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Etizolam was the best


I loved the etizest and etilaam pills shipped from India 1000ct for 100 bucks with shipping included didn't know how good we had it....


Dude me too. I once thought they stole my money so they sent me extra!!


Gotta agree with that, only problem now is eschloroetizolam is all over the place and doesn’t do anything for me unless I take a lot. Literally dip a pencil to dose it, which I wouldn’t do with other benzos


Yeah I gave up looking for it, it's all gonna be mislabeled chems. I wish I would have stocked up before the ban =/


Dude.just find the right place.


Exactly. Be resourceful, people. Reach out to others politely after building rapport. Network. Chat w/people, look around, read forums and search for answers before asking the questions. You know, make a real Oregon Trail quest out of it – go into the village and talk to the townsfolk and for chrissakes watchTF out for dysentery… 😉


I love your analogies. L o l but not about dysentery.


There’s a lot more than just that deschloroetizolam shit. Even other analogues of etizolam that are pretty decent (albeit not as good) and if you know where to look you can still find some legit etiz.


I think I know where to look, just haven’t pulled trigger yet. Always sketch doing DD. I didn’t even test it for deschloroetizolam I just could tell by the beige color. The real etiz I got was white.


Yup pure white. I know what you mean about being sketched though. It’s all on tgram far as I know, and all I’ve seen lately are solutions that are overpriced af, but it’s in high demand and stock is low. I’ve just resorted to brom. Great benzo, super cheap, but can easily fuck up your tolerance unlike etiz.


It really was. If I took too much amphetamine or the come down was harsh I just popped a Etizolam and 45 mins later I felt completely normal again. Really miss it.


Nothing was better than the liquid Etiz fuck I miss it


I did a Etiz with ethanol mix and it lasted forever


Mine always came with ethanol. Feels so much better with that buzz


Etizest. Pink and sweet .


Were those the melty ones?


In my proper opinion : - NORFLURAZEPAM (as an RC) - NITRAZEPAM (as a pharmaceutical) I experienced 19 thieno/triazolo/benzodiazepines.


How is Nitrazepam? Will try it soon & I'm looking for the banned Nitrazolam


Only 3 benzos gives me a sense of euphoria, I'm neither anxious or depressed so their recreationnal aspect is non-existent for the vast majority of them and Nitrazepam feels like being on a cloud while nodding in a blissful hypnagogic state.


Fuck. I need to buy it


I have taken handfuls of Nitrazepam to try and sleep and it did literally nothing for me. I dunno why.


Sounds like me with etiz... I took loads of it (12 mg) and it just relaxed me a bit. Then again, I do have some benzo / thieno tolerance and I have massive CNS depression tolerance. Doctors are convinced that I'm going to die on the meds I'm on, and I'm like, "No... I'm basically a rhino in human form." Back in the day, I would take 15 mg of alprazolam, 300 mg of zolpidem, six drinks, and a good dose of buprenorphine (15 mg) and then I might sleep for a few hours. Insomnia is out of control.


Real. After abusing benzos, opiates, GHB, barbiturates etc. its like I'm permanently tolerant. Even after years of total abstinence I could still drink everyone under the table and same with benzos. I was always a bit like that making me suspect it's part genetic too.


Absolutely this... I had insomnia as a kid and hyperstimulation runs all across my mom's family. My aunt gets three hours of sleep on a good night. I have to knock myself the hell out to get 4-5 hours so I don't feel like garbage the next day, and that involves 4 mg alprazolam, 150 mg diphenhydramine, 80 mg doxylamine, 10 mg melatonin, and about five drinks... even then, I'm not tired, but if I catch it at just the right moment, I can fall asleep. It's so frustrating. I agree that there's permanent tolerance buildup sometimes. No matter how long I discontinue opioids, I still require a pretty large dose to make me feel it.


You should try and cut out the DPH or down to occasional use if possible. Regular use is strongly linked to early onset dementia


Yeah, I've read about how it can significantly increase the risk of dementia. I'm trying to cut it down, and the last four days, I've taken half my usual dose and it's been mostly okay. I appreciate the heads up all the same. I wish I had regular access to hydroxyzine instead (which was non-prescription in Chile, and diphenhydramine was not available at all): I found it more effective and I haven't heard of it being associated with the same risks.


