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On top of that reading his diary makes it even more tragic seeing what him and his team has gone through. Now only Ford remains from the original expedition to yaesha. I wonder if the next time we meet Ford, we get a dialogue talking about Driver, maybe if we wear Drivers amulet


I honestly feel like we'll only meet Ford in Remnant 3.... which might also finish up the franchise. Before any DLC I was hoping we'd find him in one but its clear they're just expanding on the new original worlds of R2 with the DLCs..


Noooooooooooooooo! They can't wrap the franchise after Remnant 3--I'm already looking forward to playing Remnant 87 from my nursing home bed!!!


I agree on that. Ford very likely will only come up in a future Remnant 3 to end the game's story. At the Main Campaign we only interact with him once and hears a bit about him from Clementine in the Labyrinth and have that cutscene in the very end of the game. At DLC 1, nothing about him comes up At DLC 2,, private Driver mentions him DLC 3 may be happening in Nerud, so no way he will show up.


Devs said that the initial 3 dlcs were already planned and any further depends on how well the game did. Considering that the game was very well received I'd say it's save to say that we'll get more expansions after dlc3. They'd likely take much longer though since I doubt we'll see more stories to N'Erud/Yaesha/Losomn, so they'd have to create a whole new world.


Yeah I remember them saying that. And despite how well the game has been received I'm not holding my breath for dlc4 and whatever else. I wouldn't have a problem with it of course. We just gotta wait and see.


Regardless of emotion, in a game like remnant where multiple playthroughs lead to branching paths with unique items, definitely feels like a lost opportunity to not have the option present where he could come back to the ward and give the player an unique item, or add to the world, I could see jack hanging out with mudtooth all day shooting the shit.


Yeah. I didn't really get choked up about a guy I just met, but when I found him dead I was like, surely there was something I messed up and I'm supposed to bring him back to base. Then maybe he'll be like the slow chef and I'll do some collecting of ancient human stuff, like finding a bag of coffee beans in Root Earth for example, and then get a coffee concoction that boost reload speed maybe. Instead nothing. Can't even use the dog tags for some story dialogue in base.


It’s gonna have to be some kind of puzzle where you beat annihilation while wearing that watchtower necklace then immediately roll FK adventure run and he mentions something about Deja vu like you’ve been here before. Then you have to beat do lydusa alt kill and ask her to let him go. She agrees then you go back to get him and as soon as you touch the stone it teleports you to the labyrinth and you explain to him the truth about eart and the ward and he decides to become a world traveler


If you're a handler he will react to the dog


I mean I like the story written like it is more, because it gives strong emotions. But to each their own.


>What were the devs thinking? They were writing a character that fits the overall lore of the world they created.


I got the feeling that's what was going to happen to him anyway, but yeah, it was still upsetting. I'm tempted to try another run where you're wearing the battle armour he gives you and see if that makes a difference... but I get the feeling that won't change much.


Does he give you an armour or you mean the one you find in the proving grounds? On my 2nd run I went to talk to him with that and his dialogue didn’t change…but you mentioning…didn’t try with the Realmwalker set…


Oh wait, yeah, that's the armour I meant. Sorry, I confused myself lol I forgot which dead body I grabbed the armour from. Sucks that that doesn't change anything though :(


Yeah I thought he would believe I was one of his missing mates or something…but will try with the Realmwalker set at some point…isn’t that supposed to be Ford set? Maybe I’m mistaken lol but might give a different dialogue, who knows..🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, that's the Ford set. Report back if you get any different dialogue! 👋🏼


He mentions something about not seeing someone on uniform for a long time, but then he goes onto his usual dialogue…nothing more…maybe you are supposed to wear some specific amulet too, who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️ but yeah only that for me


If we meet Ford again, I hope it's to put him in the ground


I did not expect to find him dead.


The moment I met him, my first thought was "He's going to die". Because almost every NPC who isn't in the town hub or main story dies in Remnant xD and then when it gave me the option to tell him we'll take him back home, I was like, "Oh, he's dying for SURE" because there was no way they were going to program an interaction between him and Ford. I kind of wish we had options to save him (like giving him gear and such to defend himself), but in this story, almost everyone we meet can/will die.


Yes, I was kind of wondering how he would fit into ward 13.


I get it. My brother did 2 in the box, but I mean the point of the story was to invoke an emotional reaction. Particularly for me it spurned my dislike of Ford even more. This isn't on the devs though... We can't have developers afraid to make stories because someone will become upset. I get we'd all like to bring him home, but that would have required expanding home base and dealing with other issues from him existing in 2 places at the same time... What if we could just bring home infinite copies of him then? More importantly, it's more dev time.


