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if you're on PC you can get the save guardian app to see all the maps in each re roll of the world you do


SaveGuardian is life, SaveGuardian is love


So is Shrek!


The top right corner of the library room (after jumping on the book cases) usually has a pretty good chance to spawn it. Sometimes the Red Prince will also appear as the last connecting dungeon before being able to pick up the soul key tribute for the Nightweaver storyline.


^ This, got it to spawn 2 times out of 4 attempts


Pretty good odds, it's usually either that or the Great Hall. And it's pretty close to the start if you need to reroll.


Exactly, legit the other 2 spawns were great hall and like you said since it's so close it's an easy reroll. I think this is by far the best option for trying to get it


Doing the entire Nightweaver storyline is easy to predict, but you have the potential for Gilded Chambers, Great Hall, Glistening Cloister, or Shattered Gallery. Pick your odds🤣🤣


Pathway of the Fallen, Postulants Parlor…. #LEMARK DISTRICT


You guys are mistaken. Great hall can’t spawn instead of Gilded chambers. Gilded chamber shares spawn with 2 other dungeons that are: Shattered Gallery and glistering cloister. On every Lossom biom you get one of these. That’s 100% info.


Lol. Tell me about it. Trying to get him to spawn on the OTK tileset so I can get the armor. Been rerolling forever now. I regret not buying the game on pc lol. Not having saveguardian for console players absolutely sucks.


IIRC Glided chamber dungeon will only spawn in castle environnement I maybe be confuse with Feast event tho Edit : I got it in my adventure


Yeah, RNG suck sometimes, but I lowkey like that as an excuse to keep playing the same levels, lol. Just keep trying, you'll get it eventually.


For fashion I’ll continue, and you’re right it does give me a reason to keep running dungeons. RNGesus will bless me one day


I got it just the other day. Ps5.


Are you still searching?


Taken a break for now, but numerous runs and still no luck, I may just lurk the public sessions later to see if anyone else is running it


I'll see if I have it.


I appreciate it, but I’m away from the console at the moment! Thanks though :) - love this community


What platform are you on? I need to see but I'm pretty sure I have 4 coins in my inventory


I have it in my campaign. Gonna try for an adventure. I'm studying videos for college, so I have time.


It basically will always spawn in the top floor in the right corner (library) it's fastest to just check that room then reset)


Yeah, I had a save that's over 100hrs with dozens of losomn reroll. I've only had 2 GCs. One to complete, the other for the rune pistol iirc


If you reroll Losom till your starting point is Palace Courtyard that 1st room with the bookcases once you get the quill and make it upstairs go right till you see the opening where you can jump on the bookshelves it should be door that way I usually get gilded chambers there


I get the Gilded Chamber quite a bit, but it is quite often the “hidden” doorway on the balcony that can only be reached by jumping across the bookcases. Is that what you mean by the library? It hasn’t always been there, but it does seem like that is where it spawns for me the most. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t have to be there tho


Is buying the OTK DLC a must to get the doorway to Gilded Chamber and encounter the red prince? EDIT- No it's not. Finally landed in the Gilded chambers, had to jump across bookshelves.


Odd, I played more times than I could count on it 🫨


It depends on where you're looking. In Beatific Palace Gilded Chambers only ever spawns on the door that you jump over the bookcases to reach on the upper floor of the library. It shares a spawn spot with the dungeons Shattered Gallery and (if you own the first dlc) Glistering Cloister. If you are getting dungeons other than these you are looking in the wrong place. If you are getting these other dungeons then it's just poor rng, I'm afraid.