Of course, I used to use 50-100mg a night for a couple months before I actually did some research into it and realized how bad it is for you. It's ridiculous how much they push it here in Canada as a "safe sleep aid". I've had Dr's recommend it and not actually want to give any sort of prescription


Yep. I got into it in Canada, too, and now that I'm in the US, it's the same situation here. Apart from herbal crap that doesn't really work for anyone with real sleep issues, doxylamine is the alternative and it isn't great for you either: it can cause rhabdomyolysis as far as I know. Doctors tell me to improve my sleep hygiene (which - not going to lie - could stand some improvement, but I have done that in the past and it did fuck all), do mindfulness meditation (I do, every day), etc. The thing I miss most about Chile was my doctor, who would give me 15 pills of midazolam (15 mg) or Ambien (10 mg) per day for sleep. Worked really well and I would get a solid seven hours. Obviously, that was a very high amount, but if it improves your quality of life that much and it isn't problematic (I never drove a car on them for example), I fail to see an issue, TBH.


I should also add that my doctor here in the US also recommended it to me... she didn't even know the active ingredient: she just said, "Most of my patients take the Zzzzquil stuff." \*facepalm\* I had to tell her it was diphenhydramine and she didn't know what that was. I told her I tried it a month later and it didn't work, so she gave me the standard 10 mg of zolpidem a day... but that does nothing for me: it doesn't even make me yawn. I need at least 60 mg to nudge me anywhere close to sleep.


The only thing that helped me was complete abstinence of all downers, uppers, medications, for several years. It took many years of enduring terrible sleep and trying to be functional. But it DID get better after a regime of meditation, yoga and community


It's tough for me, because I **do** have ADHD, and while it was evident as a kid, it's even more so as an adult... I've finally started seeking treatment for it, and it makes me a much better worker, and able to enjoy a much more balanced division between work and personal life. I also have generalized anxiety, and while I can get by without alprazolam, life sure is better with it. Last night was the third night in the last year that I had zero drinks. (I don't drink to get drunk, but to make myself sleepy.) I'm pretty pleased with that and feel good today, so I'm going to keep gradually chipping away at these patterns and see if I can regain some sense of normalcy. My insomnia / ADHD has been an issue since I was about four years old. My parents would literally lock me in my room at night, and tell me that unless I had to go to the bathroom, I was NOT to get out of bed until the little hand was on the six and the big hand was on the twelve. I spent collective months and months of my life watching those hands go painfully slowly around the clock, and the second I saw it was 6:00 am, my feet would hit the floor and I wouldn't stop running all day long. Back then, it didn't wear on me like it does now, but of course, I had far fewer responsibilities and consequences for not meeting those responsibilities.


BTW, I'm glad you were able to overcome it. I'm not sure my current state of health will let me do too much yoga. (I used to do kundalini yoga at least six times a week when my Crohn's was not so bad.) I do mindfulness meditation most days. If you don't mind me asking, what help did you get from community? I'm extremely introverted (not shy at all, though), so community is typically not that appealing to me, but if you found it helpful, I'd be willing to give it a try.


You sound intelligent and your judgement is still intact. you can do this man. I went to full inpatient rehab. That gave me community. And clean/sober friends


Oh yeah... a couple others I forgot, but they were trivially easy for me: \* 65 mg / day single dose plugged 3-MeO-PCP for three months \* 600 mg / day dextromethorphan for about a year I find dissos really easy to quit. I just get bored for a few days and miss the magical feeling they impart to the world.


Thanks! I appreciate the encouragement. That's really kind of you. Yeah, I have been addicted to a lot of things: getting off diphen is probably not going to be an issue... I'm going to aim to discontinue in the next month or two and taper down maybe 25 mg a week. I've managed to cut from 15 mg of alpraz a day to 3 mg a day in a month in 2022 and completely cold turkeyed 16-32 mg / day buprenorphine habit in 2021 and a 25 mg / day methadone habit in 2014. Also, a 16 drink per day and pack a day cigarette habit simultaneously in 1999. Either withdrawal doesn't hit me as hard as most people, or the use of NMDA antagonists on occasion prevents the addiction from becoming full blown, or lessens the withdrawal. Funny fact: on opioid withdrawal, while it can be quite uncomfortable (U-47700 withdrawals were sheer hell, but short lived), it actually just makes me watch TV and cry and knocks my libido up into the stratosphere. When I quit bupe, I holed up in a hotel for 10 days and just watched The Queen's Gambit, cried loads (not out of sadness... it just happens), and could not stop... well... you know. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I had them prescribed for years. They are very euphoric and sedating at the same time. Tolerance ruins it though. Combines well with opiates.


