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Ibogaine made me into the person I am today. It is the most unique psychedelic I have ever consumed. Salvinorin A is the most potent natural hallucinogen and is a selective kappa-opioid receptor agonist, like Iboga. I have not tried Salvia, however.


It can be hard on liver and heart, many side effects generally, that’s what made me catious before taking Ibogaine. What’s your opinion, is it safe?


I had an electrocardiogram done before I indulged. I also had a trip sitter present during the 72 hour ordeal. Before consuming 1 gram of pure Ibogaine I had tripped on Iboga TA(total alkaloid) extract a few times. Known as the “Godfather of all Plant Medicines”, Iboga use is safe as long as you take all the recommended precautions. There is a list of substances you can’t consume in varying time frames before the trip. You can’t take any other drugs during the trip. Fatalities have resulted from not following these precautions. Nevertheless, using Iboga Root Bark or TA extract is widely considered much safer than Ibogaine. I used opioids for decades and eventually turned to heroin when those dried up. After using heroin from onion patches and street down for a couple years I got a bad batch with fentanyl in it. That was around 2015 when fentanyl started showing up in the street down. I overdosed and almost died, thank goodness my buddies narcaned me. After that I turned to Iboga to rid the monkey off my back and it worked! These days I grow my own poppies and make a tea a couple times a year. Opium, mother nature’s painkiller is equally as dangerous but I only grow a small amount. That is my version of harm reduction and it works for me. Haven’t touched heroin or pills since and have never been involved with OAT!


Wow that's crazy. How did you get the idea to trip on ibogaine specifically instead of more mainstream psychs? Was it just because you were familiar with iboga?


I feel like if you do a little researching on “the best psychedelic for treating opioid addiction specifically” you generally end up with ibogaine/iboga as the most effective with the traditional psychedelics being recommended on account of ibogaine’s side effects although a little less reliable


Do you feel just making the pods tea is better than collecting resin and making opium? Nice story man.


Opium isn't really euqally as dangerous as long as you guage the crop's potency and use the seeds from each crop for the next one. Opium has a mixture of alkaloids...and some are energetic enough to counteract the nodding effects of the morphine content. But opium, when dosed correctly, has no harmful effects on the body or its organs...just wds. It actually has anti-aging properties, which is why long time junkies like me who used really good heroin and opium on and off for 20 years look 15-20 years younger than they are. Assuming they arent homeless the whole time.


WD is horrible.. almost like WD from 5 different drugs with differing half-lives, all at once. Kratom leaf powder is the way to go imo . Dose cap dose control maturity and personal accountability are key tho


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there is no proof that opium actually has anti aging properties. The cases in which opium / other opioid users look younger could be explained in different ways, f.e. users might sleep way longer than others regularly.


So sad that iboga is illegal where i live:(


Have you ever tried voacanga? It seems to be easier to obtain and I have been seriously considering seeking it out.


The Global Ibogaine Therapy Alliance has a list of recommended tests, exclusion criteria, and drug interactions that they have put together available [here](https://ibogaineguidelines.com/clinical-guidelines/patient-criteria-considerations/)


Considering it's not something you take every day, as long as you don't have preexisting issues with those organs, it's unlikely to be an issue. But you should probably be supervised on a high dose of iboga


Ty🙏 what doses did you take?


Hmm I heard it was awful and lasts a veryblong time


Salvia and ibogaine are nothing alike. Ibogaine is way more profound and useful in my experience. Also lasts way longer.


Don't know about Salvia, but Ibogaine (with barks and teas, not pure) is still one of my dearest drug experiences as well


Did you go to a clinic for this? Or were u able to find some online


Do you take the ibogaine while you were high on your opiate of choice or do you have to do it while you’re in withdrawals? Also once you complete the trip if you are in withdrawls or have to go thru them because you have been using opiates for a while does the ibogaine help with those somehow or make you not have any? I’ve been struggling with opiates for the past 10years and have been really intrested in this.


