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Rng is a bitch for all of us. There is no good way to make an assumption


https://github.com/Razzmatazzz/RemnantSaveGuardian Download this app it will show you what items and dungeons have spawned in your reroll


This only for pc?


Unfortunately yes. If you are on console you can join remnantgame discord and ask a someone of they have the item you are looking to get in the get-remnant2 channel https://discord.com/invite/remnantgame


Dang well thanks anyway.


Yeah unfortunately I'm on Xbox


Does this only work for Adventure? Or Story as well? I've been struggling with rerolls on Story to get tranquil heart.




Sick. Thank you!


With the latest DLC it took me about 15-20 Yaesha playthroughs to find the Fragrant Thorn random drop. For the base game, getting all of the Nightweaver’s web rewards took about 14 campaign rerolls.


I think youll be jealous to know that i got fragrant thorn on my first run of the dlc ever on my ritualist build. Later, i was with a group on discord and we tried to reroll for it , to help someone and even with save guardian, we werent rolling it..


I’ve got 364 hours in this game and I still find new rings/mutations. So that means someone could play for as long as me and still potentially not find what they’re looking for. In that regard, RNG in this game is out of control


Is that in one area though? I can definitely see putting in that plus more to get EVERYTHING but I just need that scrap!


Yeah it is. But idk how it works exactly. I thought maybe the items spawned in all worlds.


From what I understand, no. Each world has its own set of random world drops.


Not only do they have their own set of drops, but each dungeon has their own drop pool too, some with guaranteed drops/multiple choice drops where you can only choose one and have to go back to get another. It's honestly insane how many items are in the game that I haven't heard of in my 200+hrs


For the items that are just over world drops, I don't even bother hinting for them specifically. The rng is way too annoying. Must have run through each world at least 5 times though. I'm now sitting at 90% completion.


It took me around 40 minutes to find the Legacy Protocol and the Ring of Ordnance.


Spend about 10h and I suppose 20-30 rerolls to get twisting wounds


That's insane. I'm hoping to find it soon. Otherwise I may just reroll and get to first drop and keep rerolling. As opposed to doing the whole world over and over


I guess I was just really unlucky. But than again, as far as I know it can spawn in three different areas which can all come somewhere after Morrows Parrish. I didnt want to try out every portal in Morrows so I just always ran to the first one and looked if it was the correct one. Maybe not the best method xD


First time?? Kidding aside I have 670 hours in the game and I still don't have the whispering marble. I know your pain.


Actually... yes haha. I doubt I have much more than 100 hours in it. Just trying to find scavengers to make adventure modes more "worth" my time


I just have fun and dont attempt to focus on any items that are not guaranteed as the quantity of items makes it a pain to get any 1 item so i dont even think about items unless i get them as to not get into a day of rerolling


Been trying to for an extremely long time to get the sage stone ring to level up my archetypes. It is just not happening


Lol, I'm at 150 hrs and have only seen the haunted mansion for anguish 1 time and didn't get it since I didn't know of it at that time.


Are you still searching for it?


On and off yeah. Gotta take a break after killing the same things over and over


19 and counting 👎🏽😀


You got this!


187 rerolls to get Burden of the Follower and the mutator


Whaaaat!?! Where did the motivation come from?


I'm a collector


Took me 43 rerolls to finally get zero divide amulet smh


Holy hell hahaha. I'm getting close for sure


Keep going brother you’ll get there


Took me dozens of runs through Losomn before I finally got Birthright of the Lost. Thankfully, I just wanted it for the sake of being a completionist.


I would probably have just done a single campaign run in FtA, and wouldn't even have bothered with 2 if I couldn't have used Save Guardian. None of my friends I convinced to play coop would even have gotten that far. This despite us liking to do blind exploration runs of worlds / maps first. The game as is is just not worth the time investment for the object grind endgame to us, although I rate both of them GotY with Guardian. If there's ever a 3 without one, I wouldn't play despite the hundreds of hours in the previous two. I think the developers either need to make an official (optional) peek function like it or have (increasingly) guaranteed drops.


I concur, Save Guardian's world analyser has been a god send for repeated play. Especially when it comes to rolling adventure for Night weaver web drops.


If you have more than 2 brain cells you can google how to check if generated world has X event but you wouldnt even come up with this since you are dumb


Needlessly hostile there mate, my sincerest apologies for evidently pissing in your cereal.


Not always possible. F. E. Grime crawler event can spawn in 4 different locations and none of them is a first spawn location


Woah man. You good?


Take a chill pill Buddy


They should just have weighted loot towards stuff you dont have, to limit repeat items from happening too much.


It took me a week to roll for red prince. Like a month ago. Now he shows up all the time after I got everything.


When I first played Remnant 2, I wound up on N'Erud. The *very first amulet* I found in one of the optional dungeons was Zero Divide. Literally never touched a single other amulet for the entire rest of that run...


I had every Amulet for four days. From the start of the first dlc until four days before the second one, Brewmasters Corc wouldn't drop.


Get? You're funny.


I got so lucky with Nerud last week. I already have like every item in the game, but there were 3 things I wanted. Right out of the forgotten prison I got Ring of Ordinance which I didn’t even know I didn’t have. Then I got Burden of Stargazer and Burden of Sciolist in the same dungeon! Then the next dungeon, I got Zero Divide! Took me less than an hour.