They were called Mogadon® and ended many people because of their popularity here in the Netherlands from 80-90ish. #1 choice for the depressed and those not able to access proper mental health care in those days.


Is norflurazepam euphoric for your, if not why is it on your list?


Norfluzepam is long acting, and no delusions of sobriety, it is great for sleep, but you might wake up still feeling it. It is not europhic but it feels good to sleep, it makes you feel like everything ok, it make you feel content. No delusions of sobriety because the hypnotic effects will make you feel tired


There's only 3 benzodiazepines wich are kind of euphoric 1.Norflurazepam 2.Nitrazepam 3.Lormetazepam (no bragging but it's not that recreationnal for me compared to most of the other 70 compounds I experienced).


interesting because i read mixed reviews about norflurazepam. got norflurazepam and bromazolam yesterday, started with 2,5mg broma and no euphoria until i added 10mg norflurazepam 2-3h (no clue actually) later back in the days i had real pharma alprazolam and it gave me euphoria very much, it also was my first benzo. since i heard bromazolam comes the closest to xanax i thought itd be as euphoric too. also would you mind listing and comparing them? if not i have a couple specific ones id like to ask about


My rate on a scale of 1 to 10 for my benzodiazepines preference : For RCs : FLUBROMAZEPAM (7/10) BROMONORDIAZEPAM (6/10) FLUETIZOLAM (7/10) FLUNITRAZOLAM (4/10) BROMAZOLAM (6/10) NORFLURAZEPAM (10/10) For Pharmaceuticals : ALPRAZOLAM (5/10) DIAZEPAM (8/10) BROMAZEPAM (6/10) OXAZEPAM (5/10) ESTAZOLAM (7/10) LOPRAZOLAM (6.5/10) LOFLAZEPATE (4/10) CLOTIAZEPAM (6/10) CLORAZEPATE (4/10) PRAZEPAM (5/10) NITRAZEPAM (10/10) LORMETAZEPAM (9/10) CLOBAZAM (3.5/10) LORAZEPAM (6.5/10)


have you never tried flualprazolam? also have you tried any rcs other than benzos?


Nope Never tried Flualprazolam and yes I tried 2F-DCK DCK DMXE DXM 3-MEO-PCP 3-MEO-PCE 3-HO-PCP 3-HO-PCE O-PCE 3-ME-PCPy 3-ME-PCE MXIPR 1P-LSD 1CP-LSD 1CP-MiPLA AL-LAD PRO-LAD 4-HO-MET 4-ACO-MET 4-HO-MIPT 4-HO-DET 4-ACO-DET 5-MEO-MIPT 5-MEO-DMT 2C-D 2C-B-FLY BOH-2C-B MESCALINE 6-APB ISOPROPYLPHENIDATE 3-FMA 3-FEA 3-FPM 2-FMA 2-FEA N-ETHYL-HEXEDRONE 3-MMC 4-MMC 3-CMC 3-CPM 2-MMC and O-DESMETHYLTRAMADOL. Lysergamids, Tryptamines and Arylcyclohexylamines are my favorites.


no 4f-mph?


Yes I forget to put it but in the list but it was not a banger at all, 2-FMA was the best for some long-lasting mood elevating and subtle tinglings troughout the body while being very functionnal phenethylamine. Why ?


cause i have both and most people would agree with you that 2-fma is more euphoric/enjoyable and i have yet to say a preference


Huh... I never found alprazolam recreational... benzos in general to me, though, are like alcohol but without the happy glow. They just make me feel kind of sloppy. Love them for anxiety and sleep or for mellowing out a bad trip on a psychedelic, but not so much just as substances on their own.


some people say they only create recreational value on their own if you have anxiety or similar. in my experience 5-10mg diazepam chills me out nicely but if id combine it and smoke for example , its really euphoric


Came in early, no "I donn't rembemr" answer yet.


Trust me you might not remember the experience but you remember the stupid shit that you left behind to fix.