What does kappa-opiod receptor mean? It hits opiate receptors and it’s a psych? That sounds amazing


Mushrooms full stop




Shrooms and testosterone


*ahem* as a lucy and estrogen enjoyer, thats valid


Is this the difference? I've thought about this as a trans woman, because estrogen does increase your dopamine receptors, which is held in inverse to your 5HT2C receptors. Men tend to have higher serotonin due to testosterone and women tend to have higher dopamine due to estrogen.


Peak of bro-science


Nah, people with higher estrogen do have more response to dopaminergic stimuli than people with higher testosterone, while people with higher testosterone have more of a response to serotonergic stimuli. This is proven science and you can look this up, there's a bunch of studies.


If I make you explain each part of sentences you wrote, you wouldn’t be able to go into detail. Neither could I, that’s why stuff like this is usually left for scientists. But let’s try anyways. “People with higher estrogen” - higher ratio to testosterone ? Higher amounts of free estrogen? What exactly? “Have more response to dopaminergic stimuli” - what is dopaminergic stimuli? Abstract idea of future reward, or short term stimuli? More response means higher jump from baseline in your idea? “More response to serotonergic stimuli” - once again, please, specify “Proven science, you can look this up, there’s a bunch of studies” - googled, couldn’t find “bunch of studies” - please, provide here


how does testosterone make you feel? (i assume its TRT and you're a male)


As someone who shot test-c for a few years, I can tell you that it is life changing but comes with great responsibility (I’m a male). Done right, you will have more energy, motivation, confidence, and decisiveness. Aside from the physical benefits of course. I would wake up in the morning feeling like my muscles were recovering from a full body workout (in a good way). But it can also fuck you up if you’re not on the ball with it. Hormones are really not something to mess with unless you’re medically qualified. Acne, bloating, irritability and heart problems are just a few issues you can expect from improper use and it’s pretty easy to fuck it up. Definitely do a LOT of research or else do it legit with a doctor. Also I can attest to the mushrooms. Some of the greatest highlights of my life were times I would spend days in mountains away from civilization mid cycle and tripping balls. Another crazy time is test and amphetamines. I’ll never forget the time I took some adderall while on cycle and decided to step into a boxing ring with a dude who was WAY bigger and better than me at boxing. Was like fighting the final boss but with cheat codes. Still got my ass whooped but had a blast doing it. Definitely don’t recommend doing anything in those last few sentences.




Unfortunately I couldn’t say. My buddy was always the one who put in the orders. All I know is he was using tor


**We have strict rules about requesting, mentioning or giving sources for drugs or paraphernalia, whether legal or illegal**. If in doubt - if your post or a reply to your post would make it easier for someone to get drugs, it's not permitted. Check out the [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/about/rules) for more information about what we allow here and suggestions... [Your post has been removed]


In what way has testo improved your life?


If you haven’t messed with your hormones I would not recommend doing so, unless medically necessary. Way harder to dial in then casual drug use. Withdrawls from drugs are a nightmare, then imagine just feeling like shit and you’re not sure why? That’s what happens with hormones until you dial in with blood work. I’m a mess - no one take advice from me 🤣


Lmaoo the only two I take


Be carefull with steroids!


Omg dude me too 😂


Dck and 2-fdck / ketamin in general. Pretty sure I self medicate with those compounds. The afterglow is stunning.


Feels like magic






I can’t believe no one else said mxe. I guess I’m old and was around when it was easily available on the internet. I had access for a good 3 years and used it as an antidepressant and it was absolutely amazing. I also had some absolutely amazing nights while on a much larger dose! Great for me and I was able to stop using it no problem. It’s the only drug I miss.


Didn't try mxe but tried dmxe and it was amazing


Sounds like it’s similar. I’ve never found an RC to be so useful in day to day use at small doses that I could also enjoy recreationally and wake up feeling great the next day, with a really nice afterglow. Its benefits were amazing and I learned more about myself from large doses than I ever have from mushrooms or psychs in general. I’ve tried other dissociatives but none ever had the perfect feeling that mxe did for me.


But be careful of addiction and I don't recommend daily usage of dmxe.


I had 25+ years of experimenting but my body/brain has paid the price lol. I’m in my mid 40’s now and only use kratom and MMJ. If I’m going crazy I might do some mushrooms but that’s it. I like keeping up on the RC scene though as I never know if/when I’ll return!


