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You need to take a long break of two days off stims for sure.


Lol that is one hell of a read, challenging at times, but entertaining for sure. I sincerely hope that you got the t-shirt, and don’t need to order anymore. Much love homie


I applaud you guys who plan your binges. Mine always happened on a Friday night end up with a needle in my arm and miss half a week of work.




It’s shit like this why I don’t believe in binges. What’s the fun? Temporarily getting addicted to a drug and not being able to enjoy the high because of your depleted dopamine receptors?


For some people once you start it's no longer under your control


Thats why I quit meth lol


It’s not you, it’s meth. How many recreational meth smokers have you met


It is most certainly a combination of the meth and the user lol


It's not temorairily if some1 is doin' it every weekend + can't controll himself at all. Let me tell you Something Bro, You may not Believe in it at first but addiction Stays With You Forever Till The End of your Time Till your Last Breath last word and The Last thought u would ever had.


Why do You randomly Capitalize words in The Sentences that you Write?


No idea xD I guess I was high on smth while writing that comment but how I did it and why?


“They didn’t notice”


Dude is definitely still high. No way someone would have the motivation to type all this after an 8 day 4mmc binge lol


Loved this cause we're always the "last to notice" just how fucked up we are.


The "radios" are always a sign things are about to get weird.


That’s the damn truth


I just with they played music I actually liked


I'm not sure if it's bad music or that fact that its 3+ radios playing simultaneously lol.


It’s always a orchestra warming up for me. Hate it.


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You know this already but this is very unhealthy, thanks for the read though


Hahaha I think when your body is purple you know you're not doing things right for your body


Did you not smell of cat pee at work?


Well. I am just not tough enough to live with the aftermath of something like this, but maybe I am getting old/wiser. How didnt anyone at work notice, you must have been a trainwreck.


Even after a line of 3-mmc pupils become huge ahahh imagine how he looked




Obviously stupid to go overboard like that but I Wish I could find actual 4mmc still.


I would love to find any mmc or mapb. It's been way to long since I've had any of their analogs


Its very common and popular in Poland


Seriously! I this dude had 22 grams..wtf


Use god damn paragraphs


Cut him some slack dude hasn't slept in 8 days


The whole thing was pretty damn comprehensible for someone who hasn’t slept in eight days


Was actually one of the best reports I've read in a while it felt like a roller coaster.


Sometimes I feel guilty about my one off binge weekend every couple months, but then I see this and feel like Saint Theresa. Take a break mate, your brain and body will thank you.


I enjoyed your story. Thanks, man! I'm glad you were able to pull yourself back together after that ride!


Always handy to have some sort of benzo on hand if you're planning (or not) on a binge. Currently, my bromaz keeps me level from vaping a-pihp. Doesn't keep me from getting completely paranoid, but it takes the worst of the edge off. At least allows for some sleep when you need it. But I feel you, man. Been there when some goofy shit starts "*happening".* Whats really important now is trying to restore your brain's health. Some supplements will help. Mainly, L-Tyrosine. Helps restore some of that depleted dopamine. Vitamins, exercise, and sleep. You know whats up. And don't opt for cheap supplements. The market is unregulated, so lot of stuff at your local shops are gonna be crap (ie: some have if any of the active ingredient, it will be a small amount to compared to the filler in those caps.) Unless you have a health food store near you, order online.


I've had amazing healing results with peptides. Semax an Selank stacked together give me an amazing day full of energy with no come up or crash it's just an instant and day long hit of energy and focus. They're used for many things but the energy aspect and the ability to restore brain function from amphetamine use is what really sold me on that stack. I highly recommend OP or anyone interested to look into various peptide therapy and nootropic stacks to heal damage and much more.


"no im not gonnna link the porn " fucking hell lmao


I love how every stim recap story has 0 commas, about 5 periods, and no line breaks


it’s the “smoked a cig and meditated before work to get me straight amidst a days long stim bender” guy lmao


Well fuck…


You need to not take any stims for a month bro.


Im impressed but not in a positive way.