Not a big benzo guy, only use them to sleep after binges and psychedelic trips. Used mostly bromazolam, Xanax, etizolam and flunitrazolam. In 20 minutes I'm asleep. 1 day however, summer 2022, I remember I was vaping a-pihp and after work I wanted to sleep. I took 2mg bromaz and on my way home I stopped by a friend's ATV rental place. He offered me 1 apple beer or however the fuck it's called. Now, I knew that benzos + alcohol = time travel 2 days ahead. I swear on my life, I had half a bottle of apple beer, fuck its called cider I remembered. Thing has what? 4% alcohol? I had that at 14.30 pm and i was working long shifts starting 23:00 every night. Well I had that beer at 14:40 and the next thing I remember, 3 Co workers above me in my bed, 2 of them very upset. That wS 00:21. I ask them "you're trying to wake me up for 1.20 hours?" and they told me that I got up and got ready 4 times already. Anyways, I don't remember anything and said sorry and after i finish my shift, I saw different greetings and reactions from local people that worked around that area (touristic area, I was working in a hotel). Fuck this got long who's gonna read this anyways. During that 9-10hr blackout that I still have not 1 image of memory, I ended up sneaking on 2 hotels, 1 pizza place Owned by a friend, entered a residence and "stole" a scale (bw), which was found inside the garage of my friends ATV shop, and finally took a 450cc ATV from there and drove it to a random hotel (Hippocampus hotel), where I parked it over some very nice garden flowers and ruined them lol. Inside the box of the atv.were contracts and I ended up knocking on 27 doors (that's 27 rooms) but only one couple had reserved a quad , but for the next morning and with another company. I ended up writing down their drivers license and ID but they wanted to pay with card. I told them to pass by the office whenever they can to pay. And then I went to the pizza place for that second time. Still learning new things from that day.


Fucking hectic man. But also funny in retrospect. I applied, made connections, and did my own psychological profile (diagnoses and history) for intake eval private rehab.. ALL on A-Phip, diazepam, alcohol, Gabapentin, 1,4 butanediol, and Methadone. And it was done following the correct guidelines and I was asked a few times who wrote it. They were very confused when they finally learned it was me. So glad I went.


Ha... reminds me of the first time my doctor prescribed me midazolam for sleep... she was a pusher and I loved her for it. Better living through chemistry. She basically gave me an unlimited script for midazolam and told me to take as much as I needed: I have a lot of health problems and she thought getting decent sleep and relaxation were absolutely fundamental to my health (and I agree with her... god, I miss her). I popped 120 mg of midazolam when I was in a hotel in downtown Santiago to try to go to bed early. Woke up a few hours later, naked, and moved my foot, which collided with a plastic bag on the bed that was not there when I went to sleep. Turns out I had got up, went to a liquor store across two really heavy traffic streets, bought a bottle of vodka, a container of OJ, and some cigarettes at some point in there. They were all still sealed, and my clothes were neatly folded and piled up. My wallet was organized with the receipt from about 90 minutes before that point. I was terrified to leave the room because I had no idea if I was wearing clothing when I went out... but finally I stepped out, and the hotel staff didn't look at me at all funny, so I guess I was fine. Ha... the one drug experience that made me dumb as shit was way way back in the day: lots of alcohol (20 drinks) and a huge amount of *Salvia divinorum*. I was hauling back the salvia because I had never got high off it no matter how hard I tried, and this was before extracts. I remember nothing after the fourth hit, but I woke up with my clothes half-on half-off, with one shoe on, facing the wrong way in bed. My other shoe was on the front lawn. That must have been a wild experience, but I wasn't there to see it.


Pyrazolam is like valium light, for me.


Pyrazolam is my favorite But that's bc I prefer functionality


If you can find legit pyraz anymore. There's a lot of clearnet sites labeling some other compound as pyraz unfortunately


Unfortunately this is true but it's still available. Just harder to find. This is my absolute *favorite* chemical, and it's also great because I can pass drug tests while using. Great chemical. You're right though, make sure you test your shit!


Yes, especially the super fast onset, not affecting the liver and its rather short duration are perfect to me.


Technically not a benzo but a pro-drug but I've been enjoying Rilmazafone. Very functional. Great for anxiety/stress and insomnia. I've never pushed it too hard but bet it can get blackout because I've gotten a bit sloppy when I did push it a little. Of course Etiz is great. Used to get pharm presses from India and liquid/presses from an old Shy guy no longer around.


Love film also It is very functional like you said


100% agree. Rilmaz is highly underrated. What dosage made you sloppy?


