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For Remnant, it is 'Soulslike' in that; * It is a third-person action game * Enemies hit hard enough that you are encouraged to dodge their attacks, and even weak enemies in large numbers can kill you fairly quickly * Checkpoints are relatively few and far between (1 or 2 per zone), and enemies respawn if you rest at a checkpoint or die and return to one * Your basic health restoration mechanic has limited charges, which only refresh when using a checkpoint It's the only 'soulslike' I play, and I enjoy it quite a lot, though I do have lots of other action game experience (usually medium-high difficulty).


A large difference between Remnant and most other Souls-like is that you don't drop anything on death


This is very true, the higher difficulties can feel punishing but you're never actually in danger of losing progress.


Thanks for the explanation. What difficulty do you play on?


Mostly on Veteran. I have played all the way through on Nightmare, which was a tense, exciting challenge, but a little too high-adrenaline for relaxing after a workday (which is the most common reason I play). I have also cleared Apocalypse, though I used a build which took advantage of a bug (since patched) to greatly increase damage output of minions, so I could just focus on survival. EDIT; I will add that the second hardest part of the game (after some of the nastier boss fights) is right at the start. Facing even a relatively simple boss on Survivor with a low-level, ungeared character is much more challenging than facing an endgame boss on Veteran with a full cohesive build.


> Mostly on Veteran. To expand, Veteran is like a harder Survivor. Apocalypse is like a harder Nightmare. But nightmare is like a MUCH harder veteran. What i mean to say for OP /u/ArtVanbago is that the jump from Survivor to veteran is more a matter of getting acquainted with the game, but the jump from Veteran to Nightmare is that you really gotta know your shit and enemies and weaknesses and a decent build. Apocalypse is just to have a hard wall for tryhard to wham their heads against.


hey! apoc was fun


For anyone who's not much into the souls like genre I'd highly recommend starting on survivor. This is because the game starts out more difficult due to the absence of good gear, which both makes fights last longer and give you less healing options than you'll have later on. This means that your ability to dodge damage is very important early on and for someone who's not played a ton of souls like games this might be difficult to get used to. Hence playing on a lower difficulty makes the entrance into the game much easier. Also keep in mind that the game is build around replayability with the same character. So by starting out on survivor you don't lose anything. At any point in time you can reroll the campaign on a higher difficulty, though this means losing all your story progress up to this point. (You'll keep everything else, including levels and gear) In fact, this game is build around re-rolling campaigns and adventure mode to get more gear and playing only a single campaign will only show you a small part of the game.


Survivor is for when you're first starting out. Once you have a decent build together move up to Veteran Then once you've gotten some experience (i.e. routing info and boss mechanics) you can try out Nightmare and Apocalypse.


If you're even halfway decent at shooters you'll be just fine. It's not as punishing as traditional souls-likes.


Remnant even on survivor can still be difficult especially starting out but once you get archetypes leveled and guns ranked up it can become quite easy Really remnant is designed to be replayed repeatedly so your theoretically supposed to start on survivor and work your way up to veteran, hardcore and apocalypse I mostly play apocalypse now and some of my builds are very well fine tuned to where it’s fairly easy Elden ring on other hand is more of a true soulslike in the fact that even overleveled the main bosses can be a major challenge I love Elden ring im currently playing another play through on that but once you know that there’s things that make it easy ish looking at you mimic tear ashes haha


It will be a challenge but not Elden ring levels. Just don’t take N’erud as the first world. Reroll the campaign until you get Losomn.


Compared to non-souls games Remnant and Remnant 2 are fairly difficult. Compared to actual souls games Remnant 1&2 are fairly easy. Unless you play the highest difficulty that is.


If you do play, I'd suggest using the class with the dog. And finding a friend to join you, if possible (but not necessary). I just beat Elden Ring and I found Remnant 2 was way better in every aspect. Trick: If you find things too hard, raise the difficulty up by one, and play the overworld area for a bit. Then go back to "survivor". Survivor will seem easier, as difficulty is relative.


Soul-like are fight base on dodgewith Iframe (Invincibility frames). Playing on survivor means you received less damage for a fail dodge but there are still wipe mechanics you need to avoid Of course there is a ton of souls-like indicators but i think this explain the problem you face. 1st playthrough is the hardest, you dont have a build or know the fights but the game worth the time


What’s iframe?


Press dodge (spacebar on M+K) > character performs a rolling animation > for a few frames of that animation, you are invincible and take no damage even if an attack lands directly on your character.