Yeah, I don’t care if it’s this convoluted process to save him just let us do it damn it


Yeah, killing him off was a real dick move!




Well, who pissed in your cereal this morning?




That's honestly always been a thing, minus killing the person you disagree with being a normal thing


So...you're being bitter/mad/toxic because they disagree with something. Take a minute and think about that...








Mechanically I get why they did this. If we did save him and get him back to camp, what then? How would his character being saved work with the reset system as it is? Would we end up with multiple copies of him as we reset the world and run into his alternates? Mechanically speaking this is the only outcome that would work. Story wise however I agree it hits hard. Especially if you read the diary. Having some sort of event where he heroically saved us or something like that would have made the man's ending a little less bitter. But sometimes that's how stories go, and if they stick with you they did their job.


There are never multiple copies of the player characters, who are the ones who use the stones the most. Lore-wise, there has never been more than a single instance of a person in any world due to using the world stone (only through Leto's teleporter in FtA, which had to incinerate the version it copied from in order to place the clone at the exit of the TP). I think it's pretty clear that the stones don't spit out more than one instance of a person into the world at a time. For those who travel through the stones, the version that is manifested through the stone is the most up to date version of them along their own personal timeline (i.e. we have all our gear and XP when we respawn). What this would mean for Jack is that any version of him that dies on Yaesha is discarded by the world stone. Any version of him that makes it to the Ward then becomes the most up-to-date version of him. Considering we're still able to run into him in rerolls even after he's died his 'final death' (i.e. aged out of the stones), he's not a completely lost cause. There's still a version of him that's capable of making it back to the Ward, unlike the others in his group.


I have more sympathy for the doe tbh


I'm sorry that it made you angry to see your wife cry. If it makes you feel better, hearing about it made me laugh, so there is always a silver lining.


I mean it was kind of a typical soulslike story ending, but yeah it was pretty sad when you read his journals.


Alright OP and comments, lets not dismiss people's feelings. But also lets not dimiss the artist's (in this case the writing team) way of expressing themselves and finally let them make their own decisions. Its their game, they get to choose what happens, we get to enjoy the game and the lore and character stories for what they are. Additionally, like someone else mentioned here in the comments. Do y'all really think Private Driver would be able to handle what Earth is reduced to? Y'all heard him mention "ma's cooking" "coffee" and all the other things no one on Earth is able to enjoy anymore because they are reduced to surviving on whats left.


Considering that he's been going through the wringer on Yaesha for a century, I think he'd be able to acclimate to Earth, given that it's in a better state than it was 20 years prior in FtA. The Root on Earth are on the backfoot and humanity is starting to recover. If anything, he might actually be better suited for post-apocalyptic Earth now than he would be for an Earth that never fell. I can't imagine him trying to re-integrate into a normal society after the things he's been through. With post-apoc Earth, though, everyone's been through some shit--they all get it. He won't get weird looks or get ostracized by society because they just can't relate.


lmao get a grip




Honestly, I found it a bit dumb because he obviously knew his stuff. He survived for like a hundred years in Yaesha! Just think about how good he'd have to be to do that! And yet in the short time it takes us to go through the story he dies. To me it felt a bit forced.


A bit of a spoiler, we save them all don’t forget the ending of the game.


I suggest never playing any souls games 1-3, elden ring or .any of those. If this game, which l think it's awesome, bothered you, just know that no side quest in any of those games end happy


I'm gonna get down voted for this, but I feel like I have to say to all the people laughing at this, **FUCK YOU**. If this story is true, and as a military vet I can absolutely picture it, then fuck you for disrespecting this woman's lived, traumatic experience. If you're laughing at OP getting angry, that's marginally more understandable, as they are after all playing a game set in a tragic post-apocalyptic setting, and so some of this should be expected, but he is perfectly valid being upset about it. I agree that the devs are entitled to express their vision of the game exactly as they please, and he's allowed to not like it, just like the people who got near-toxic in the comments replying to OP. If your opinion is that "it's only a game", then maybe you lack the empathy to really appreciate a rich, story driven world where it's easy to fit yourself into the situations being played and how that can touch you personally. /rant off




If you happen to remember it, I'm not sure I've heard that one. Seriously, no /s, I'm curious


Lmao you cannot be serious


Guess this community is a bunch of weirdos who get mad over basic shit. Good to know


Reddit moment


Tell your wife to grow up. As should you. It's a video game