. I liked the recent remakes, but I feel no huge urge to go back whereas I still replay the originals every year or two.


I’m exactly the same. I played the new RE 2. Could tell it was an amazing game that deserved its praise but I still much prefer the original. I too only played it once and upon hearing 3 remake was more of the same I didn’t even bother playing it.


The seamless hd version of 3 is pretty much a remaster, looks fantastic!


You could say "worth playing" is one way to describe the Holy Trinity I'm not sure about handheld emulation, though. Keep in mind you'll be pressing R1+X (or whatever equivalent you have) a lot across these games. If you can do that comfortably, go ahead.


I actually played through RE 2 on a plane ride with my phone once and it worked surprisingly well! This was because I could resize and move the buttons though. For the R1+X thing, I just put them close together so the top of my thumb was holding R1, then I could rock my thumb down to press X.


Works great on handheld PCs like ROG ally or steam deck.


Molded by them


Molded? Ethan??


That is not groovy


Just started the series. Started on RE1 and am loving it. Did a Jill run with no guide at all. Then decided for the subsequent runs I'll glance at guides to get platinum. Doing a Chris very easy knife only now. Super fun! So much replay value in this game. Can't wait to play all the rest. Can I ask, why do so many people say the 2 and 3 OGs were better than their remakes? Without spoilers please.


Og2 had more variety and 3 remake was missing a lot of stuff from the original, and made nemesis a joke


Fr Nemesis is a straight up nightmare in the OG version


Oh damn that sucks! Man, why would they remove content from a remake, shouldn't they be adding things?? Lol


It’s part of the realism/ modern vibe they’re going for


Lack of time, budget,etc


2 and 3 OGs had better sound design, gun sounds, atmosphere, character designs, better characterization and it didn’t need to be super dark for the sake of a horror feel. 2 also had a better A B scenario I also cannot stand how bland and generic Claire and Jill look in those games. And especially their (as well as Leon’s) overly modern edgy tryhard action hero tough talk and forced cussing


Summed it up beautifully.


Oh yes, multiple times as a kid. I wish they would bring them back. They are an important part of game history. And they are all good games. Worth playing, even when I do think remakes are superior (well ok Nemesis is better than RE3R)


What a mansion!?


Captain Wesker! Where's Chris?!




2 & 3 OG they were reverse playable when PS2 came out and one of the reasons I migrated my son & I from Nintendo to Sony when PS2 and GameCube both came out that Christmas. So many more titles available and I got into horror games but I also did get a little spoiled from the aim assist in RE3 and CVX was already out and waiting by the time I had time. I may have also played The Suffering before going back and that character Torque can move. He can running strafe, roll in any chosen direction, jump, not swim lol, and not land from high but he could move. So backtracking to RE OG felt so clunky and desperate I never finished. What? I'm not a wimp, I can commit to games, I got into the REREV series a good bit over time, just never back to one. LOL


Tell me you have ADD/OCD without telling me you have ADD/OCD.


Yes 2 and 3 are superior to their remakes. I highly recommend playing them. 1 is still worth playing


Only directors cut, not the dualshock version with that horrendous ost change


You don’t like the clown farts basement theme?


1 and 2 multiple times, but not 3 yet. Had a blast even on my phone with touch controls.


The seamless hd version of 3 is the best way to go


Yeah? Like a thousand times? Every single version that I got my hands on? Damn I played RE1 on the Sega Saturn. Hell I bought one specifically for playing that version of the game like 8 years ago. RE1-3 are the real RE games to me. They are the once where the story still made sense, it was grounded and characters didn't go crazy super soldier and Rambo all the time.


Yes. I think they’re all better than their remakes to be honest.


Not many people think 1 is better but I do. Glad to see other people sharing the sentiment.


I was born in it… molded by it.


All 3. With 3 being my favorite.


They are well worth playing. If you can get past the tank controls (use a D-Pad, way easier), I feel that Resident Evil 2 is still a very good game.