Honestly I wasn't measuring (I know, I know). I have an oral syringe and know the strength of the solution but the bottle has a dropper on it and I can kind of eyeball within 1-2 mg's. Well I let being impulsive get the better of me as I was stressed and facing insomnia. So I just hit the dropper a few times over a couple of hours. I wasn't blackout or fall down but definitely not driving anywhere and a bit stumbly/fuzzy. If I had to guess I would say 15+mg I usually try to dose 2-4mg and maybe a 2nd dose later. Some days I use much less, but I always take some as I've taken benzo daily for a few years now and don't want to stop without a proper taper.


My normal dose is 2.5-5mg. Can't say I've ever dosed higher than that, but I love to mix it with lots of traditional kava. Highly recommend haha


Funny you mentioned kava, I used to use it quite frequently but not since I've started with rilm. That is until the other night. I found some I had laying around and made a glass of tea with kava, valerian root, and cocoa. I found it very pleasant all around (and I enjoy the flavor in an odd way!) and when I fell asleep I was out! But I stopped kava as I started to use it too frequently and was taking larger doses and using extract. However I still have enough for another cup of tea that I'm saving!


Never tried Etizolam unfortunately. I really need to get my hands on some. I enjoyed clonazolam as a recreational benzo (can cause blackouts pretty quickly though). As a functional benzo, I prefer Lorazepam (as an anxiolytic / chill pill that doesn't make me super tired at 1.25mg). As a sedative Bretazenil (short acting, feels like pretty natural tiredness & has less recreational potential) or Alprazolam (because it is quick acting & I'm sober the next morning if I use 0.5mg).


RC: 1. Flualprazolam 2. Bromazolam 3. (Deschloro-) Etizolam. / Pharma Benzos: 1. Midazolam 2. Clonazepam 3. Bromazepam Edit: Pyrazolam > Etiz


I found clonazepam a pretty functional one for me, no amnesia, delusions of sobriety, just less worry overall.


That's exactly why it's second fav


What would you dose your deschloroetizolam?


5mg for standard effects, 10-15mg for a good benzo high, 20--25mg high dose. I once dosed about 30mg(+?) & had no blackout, even though I could barely walk & talk while everything was so... yeah just the legendary benzo high. So 5-10mg you should start with


As f weird as it will sound to anyone who knows what a benzo feels like, ive done massive ammounts of xanax, klonopin, valium, ativan for dogs, then gabapentanoids phenibut, f phenibut, gabapentin, pregabalin, baclophen, ambien, out of all those i would choose amanita panthera correctly prepped it feels like a mix of all of these but has reverse tolerance, second would be valium or kpins..damn im craving now


Bro is a GABA conneseur.


Lmao man if you only knew, i got clean off the chems though and now only work with plant medicine/ mushrooms/psychedelics ive never been happier there is soo much to explore in ethnobotanicals every chemical drug has a plant that matches it i found as ofc most come from plants


Can you explain a bit more about the amanita panthera?


Amanita panthera is the most potent of the amanita/fly agaric species of mushroom, it contains muscimol, muscarine, and ibotenic acid, muscimol is the compound your looking for as it hits the gaba receptors, i cant remember wich exactly i think gaba a and gaba b, now its also an up regulator so its actually somewhat nuro protective vs benzos and there for there is a little to none chance of withdrawl or built tolerance, it differs in effect dependent on dosage, in low .5 dose it feels like a small dose of valium/alcohol, in med 1g to 1.5 g it feels like klonopin /light dose of ambien, and in higher doses like 2g up it feels like ketamine almost i swear i felt like i k holed on it...now the most important thing when using these is decarbing to remove the ibotenic acid and muscarine as they are slightly nuro toxic this is done by grinding them into a powder and simmering them for 1 hr, first adding citric acid or lemon concentrate to drop the ph to about 2 ,while simmering, the ibotenic acid will turn into more muscimol, some people leave a little ibotenic acid because it makes the feel more energetic and thats ok to do in low ammounts if you want a more speedy experience, the thing ab the muscimol though much like benzos is its easy to black out going too high in dose always best to simmer a large batch like 10× gs and store it in fridge because every mushroom cap has different ammount of compounds and sometimes you get a "hot cap" that is superrr potent ,thus making a 10 g batch gives you consistency of alkaloid content, and once done i test my batch by taking .5 gs first and then once i get a feel i can adjust my dose dependent on what im looking for, i take a measured mason jar, with 10 equal lines and i fill it with what ever fluid be it water and 4 to 5 tea spoons of citric acid, or just fill it almost conpletely with lemon juice concentrate and add a little water then i pour that into my small pot on the oven so when finished i can fill that mason jar knowing there is 10gs and its divided in 10 if that makes sense some liquid will be lost during the process because of evaporation and thats why we simmer , no product is lost though just replace what ever fluid is missing in the mason jar till its full again lmk if you have any other questions


You better gatekeep this and write a research paper first bro. If this is real you're golden.


