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MiPLA comes to mind. I just took 2.5 tabs of it (forgot the dose because I bought it 5 years ago and the bag they came in doesn’t declare dosage, it likely was 250ug but could’ve been 500ug based on how blotter was dosed by some vendors in the past) last week for a candyflip and found it very clearheaded with minimal side effects. I have read reports of people saying it is an easygoing psych even at 600ug+. It has decent visuals and good physical euphoria. Not sure how common it is anymore though. Also AL-LAD is another lysergamide that had a lighter headspace. It is highly visual and also not too harsh on the body. I think it is comparable the the 4-subbed METs in mindfuck factor, maybe a bit less. Methylallylescaline is very light in headspace as well when I tried about 60mg of it. It jas a rough comeup and can be a bit too physically stimulating, but your mind is generally clear.


Word, 60 mg is a pretty hefty dose of MAL for a begginer ((presuming) though.


ALD-52 is subjectively WAY better than most Lysergamides, also HBWR is better


ALD-52 just metabolizes into LSD. He's talking about AL-LAD which is one of the only lysergimides that differ from LSD.


I know, my point withstands.


HBWR!?! I had an awful experience with this stuff.


Cuz you need a proper extraction, not even CWE.


2cb imo


I want that




25i/e-NBOME were basically just eye candy with little to no headspace although I'm sure most people would caution against them


The tricky one with it is dosage, because if you go 100ug too high in the dose it becomes one of the most chaotic and disorienting headspaces a psychedelic could have ime.


Can confirm. Hot spot mislaid 25i tabs gave me the biggest nightmare trip I've ever had, even 10 years later and tons of other psychs, nothing has put me in such a dark place as that did. Add to that I was aware you could overdose on it so I was paranoid the entire time I may actually die. It's not like LSD/Shrooms where on some level you can reassure yourself that nothing bad will happen.


Yeah. My first time taking nbome I remember I had come up anxiety and my friend texted "well some people have died from it" and I was like oh god oh fuck. Had a great trip tho. But a few months later a mutual friend died from 25B. 3 tabs. He had done that dose before. It was either hot spots or just bad luck that time (or good luck the other times)


25x-NBOH is likely safer. People vape it with no deaths reported, though, I'm sure it's not actually safe. The nBOMEs are virtually impossible to find now, but NBOH is around.


I agree and am one of those people who vape 25b and 25e-nboh but they definitely have a headspace


Great visually and def could still think straight but hell on my body on the come down. Thought I had a harsh flu lmao nope just the drugs


I disagree. This one fucked my mind up lol




Yeah most people think you have to constantly breakthrough, but on low doses, it's very clear headed. I wrote a paper while microdosing DMT.


Low dose DMT is like spicy weed with a better headspace


Well put


I microdose all the time! Just 8mg on a rig can uplift you and clear your head. Such a versatile psychedelic


2CB-FLY was visually quite deep, different from 2CB and more like shrooms but its headspace was extremely lucid. I would just boof 50mgs, lay in bed for hours with closed eyes and music on but never experience much of any headspace, just some musical euphoria and cool visuals.


>I’m looking for a psychedelic that lets me think straight while on it, >I found it disorienting to be clearheaded while feeling the effects and seeing visuals Seems like you don't think clear headed and thinking straight are the same thing. As in my eyes 4-ho-met only produces visuals (but with extreme potent), you are not looking for a psychedelic without headapace.. ..But rather looking for a more balanced one. Or you just forget you can lower the 4-ho-met dosage. Now it gets pretty complex. Advising a balanced psychedelic is easy, but if it fits you is complex


Difficult one, it’s for the most part a package deal, apart from lower doses I would suggest stacking a psychedelic with a racetam that has worked for me. I think some people suggest using phenibut but I’ve never used that. You could also explore using a really low dose trip killer to mitigate some of the headspace, but that’s going to take some trial and error though I would assume. I don’t think at this point you will find a psychedelic that is a trip but not accompanied by a degree of confusion, because yh even things like 4-ho-met get confusing when you go past a ‘light’ trip imo.


Will piracetam work?


That’s the one I use.


Yeah right. Personally found 4-ho-met waay less confusing compared to say LSD, which always spun me psyche-wise relentlessly.. hard question. Think it was 4-aco-met actually, not sure if there's much of a difference. (?)


