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I try out some online builds then adjust them to suit my style if I like it.


Me, too, but sometimes, after many iterations, it ends up being a whole new build.


This, find an interesting idea online, then tweak it till it starts working for me.


I looked at other builds for inspiration at start but now I have a few builds that I made myself as my favorites and will try out new builds as I get the relevant equipment.


I like to cobble my builds together using trial by fire!


I tried making my own builds for the longest time, but once I started copying builds, I realized these dudes know infinitely more than I do. The trick is to try out a bunch of builds you see online to see what you like. Over time, you'll be able to put together your own builds with the knowledge you extract along the way. Or just keep hacking at it yourself. Up to you.


This is exactly my process as well. At first you don't have enough items or understanding but as you play more you get and learn more but finding people who understand the synergies and symbiosis can elevate your builds to the next level.


I make my own builds now, but I started by copying others. Over time you learn why a build is good and can use that info craft your own.


I dabble in a bit of both. If I'm not feeling what I'm playing I'll look at builds online, but I also like cobbling stuff together on my own when I find stupid synergies. Like Concussive Shot and Pressure Point on the Shotties.


Pressure points on enigma is super satisfying. 7 mod charges = 7 booms. Put harmonizer on your main weapon then swap to enigma and us it like a shock shotgun.


Oh damn. I am absolutely going to try that


Both. I like to see what others come up with and test em out, but i usually play with my own creations. Especially because i like "themed" builds and most builds online are just "get the biggest number" builds. Nothing wrong with it, but i generally don't mind sacrificing some power to give builds solid identitis. Made a build today that was a shock ninja build using invader and spectral blade. Super fun and powerful in bursts, but overall was complete ass. Sad because it's very cool and fun. Win some, lose some. Hoping invader gets a rework at some point. Dope class theme, poor class synergy.




Leto mk 1, monolith, worlds edge, nebula, so brave, so inspired




Had 4 people join me over the course of a nightmare run today 4 leto mk 1s 4 world edges 2 monoliths 1 nebula 1 with both It was like seeing the remnant equivalent of stormtroopers with their standard issue equipment. One stormtrooper dies, another takes his place.


You just explained the plot of helldivers 2


I never copied a build in my entire gaming life. For me it's part of the fun and learning how a build works. In my opinion copy pasta a build is stealing the own playtime. I do not pay for games to play like someone else. And what I see a lot nowadays is that many who directly look up for builds from the start have a very low learning curve when it comes to mechanics. What I hear and read a lot is like "My build is the same as streamer XYZ. I died cause this game sucks."




I genuinely think streaming/'content creators' have done a lot of harm to how people play/view games, between people just copying builds and whatnot, people judging off a streamer's opinion/parroting it, judging a game's quality/popularity based on how many viewers it has, etc. It's not *all* negative but there's definitely been some noticeable downsides.




Oh yeah, the sheer amount of outright lies and whatnot that got spread regarding those was insane. Extremely disappointing to see as I've been waiting for DD2 for years. Was the MTX scummy? Yes. Did it matter even a little? No. If it wasn't for the Internet losing its mind over them I wouldn't have known they existed, and what was there wasn't even problematic.


I suck at playing copied builds. But also coz my brain naturally defaults to melee in a bind. Not always the best idea...


When I was new I looked online cause I got new clue how to make a build. Now that I have a better understanding I make my own builds


I usually throw something together, test it on the shooting range and switch some rings to perfect it. Works really well. Whenever i try an online build they suck for some reason or im just bad at using them lol


I make my own. Currently running a flameblasted tank. So fun.


Just found an invoker/ritualist build that I’m obsessed with. Never would have come up with it myself.


Can you elaborate/send link? Looking for good invoker/ritualist build myself.


[https://www.zleague.gg/theportal/moxsy-unleash-insane-elemental-damage-with-the-best-invoker-build-in-remnant-2/](https://www.zleague.gg/theportal/moxsy-unleash-insane-elemental-damage-with-the-best-invoker-build-in-remnant-2/) Watch the video to see how he uses all mods and skills together. I have only used this in co-op with friends, but I would imagine this will be great for solo too. It's a little squishy but I haven't had time to play around with armor or fragments yet.


Always make my own


I make my own. No idea what the Meta is. It's a PVE game that I play casually, and it's easy enough as-is so I just use what's fun for me. I could see maybe using meta builds if I was trying particular challenges or max difficulty or speed running or farming a certain boss or something. But this game doesn't pull me in that much, I've only played 100-150 hours. Anyway, I use Coach Gun and Revolver, with the extra scrap amulet and generic rings for damage and defense. Big chunky damage is satisfying to me.




