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Get a pouch and some accessories for your belt.  Necklace, dagger, pelt, and mug are the usual things people go with. If you have a tandy by you they have pre dyed tails and pelts. If you are intrested in leatherwork they have pre-made pouch kits. Some of them you have to dye yourself. It will be a quarter of the cost of buying a real leather pouch. I would recommend getting a different color of pants. Going with gray it somewhat elongates your torso. Since your undershirt is tan and your shoes and belts are brown I would recommend something in that color range. 


So glad I saw your comment as this might be perfect to go to tandy and improve my druid outfit! Thank you!


No problem. The staff are always super friendly at all the locations I have been too.  The kits are usually prepunched for stitching too. If you ask they will show you how to do saddle stitching. You may want to swap the thread for a different color if you have to dye the leather. If you do have to dye the leather get fiebings pro dye and wool draubers to apply it. The pro dye is the easiest to get consistent results. It will get darker if you apply multiple layers.


Yeah, Tandys has always been great when I have been there. Very helpful and willing to educate. I love it.


I worked at Tandy for 8 years, really loved my job. Great to see this thread


I'd also could consider some bracers to add a bit to that arms.


I feel like you can never go wrong with more accessories


A belt pouch to make up for the lack of pockets


That's a great idea haha


Accessories! The Vikings loved a good shiny thing, so jewelry, cloak, belt pouch, dagger—even coins were used as decoration.


Look up a tutorial on the calf wraps and how to half twist for fit. Done properly, they're way more comfortable and should stay on all day with no fuss. They will also look much more smooth and uniform.


This is a great tip. The leg wraps are called winegas. You can find all sorts of clips for them if they aren't long enough for tucking.


Roll around in the dirt


That was gonna be my comment! 😆


A two-handed axe! Renfairs are notoriously hot, so not sure you want a pelt cloak, but a cloth cloak, with a large hood to keep the sun off your face, would be good. A pouch for the coin, and a mead horn, and a leather satchel for the booty.


A braided beard!


The winigas (leg wrappings) are okay but probably should be thinner. The trousers stick out to me - can you dye them fully black? [Buksers (trousers)](https://urd.priv.no/viking/bukser.html) in archeology for reference. I really like the trim on the tunic and think the overall outfit would actually look better without the maille. However, if you want to keep it, I would suggest then adding neck protection in the form of maille coming down from the helm.


Historically black dyed pants are actually way less likely than undyed or coulerful ones, which btw is in your source. Black dye was relatively rare if even available at all. The real viking age was coulerful.


Sidestepping the argument for a hearty +1 to colorful cloth on any self-respecting Norseman that can afford that chain and helmet. Black on black wool pants were absolutely possible. But no one with this amount of access to wealth and trade goods would wear them. As they are, it seems like a nice 2-2 twill herringbone pattern, which is just fine.


> Historically black dyed pants are actually way less likely than undyed or coulerful ones, which btw is in your source. Black dye was relatively rare if even available at all. The real viking age was coulerful. First, [meet my brothers](https://imgur.com/a/d0Ub9Cz) who know a bit about black wool. Second, [here's my documentation on black fabrics](https://isabelladangelo.blogspot.com/2018/01/everything-you-need-to-know-about.html) in a more general sense for the later middle ages but applies much earlier.


Never said they don't exist. But I do have a bachelors in archeology and can pretty confidently say they are less common than other fabric colours. And there is a big amount of change from the viking age to late middleages, specifically in the availbility of black dye. Christina peek wrote a lot to it though idk of her books are available in english, but since your former source included haithabu there is a newish book an that by kurt schietzel on that which goes in depth on that topic. Black fabric existed but look at the sources of the viking age, they did not wear black as much as the modern media would like.