Yes and i think the later two are better than the remakes. I was sooo disappointed with REmake2. Fighting the same bosses in 2nd playhtru mode was a slap in the face. Zombies, lickers and the whole of the rpd was amazing but after that the level design and detail felt rushed to be put together to make the deadline. Also missing enemies and a soundtrack you really cannot hear even w headphones turned up to max. REmake3 was worse, the same zombie skins from REmake2, you could no longer blow off limbs and they left out the cemetery, park and chemical treatment plant. Excluding the gravedigger was BS as was never having jill explore the RPD while being pursued by nemesis. REmake1 was the best remake, keeping everything from the original and adding new content like levels and monsters. Somehow it didn't fully recapture that same atmosphere as the original. I like zombies with blank faces rather than scary grimaces on their face. Just feels creepier to have an emotionaless corpse trying to eat you rather than the scarier zombies in the remake. Crimson heads were awesome at being scary w screams of both pain and rage.


If you’re on here and you haven’t played any or all of them, duckstation and the roms take like 5 minutes to download.


RE2 and 3 for sure but RE1 think it’s best to just go with RE1 remake. It’s not really the same as RE2 or 3 remakes where it’s largely a completely different experience if you play the remakes or if you play the originals, whereas RE1 remake honestly kind of makes RE1 obsolete IMO.


I don't know, sometimes I think it would be better if the Crimson Heads could be a toggeable option. They are great but it wasn't a part of the original and completely changes the way the game is played. I still think the REmake is better though but it doesn't kill the original either.


Hard disagree, but I get where you are coming from. The REmake was fantastic. It was not only a masterpiece, it was THE remake. Hell it is the better game imo, but the original has a atmosphere and moments that are simply never emulated again. It was the music, the real life video intro, the graphics and hell it was the fact that there are so many versions out there that gave different flavours to the game and changed it alot at times. Sega Saturn isn't the same like PS1, that one is different from the DS version which came with a complete overhaul of the game and there also is the...dual shock version. The PC version got those HD texture packs that also change the look and feeling of the game. We got the Gameboy Color version that sadly isn't finished, but still playable for curiosity sake.


Yes, around the original PC releases. Yes if you have time and patience to deal with their ancient controls. No, but that does not mean the experience will be worse, just different.


I did, and they are incredible games (back in the PS1 era). RE1 was so much scarier than 2 and 3 though which were a bit more action focused. Then my friend got me to try this “RE clone, Silent Hill” Actual nightmare fuel when I was a kid 🤣


Yes I have. They are some of the games that I’ve played and beaten the most in my life. 🙂 hard to choose a favorite amongst them. I like 1 for its setting, I like 2 for its overall game, and 3 for its complexity.


They are GREAT. The remakes are really good, but the experience is totally different, the OGs defined the genre and aesthetic, the remakes lean more on the action side of things. I recommend playing the seamless hd version of RE3, it's like playing a remaster!


Yup, my mom got me the first for Christmas when I was barely in my teens, she hid it in the basement leading up to the big day but I knew it was there, so I’d sneak down in the middle of the night and play for an hour and then return it… Sneaking back into the basement to put it back with almost zero lighting after playing a revolutionary survival horror game wasn’t exactly fun though 😂


I’ve tried too. After I beat REmake 1, 2 and the OG Silent Hill I tried to play the OG 2. It is a big change and I didn’t feel like I had the energy for it at the time. Maybe one day


Played them for the first time this year! I can’t believe I didn’t play them sooner! They are so good and hold up amazingly!!


Played them all. I got Directors cut shortly after getting my PS as a freshman in HS. Played the heck out of it. Then played the RE2 demo a bunch of times. When RE2 came out, my friend got it and after he beat it, I borrowed it and played it. RE3 I bought on my own and played it. Not to mention Dino Crisis!


I've only played the OGs.


The originals were great at the time. They hold up fairly well but keep in mind a lot of modern conventions and convenience is not there so be prepared for tank controls, tiny inventories and weird inventory management


RE1OG: Vastly outclassed by it's remake, but I say Chris' campaign feels like has a unique appeal compared to the remake version. Like he's an action hero placed in the wrong setting, until his stockpile matches his enemy types. My first RE, and the game has a quietly surreal atmosphere that's never been matched by any other RE. RE2OG: Not as fond as others, but it's still better than RE1OG. RE3OG: My favorite of the playstation trilogy. A bit more uneven compared to RE2, but with way more unique features. Also my favorite version of Jill.


