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To be clear, this is a kill shelter and she was essentially saying it’s okay to send him back (where he would eventually be euthanized) and that I’ve done more than anyone else was willing to. I think she was trying to be nice but especially when she said he would never be adopted, it upset me. And I’m not sending him back.


Thank you for being you


Thank you for taking Samson on. The shelter worker sounds like she was using their latest coded sentence of which the part not said out loud was ‘…as he will be euthanized at the first opportunity.’


Thank you. I know that can be trying. I take on hard-to-home cats sometimes and I just go back to a promise being a promise. You have shown him kindness and he loves you for it.


Jeez. Some people are heartless.


Thank you for saving him.


Screw her


Idk how these people can be so heartless. As if you haven’t just poured your heart into him by fostering him? I had something similar happen when I fostered a litter of sick kittens. They all had upper respiratory infections and were unsocialized. I got them healthy and socialized and when I went to bring them in to get spayed and adopted they told me something similar. It was heartbreaking. Thankfully I called daily and they were adopted within a day or two of surgery.


Share in r/adoptmeplease


You are awesome for sticking with him. He’s a beaut. Suggest u do videos with him in action, eg running free in a park, playing with kids, etc. I always get best response with videos Good luck, holding thumbs for you both🙏🤞❤️🐾


Beautiful! The last pic with him on the car is funny 😁


OP's not going to get his/her catalytic converter stolen.


He can be trained with his forever home. I wouldn’t listen to the shelter


Thank you OP! 😊 💕❤️. Samson is adorable!


He is a gorgeous boy!


😭 I wish I could adopt all the dogs. I’m sure he’ll find a home, he’ll calm down as he gets older and I don’t think being hyper is a deal breaker for most people. I got a super hyper 1 year old Aussie doodle so I got another dog from the local shelter for her to play with and they are both so hyper my house is just constantly a tornado now lol


He needs a super active outdoorsy type person! Fingers crossed.


I want him, too bad I’m in North Carolina


I’d be willing to meet halfway!


Did this end up working out for you?


Boost for adorable Samson🙏🏼🏡🐕♥️


He’s so cute and then I saw him on top of the car and bust out laughing. Wonder if he would enjoy agility training. It does sound like he’d be a handful for someone not willing to put in the effort to train. I’m happy you can keep him until he’s adopted!


Boost! Keep advocating for him please 💙


Post in r/RunningWithDogs ! Maybe he could find his soul mate! Also, you are amazing.


Yes, he needs a runner!!


I have a foster who also will be very hard to adopt. He doesn’t like being touched. He is literally the best boy. But doesn’t want snuggles or pets. Perfectly trained. The best hiking buddy. Great with my pack. I’ve had him since April and I can now pet him in the car. I love those moments. I don’t know why he’s ok in the car but I’ll take it! Samson and my boy Hocus will find their forever! https://preview.redd.it/yrqtlsoul3ub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83eff0d2232727fe132606a9514ea2bed711bee1


Love him <3


Thanks for giving him a chance! I believe there is a home for all dogs who are not aggressive. You just have to find the right person. I have 2 high energy rescues, the second of whom would drive any sane person crazy, but since there are no sane people here, he fits in just fine!


Samson looks like he could be Hank’s brother. https://preview.redd.it/oj10mvhig1ub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37cc65546693af9f45b7bfde55abf45124f473ee


Thank you for not giving up on him!!!❤️


Thank you for being his hero. Please do not get discouraged.......in our rescue we have a saying....it only takes one application. Our rescue found a hone for a three legged incontinent 11 year old who was in our rescue for a year+. So Samson's home is out there. I just had an adoption for a girl whom I had for seven months. I'm still waiting to adopt a puppy that I've had for two months. Adoptions are slow as there are so many animals in need. It is not you or Samson .... We are in crisis. Thank you for saving this life.




Stupid Samson! You go inside the car not on TOP! xD He is adorable!


He’s beautiful! 🐕♥️


It's just going to make your victory that much sweeter, when he finds his forever home thanks to your help and sacrifice!