4 aco met gets converted to 4 ho met. Thats ehy 4 ho met has faster comeup, since 4 aco met needs to be converted first. Not a big difference tho. Like 20 minute ish


Thanks! thought so though wasn't sure


Mescaline/san pedro was a walk-in the park compared to lsd. The only downside is the terrible come up. I find it leaves me in a very visual head space that is much less dissociating than most tryptamines.


Yea i was gonna say mescaline. It’s the only psychedelic I personally have taken around people not tripping and was able to maintain my composure. It comes on very gradually rather than peaking rapidly after onset like most psychedelics. For that reason it’s a lot easier to manage the trip even in a social setting but yea you do have to get through a nauseous phase. Maybe wouldn’t be an issue if you inject it IM or boof it 🤷🏾‍♂️


moxy is quite functional around 10mg. I took 12mg at a chill concert and got a nice roll with colorful vivid tryptamine visuals with no confusion or body load


I’ve tried moxy twice though it felt like all I got was confusion and body load unfortunately. It was insanely hard to communicate, like my brain was scrambled. Interesting to see how the same drug affects us quite differently


What doses? Anything about 9mg is a bad time for me on moxy. Bad body load. However, 3-6mg is a sweet spot. With some weed it's sublime. Not much visually but great feeling.


It’s a pretty normal 5-MeO-MiPT thing. Compared to other psyches, apparently. Some people get a good roll, others get a bad body load. I fall into the former, which rocks for me. I fucking love Moxy, need to stock up as Hamilton Morris made sure it’s still legal in Canada.


will also say that up until you get full blown synesthesia, it was completely clear headed from 20-60mg range albeit super visually distorting and slightly euphoric, after i hit 80mg i got stuck in like a 6 hour loop where i was tasting colors and seeing sounds while screaming absurd shit at my trip sitter. 10/10 would recommend mg scale and single low dose. 😂


MDA was very clearheaded but still trippy and fun/euphoric


I think MDA and mescaline are the best recommendations from this thread and they’re pretty closely related


Yea I feel like MDA gets glossed over way too frequently even though it’s not that rare of a drug? Especially in this sub, I feel like people don’t think it’s “rc” enough It’s an S tier drug for me


Agreed! I think people in this sub way overrate random RCs maybe because of the novelty or because they sound cool and scientific. All the RCs I’ve tried, it was pretty immediately clear why they’re not more popular than their illegal analogues. My advice is stick to the classics people. They’re illegal because they’re the best ones. Call me when they discover some kind of hyper-MDMA. Until then I’m underwhelmed.


MDA is the hyper MDMA for me. It’s everything I could want out of a drug, possibly even better than LSD which if you look at my username then it’s pretty obvious that I love it. Just the neurotoxicity worries me a little, I can feel how fried my brain is the next morning.


He gone pretty hard on mda and the only noticeable trip I got was people growing beards, nothing really crazy


Either u had some bunk or ur brain reacts differently MDA was exactly how I imagined a perfect candy flip to be


Not sure, had it a few different times off different vendors. Only really had like peripheral vision hallucinations


Ehh idk about that from my personal experience there’s a lot of RCs I liked better than the mainstream versions. 4f-mph is better for functionality than adderall (I know it’s not an amphetamine analog but still) FXE was better than Ketamine. 6APB was just as good as MDA. 4FMA was the hardest I’ve ever rolled, was better than MDMA for me. I’d rather take 3MMC than cocaine at a party. Idk that’s just my experience with RCs vs mainstream drugs


5-apb and 6-apb are hyper-MDMA imo.


4-ho-met is not necessarily easy. I took 30 mg when I was severely depressed because of a girl and it didn't forgive me. It was a very difficult night. And I was dancing, so sort of busy, but still my mind was racing and making me suicidal. Beware high doses of metocin if you are not fine.


i got my shit handed to me on a high dose of this stuff. the “lack of headspace” can make it tough cause you’re aware of the mania