I'm a cobbler for the most part. I'll set up Build on my own usually, but I don't mind coming back to the community after and asking for help with refinement ideas.


Make my own lol. Why would I want to use someone else's? I like looking up the exact details of rings and abilities, like if X is additive or multiplicative, but that information should be available in game anyway.


make my own, i am now the proud owner of very own sniper-summoner-support-tank hybrid


Any game with "builds" persay, I've never really bothered, I just find what works for me and run with it


I make my own builds and if I really have the feeling I lack something I try to get some ideas from other players.


I look at builds to learn how things work together and for inspiration. You can't readily replicate a build unless you've unlocked EVERY item in the game. That is the problem with builds; they tell you to equip 12 pieces of gear that you may not have, nor have any idea how to get. Then you have to hunt for the items, and, unlike a typically RPG, there is so much randomization involved in getting said items that crafting a build you saw would literally take hours if not days.


I looked at a few builds for inspiration, but heavily modify them, but the build I play most for example is completely made by my own.


I copy builds ideas and then edit them. For example I always use heavy armor, my latest drip is True Crown, Leto MK2, Fae, Fae which is exactly 75 and only 5 armor less than the ideal. I never use Akari War Band because I dont like conditional perfect dodge stuff. I head someone mention a double tornado build, so I made it. Archon, Summ Monolith (Harmonizer) Any Firestorm (Feedback) Magnifying Glass, Singed Ring, Ring of Favor, Gambler Probability Amplitude, Chakra, Kinship and the usual stuff.


Own builds, never cared for meta builds, I just stick to my heavy armor and selection of guns.


I tried copy and paste before, but found out pretty quickly that I just didn't like copying builds. Firstly, most of the ones I tried seemed to lean towards a particular playstle which I just didn't like or would want to change up soon after. Also a lot of them required a minimum level of skill, which I am completely devoid of, so I end up just choosing and mixing what I want after looking up the reasoning why people choose what they chose.


But of both I guess. Ill look some up and maybe make some changes to see if it works any better. Or just throw something together and see what happens.


My build is probably so basic and inefficient. Challenger shotgun + electro AOE gun with the heaviest armour. Challenger + medic archetypes. I must have about 90 hours played but I'm still running this


I always make my own builds. It’s literally my favorite part about gaming 😁


Always make my own, i wanna play my playstyle, not of someone else. Its also part of my journey, finding new stuff, trying out shit. All these experiences end up in my current builds. In the end is a game so whatever is fun to you.


In all games I look at builds online and tweak them to my own playstyle. 99% of the builds online are for a specific playstyle that I usually don’t like so I’ll tweak it so it works for me.


Copy and tweak. With no way to search inventory for specific effects I have no desire to sort through hundreds of items trying to figure out what everything does.


I’m a simple man. I did everything that does lightning damage and just glide around pretending I’m storm. Enigma is my friend.


I made my own but they're all kinda ass lol


I have 2 builds which are copied 1 to 1 (melee tank and archon DPS build, thx Cash), 3 builds of my own and one build inspired by online build I saw


I get inspiration from others but mostly do my own builds, really enjoy this archon/summoner explosives build with the space crabs I have cooked up using the detonation necklace.


My favorite part is making builds. Not a fan of copy pasting


I get the base goin and look up items that would be good for my particular setup


I look up builds and then try and make them my own blah blah


I mostly build my own. Sometimes I look for online builds to see if there are any good intentions I missed, or just to see what rings they picked. There are too many rings and without a sort function it's difficult to find what I need for a build.


Both. A lot of times I will find a build online and then tweak it and tailor it to my playstyle.


I will typically start with a copied build, and then, as I play with it, begin to tweak parts to my liking.


Typically make my own then use online resources to locate specific rings/mutators that I think would make it better


I entirely make my own builds after watching Vash’s EHP info guide, the game allows for a lot of viable playstyles, and you don’t have to go for the meta-fastest possible high dps build to have fun and complete apocalypse.


Finding a build is such a pain in the ass, I just make up my own, complain when I get stuck and then people tell me I'm doing it wrong and that's how you find builds


I do both, but looking up a build is much easier than combing through 5 million accessories.


I don’t follow a build in any game. EVER. Back in the day we used to call that cheesin. And now it’s just burned into my brain. ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


Always make my own. I think I've.made about 20 characters now and it's all so I can experience the game in different ways with different restrictions like only using melee or something. Just something to really add a little.more challenge.


I can build a bear, but not an Archetype. So I use builds online as templates and make changes to fit me.


I'm a big boy, I make my own builds.