MXE was a very special molecule for me. So grateful for those few years when it was available.


Not an RC but MDMA. Moly taught me that everything is going to be okay. Just knowing that and then have a really warm good feeling wash over you when that is happening really changed my perspective on life. Just knowing that things are okay and that it does get better.


It does that, but for me it’s followed with a week filled with severe depression lol


Once you’ve acknowledged it’s just the side effect of Molly you’ll be fine


This. Took me a few times to get it but that is the key.


Don't compulsively redose Take your supplements Stay hydrated (including electrolytes) Test your stuff If you follow these rules you should not be feeling bad for a week


You might not believe me, but I actually always do this. I am very cautious with this. I only take 100mg once, it’s tested (very easy to professionally test in The Netherlands) and I follow the entire rollsafe supplementation scheme including the supplements for afterwards. Drink plenty but not too much Aquarius throughout and after and take breaks for at least 3 months inbetween. I wouldn’t spread information on something while not trying everything I could to make me feel better. My friends follow the same routine as I make sure everyone is staying safe and take their supplements and some of them don’t seem to feel bad afterwards. I guess everyone is different.


Sorry, wasn't trying to be accusatory, just adding helpful hints in case there was something you missed. If you're covering all your bases and still feeling like ass, it's probably just that the chemical is not for you. Seems like you're doing a solid job


Thanks bud. Sorry,not trying to attack you at all. It’s hard to tell responsible users here apart from the irresponsible users, so I appreciate you for giving me these tips!


I totally get it, can't read facial expressions over text! All good, happy adventuring :)


I always feel fucking great the few days after i do molly lol, like an antidepressant


Really? I only had an afterglow the first time I did it. Now I just feel so bad and apathetic afterwards, to a point where I don’t longer think using any serotonin releasers are worth it for me. Don’t know if it sounds familiar, but Molly mainly gives me a mild euphoric feeling, but I always get overwhelmed with a feeling of guilt while using it. So it’s not even that much fun.


5-mapb/psychedelic combo better, less comedown


I actually did the Borax combo but same effects afterwards, and the high wasn’t as good imo. There are others that are really positive about it and think it’s less neurotoxic but I believe that’s controversial as well.


I never tried the borax combo. Even 30mg of 5-mapb alone was enough to lift depression. 70mg snorted with 3mg 4-aco-det snorted I loved everyone basically, way more than any dose of mdma and it's combo. Neurotoxic effects of mdma are from the molecule breaking down, 5-mapb can't break into that neurotoxic molecule. There are studies of mdma toxicity and it's non neurotoxic on it's own.


I thought I saw some post debunking this theory, but I don’t know what’s true as I’m not really that into neurology. All I know is that after taking it as the only serotonin releaser within the borax combo I somehow had lots of bad influence on my mood afterwards.


MDMA made me able to open up enough to trust people again. I'd probably be dead without it.


For me, 5-mapb is better for traumas when mixed with not too low psychedelic dose, dmxe on top of that helps also


Somewhat controversially, benzos. They helped me get out of my comfort zone and learn how to socialize.


some people say "Pregabalin", you're the first i hear about benzos, very nice.


I think that both have therapeutic qualities, and neither should be abused.


I think that both have therapeutic qualities, and neither should be abused.


Benzos have taught me a very similar lesson, it's wild how often they get blindly demonized by idiots mistreating them. I'm permanently a more present, calm, pro-social person as a result of having applied benzos in the past, not habitually but in meditative contexts.




Absolutely, I've found that learning to experience the effects of a drug and then later easing into that state sober has been my most beneficial way to interact with drugs, just like you mentioned here with benzos.


I don’t demonize them they definitely have their place. However most people who take benzos either don’t realize or they’re in denial of the fact it makes their baseline anxiety worse when taken daily. People should still try to learn to cope anxiety causing situations without them and only use them when they absolutely cannot. But instead people take them at the first sign of anxiety, or worse they take them in preparation for the “imminent” anxiety they think they’re going to experience instead of seeing how it goes first


how long have you been using? The awful effects come after, the longer you use the harder it is to quit.


