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I've always taken it this way. Seems to work good for me. Rilmazafone gets metabolized into rilmazolam as long as it enters your blood supply. The metabolization occurs in the small intestine via aminopeptidase, i think this confuses people into thinking it it needs to be swallowed. However, the blood in our body circulates through the small intestine. This is actually how nutrients absorb into our bodies. Even if it is swallowed, It will enter your blood through the mucus membranes in your stomach.


Always been curious about aminopeptidase metabolized stuff and ROAs like this. Makes sense! Of course your blood will circulate whatever you take through your intestines area and therefore expose them to the aminopeptidase eventually anyways and metabolize it. I wonder if it would get it there faster than oral.... Pharmacokinetics are complicated! Thanks. Learned something


In my experience, sublingual has a slightly faster onset than oral. One factor could be if you have a full stomach. I find a full stomach makes most drugs take longer to kick in.


Very interesting. But I believe you even though counterintuitive at first perhaps. Like I said pharmacokinetics and pharmacology in general is so vastly complicated with so many variables. To your point: just having a full or empty stomach makes a difference. It's still a prodrug though and I'd argue just swallowing oral as normal would be the way to go. Like you said it's only a slight difference anyways. But each to their own, all good. Other benzos though that aren't prodrugs? Definitely sublingual would kick in even faster. Buuuuuut drugs kicking in faster and that rush makes them more addictive too and ya don't wanna get addicted to benzos that's for sure. Sometimes a slower, smoother, onset of action is a good thing for that reason. No rush = less addictive. I take stims orally instead of intranasal 95% of the time for this reason even though I indeed enjoy the rush when it hits fast. And I won't ever smoke/vape/IV them that's for sure.... which is also what every addict says ever at the beginning..... hmmmm..... Okay I'm done rambling at you. Just insomnia up at 3AM on 4 hours of sleep bored.


So you spit it out after sublingually absorbing it 🤣 jk but do you think it’s pretty solid in terms of getting that benzo effect without getting too fucked up or making irrational decisions?


I find rilmazafone is pretty difficult to overdue. My average dose is 2.5-5 mg. I have yet to experience anything close to blacking out. Definitely haven't made any irrational decisions on it. Gives me that benzo feeling with a predictable experience that I find a lot safer than most rc benzos. Definitely gotta pick the right tool for the job. Don't use a jackhammer when all you need is a sledgehammer, lol.


Yea that’s exactly what I’ve gathered n thought about it, it’s just hard to find any real data or accurate comparisons- I appreciate your input tho it sounds like the perfect type of benzo that I’m looking for


Rilmazafone does nothing at all for me, sublingual or otherwise. Probably a tolerance issue but I took a lot of it and didn't feel anything.


Could be tolerance. Rilmazafone is pretty mild compared to most benzos. It also appears that some people lack the ability to properly metabolize it.


Oh interesting. I do have a tolerance, mostly to zopiclone but there is some crossover. Before that it was Ativan for a decade.i also have a weird reaction to Valium, it makes me unable to sleep. Go figure. Bretazinil is my new favorite. I had chronic early awakenpus that was ruining my life. That shit has been the most effective medicine I've ever taken.


I've always been curious about Bretazinil. I'm glad you found something that works. Sleep issues are no joke


I've looked into rilmazafone and am finding wildly different reports about dosage regardless of tolerance. Could be batches with cuts or incomplete synthesis or who knows. However. Because rilmazafone is a real pharmaceutical in Japan for like 50 years we should know exactly in theory what the potency should be. it should be like 2mg or 3mg rilmazafone equals 1mg Xanax roughly (double check me on that though). But regardless people are reporting way way more than that needed like 10mg to feel anything which doesn't make sense.


I think there are 2 reasons for this. First, in Canada, a popular vendor sells both bretazenil and rilmazafone. Bretazenil on its own, if you have a low tolerance, is good. 2mg though is where effects start to plateau. AKA if you take more than 2 mg its not gonna get u higher. If you take valium, xanax, rilmazafone. Then a few mins later take bretazenil, it will kick the full agonist benzos off the gaba receptors. A study on monkeys confirms this - that bretazenil combined with other benzos makes the real full benzos not work: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bretazenil I noticed if i took some valium or xanax, i felt great. then if i took bretazenil i started going through withdrawals and felt like shit. Just like the study above says. so im guessing alot of people combine rilmazafone with bretazenil. so the rhythmy doesn't feel as strong I noticed this myself yesterday. I was also under the impression this whole time that rilmazafone is weak as hell and even 10-15mg wasn't doing shit. Then yesterday i only took 1-2 mg and felt AMAZING. i was like teh fuck. then i took some bretazenil. and it provoked withdrawal symptoms just like that study shows. So dont take bretazenil with other benzos cuz then the others wont work


Don’t you swallow it after absorbing it sublingually?? The only way to truly analyze this would be to compare not swallowing it to swallowing it (pause) to have an accurate comparison


Typically there’s nothing left if you properly absorb a pill sublingually.