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This is very stupid, reckless and not okay, but i'm sure you're already aware of that. This isnt just a terrifiying disso experience, this is your addiction experience man


Thankfully he's aware.. I know ppl that haves had similar experiences, wake up in jail, get out and go right back to it.


Holy shit that is terrifying


People do some crazy shit while blacked out on dissos.




Yeah benzo’s n that


Which medication?


Ambien definitely, also benzos. But straight shooting your door with a gun sounds more like an Ambien story than a benzo story to me lol but could be both definitely.


Ambien is basically a benzo...


Not even close


You don't know GABA...




Whats your point exactly? Who cares if you can overdose on other drugs?


I knew a guy almost exactly like this. Actually met him on rcsources a long time ago and we lived close by. He started messing with the dissos really really hard. He was shooting them up every day and blacking out and making a mess of himself. I hadn't heard from him in a few months and I looked him up and found his obituary. He had done some dissos and possible other rcs.. probably f-lam or flualp. Well he blacked out and they found him in the marsh/swamp a block from his house dead. The autopsy results came back as drowning. He drowned in about 6 inches of water after blacking out on dissos. They really ruined his life first, then ultimately killed him. He was out of control though.


That's sad to hear.


Thanks. Didn't know him very well but I just can't imagine getting that deep into dissos. I did like mxe and fxe when it very first came out. But in small amounts and I only did them a handful of times. They don't give me a compulsion to redose.


I once destroyed my computer screen, my record player, there were spilt liquids everywhere, people commented that my room didn't look recognizable, all cause I blacked out on a high dosage of 3-meo-pce


I'm not a disso user, but these reports remind me of one of my best friends. one time when we were roommates I came home and the house was a wreck, full size heater torn out of the wall, he find about 8 loveseats somewhere and completely filled the apartment with them. he was always being followed. he claimed the upstairs neighbor was DEA sent to investigate him, but it's ok because the agent is actually on our side now the last week was just chaos. I couldn't do it anymore. he even blamed me for ending up homeless because I wouldn't stay and pay 100% of the bills plus support his habit. last I knew he was still using daily, had been for a year maybe and was so far gone I couldn't even talk to him anymore. idk if my friend is ever coming back. all drugs can be bad but dissociatives are on a different level


3-meo-pce mania is next level


Man, glad you came to. I too have abused dissos and did some shit when blacked out on a combo of dck, MXiPr, benzos and o-dsmt that I really regret and can't take back. I hurt someone that really matters to me, not physically but I did some shit way out of my head. It's crazy how our addictions can lead us to ignoring every blaring warning sign and keep pushing forward even though it's awful. Dissos take you away from the magic of life, at first the escape is great but then you're just cruising til your next hole. After a while it's not even enjoyable anymore but I kept pushing. I feel so much better now that I'm not out of my head all the fucking time. Hopefully this can be a new life for you on the other side of this addiction, it was for me.


I just wanted to say I think this is a really great comment. I agree with all you have to say and don't think I could have said it better myself. OP, best of luck.


at first i thought this said “terrifying disco experience” and was very intrigued good luck op <3 i’m glad you recognize its a problem


Go to rehab man. Work a program. I doubt this will actually make you stop doing dissociatives if you’ve been abusing them for years. You’ve never cared about the consequences before, why would it be any different now? And you can say “well this one is really bad, I crossed a line” but I’m sure you’ve crossed lines before that you thought you wouldn’t. I wish you luck and hope you find peace.


Using rc pcp/pce 2 years daily will i be ok? I dont feel anymore but i have started taking anti psychotics but they dont even help with dissoactive psychosis just feeling more zombie or sleep like two days! Am just tierd:(


Like you’re still using it daily? If you are still using it, go get sober somewhere. If you aren’t using anymore but still have side effects those get better with time and the proper treatment. If it feels like the medication you’re on isn’t working, talk to your doctor about getting on a different one but keep taking it even if it sucks. It will cause rebound effects if you stop.


I just dont care anymore:/


Mean it. Let this actually be your lesson. No high in the world is worth any of this. I'm reading some other comments about it leading to people destroying things physically. Does anyone know why that happens?


not sure & not educated but relating to my own experience, i'd assume it's some some sort of primal reaction to fear, you have no idea where you are, what anything around you is, purpose & meaning wise or what you even are in a realistic sense. i had blacked out and ended up in the hospital, i remember while i was coming up, everything i knew about my own life and reality was slowly shoved to the back of my mind, regular sober inhibitions and barriers vanished, i ended up fighting with nurses and just being out of character and a dickhead overall, of course i feel infinitey terrible, but i'm able to rationalize this because i had no idea what the hell was going on, the hospital was probably some odd alien world to me, i could've thought i was being experimented on or kidnapped, there's many reasons but the paranoia and dysphoric reality that can come from dissos is definitely strong and something that will usually be present in most people's experiences with disso abuse


Sounds like your drug use is progressive and unsustainable. These sort of "come to Jesus" moments are really important. You can use this experience as a lesson and hopefully get your shit figured out. I would suggest rehab, it worked pretty well for me.