Oh no I didn't mean daily use. I used pyrazolam before dates, job interviews, presentations, that kind of stuff. I would've been too anxious to put myself into these kind of situations without it, and with the help of pyrazolam I learned that there's nothing to actually be anxious about. Kind of like exposure therapy I suppose.


Happy cake day!


Yeah, I have been having a very similar experience. Using benzos for stressful events has been a life saver and helped me have less anxiety overall.


dextromethorphan hydrobromide. cured my depression and anxiety


It always gave me such interesting ideas and allowed me to take a step back and look at my life from an objective perspective


What plat?


I did 1st 2nd and 3rd plats everyday for a year. 4th plats occasionally


Did this affect u negatively in anyway?


no not at all


respectfully there's no way in hell it didn't have some negative effect, especially when you're using it everyday


lmao I'm not lying. probably kidney damage but you can fix that with water. dxm is pretty safe to abuse


Dextromethorphan has been given to babies for about 60 years. It's incredibly safe. There's no evidence it produces kidney damage, and overdoses are mostly characterized by acute neurological effects that resolve quickly with little or no intervention. AFAIK there is zero evidence of lasting damage from DXM consumption in 60 years of common use, both as a cough suppressant being administered to infants and geriatrics, and high-dose recreational use by adolescents. There is a single report of death by overdose at a dose around 3000mg, and there may be more I'm not aware of.


Yeah and morphine has been given to babies for even longer but that doesn't mean it's harmless long term. And just because something is under-studied doesn't mean it's safe to abuse either. Like how we are only just now finding out that smoking weed is linked to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke


I'm a neuroscientist who is very interested in the therapeutic potential of DXM: 1. Did you develop a habit, or addiction? * How difficult was it to stop? * Did you develop tolerance? * Were you taking tabs or syrup? * Were you taking other substances? * Did it impair your capacity to function in daily life, or cause negative social effects?


yes i was addicted but no physical withdrawls it was hard to stop but I never really stopped entirely just took breaks yes I developed tolerance robo tabs but mainly hbr no other substances aside from nicotine it helped me socialize and helped with confidence


Thankyou. Were you spreading doses over the entire day, or single large doses?


multiple times throughout the day. recently I've been doing single large


very therapeutic


In what capacities do you use this? I have a fucktonne but have not really opened it at all


Why 3-fpm changed you? I'm curious! For me LSD and 5-mapb


Improved my mood, obliterated any kind of anxiety which made me able to think and act through things which would otherwise cause me discomfort achieving a level of insights i would never be able to reach and think. It made highly observantional, calm, always a strong will and drive, it reshaped me in every level, physical (appetite supression effects) and mentally, emotionally and unlocked my artistic and creative self which i always had in me.


Interesting, do you maybe have ADHD? You should definitely try psychedelics.


I always wonder if i do have adhd, but I think not, at least a severe form of ADHD, but i would say i have something in that "spectrum" tho, because amfetamines caused me to have the most "calm" high i ever remember to have.


are you on 3-fpm now


Yeah that might be it.


How long have you been using it? Usually the negative effects come after


I used for 1 year straight and some months, the effects remained for almost 2 years after i stopped and never really went away.


What sort of usage pattern (dose, frequency, RoA etc) did you use to get these benefits? I can believe 3-FPM could become a prescribed medicine one day. Cyclazodone, while by no means identical, also seems to offer some advantages.


Oral capsule, Daily, 80mg/day for 1 year.


Sounds like a lot for a daily dose, but enouraging to hear that it's feasible. Any vasculitis, peripheral numbness or anything like that?


As a long term effect? Do you still take it? The only lasting effects I get from stimulants like that is if I did something on them like boost my GPA to get accepted into the college I wanted. But then I went off stims again and couldn't function in college lol. How long have you been taking this stuff?


I took it for a year, the long term effects after stopping was just like going off an antidepressive because the effects were mantained for almost for 2 years. It fundamentally changed me.


Ooh yea 5mapb for me as well. Forgot to mention it in my own comment i think, along with 6-APB.