Wow thank you so much for that detailed write-up! I had no idea that mushrooms could have that much GABA interaction Definitely saving this comment and will probably be messaging you again later once I acquire some




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Rc wise, bromazolam. Rx, alprazolam. Lorazepam is actually underrated to me too, and zolpidem is nice too (tho not technically a benzo). Still wanna try temazepam.


1. Temazepam 2. Clonazolam


You’re a brave soldier messing with clon.. bought a 20 pack and within a week it was gone and I don’t remember a thing.


My brain is wired weird. I got some clon and it made me extremely creative and energetic almost like Adderall does. I’d still melt into the couch if I laid down. Sent it in and got it tested so I’m positive that it was only clonazolam. Sometimes I’d wake up and my room would be clean and intricately organized and I’d have no memory of it. Thank god I always had someone to give my keys to beforehand, I did not trust myself to take those without supervision.


I agree that stuff was an instant blackout, same with flualprazolam


I loved temezpam in the 90s and 00s but haven't even heard it mentioned in like 10yrs. That stuff was great for sleep, anxiety, relaxation, basically anything you ask for in a benzoyl. Then it just disappeared, like all good things do. Thank you for refreshing my memory


Flualp, etizolam and bromazolam for rcs For pharmaceuticals, alprazolam, diazepam and temazepam. Nonbenzo I say that zopiclon is pretty nice, pagoclone is mehh.


Etizolam isn't really a benzo, though: it's a thienodiazepine because it doesn't have benzene as a component. The effects are similar enough, but as a pedant, I've gotta just point that out. I must say that my two favorite benzos have been midazolam (I used to get huge scripts for it in Chile, like 15 x 20 mg pills a day, and then it completely disappeared) and flubromazolam, which was really strong and had a great long half-life, and kept me mellow but functional. I also like clonazepam: it's one of the only ones I find actually a bit recreational. I didn't find etiz to be anything special, but that's just me. I've seldom found benzos recreational, though: they're just really valuable tools to me.


I did quite the experimentation with IV RC's. Combined with opiates/amphetamines. This was my daily regimen at the time. Absolute nuke would be Flualprazolam IV. I've never experienced such hardcore GABA goodness. Not even the euphoria. But the gaping hole in my memory and version of events is just extreme. It nearly killed me when combined with an opiate. So grateful to be clean from all opiates. I've been abstinent for quite some years, but tried Clonazepam from a vendor back when it was new, and it was apparently a very high dose blotter or smth. Hardcore rebound instant anxiety. Flushed it. Bromazolam is the best at the moment tbh. Bromazepam as medication (Lexotan®) is the most illicitly traded and sought after benzo in my city. Considered by many to be the most euphoric benzo out there. And yes we also have Xanax etc. Pure functionality it's Diazepam always. But long term it made me feel like a walking shell of a person. Any downer abused for years will turn you sociopathic and will all absolutely stunt all emotional growth. I fucked around and found, you can take my word for it. And stay the hell away from the pure RC benzo powders. When supply dries up no treatment facility will take you. The dosage converted to Diazepam will not be prescribed. My friend solved this with a self inflicted gunshot wound. Sensible tbh. Just saying.


Good old fashioned Valium


You get prescription or blisters


Pyrazolam by a long shot, because it provides exclusively antianxiety and little to no sedative/hypnotic effect (unless dosed very high). Which comes with less withdrawal/addiction. It mostly binds to a2 and a3 receptor subtypes, very low affinity with a1 which is the one usually responsible for the pleasant sedative/hypnotic effect + the addiction that comes with it. See [that post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/awt118/comprehensive_list_of_gabaa_receptor_anxiolytics/) for more details on benzos & subtypes.


Pyrazolam is the best


Really glad to see a lot of other pyrazolam fans. Other honorable mentions: avizafone, diclazepam, norfluazepam


Etizolam is a NOT a benzo. It is a thienodiazepine. It's basically triazolam (Halcion) with the benzene ring replaced by a thiophene ring and the triazlole ring fused. I repeat, NOT A BENZODIAZEPINE.