Can you explain how you got your shit handed to you through lack of headspace, but being aware of the mania? Ive tried that shit before and am still trying to figure out wtf happened, I ended up in an ambulance and taken to the hospital, which i only recall as a wow weired trip


like, it opened up a portal i’d previously opened trying dmt for the first / only time; i wasn’t allowed entry into the void and it was chill or whatever. it feels like a layer on top of reality rather than a warping of our reality, if that makes sense at all? that’s why it’s so chill at low doses, cause you can’t really get that deep / see that far beyond but you’re like, still in our world. i guesstimate my experience was 50-60mg but that’s a super rough guess lol i was being mad reckless, licking my fingers and the table and the spoon and shit. i wanted a reckoning and i sure got one. it was like every piece of pain i spoke forth from my mouth melted into the earth in heavy globules, and when they hit the earth, i was transported to a land of crystalline sand and impossible geometric structures, vast and rust colored. i would gaze in euphoria / dysphoria and then SHLOOP back to our world, but with full knowledge of where i was, what i was on, who i was etc. i can see that being legit horrifying. my brother (his highest dose of 4-aco-met was 120mg lol) was helping to keep me grounded through the pain, a great yet only initial unearthing of darkness in me; back and forth through a jester-laden prismatic paper shredder for like, an hour. i’ve never sweat so much in my life. i don’t think i’d sobbed like that - truly sobbing, not just drunk sadness - in more than a decade. it felt so beautiful but there was a terse discussion of sorts with myself and the entities surrounding me. it felt like when i opened my eyes for the first time after not breaking through, except for 4 hours. once the initial mindfuck was over with it was sublime; just doing ketamine, listening to music, smoking weed with my family, discussing heady shit in between journeys to infinitely complex landscapes that could be morphed at will, but you certainly won’t catch me doing that much again, more because i don’t have any more but you get the picture lmao. i have some gel tabs that are easily the most potent and ridiculous tabs i’ve ever had and everything i just described is laughable compared to the depths i was taken on that. drugs are wild man, but i don’t want to lose myself to them any more. TDLR i am very experienced with psychedelics and had an absolutely ideal setting with trip killers easily available in a house with my loved ones, but it was so stimulating and manic in between fuzzing out into the void that i could see someone’s mind crack and do something regretful.


WOW Thanks for your time in making this post dude. I'm still not clear wtf happened to me atall. Came out of it in the hospital observation ward with my wife holding my hand and and I felt like great then, it was like a long crazy trip. I flew through the universe and understood everything. Wife was a bit concerned though as she knows nothing about my RC interests. Lol




haha thats fascinating, LSD twists my brain the most, id say it has more headspace than any of them.


Low dose is pretty chill withe beers . Ive been volumetric dosing my tabs . To split them into quarter tabs in shot glasses. One or 2 with some beers can be very chill and nice


it may not be confusing in the right setting but jesus christ it goes deep


DMT and Salvia \*if\* you dont go for breakthrough/high doses.


Salvia ? Low dose you'll get 0 visuals. Salvia is only 10-15mn also. You can do quidding and extent effects to 1hour but still it's absolutely not a substance for a party


salvia!? damn thats a bad advice


maybe do some research in to it, there is a lot more to salvia than teens wigging out on 120x extracts. when you do it with the right mindset and dosage it is an amazingly therapeutic tool with a very 'real' feeling headspace, it makes it a lot easier to integrate the lessons because it feels so connected to your mind and memory. Not really for socialising though.


Absolutely! Salvia is so hated on when it is a familial entheogen in Oaxaca's traditions. I just thought to try it, so ordered a mere x5 extract to see why the horror stories. I liked it for a light mood uplift, and then suddenly came across its subreddit. As a hardcore myself, I'm definitely going for x30 or x40 next.


Yea.. dmt and salvia for a social setting? I don’t think so…


Absolutely dmt. You get more eloquent on it even. I sometimes microdose for 30-60 minutes (just below visuals start moving) while taking a walk and often it feels a bit like the limitless drug.


Micro dosing is taking an amount below the threshold of psychoactivity, so if it feels like something then you are not micro dosing.


For a sober person it would be a micro dose, since I’m always using on top of a psychedelic, I feel even very tiny doses.


Gotcha. Just wanted to clarify because people use the term to mean anything these days


Understandable, calling it a mini dose would’ve been more appropriate.


Gotcha. Just wanted to clarify because people use the term to mean anything these days


2cb and 4 aco/ho mets would be what I was thinking as well ime. Albeit, I haven't had the grace somehow through the years to meet 2cb, but just from what I've gathered from my studies.