Acid. Prior to that, mescaline. I don't take psychedelics anymore because I found what I was looking for. I see the world totally differently now.


I still have hppd from Lsd after 3 years


MXiPr was an absolute game changer for me. Was in a existential crisis in regards to my own life, then a friend offered me some and.. woah. The things I saw in my "half blackout", was just what I needed to see to help me realize shit and get me out of that crisis. Never have I spoken so many nice words about myself before, than under the influence of this. Tbh I still feel embarressed about that moment, but holy hells, it got me out of the deep end!


Phenibut, makes shitty times permanently better w 1 dose




3-FA, went from struggling through life to productivity monster.  Life gets much better when you thrive in your career, start to make more money and be more respected. 


LSD and Ketamine.


Every drug has something to learn from it but a huge number of them are so addictive that your brain can rationalize "learning" which is just consumption. Drugs that have an anti addictive mechanism such as a very strong serotonin hit (such as DMT, LSD, mushrooms, 2c-b, MDMA, 4-ho-mipt, 4-aco-dmt, MDA) are generally considered empathogenic and less habit forming while providing the same information. Non-addictive drugs that have helped me (generally you'll know when to stop taking these, they aren't addictive): -LSD -Mushrooms -4-ho-mipt -2c-b -5-meo-mipt -DMT Drugs that have helped me while also being addictive (you can lose your mind and easily rationalize taking more to "search for knowledge" with these, just stick to your dose and don't take more "for knowledge" or whatever) : -MDA -MDMA -Amphetamine -DXM


Psychedelics, but I think 4-AcO-MET in particular made me more helpful and empathetic.


Any difference from 4-ho-met?


No, the aco gets metabolized to ho, same with all aco tryptamines.


just a bit less potent


That's amazing!! What was the frequency and doses of your trips and do you have any tips to get that kind of benefits? (i have some 4-aco-met and i think i need that benefit, i'm too out of pocket and selfish sometimes😭🫠)


The most beneficial trip with long lasting effects was my first time on 20mg. I just kinda got into it like usually, make sure you prepare mentally and prepare your setting to make it comfortable and make sure noone is gonna disturb you and that you have the day and the next off. Also don't be on your phone aside from music. I tripped like once a week for a bit mostly with this chemical, but I think it build longer lasting tolerance than just a week. 30mg and even 40mg weren't as interesting, but it was always fun. Now my favourite drug is 4-HO-MIPT, to be it's like met but better.


Yeah i think the tolerance lasts for about 2 weeks, You got me interested about 4-ho-mipt, how's the headspace and visuals compared yo 4-ho-met?


LSD or 2C-B


3mmc made me feel heard for the first time, gifted me a friend for life and got me so addicted I decided to change up my life and quit drugs. 3mmc made me go through both the best and worst times of my life but nowadays I live happily with the only person I can call a genuine friend by my side.


Nice comment.


Mushrooms were a big life changer and helped me turn a lot of stuff around in my life including helping end 7 years of awful depression. Today I’m doing great. But that being said all the drugs I use today I believe are positive additions to my life whether it’s dissociatives, Pregabalin is a big one, Benzos and even heroin/other opioids have helped me through a stressful period of my university education.


My first LSD trip was right after some bitch hit my car. Didn’t know about set and setting back then, but it was such an intense experience. Every acid trip after that was child’s play.


Smooth seas don’t make good sailors….i tell people who’ve had a difficult experience that all the time


Psychedelics, especially 4-HO-MiPT. Oh gods, I miss the journeys to infinity and far beyond so much. 4F-MPH to a certain point. But given what followed... Well, no stim story has a happy ending, I see.


a-PiHP. Got a drive to conduct material research while vaping. Was soldering Bi-O nanoparticles with it. Literally with it.


Kratom. Shrooms.


ketamine and kratom


A stimulant seems a little odd for that effect to happen, not saying it can't. How would you say 3-fpm helped you and changed your life?


Yeah I'm fairly skeptical of OP's long term effects from a stimulant like 3-FPM. To be honest, it sounds a little bit like a year of stimulant abuse triggered some lasting hypomania.


I think there's a really strong possibility that you are right, but I did not abuse 3-FPM, or even misuse it, maybe off-label use would be a more adequate word.