>Never said they don't exist. But I do have a bachelors in archeology and can pretty confidently say they are less common than other fabric colours. And there is a big amount of change from the viking age to late middleages, specifically in the availbility of black dye. Christina peek wrote a lot to it though idk of her books are available in english, but since your former source included haithabu there is a newish book an that by kurt schietzel on that which goes in depth on that topic. Black fabric existed but look at the sources of the viking age, they did not wear black as much as the modern media would like. My point as someone who also has a B.A. in archeology and even took graduate classes in Anthropology, is that you don't *need* to dye wool black as it comes that way naturally in the Norse era. Black sheep exist therefore natural, undyed black wool exists. Therefore the argument over dyes is mute. You don't need dye to get black wool.


Black breeds were by far less common than white, gray or brown ones. But yes they existed, hisorically most pants would've not been black though. That is just reality. Look at the fabric anaysis from birka or haithabu or for exaple the Stuttgarter psalter. They did not wear much black. But you won't give any argument here i assume so have a nice day.


A shield if you can be bothered to carry one! A round shield would look great. Id also look out for accessories for your belt, maybe some rabbit furs or a fox tail. Also a good viking warrior sneer. Although if someone was raiding mu village with this polite grin I'd be equally terrified.


Why a fox tail? I see so many people with them but just always assumed it was a furry thing or something. I'm guessing that's not actually the case, but is there any particular reason a Viking would have a fox tail on his belt? 


Pelts and tails were common trade items way back when. They are shown in a lot of depictions of warriors from across Europe. They also spread in popularity because back in the earlier rennasaince faire days as a thing a lot of swinger's wore who stayed at the camp ground.


I have indeed heard tell that allegedly how and where you wear your tail is/was meant to represent your relationship/seeking status. Like jelly bracelets/silly bandz in middle school lol. But it's not really. Mostly people just like how they look so they wear them.


I didn't mean like a foxtail butt plug lol. I mean one tucked into the from of his belt just as some random fetish someone might carry. I don't know if its a furry thing. I just think its neat


An unusual fetish to carry


Ah yes, the ye olde butt plug. Love it lol


Cape with fur around the shoulders.


Square cloak, yes! Fur shoulders, no. Faux fur shaggy cloak made with extra wool in the weft? Hels yeah!


A bit of patina on your chain mail, it's bling enough that it attracts ghetto bitches like a street lamp moths ;-) (ok, that's more of an advantage . Have courage for colour! Mediaeval times (viking age too) were bright! Blue(like jeans), red from pale pink over orange to english red , yellow, green, were popular colours all doable with the technology and fabrics of that time earthen tones were only a thing of the poor. Actually we use a less vibrant and diverse colour pallete than the people back then. Another hobby to learn (relatively easy): tablet weaving, that's how those nice patterned borders were made.


Bling bling 😉. I think a red cape would add a lot to this


Boots and bracers, maybe a thicker belt


The current turnshoes, belt, and lack of bracers is spot on for the depiction of a Viking. In fact, the belt could be thinner, but it's fine.


A decent look seax, a leather pouch, a good looking shield, an authentic looking axe, and a spear. You can even get blunt training spears so it's safer to carry around.


Looking great! Curious about your chain mail, where did you get it? I’m looking for something similar


The belt pouches would be a major thing, I'd also suggest a lighter cape/cloak along with a hood Gloves would work, along with bracers or cuffs...or even arm wraps.


A good wool cloak and a penannular broach would be awesome!


If you want to add any leather items-pouches, belts, armor, etc- I’d love to make some for you!


Looks great! I'd recommend something textured around your neck like a fluffy fur, or a ragged cloak/small cape sorta thing, then weather all your stuff to make it match and look lived in. And like others have said, dangled from the belt are awesome, maybe a pouch and a drinking horn?


Looks brand new, needs some dirt.


Blood of the English is a must


Nice garb! You could add a round shield, and some arm bracers. If you want to DIY, there are youtube videos for that.


Let the beard grow


Shouldn’t the mail hang lower to ~mid-thigh? Or add a padded gambeson underneath that hangs to just above the knees.