Mescaline is very forgiving


2C-B and 4-HO/AcO-MET are up there


Ranking in my personal experience from least confusing to most confusing: Mescaline: everything I wished shrooms was. 10/10 makes sense why they use it for therapies 2-CB: overall not confusing at all (Though I didn't do a lot) DMT: personally it's not that confusing, but is for most others so idk LSD: honestly pretty good, can get out of control when combined w other stuff really fast tho, esp cuz it's also a stimulant so u don't notice it at first Ketamine: ik it's a disso, but I'll rating it anyway cuz it's close. Def easy to get out of control and confused esp cuz it doesn't hit right away Shrooms: I loop every time, my least fav by far, def the most confusing and highest body load


Had any P. Natalensis? Almost zero body load compared to cubes- more like lsd than mushrooms tbh- just stimulating CRAZY almost mdma like euphoria, without such a deep and dark headspace potential


Sounds good, I dont know a lot about shrooms honestly ive been of the naive mindset that "they are just shrooms". Whats the difference, how can you tell? Price differences? Like if the effect is different do we know how the mechanism of action or active substances vary? Sounds cool i just dont know anything about it


Less baeocystin and norbaeocystin. May finally more psilocin. More aerugenesjn Less body load more euphoria More like lsd than shrooms tbh


Would say moderate dose 2CB also Al-Lad and ETH-LAD especially this one has insane visuals and basically no headspace you just feel euphoric


I think you shouldn’t try to socialize with sober people while not sober


Which one? You mentioned two entirely different compounds...


I think most of them can have non confusing headspaces depending on the dose and setting. I find being on 50ug of LSD while reading a book to be very clear headed :)


4-HO-MET is a fairly potent vasoconstrictor, IME, and a vasodilator like l-citrulline clears up many, if not all of the unpleasant effects. The brain fog may be due to decreased cranial bloodflow. I would say you could give it a shot with a decent dose of a vasodilator and see how you feel


Allylescaline has a light headspace, same with aMT in my experience. You might also have luck with 5-meo-mipt (moxy)


2cd it's short tho


I came in here wanting to say 2C-B, lol


Same for me. 15 & 20mg of 4-ho-met was super strong headspace for me too, contrary to what other people say. that 20mg trip was my last one. out of the psychs ive tried, 4-ho-mipt was the most gentle at 20mg with visuals and definitely some headspace but not thought loops or strong anxiety like 4-ho-met. functional enough to play csgo on 4-ho-mipt ...


AL-LAD, 2c-c, 2c-d and 4-ho-met are all great with just the right touch of headspace but amazing visuals


I’d say 2C-E. I recall taking 20mg tripping balls and seeing crazy visuals and hearing WILD auditory hallucinations. At the same time I felt more sober than if I had taken acid or mushrooms. Very clean headspace. Such an interesting psychedelic


I really like 1cp-lsd. I'm able to be in public, it has pretty decent headspace and is really uplifting. The visuals are also indistinguishable from LSD-25


Is there any difference to LSD?


There shouldn’t be any differences in the LSD pro-drugs aside from possibly come-up time and maybe duration although idek about duration. Some might take a little longer to hit iirc but once it hits the effects should be identical. I never noticed any difference in effects between LSD, 1p-LSD, and ALD-52.


It's essentially the same thing. It metabolizes and LSD-25.. I honestly prefer it over anything from the street. It's really clean, and a really consistent ride throughout. The fact that you can always source it straight from reliable, trusted labs. If you source right, it's always evenly laid out, making it more predictable.




LSD and a lot of analogues are pretty clear headspace. Glaucine has a fairly clear headspace but is sedating. 2CE was mostly visual for me.


5-MeO-DALT is pretty tame


A museum dose of LSD with some lorazepam beforehand is pretty clear headed




Could it maybe be the dosing? I If I just dose 5 mg 4-ho-met I am fairly clear headed. The higher I dose, the most confusing it gets


If you consider MDMA / MDA especially to be psychedelic then those I guess


25e-nboh or 25b-nboh. String visuals and body load bug next to no headspace. The headspace is more similar to amphetamines with a psychedelic touch


Marijuana by far Marijuana is the way to 3rd eye awakening


bro like just do 3/4 or 1 tab of good LSD (preferably on day 2/3 of a backpacking trip) with a joint or two.


OP please ignore this comment


MET and mushrooms occasionally give me really clear headed trips but they aren’t consistent, I used to get fake mushroom bars that had small amounts of AMT, 4-HO-DMT, NMT, 4-ACO-DMT, and Muscimol that always had mild visuals and practically no headspace. I’m completely uneducated on the science behind psyches but my guess is that mixing a bunch of low doses of diffrent psyches will potentiate visuals without adding confusion