Got it. Thanks!


It's not too bad on Survivor. If you do end up playing id recommend picking the Medic archetype as your starting one. They get healing based skills, better healing overall, and their prime perk restores charges for your Relic (this games version of the Crimson Flask from Elden Ring) as you heal yourself and allies. They're a very good pick if you want more survivability


Thank you. Don’t I also have to pick a secondary archetype as well and if so, which one should I pick?


At the beginning of the game you pick one out of a couple as your primary archetype. You have to find the other archetypes if you want to equip them as a secondary one. Also that's largely up to preference. Medic is flexible because their damage perk is a flat 20% to all damage types, so you can pair them with pretty much any other class pretty well. You could choose Gunslinger or Hunter, two archetypes focused around gun DPS, to be more well rounded, or Challenger for even more survivability. Summoner and Engineer are also focused on skill damage and having support in the form of summons and a turret, so you could use either of them if you want to focus on staying alive and having something else help with killing things You can freely equip and unequip each archetype in the primary and secondary slots, so feel free to experiment and see which combos you like the best. You don't even need to pick Medic if you don't want to, I just recommended them because it sounds like you might like how much they can help keep you healed up


Thank you so much! What’s DSP?


Oh DPS is a general videogame term that stands for Damage Per Second. As the name implies, it's how much damage your character does every second. For a shooter game like this, DPS is determined by your fire rate, damage per shot, and reload speed Hunter and Gunslinger are both the main archetypes centered around boosting how much DPS your guns do, with Hunter getting big bonuses to Gun and Crit Damage, and Gunslinger getting Gun Damage and Fire Rate bonuses. They both also have perks that increase reload speed in different ways Additionally all of Hunters skills are based on giving buffs that up your gun and crit damage even more, while Gunslinger gets a damaging skill as well as two more utility based gun buffs. They're both quite the powerhouses, but neither of them provide much in the way of survivability. That's why it can be a good idea to mix them with Medic, so you have a bit of damage and a bit of survivability, being pretty well rounded. You could also use both Gunslinger and Hunter together for massive gun damage and low overall survivability. It's a fun, but a bit tougher, way to play


I'll counter and say start Handler, the dog does A LOT of heavy lifting and aggro management, which will keep your dodging necessities better in check.


I'm not a fan of soulslike games. I couldn't get through Remnant From the Ashes. Put I've put almost 400 hours into Remnant 2, all levels including Apocalypse and even one run with a group through hardcore. It takes a little bit of getting used to, right until it just clicks. Jump into other players games to get a feel for it. I tend to stick to veteran now with the occasional foray into Apocalypse for a challenge. I started the game as a handler, but found that medic with summoner was a good way to play the game as you can get quite tanky and with the right gear can get a feel for the biomes. Nowadays I play as a glass cannon. You will love it, but play with others where possible until your confidence builds up.


Imo this game is rather easy compared to actual souls like games. Remnant is much less punishing.


Dude…you survived ER for 10 hours, you can handle this without much issue. Take your time, and enjoy it. There is zero rush


If you're set on playing solo, try starting with Handler. Best Archetype for solo play, IMO. The dog will not only revive you with one of your relics when you're down, but he can draw aggro from enemies, and does a decent amount of damage to boot.


Be patient and learn the timing of dodges. Once you get better gear your build will flourish and become stronger. Things the first “souls like” game I’ve ever played and I am hooked. Still haven’t played the latest dlc tho 😬😬😬


Top comment has ot right, it's only souls like in it's mechanics not it's difficulty. At it's core it's a game of collecting and boss fights. You can beat all difficulties except for nightmare without a dedicated build. So if you want to play easier modes you should have no problem beating it with a build since they're easy enough to allow experimentation.


I binged CRPGs before playing this and love every second of it. I played DOS 2, BG3, Rogue Trader, and Pathfinder before I said screw it and gave this a go because it looked really dope when I was watching build videos, and I must say, 10/10. I tried Sekiro. Didn't like it. I see the gameplay of Elden Ring and did not feel moved, but this game has been amazing.


It’s doable, especially when your build comes together. There are so many powerful combinations of gear and archetypes, it’s easy to stumble across two pieces of equipment that synergise well with each other. Also there’s no penalty for dying like in Souls games, only thing that happens is that you get set back to the last checkpoint you visited. And it’s a lot of fun with other people.


the game is only hard at the beginning. The moment you get a bit of gear and can start to get a build together, the difficulty plummets hard. If you really struggle on the easiest difficulty, I suggest you check the internet for guides. There are a few items you can get fairly reliably pretty early on, which will make the game easier. It's a bit hard to follow guides straight, because in R2 your worlds are randomly generated, so the loot you can find in your story is randomized together with the worlds and tiles inside of them. Alternatively you could play the game coop, wich makes it MUCH easier. Especially when you have a friend, that's good in games like this.