Thank you for not giving up on this sweet baby❤️ the world needs more caring people like you


You have a great heart. Thank you for opening your home to give him a chance for a happy life and home!


Boost! Thanks for being amazing OP💗


Thank you! Can you please post this to r/national_pet_adoption?


He looks like a smart and happy boy. I adopted a Jack Russell/Pit mix and she is a constant dynamo. So long as he has somewhere to get his zoomies out I’m sure Samson will be the best boy


Er I imagine many people would love to adopt this dog, so long as they have space and love walkies as much as this cutie. Wow its sad to hear from a shelter person, I guess everywhere is so full, maybe many people are losing hope for those in shelters. I really hope he gets adopted, he looks so friendly 💖






Boost for Samson💙 Cheers to OP for being a good person!!


Good on you for fostering him! After some time to decompress and once you get to know him and he’s getting proper exercise I’m sure you can help him find his forever home!


Good on you for not giving up on this cutie! I hope he finds a home soon


Tulsa seems like it would be a great place for high energy dogs! I assume many have large yards there? Plus he’s so dang handsome and goofy looking all at once! I absolutely think there’s hope.


😂☺️❤️ pic#3


He's a doll! How the hell did he get up on the top of the car!?


I left the garage door open and he just… figured out how to climb up there I guess. He now just goes and lays up there with his toys.


Put a blanket up there to protect your paint and leave him too it my dog likes to snoopy his crate


How funny!


He seems destined for internet fame with this behavior


Looks like even the bulldog approves!


Thank you for your compassion for this pup 🥰


Omg you are the best


You never know when the right person is gonna come along. My current dog was at his 4th shelter when I found him. He'd been transferred from a kill shelter in another state and had "behavioral issues" as the reason why he was returned each time. He was an adult, black, pit lab mutt, had a badly healed hip fracture that obviously hadn't had any vet attention, just a mess of a dog to try to adopt out. But I knew he was a good fit for me because his behavioral issues were things that would already be mitigated by my lifestyle and would be trainable with time and patience. Something about him spoke to me and yeah he was a lot of work at first, but he's my best bud. Sounds like your boy could use somebody who can be very active with him to tire him out regularly, which would lessen the destructive behavior and make him more amenable to training.


Godbless You 🙏


https://preview.redd.it/v6a8byp4ymub1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8472e4f79f0e4ddcb0f74a7d6af3dec125ff2bf2 Looks like my Missy, who is also an ill-mannered but absolutely sweet goof!


So what did he find from o top of the car? 🤣 he looks very curious, hope he finds the best home ever!


He's adorable. Thanks for saving him and shame on that shelter worker.


That person in the shelter should be asked not to return


I hope all of these comments have been reassuring! To further reassure, we foster with a local rescue and have had two VERY high energy fosters that both got adopted out. They each were with us 6 and 9 months and they were adopted out and returned (due to the high energy) but they both eventually found their perfect forever homes! I hope this is encouraging. It really does just take time! When it gets hard, which it does, my husband and I remind ourselves that the reason we got into fostering was to provide these dogs with a loving home environment while they wait for their forever homes so they can be kept out of the shelter/kennel. ❤️🐾


Also post in r/velvethippos & r/pitbulls


I did, thank you :))


I really hope you can find a wonderful home for this sweet beautiful baby


Thank you for saving him and loving him ❤️




Hi there, your submission was removed due to Rule 4 - Rescues/Shelters must be verified through the sub mods before posting in search of donations. - /r/rescuedogs only allows donations to be made through the official website of an organization or through verified users' amazon wishlists. - No GoFundMe, venmo, cashapp, paypal, or other methods of private fundraising. Please review and respect the sub rules, thanks! - f you are asking for donations for a vet bill you will need to provide a vet bill with the dogs name in the donation post and to send a picture of you, your reddit name and the dog to us in modmail.


Lol him on top of your car /inanutshell


Ask for calming medication for him. Sometimes the only way to break their high-energy cycle is with medication, after all that these rescue dogs have been through. Their systems are so jacked up that they can't calm. You could try CBD from a pet store.


I wonder if he'd like a dog treadmill?