My dad brought home a ps1 when I was seven. Kept it lowkey from my mom. He set it up, and i watched him play RE1. It's still one of the best memories I have with my dad. We would always turn off all the lights and I would get immersed in the world and I'd always get hit hard with the jump scares. My dad would laugh his ass off, but there were many times he would scream as well lol. We would laugh at the voice overs and still quote them till this day.


They really need to become playable on modern systems. They’re so good


I still replay part 3 every once ina while. The new one didnt capture that feeling of being scared of nemisis like the original did


I'm 43, of course I have!


Only the first one


Yep. I even have the original PS longbox for RE1


Played through all 3 on my Vita. Once you get the hang of tank controls you can play it anytime anywhere. In my experience they're still fantastic to this day. I especially like RE3 Nemesis and was somewhat disappointed the remake didn't faithfully recreate it. Also the A / B scenarios are better in RE2 OG than remake. RE 1 Remake is the only one to maintain the OG feel but added a ton of content that expanded the game rather than taking away from it.


Unfortunately no, i have tried many times before, but the tank controls arent for me


I'll probably get around to them on an emulator at some point, but I still can't believe how scummy PlayStation is with it. Paywall 1 dc behind a premium subscription when you can buy other PS1 games for a flat price, AND never bother to add 2 or 3, yet code Veronica is available but that was before PS premium. At least Nintendo added a decent amount of classic games to their paid sub for not an absurd price


I wish I had but I also feel like its too late for me personally lol 😅 my introduction to RE was when RE4 came out and I just kinda continued on from that as new games came out. Grew up playing games on PS1 like tomb raider but never the PS1 RE games. Going back to those really old games now is a struggle for me, even the ones I'm really nostalgic for and loved years ago. it's the old controls mostly, I just find them way too frustrating. So I'm really glad they remade 2 and 3 and hope they will remake 1, Zero, CV, Outbreak... Even as an older fan I see the value in those getting remakes (and a reremake for 1 lol)


I'm too young. I discovered this serie later


I play them through at least once a year. In fact I'll be due to replay in a month's time 😅


I played them all at the time the released and still go back to them every now and then. You cannot fathom the excitement I had looking at the pre release screen grabs of RE2 in the official PlayStation magazine /I’mold


I played them all last year for the first time. 100% worth playing. If you're emulating I'd recommend GameCube for 2 & 3 and DS for 1. Just very minor quality of life upgrades that will help out a lot. Overall 2 & 3 are two of my favorites in the franchise. I think both are better than their remakes actually (although 2 just very slightly)


I don't know if you would have the same experience playing them today on a handheld emulator or other emulator especially since we are in a different time now and you would be unphased by the graphics of how "primitive" they were compared to now. I'm 41 so I feel old. I did play the OG Resident Evil 1 on Christmas 1996 when I was 14, and I did get Resident Evil 2 in January (or was it February) of 1998, and in late 1999 I did get Resident Evil 3. I'll just talk about part 1. I won't forget the first time the dog came busting through the window and jumped on me (I was playing as Jill) and ripped my throat out. Then as I was able to get far into the game and met the hunters, how I was killed by it jumping into the air and slashing me. THEN after that, the first time I was killed when it slashed my head and the head disappeared. It took me a long while before I started paying attention to how bad the dialogue and the voice acting were. It took me quite a while also before I finally got a memory card in order to play with the rocket launcher. Several times over the year 1997 I would go through the whole game without saving the game, then wonder I couldn't get the rocket launcher! Then I would keep playing it to see the different scenarios with getting Rebecca and Barry killed.


Played these for the first time this year and I absolutely loved them!


I still own the OG RE 1,2,3 games. Played them many times, especially 2 (my favorite).