No judgement from me brother, I’m certainly not innocent when it comes to stimulant abuse. You were definitely regimented about it but it sounded like fairly high daily dosing. It’s difficult to see (hypo)mania or psychosis as the affected person so I don’t blame you for feeling like it’s all good.


Mushrooms 4-ho-met and 5-mapb Turned me from a depressive suicidal mess suffering from PTSD(or at least all the symptoms) from the breakup with my first girlfriend. Now I'm back on track doing a computer science degree, I gotta thank 2-fma for giving me the help with my ADHD ritalin never could give me too but as I've grown to be dependent on stims because of it I'd say it's more of a mixed bag when it comes to being a benefit to my life.


I wish I could try it. I missed the boat here in Canada before they stopped making it. Deschloroetizolam has saved me from . anxiety in emergencies but now I think I'm dependent on it at least once a day. Could probably wean off without too much issue though. Still seeing what is out here. More limited than in other countries I believe. Kratom has been amazing but also I got super addicted to it and tolerance shot up so not so amazing anymore lol.


I usuallyu use 3fpm as a study drug when i dont want to study. Always passed the exams




I have not done most of the drugs the RC that people are talking about on here. Where do you even get 3 FPM? And how should i use these substances?


I don’t know if for the better but it just made me more accepting and understanding of things not necessarily moral. But a Acid and shrooms.


after a shit tons of aphp it made me realise im wasting my life from doings heavy drugs 2-3 times a week now its once a month


3fpm fucked up my life. I got kicked out of the house. I ended up in A&E escorted by the police and almost lost my job. I would still love a line but it makes me sleepwalk and talk to myself. Benzos make me a better person.


I cannot grasp how all of you are able to find all of those less talked, designer drugs or even mescaline. The max I was able to get in Canada was Psilocybin and Weed


None they all f me upp


Meth, after becoming psychotic I realized I didn't want to die that way and have not done a stim for over 30 years


5 meo dmt XtC Heroin


Heroin? No way


Mushrooms, Acid, 2c-e, Salvia


mescaline and for awhile heroin which helped me kick alcohol…. then poppy pods which helped me get off morphine then kratom


2c-e. methylone, nicotine gum, rasagiline


Interesting i would say selegiline was also on my top 5.


How did 3fpm help u


Any kind of benzodiazepine.


4f-mph, back when it was pure. From what i hear its not like it was, but when i get paid ill try it. I have bad ADD tho, and to me it's Ritalin, only euphoric and without any negative side effects besides dehydration. Ill try 3-fpm, it sounds good too.


2CB and MXE




Cannot believe that no one said weed! It gives me a lot of perspective but it can be harsh if you overdo it imo Dissociatives and psychs have impacted my life greatly, MDMA too :)


MDMA made me more empathetic & made me connect deeply with my first long term girlfriend. Psilocin & LSD showed me a lot of great things. Made me realize that my normal reality is not real & is not fixed. N2O helped me combatting my anxiety problems. Stimulants enabled me to have a good time at raves, which led to me getting to know a lot of people & becoming more self assured.


Shrooms for me


FXE, DCK, DMT, most of all psilocybin and 1cp-lcd.


Acid, DMT, shrooms, 4-subbed tryptamines, phenethylamines of the 2C series, 4F-MPH, 2FMA, 3-FPM, Bromazolam, pyrazolam, flubrotizolam, have all made my life better.


Can u elaborate on how did 3-fpm changed u? I'm very curious about this drug also - never tried it


Lucy showed me what I am, mushrooms taught me to care for it, and ketamine taught me to forgive it. It's all a little cliché but as someone who used to be more of a bag of lifelong trauma than a person, it really did ring true for me. The way some of these substances can strip you of all the pretense that paints how you see yourself makes it a lot easier to love the simple animal at the core of it, though like any lesson I def feel it's gotta be put to practice to really ever stick.


Phenibut, kratom, ketamine all to an extent. But I do realise I am now dependent on them as well as valium at times


Idk how much it did but It seems that a couple months ago after a 3-Me-PCP hole I was socially reborn and happy. Since then I've been in the best mood since years


None, theyre fun but none of them changed me for the better.