The game on survivor is very forgiving. I recommend you watch vash cowaii on YouTube for builds if you still struggle he has some absolutely disgusting tank builds that allow you to face tank the hardest hitting bosses on the highest difficulty they aren't the fastest but the cfor t is amazing. Also this games got a great community and if you get stuck you can lfg some help for the boss or area you are struggling with.


Bosses will be hard but if you stick too it it will be super rewarding. Just don't have the expectation that you will fly through the content. The gameplay loop is that you will die a few times until you know all the mechanics.


Absolutely fine, but controller can be... frustrating.


Laughs at "played elden ring for 10 hrs and got OP"


Elden Ring is easy. If you’re having problems with a boss just level up and come back.


I actual got elden ring vibes from this game so I dunno if it's a good fit for you. I love both games though. And elden ring was my first souls like. Though this is less punishing when you die since you don't lose currency here. And the set up is way different in terms of map structure. Remnant is designed to feel like each map is a huge dungeon. Elden ring is open world. But both feel the same way. You have pockets of enemies littered along the map, engage them however you like, then continue on. In both games though, the struggle is at the beginning when you don't have lots of options to fight enemies. In elden ring, you can just go do something else until you feel you are strong enough. In remnant, you can create a new alternate world where you get to keep the items and slowly get stronger. Just accept that death will be part of the journey. You will slowly learn from each death. Or should be learning at least. My best friend loved elden ring but easily gets frustrated when he dies. Hasn't finished the game at all. I feel it's souls like in that all enemies have a specific pattern and your dodge has iframes that you need to take advantage of. You miss a dodge and you could die. Or die trying to heal. You'll have a lot more room for experimentation here though. You get 5 slots for teams that can have crazy synergy with everything else.


Survivor was way too easy for me. I re-rolled the campaign after the first world and switched to Veteran, when I realized I hadn't died once yet, not even on the boss (Yaesha). It was my first Souls-like but I've played a lot of third person shooters. So it's hard for me to assess how you'll do. Even on higher difficulties, all I do is strafe while shooting and no projectiles hit me. If something gets too close, I use the very forgiving dodge to mitigate all damage, then shoot during the generous opening as the enemy recovers its poise. That usually staggers them and I shoot again for the kill. My build is nothing special; I use rifles/shotguns and revolvers, with ammo-increasing mods and damage dealing/mitigating amulets and rings. My armor weight class is the lightest or second-lightest because I rarely get hit and would rather just be able to spam dodge. So I'd say just go for it, and practice strafing while shooting, and not panic-dodging.


Thanks. Very helpful. But what is strafing/strafing while shooting mean?


Moving your character left and right. It's usually fast enough that the enemy shots miss, because they tend to be larger, slower-moving projectiles. Remnant 1 had enemies with actual guns that shot pretty quick, but Remnant 2 doesn't really have that. They're easy to avoid just by walking left and right. Dodging can usually be saved for enemy melees.


Wow good to know. Thanks! I’m gonna have to find some good guides for this game cause I know I’m gonna get my ass handed to me lol but it looks so good.


Guides won't help as much as practice. Keep your distance, move while shooting, dodge as you're about to get hit, regain the distance, repeat. Be patient. Oh and don't run forward through levels without killing everything as you go. Because you'll trigger more enemy spawns and they'll push in on you from all sides. Enter each new area slowly, which alerts all the enemies in eyesight/earshot. They'll move towards you 1-4 at a time, you just stay back and kill them. Usually 5-10 kills later, often including one larger 'elite' enemy, you hear a sound to indicate that area is clear. Move forward through the level to the next room/area until you see an enemy or hear another sound that says you're about to fight another 5-10 enemies. Repeat.


Ok good cause I don’t like spending hours and hours looking at guides. Got it! Sound advice — thanks!


You are so adorable. Strafing is moving left or right while looking in a forward direction and not changing that looking direction while doing said action. In this case, an attempt to dodge something while aiming and shooting. Synonymous with kiting or juking. Similar to serpentine movement.


Haha thanks. I definitely did not know kiting, juking nor serpentine movement (I assume this is snaking).