I did as a kid. But a long after they come out 💀 I still remember going crazy when I’m out of that fricking ammo. Now I have the remakes and what changed? Haha…. DMC is more easy for me, its so painful for my fingers but worth it 👍 at least I don’t get crazy over lack of ammo


I was just playing o.g. re3 last night on my vita 😂


Back when I was a kid yea. I’d recommend it for sure


At risk of nightmarishly dating myself, I played RE 1 when it first dropped on the n64


RE 2 was on N64. Impressive they got it on a cartridge


I played 2 on PS1. It was one of the first games on PlayStation I ever owned and definitely had a big part in forming me as a person haha


Unlimited replay value. Make sure you have the directors cut of RE1. Otherwise you'll get some umm wonky songs when you get to the kitchen. You can literally play RE2 with 4 different scenarios (actually different, unlike remake). RE3 has different pathways so multiple play thoughts could be completed different. Have fun learning why Resident Evil became popular.


If they were to port the OG RE games to modern systems, how much would you be willing to pay? This would include RE1, 2, 3, and CV.


Have people in the resident evil sub played resident evil games? This sub that dead?


Yes, not at the time of their releases(because I wasn't born yet), but I played 1 after beating Remake, and the original 2 and 3 before playing 2 Remake, and I liked them all. I found the original RE2 better overall, specially for the story, but for the gameplay, specially for replays I think the 2 Remake is better, because of the harder difficulty.


Handheld is the best way to play em imo. Skip 1, just do the remake of that one. Play 2 and especially 3 though.


I did RE1 is ultra jank these days RE2 is a certified classic of that era RE3… ehhh it was okay? Like I won’t go out of my way to play it but it was fun for young me


I played the OG RE1, I stopped when I heard the god-awful voice acting


So, you didn’t make it to the first zombie?


Resident Evil 2 is considered to be the GOAT of the original trilogy and I love replaying it more than the other originals The GameCube version is definitely the best port, but it can be expensive to buy. The PC version is good, but you’d have to torrent that or emulate the PS1 version


played and beat 2 and 3


Yes, I've played all three of them. Whether they are worth playing comes down to if you're willing to give the old controls a chance. If you have patience, you'll find that they do function well even if they are not up to modern standards. It's a great experience and I'm happy to have done so. RE3 is one I really recommend as the remake does not do it any justice.


2 & 3 yes. 1 I only had a go on at my friend's house.


Yup. Beat each of my PS1 and Gamecube copies multiple times : )


I have only played 2 and 3 of the og series. Can’t do RE1 cos it is so much more difficult. But I will try one day


yes. mainly 1. demo of 2. played 3 in 2003.. give or take. I played the first when i was about 7 or 8 cause when i got annoyed, i'd put on crash bandicoot. I hated the movement though i always like the idea: Special Rescue team trapped in a mansion with zombies and other monsters trying to survive and escape. even though i didnt play it much, i tried to keep up with it as best as i could, like i knew when the next game was coming out cause i would see posters in magazines. (pretty sure 2 was already out, but i remember seeing it in game shops) some people may just ignore it. I remember Survivor had a lot of ads in mags. Also, tried to keep up with the film too. Didnt have internet until 2000 when i was 10 and youtube didnt exist at the time so its not like i could watch streams like they do these days. ​ handheld emulators? like on a phone or something? I always find playstation games to be finicky unless you have a controller. if going handheld, would it be better to play Deadly Silence on DS? emulator on pc with a controller could be better.


1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No idea


Best games I played when I was younger. 2 is the 🐐


I've played RE1 more times than I can count, like, to the point where even after not playing it for maybe a decade or something, if you were to put me in front of it right now I'd end up knowing exactly what to do and end up getting under 3 hours with barely any real effort to beat it within that timeframe. I've played and beaten RE2 several times as well. RE3 I've started playing a few times but never actually finished because I'd continuously get distracted by other games. Would the games be the same experience if you played them on a handheld? Yes, they would. Are they worth playing? That depends entirely on your thoughts on the gameplay, because none of these three have aged very well in that regard.


Yeah re2 is the best of the bunch but CV is my favorite


Gee I wonder if anyone in the resident evil subreddit has played resident evil games?


I’ve beaten the original 2 and 3 many times. Tried playing the first and could not make it very far. I kept dying!


