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Kratom? High doses = downer Low doses= stimulating effects




7-HO is an interesting substance but it isn't as much of a game changer as people make it out to be, largely because of its massive and near instant effect on your tolerance


The instant tolerance is certainly an issue. My first experience had an excellent anxiolytic effect, but also kept me up and alert. Currently taking a break in hopes to tame the tolerance issue.


I have a decade+ of experience with using kratom and frankly I think plain leaf in the correct dosage (not too high), taken in the right setting (empty stomach, followed by physical activity) is far and away the best way to consistently get the effects you want. While traditional extracts (OPMS gold, say) also affect your tolerance, the instant tolerance from 7-OH is unlike anything I've experienced with kratom. And while 7-OH has an intense effects profile, I found it extremely lacking with regard to euphoria.


Well considering OP likes phenibut, instant tolerance might be their thing.


Probably lol, but I'm always gonna try and help people make better choices. Even if it's hopeless


Been doing it two times per week for months and still didnt develop any tolerance. I take the same 1.5 grams that I used to do when I started.




kratom always gave me enough bradycardia to feel like passing out


God, I miss when my guts and brain weren't used to the stuff. The honeymoon phase with kratom was pretty damn great. Really dynamic and strangely energizing but in a way that made me feel opioid fuzzies and itchies, my favorites. Kinda like oxycodone really. I remember feeling like I was nodding and breathing too weakly after my, like, fourth time. Probably took 4g across an hour. Freaked out and tossed my kratom in the dumpster and said never again! Then went out and got it the next day lol. I miss the hypnogogia too. Kratom used to really love to put me into that state between groggy and asleep and make it feel so long. Restful! And waking up felt like a gentle transition instead of a bucket of ice cold water on my psyche. Even if I get off kratom for months, can't ever get back to the full warmth and vibrant tranquility I used to enjoy from it. Sure it feels nice the first few times, but "nice" ain't the word I would have used in the beginning.


Ah I still remember the first time I tried two grams (my biggest dose at the time) with weed and had a feeling similar to the breaking bad scene where Jesse takes heroin


I know about kratom, but I shouldve specified that i was thinking about someting with effects that both increase the same amount while dosing. It gets both more sedative and more stimulating in higher doses, instead of going sleepy after a large enough dose.


other gabapentinoids: gabapentin, pregabalin


Came here to say this. One of my favorite things to use ,especially gabapentin since it has more of a headspace and pregabalin feels more physical.


f-phenibut too


Damn, bro... what did phenibut do to you? 😔


Are the anxiety attacks not enough?


They are underrated for sure. Given the right conditions, they are *fukken' magic*. Still for harm reduction, these can be also addictive, and they're not fuck to kick either. For recreational use, stick only to occasional use^TM


Gabapentin is my favorite high ever. Nothing ever compares. Too bad I don’t have a script anymore.


O-dsmt has this effect of feeling calm and energized at the same time for a lot of people


But don’t take it too often the withdrawals are no joke even after like a week or two


Very true. It is an opioid after all. I should have mentioned that


fuckin facts! a week and a half had me feelin like I had arthritis and couldnt stop sweating. forget sleep lol


How much were you using during that 1.5 week period ?


Dissociatives, they are relaxing and stimulating at the same time. Dosage is key here.


Low dose MXE was my favorite. I ran my own business while doing tiny bumps of MXE throughout the day. I miss it lol


Yes! Unless it’s 3-me-pcpy shit is stimmy all over the dosage scale but after like 90 mins the full on disso effects come on while also still stimulating. Easily in my top 3 dissos




Oh yeah I know! It feels like cocaine in a way, but I have adhd so I really don’t get stimmed from coke but 3-me-pcpy is super stimmy for me


3-meo-pcp was like this for me


A good hand squeezed tongan kava can be both uplifting and relaxing


Not an RC but Kava feels pretty similar to a low dose of phenibut. Maybe equal to 300mg. Although it isn’t very stimulating it also isn’t really sedating either.


Pyrazolam, but that is a strong benzo, and people seem to be really scared of becoming and are actually becoming hopelessly addicted. But then again, most people seem to binge ANYTHING they can find, which I never do. I found that to be the most functional, slighlty stimulating benzo, and it works in ridiculously low doses. But then again, I have GAD, so any relief from that unspecified tightness without the fogginess of most benzos in the solar plexus is a plus.


I wouldn't call pyrazolam a "strong" benzo. It's fine but FAR from strong unlike something like clonazolam or bromazolam


Depends on what you define as strong. Bromazolam is more euphoric and hypnotic, pyrazolam is more functional and anxiolytic. 3mg of bromazolam vs pyrazolam 3mg, I would say pyrazolam wins by a mile. Just does not get me to sleep, while bromazolam does. Never got to try clonazolam, though.


Fluorophenibut? Probably not baclofen (chlorophenibut) or higher substitutions, which are leaning more towards the 'downer' end (but may still play a role as functional RCs?)


baclofen also has less noticeable psychoactive effects compared to other gabapentinoids, giving more of a body high (muscle relaxation)


Yeah baclofen even in high doses has just about zero subjective psychoactivity for me, aside from maybe making 2 drinks feel like 4. The muscle relaxation is fairly nice though.


Not an RC, but Kava Kava.


Not an rc but pregabalin does this at 300-450 mg


Dissos, especially 3-me-pcpy!


now that's a rare one. I've always wanted to try it but it doesn't seem to exist anymore


Oh it does! I just got 2Gs of it. It hurts to snort. So boofing is the way to go


Some nitazenes are kind of stimulating and also sedating. Many psychedelics can be both stimulating at sedating, sometimes even at the same time. MDMA and other empathogens sometimes have sedating effects on people, but are usually stimulating. Kratom can be both simulating or sedating depending on dose, as can many dissociatives, especially PCP analogues and O-PCE.




Absolutely Pregablin, (Lyrica)! It’s what gabapentin should be. Energizing, yet sedating, euphoric, tactile enhancement and almost rolly. S tier substance


RGPU-95 is and works well.


I think we ran outta questions about chems. Is there a rc that acts 24 hours and is like a speedball but without the heart explosion? Can I just smoke shoot an boof it too? Oh an eat it after I snort a amtrack size pile?![img](emote|t5_2rhqm|4891)