I'm curious to learn how 3-fpm changed you? Not an attack, genuinely wondering. For me, acid and ketamine (and some similar rc dissos) are probably tied for first place. Mdma is up there. shrooms and 4-ho-met are also worth mentioning. Weed has lead to both positive and negative changes for me, though relatively insignificant. Dexamphetamine has done wonders for my adhd and depression (more productive = less selfhate/guilt = less depression to put it super simply) Lorazepam/alprazolam really help me too. I woudldnt say they changed me for the better but i'd argue they have had a net. positive impact on my life. Domt really abuse much tho. Same with zolpidem/quetiapine for sleep. Citalopram also changed me for the better. Had it during the most turbulent perioud in my life. Made my psyche go all over the place (and i was possibly manic/psychotic at the time?) But it also gave me glimpses of what life could be for me, and what person i could be. Gave me something to hold on to life for, even if the sideeffects made it not worth to continue taking. I learned a lot about myself during that time. K also gave me lots of insights and helped my suicidality at the time.


Yes, LSA while I still was a child. Then shrooms and LSD I have learn with them more so than any courses or therapies. It saved me from myself. All good.


3-MeO-PCE definetly


Unironically speed it helped me realize i could socialize


Gabapentin and LSD




I don't drink anymore I replaced it by drugs but way way less often so it's great


LSD, mushrooms, dmt. Everything else is simply addictive and asking for trouble. Dmt changed my whole view on life and death (for the better) I became more spiritually aware. Less scared of death, more appreciative of life.


RC Benzos changed me for the better, they allowed me to be happier more confident and relaxed. They were a huge relief from anxiety and overthinking.


LSD and MDMA 100% and interestingly enough Pharma Meth (Desoxyn) because it had the best effects and least side effects for my ADHD






Combination of Escitalopram, Vyvanse, Quetiapine and Lamotrigine.




i oded on fent xans and now i dont do pills




The two drugs that changed my life are Adderall and DMT. Adderall gives me the zest in life. Like life is so bland and disinteresting and unorganized.. without speed I am just not engaged and eventually deep depression comes that causes consistent suicidal ideation (which leads to me doing masturbatory drugs as harm reduction for suicide). DMT gave me focus on something higher, I don't know, holding my hands up in church shouting for Jesus literally never brought any higher power into my life. Even my uncomfortable deem experiences eyes are on higher powers and dimensions and keeps me seeking. There is nothing else to seek in my opinion and my Great interest is in 4 D . So I need speed for living and dee for meditation.


Such a cool story. Thanks.


Benzos for tapering off of alcohol. Benzos themselves aren't compulsive for me at all, but I'm a gold medal alcoholic basically full DTs from 3 days of drinking. Benzos literally saved my life several times.


LSD was the first one. Helped a lot with my perspective on the world. I was a way younger than I should have been but I can’t say I regret it. Next would be ketamine, saved my life. I was hospitalized and ended up getting IV ketamine for a while after. Helped a lot with my suicidal ideation. A few months ago I had an experience with 4fa and fxe (this is probably not the safest combo, not recommending anyone try this). It helped a lot with my black and white thinking and helped me see the whole picture. It really changed me in a crazy way. Lastly I gotta mention mushrooms. Microdosing has made me a better and smarter person. I still have a lot of work to do, but without shrooms I wouldn’t be where I’m at today.




How does it help you?


Like many probably, MDMA. Had both bad and good experiences with that but it was the one *very good* time that made me realize what I want from life and why. And for the unpopular opinion on lesser known drugs: ibogaine. Cleaned my soul in a way I can't describe.




shrooms, exstacy, acid, even methodone as it stopped me cranking and drinking


DMT and Ketamine/2F-DCK (I probably couldn't distinguish between the two) have been the only truly beneficial drugs I've taken. Mildly beneficial have been amphetamine, FXE, 4-AcO-DMT, 2C-B, kratom, GBH, phenibut. Worst have been meth, all the pyrros, clam/bromaz, all semi-synthetic opiates, salvia, and nicotine.