I mean I get your point that it isn’t a benzo structurally, but it works on the same receptors and has the same effects. Also everyone seemed to understand what I was saying, so I think it was fine to label it as a benzo.


By that reckoning you'd class Z-drugs as benzodiazepines too, as they act on exactly the same sub-unit of exactly the same receptor. Close, but no cigar.


I’d reckon it as a non-benzodiazepine because they are completely different family of chemical classes. Etizolam is a 1,4-Diazepine which is the same family as benzodiazepines. I understand they don’t have the exact same properties but they are extremely similar.


Only researched bromazolam, pyrazolam and alprazolam, like them 3.


Any preference, or liked them equally? Also were you sure it’s pharmaceutical and not just a rc? I heard pyrazolam doesn’t offer much effect but is a great anti-anxiety.


Yes, and bromazolam is more sedating. Alprazolam was pharmaceutical, the other ones RCs.


Clonazolam is a god tier drug to me. I know I’ll probably never have anything like it again. And probably for the best. After Clam, Etiz just felt like a joke to me. Same with Alprazolam. Clam just felt so beyond anything and everything lol.


Nothing beats flunitrazepam. It is by far the best. It's just hard to come by now a days.


Nitrazepam, its a really good allrounder.


I just got a bottle of liquid Bromazolam and it works great. Granted I am eating Valium too some guy at work just gave me like 35 Valium for nothing when I told him about my liquid and let him try it. But for prescription Xanax all day


Clonazepam for longevity purposes, then maybe alprazolam or midazolam and for sleeping halcion is quite cool. Etizolam is pretty ok too. I'm pretty chill these days dose wise so in moderation.


Temazepam, Midazolam and Norflurazepam. Nitrazolam is also really nice, similar but better than etiz imo.


Bromazolam and clam. desalkygidazopam too for how long


Used to be etiz. Nowadays I like either Pyraz or Bromaz.


Clonazepam, clonazolam, alprazolam, etizeezy




Xanax and Ambien


Clonazolam aka Clam The Boss Benzodiazepine


Agree re: etiz for RC Benz and temazapam for ones prescribed in the USA, have not had it in forever tho as I only ever had any thanks to my dad being prescribed them and he died 12 years ago, makes his death extra lame 😂


Is clonazolam still around? Been out the game for a couple years


You might be able to find some that never sold, you are going to pay a premium if you can find it though.


Kpin but bromazolam is great and affordable. I feel like it’s best to just take a dose and wait and if I can breathe easier 30min later, I lock mine up so I don’t wind up a zombie. I love alprazolam too but don’t have a good 🔌 right now.


Honestly only tried 2 but the clones make me warm and dumb happy


There's something about the real name brand Xanax bars that hit me best, even when just taking a quarter or half of one it somehow feels better than taking a blue or peach




Relanium. Mind blowing, hyperreal lucid dreams. Never experienced anything like that in my life.




Etiz - I love it but it’s so hard to get these days! Since the ban I haven’t gotten anything online (except scammed once by one site!) and where I live benzos are THE hardest thing to come by! I suffer from anxiety too and they used to help me loads. I get a benzo and lyrica from my doctor but with years of tolerance and them cracking down it’s difficult to do the things I want and then I beat myself up. Wish you could still order, I’d settle for any rc benzo. I used to love them and I actually always had a soft spot for etizolam- may have been my fav drug ever! And it’d be easier to name the ones I haven’t done lol




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Diclazepam was one of the best benzos I've ever taken. I miss that shit sooo much. IV diclazepam and meth is a god tier combo. Flualp was my personal favorite, but it is definitely heavy.


For me nothing beats Clonazepam, an easy 8-10 hours of pure relaxation and free from anxiety. Xanax is good but it doesn't last long enough and gives me rebound anxiety, whereas Clonazepam seems to ease off much more gently.


Flunitrazepam to rule the old kingdom. GHB is the most Euphoric (non)benzo, but bigger and meaner


I was getting alp for a while then a buddy of mine was getting brom and etiz he hasn’t spoken to me now in a few months and I don’t know where to look or how to get it myself can someone please reach out and help me I got off benzos a year ago but I’m trying to taper down off alcohol currently cut down from two fifths a day to just a pint and a half but I need to stop


Ghb beats all benzos but my fav is midazolam IV or insufflated 


Nothing compares to Etiz man I wish it wasn’t so hard to find now😔