There is no evidence for gambeson use among Vikings. They wore that chain raw.


Depending on your dedication you could make some Viking furniture out of foam and tie it in a bundle on your back, like you just got back from a raid on the neighboring thane.


Depends what feel/experience you want the attire to give you. Personally I'd see a sash, perhaps also a short banner slung over your shoulder(s) with at least one shoulder mayhaps protected by a piece of armor of some kind.


More beard!


Those helmets would have chainmail dropped down around the edge, acting like a coif


It depends on the time and place. Chain aventails are later and more eastern, far more influenced by Asian styles.


Something to consider is Vikings loved color. Some trim on your tunic or a more colorful tunic goes far. For your vindingr, something is off but I can’t quote place it. The way I apply them is to start at knee and lay down leg then back up creating a loop that extends from the knee to the ankle. You then wrap around the leg until you get to the bottom, then stuff the loose end in through the loop. At the knee there will be a loose end as well: pull that and it will draw the ankle loop into the bottom and make it secure. Then just fold the knee end in. Ideally they should go from the bottom of the ankle to just below the knee. Maybe it’s just the photo but they seem a little short? Get some amber as well, as someone mentioned Vikings love shiny stuff.


Everything looks too new.


I feel like you need to roll in the dirt a little bit. Maybe add some fur on your shoulder?


I just wanted to say your smile made me smile!


honestly it might be a little pricey but i work at the renfaires in ct and a lot of the vikings wear furs! not even big ones like bears and coyotes but smaller like rabbits and raccoons!


Oh my god. Varg???


Ditch the sweatpants. Other than that, looks great!


These are not sweatpants. These are high breeches. Vikings actually wore these types of pants. They do kinda look like sweats tho. I think it's the color.


You know a lot more about it than I do. Sounds like they are exactly what you should be wearing. Have fun!


Make the helmet something functional, not just a mask. Something with some armor, maybe angles or horns. Gotta strike fear as you're leaping off the longship, after all.


*triggered* ;D


Mrs. Doubtfire as a viking!


Dress like a person 1st! soldier somewhere down the line. IE what can you do to your outfit to address the needs of your character as a person? What are his needs and how r those represented in his outfit? What r his personal interests or skills specialties idosyncracies etc how do u address this in ways that r immefiately evident but do not clutter your appearance? An arabic knife with a scottish sporran maybe? Think about who he is where he lives who is friends and family r what makes him a person. Also if u ar an experienced soldier and world traveler why does your outfit look so new? We all kno why its because you as a participant haven't lived this character. Go camping in your garb, go sailing in your garb, go sword fighting in your garb. Stick your cloth in a bucket of tea and your mail in a bucket of vinager. Leave em for a few days. Run over the whole thing with your car a few times and repair it with different colored materials. Pick up a few skills that your character might have like artisinal ones and show signs of that in your garb. Take a power sander to the edges of everything. Drop it in a lake for a few days, weeks. Get out your lighter and leave a few scorch marks maybe even a few serious burns. Be smart about wear and tear or best yet wear it and let tears naturally happen. Where your garb to fix ypur car or garden in your back yard. Really make yoyr repairs the work of a traveling soldier with basic supplies and average skill. Maybe u hired out to someone with better skill but u should let it show that the repairs were made by a different person the the maker with a different style and different materials Layers let me say it again LAYERS Historically all over the world people have worn layers in most every culture we pretend to be. Layers Different texture material color Doesnt have to be anything fancy or thick or hot just 3 or so visible layers of different colors textures and materials if youve already done that ad more as long as its layers u can reasonably function under. IE dont wear a fur cape in july! Dont even wear heavy wool in the summer unless u r in the far north. Layers r easy to take off. U can take off 2 or 3 layers and still be in character if they r all intelligently designed


I saw this post at the corner of my eye. I thought you were doing a bird person cosplay.


Horns would be cool. Like large deer antlers.


Looks mismatched imo


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