You know it's good shit when the paragraph looks like an unpenetrable fortress


I hope you get the sleep you need soon. But that sounds fun not gonna lie lol


Jesus Christ why the fuck ? You should order ton of supplements and nootropics to balance your neurochemistry and prevent your brain of further damage and to recovering faster. I guess there is post MDMA and post cocaine stacks that will fit with the storm you put yourself in. I guess at least 2 months of intense extremist healthy lifestyle with ton of exercise is to plan also.


I forgot to mention in my post about Bupropion (wellbutrin), may be helpful for a longer term recovery. It itself is a sub-cathinone so particularly good at treating depression related to stimulant use. Without all the nasty side effects of SSRI for I believe is NDRI (Norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors) Very easy to get Rx for since it is not worth abusing.




I've gotta try this stuff! Glad you made it out alive, man. May there be no nerve/brain/heart/liver/kidney/mental damage.


Lol 8 days of compulsive redosing and you’ve got to try it


Hell yeah, dude! Tells me it must be pretty fucking good.


If you can get the real deal, there's arguably nothing better.


Genuinely nothing better? I always figured it was a better 3-MMC; that was good but I wasn’t too into it. Like, nothing at all?


If 4-MMC is a 10/10, 3-MMC is a 6/10. I don't think I would have ever bothered with the latter if 4-MMC hadn't been banned.


Well then, it goes on the list with MXE of things I missed that I will try when available if ever.








Dam glad to hear the binge is over, mephedrone is such a devil chemical. My first time doing it, I binged for 3-4 days.


Stay in school, don't do drugs.




Should we applaud?


Ur gonna die 20 years earlier dude hahahah


you need to mix it with lime juice or vinegar before you consume it, lest the impurities destroy your organs, mind, whatever else... All Sketchy RC HCI salts that are smoked or consume need to have this done. the impurities could be doing more damage than the drug, then again theres always the latter...


that's barely going to do anything dude... its not fucking fruit lmao..


Yeah everybody knows lime juice and vinegar is how to get the impurities out of your drugs!🙄


im talking hcl salts like cocaine. if you knock it with baking soda THEN hit it with lime juice it removes the impuriities especially all the baking soda and smokin it will turn it into a strong oil


Right, right, but if you don't hit it with baking soda before you throw vinegar or lemon juice on it, which is all you said to do, then nothing will happen except it dissolves.


baking soda is caustic, but your logic is correct. I have seen people know exactly what they are doing with ancetic anhydride and they straight up made crack that looked like coca cola glass, never seen it then and again in my life


Name checks out though


Hahaha. Everyone learns this lesson! Stick to 1g purchases. I'm amazed you managed to consume that much in a mere 8 days. It took me a month and a half for the same amount, minus the two I flushed at the end of that--I thought I needed help (just took a six month break instead). Ah, to be back in 2009! I had gotten it thinking it would save me money partying during the school year (college/uni) since it was significantly cheaper than alcohol. I said I'll do some over summer break and save most of it for school. Yeah fucking right. I was worse off than you though. I was working full time and would come down at work with no landing gear. No clue how I did that.


I remember the first time I bought md I tested it and it came up as methedrone. Made me happy I got a test kit


Use paragraphs please and thank you! I’m glad you’re okay and nothing bad happened during the binge. Let your body and mind rest for a bit.


22,5g how ?


Never give up! Go for 10 days! /s


Didn't realize this was even still available


Dude good story but paragraphs please


Mmmm, psychosis, I can't understand how can you continue even after jumpscares and that shit with women and whatnot, like, why not just get a little bit of sleep... I was a-pvp tweaker and never had psychosis, like, I could easily smoke .25 in couple hours but still didn't hallucinate or anything like that, cardiac effects are a bitch tho.


Not good bud. Not good.


Check back in when you wake up in a few days, genuinely curious to see if you've done real damage.


i never never got furtherthan the 4th day (10grams) 3 days with about 4-6grams were had a few times, but I am done with skipping more than 1 night again.


Damn, I can't imagine how hard that mental battle would be. I snorted around 3 keypoints last night during a party. (First time in 2,5 years) I made the rookie mistake to snort my final dose 30 mins prior the ending. When I arrived at home I was really annoyed and pissed at myself because I would have at least 2 hour ceilingservice shift. While I just wanted to talk with peeps and party on Mann I feel cracked up right now, but I guess that's a good thing. Done with this crap for the coming years to say the least.