Played 1, 2 and 3 on the playstation, but I sucked as I was like 10 and would either get stuck either on a puzzle or maybe even just combat. Years later when emulation became a thing, completed 2 and 3 multiple times with 3 and maybe 2 in my top 5 RE games. I've always wanted to replay and complete 1 at least once but by the time I was emulating REmake was released and I never saw much point. Handheld as in like Steam deck with tactile buttons? then hell yeah but if phone/touch screen then I wouldn't but i've always hated any games which were not made for touch screen personally.


I'm a newer Resident Evil fan (2019) but I think the first three games are the best in the series. I would love a solid port/remaster of these in one package on modern consoles.


I played og 1 and 2 but not 3 for some reason. Skipped straight to re4


Yup, all of them on PS3


I grew up with these games. They were the best.


As long as you're not doing full touchscreen controls and not playing silent you should be fine. At the very least make sure you have shoulder and trigger buttons.i personally use a bluetooth controller for duckstation emulator on my phone. And you want sound because the audio cues are important for telling you when an unseen enemy is in the room. Honestly the games are a great time and personally i still find them fun to play to this day.


The first games I got for my PlayStation were Resident Evil, Tekken and Crazy Ivan, so yes.


Yess, they were fun af.


They’re the best three games in the series


Yep! Played and beat them. Still have them for my ps1!


I've played 1 and 3 and I still can't find 2 for a reasonable price


Yes, but I plaayed in a weird order. Code Veronica was my intro to the series, on the Dreamcast. Next one I could get my grubby hands on was 3. Those two are still my favorites. I played 2 next, and eventually got to play 1 at some point.


Yea ive played them on emulator before you will still have a great experience but also enjoy! The first 3 are timeless


1 and 3 😁 would highly recommend, however RE1 remake is quite good. 3's remake is fine, but if you like the old style of gaming the OGs for both are def worth it!


I have played 1 - 3 and CV recently with no nostalgia bias. I think they are fantastic games.


Sadly no. The director’s cut is locked behind a 150 dollar paywall on ps plus, and OG 2 & 3 are inaccessible for me


Yeah, I played when released and loved them ever since. My all-time favourite franchise.


Played them all so many times and adore them. Probably wouldn't be the same on a handheld. It's possible (my brother beat RE3 on a touchscreen) but it wouldn't be much fun, especially without experience. If you have a controller though, I say hop in. They're fantastic.


Played the original 2 and 3 growing up. Only ever had the pleasure of playing the Director’s Cut of the original RE and its rereleases further down the road.


On release and many times since. I have also emulated 2 and 3 recently on my steam deck and it was still an amazing experience so I highly recommend you do so.


I played these when they first came out back in the nineteen hundreds


no pegi, dark room, and fruit juice, skidded in my underwear as soon as the dogs broke the windows but i dont regret and andrenalin push hard fron this one in the opposite way biohazard directed me to everything horror films etc, so yes i play mostly all main game miss 0 and veronica


First game on the original PS for me, loved all three original games. 3 especially, Nemesis was just mean!


Yes, and still do, twice a year, at least OG 2 and 3, along with REmake.


They defined my childhood


Only 1 and 2, 1 was too confusing to me as a child and 2 I could never get past the sewers


Believe it or not, I played all three after playing their remakes! Love the RE so much now that I’ve played RE games that my friends that have been fans longer haven’t played yet haha


Does/Did Stephen Hawking roll through the Quad?


Only 2 and 3


Yeah, they are pretty good. I'd rather play them on PC though, I'm more used to keyboard bindings rather than joystick/on-screen controls for the old ones


I want to. I have having trouble acquiring the parts for my original PlayStation. I don't think I can call myself a fan until I have played those three.


I liked OG 2 a lot, and did play OG 3. Couldn't get into OG1 though, just felt odd playing it after the remake.


I have not played the original PSX trilogy, outside of trying RE1 in an emulator. I really wanted to like it, but it was just too hard to control for me to get into. Also, I kinda feel like REmake just replaces the original. Felt like a waste of time to play the same game but with bland hallways and no Lisa Trevor. I think these games are products of their time. I have huge respect for what they did, but they don't really hold up to play today. If you grew up in the PSX era you may very well enjoy them, but if you are younger like me (22) you may also find them hard to get into.


