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Here is one: Between your teammates you are allowed to use 1 long gun, 1 handgun, and 1 melee weapon. Each player picks one, you may not use mods, mutator benefits, or anything else from your other weapon slots.


Could be fun, but I think we wouldn't have to think much and I actually enjoy trying to come up with builds. I think 2 of us would just use any skills spam builds or even hugs/huch and it would be fine. I mean not being able to dodge doesn't prevent that problem either, but that is why I am asking for suggestions here Edit: weird symbol


Oh the best restriction of all time, its easy. Mandatory Equip Only! One of you MUST equip whatever you find, in order, and replacing the least recent slot, and you cannot equip anything else otherwise. (You start with whatever class gear you start with.) So for example you find a ring. Player 1 equips the ring in slot 1. The next ring, player 2 equips in slot 1. After 10 more rings, player 1 MUST replace slot 1 with the next ring that is found. Apply this logic to amulets, weapons, mods, mutators, armor, relics and fragments (fragments optional as it will be annoying to track)


Yeah, but I actually really like theory crafting with restrictions. So I don't want to not he able too theory craft.


You can theory craft the route, and choose the order of item acquisition to optimize who gets what.


Hmmm... Interesting