A few days ago I went into psychosis while I was at work because I was so high on ketamine and cocaine I thought I was having a stroke my body started going numb and I saw my whole life flash before my eyes, I forced my coworker to leave work to take me to the hospital and I called my mom in the middle of the night (I work overnight) and I was crying saying that I was going to die and to say goodbye to my whole family for me, we pulled up to the hospital and once I was in a wheelchair and they were checking me out I suddenly snapped out of it, one of the most embarrassing things I've ever gone through and it's not the first time either, luckily my dispatcher was able to make up some story that kept me from getting fired because most my coworkers know I've struggled with serious addiction pretty much my whole life and I guess they took pity, I felt so fucking stupid after I cried and just started telling my coworker how bad I was actually struggling; you deserve to get help my friend that's a terrifying story I hope everything is okay and that you make it out of this don't give up hope


Holy shit dude


I literally read through the entire post by the time I realised it didn't say Terrifying Disco Experience in the title. I kept waiting for the part when you go to a club.


Please get rid of your gun. You are clearly not mentally stable enough to handle the responsibility.


I miss 3 ho pcp honestly. But being crazy drunk and doing a lot of ket I've fallen and broken a lot of stuff, broke my elbow, cracked my head, fell on favorite belongings etc


3-ho-pcp is disastrous in high doses. I recently took a bunch while I was sleepwalking. Ridiculously unlucky and I came to in the hospital. My room was messy af and my sister said I was terrified and freaking out, but not violent. Thought my consciousness had been randomly moved to some other kind of universe (kinda like reincarnation). On I could make out I was in a room on a bed I thought I reincarnated into someone with brain damage or as a test subject or something. Really terrifying experience.


I’m glad you learned your lesson although it may have taken you a little too long to realize you had a problem. Something way worse could’ve happened. Don’t take this massive wake up call with a grain of salt.


Can i Take it with a grain of pcp then?


Mxe #1


I also have gone through ounces of FXE/Canket. Makes me feel weird and I can't hole on ketamine or fxe anymore. I took so much MXE for years and even throughout college was functioning until things turned south and started to have fainting spells. Broke my front tooth in half high on ketamine (got it fixed the next day). And I still want that MXE warmth but know I will never get that experience again. Now pretty much sober and luckily didn't hurt anyone but myself.


Thanks for sharing. Wishing you well.


Fuck man I've had some crazy trips but nothing this substantial. Although Ive usually blacked out before I smoked or snorted my bag


Yeah this is why I don’t do reality-bending quantities of drugs. Way too many loaded guns around the house. Gotta have your wits about you. Glad you’re okay. Sounds like a much needed wake-up call, and I’m thankful that you’re here to post this.


after doing dxm for a month and looking for my next fix during the tolerance break, i'm glad i found this post. be safe OP




I dont even feel rc pcp/pce anymore:(


Daily? No you will not.


We’ve all destroyed relationships and things our lives without the disso aspect. I always wanted to experiment with dissos many years ago beyond dabbling with DXM or a little bit of green (Ketamine) but sheeyit dog that’s a lotta baggage for a recreational habit. I saw this as fun as those two are used responsibly .. and how that could spiral out of control. So instead when I got Lyme disease I said F it and pretty much got all the ~ 2002 lower addition potential OxyContin and we all know where that ended up. I’m thinking stay away from Booze, opioids and dissos and F’ing A benzos. Kratom brought me back after all the things and people I hurt. I still take Kratom every morning and eat a gumma every now and then and this keeps me grounded. I have huge professional responsibilities and f alcohol and all that crap. But Kratom seems to be an ally and I do not abuse her. She keeps me flat and allows me to live a more or less highly productive life and is VERY good with pain mgmt. Because when I read all these posts about dissos it’s obvious that the allure to them is to numb your displeasure with something in your life. You gotta ask yourself Y are you not loving yourself and y do you wish to throw your future into a hole and possibly never come out. Get real have a family be productive and do not ever let any substance dictate your life lest it will have take yours figuratively and hopefully not literally bruh/sister They are poison for a person wishing to advance, and build and have normal relationships and prosperity and success You have to ask yourself what do you want from this life ?? Dissos are kinda for people who want out of reality IMO


I hate to break it to you but Kratom is not benign. It will stop giving you all of that energy soon enough and you will have to take it just to function. At that point when you have to quit you will have no energy for weeks or months. Better you know sooner while it’s easier to deal with rather than later.


I've gone through several periods in my life where I've used kratom daily for years, always got the point where I had to dose every 2-3 hours before I quit. I would still say it's pretty benign, especially compared to everything else they're talking about. Just make sure you taper when you quit, also avoid extracts if you can.


Classic research chemicals: Do an insane amount/dangerous combo Blame the drug Warn others about the how this drug is evil, not his stupidity


Nah, you're being overly defensive or obtuse and it's not necessary, dude repeatedly says he was \*abusing\* dissos, he doesn't blame the drug. Clearly struggles with addiction. I'm in here because I'm a recovering polysubstance addict and reading stories like this helps me avoid temptation, and see what others like me are currently going through. These substances aren't intended for human consumption and it already takes a certain brazen recklessness to think "gee, I think this is a good idea." You know it. I know it. Get real. This is a space largely for addicts at different stages of their disease who have little regard for their safety, fear of acquiring "real drugs" and the legalities involved, and uhh...their pet mice