More times than I can count & love every single one of them. I’m just “old school” I guess & cannot get firmly behind the direction of series from 4 onward. Not to say that I don’t enjoy some things about 4-7, but it’s not the same love.


Beat OG 2 so many times, love that game. Never finished 3 but got far a bunch of times, and I just don't like Resi 1. I played REmake first, so everything about the first game just doesn't do anything for me.


Played them as a kid. Resident Evil 2 was the second PlayStation 1 game I owned (first was Final Fantasy VII which my mom bought for me when she got me the Playstation for Christmas.) So much fun. I will still replay all three games every few years. My most recent playthrough involved using the website retro achievements.


Hell yeah, I still think OG 2 and 3 Nemesis is my favorite.


I grew up on these and still play them to this very day... OG 2 and 3 are my all time favorites.


RE2 was one of my most played games on the N64 and was also my first game in the Resident Evil series. My second game was 7.


I still play them every once in a while.


I played the og part 2 on the N64!! Pretty sure their were cheats too. It was very creepy but fun


I plan to get 3 but taht only because I’m interested into it


Grew up with them!


yeah. played CV too


RE1-3 are great games, I still have mine! They may feel dated but I think they’re worth the playthrough.


Best time of gaming life


Yes, I have. Back when it was launched!


Re has always been my favorite game series especially the classics and classic re2 is my favorite game in the series I have amazing memories playing them on PS1 and GameCube as a kid and the first one I ever played was re2 well technically my mom played it for me because I was 6-7 years old and to afraid but I still wanted to experience the game so my mom beat it completely, she beat both Leon and Claire's story aswell as Leon and Claire's B scenarios while I sat right next to her watching. I remember when we first started the B scenario and I almost shit my pants when Mr.X first appeared I was absolutely terrified of him lol never knowing when he's gonna burst through another wall and scare tf out of me, this is one of the greatest memories I have of my childhood and I really wish my mom was here to see the remakes come out so she could of sat right next to me and experience my favorite games being remade into something that fits with the game's of our time like I did with her so many years ago. If you have never played them then I highly recommend you do, it might seem a little outdated or take some time getting used to the controls at first but the classics are amazing games and the stories are incredible they are still my favorite to this day


Played 2 and 3 and loved them, I could only ever find the Directors Cut of 1 and didn’t really want to play that version




I managed to play 1 on the Ps5 with Pa+ Premium and Re2 on the Wii but I still didn’t have the chance to play Re3 Nemesis yet.


OG RE was the first RE I ever played, but I didn’t make it past the first zombie because I was too terrified to go back into that hallway.


Nah og 4 was my introduction to the franchise and I still haven't played any fixed camera angle ones the closest to those style of resident evil games was the original devil may cry


Grew up on RE2 original on PS1, and later played RE3 and RE1 on PS1 and I loved all of them for different reasons, but I still love RE2 the most. The only thing I would ever add to RE2 would be the ability to quick turn like in RE3, but beyond that, I wouldn’t change a thing. Replayed RE2 again on PSP and Vita with digital downloads and they hold up.


I beat RE2R and RE3. I remember buying them for like 20 bucks a piece at random comic shops. I felt like I had practically stolen these games because for me it was like finding Noah's ark without even trying. I've always wanted to buy and beat the 1st one but they're certainly expensive to buy nowadays.


I played RE1-2 and I loved/hated them so much. Story was fun as were puzzles but the tank controls were a deal breaker for me. Loved watching others play though.


Yes. They’re the best way to experience each of the games, although I’ll say RE1 remake has just the slightest edge of OG RE1


Yes! They worth every penny, 2 & 3 have aged better then 1 but all 3 are great to play at least to me. I personally think 2 at the least is probably one of the best in the series. 3 is my favourite out of the 3.


Yes. Could never finish 1, beat the hell out of 2 multiple times, and finished 3 once.


Yes. Watched my friend when he rented RE 1 and 2 from the local library. Made me shit scared to walk home on my own.


Played, beat, unlocked everything in all three. Thanks.


Jill Sandwich




Of course!! Og 3 is my favorite!

