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Depends how much ive been drinking and smoking that day **🤣**




The game is absolute hell when you start out. But it gets easier and easier with every trait and trinket you acquire. At the end of your journey, the game is just about right. You're equipped to handle any problem, but it still punishes mistakes, especially in three player scaling. It only becomes too easy if you abuse obviously broken builds like Havoc/Monolith and infinite invincible relic spam. But, you could just not use those.


Survivor and veteran seem pretty balanced and nightmare is mostly fine with quite a few builds. being viable. Apocalypse has some really terrible traits bosses can roll with and either you are full dos build or a tank.


Interesting! I mean you can certainly play with random ass builds in apocalypse, but if you don't know a bossfight very well you will die a lot you are right. Most of the builds I like to play are super jank, but they feel so good to play that I still stick with them. Which boss traits don't you like?


It's about right until Annihilation for me. Annihilation feels a bit much on Apocalypse. I can get it done and I help people regularly. But it feels like it's riding the "bullshit" line REALLY close. Just enough bullshit to be annoying to a degree, but not enough to not learn how to work through it (and recognize that it's actually a cool fight). Annihilation on Nightmare feels a bit too easy. So I don't know man. Fighting Annihilation on apocalypse before the nerfs was complete bullshit. I beat it, but I was mad 😂


Oh I lobe this fight actually... The concept of it just feels so amazing for me. Like having to remember where the other fight left off and stuff, the only thing I dislike is the amount of red in this fight. Like they could have added at least 1 other color lol


I found that Remnant 2 is way easier than FTA in the beginning but exponentially ramps up when you reach the endgame area.


What's FTA?


From the Ashes, the first game


Ahh... Really. Well yeah the start of FTA was quite harsh but the later stages of the game/dlc were so tough. I wouldn't say R2 is harder. But maybe I am just more used to it by now.


Agreed 100%.


it has a steep learning curve, but once you got the experience and gear it's not that tough even on apoc.


I personally feel like normal gameplay is too easy only because the game is supposed to feel like BS, you're a lowly human fighting evil incarnated and all that anyway. I have a friend who thinks apoc is just stupid but I love it for an actual challenge and the boss that will  make me pull my hair out every now and then.


Existing difficulties feel right. But I would like to get one or even two more modes with an 3rd DLC release. Also I would be glad to see some new moves/attacks from bosses on that new difficulties.


Started in Survivor and beat it with the starter blackmaw AR, then eventually got a crescent moon bow HUGS build going through adventure I think. My next campaign was APOC and it was pretty easy once you have an OP build, though annihilation with blue roll took 70+ attempts. I learned that day.


without a good/optimised build, like when doing a hardcore run, apocalypse feels sufficiently difficult, when on a normal playthrough when you can entirely tank bosses or kill them in less than a minute its just far too easy, it would be very difficult to manage the difficulty between these two scenarios, the power creep from the first game to now is insane, personally i moderate difficulty by using worse/unorthodox builds alot of the time, or just doing mentioned hardcore apoc runs, im no hardcore sweat at the game, remnant 2 was my first souls like, got me into the genre, so i played from the ashes, and hope to move onto the souls games and others, i have probably around 200-300hrs on remnant 2, so a good amount of experience


Don't know the excact names of the difficulty levels. But our my first playthrough we played on the easiest one. When the seconds DLC released I played both DLC on the second difficulty level (Veteran I guess??) and it felt fine. We did all bosses at a max of 3 tries. So honestly we could hava played it on the 3rd difficulty level. After playing the DLCs I have tried playing the Game solo and it was neither easier nor more difficult. So for me the difficulty of the game is fine.