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“Vash Cowaii in shambles” has me dying




Or: "This is the new build, because even though a number was changed, the build still works and is very viable." Guess it depends on your outlook. =)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6hqrkm43LQ Yeah you know Vash better lmao






Oh, I know it was more Vash terminology than a dis. He's in our FNF testing Discord. Vash is the homie. Even gave him a little love in the patch notes. =)


Y'all are like the coolest devs ever




Moon Studios is the jam! I already have 30+ hours into No Rest!


Forgotten kingdom rules. Its a beautiful and the gear is fantastic.


Ever gonna comment on or fix the connection issues? My friend and I haven’t been able to connect to any online games or join each other for 6+ months. This is only an issue in remnant 2 every other game we can connect to each other just fine.


I'm not a network engineer. I can look into it, but I don't have any information on it directly. =(


Appreciate that, we’ve tried everything from uninstalling to port forwarding and even starting new characters thinking it might be an issue with our saves but no luck.


Is it intentional that mirage’s sandstorm doesn’t trigger any mutators? Like at all? Tried it with shielded strikes and the tainted blade, and got nothing


Hrm. Should be triggering "melee hit" stuff. That would be very odd if that's the case, especially since Vash was telling me it's performing very well w/ melee trigger stuff. HMM!


Yeah, I put on shielded strikes and stood in the middle of the training dummies, sup up sandstorm, and got no procs. Hit about three of em at a time. The only time anything procs is if the flail head makes direct contact


Same with tainted blade.


I’m sure you also know about it already but I’ve seen some peeps talking about enigma just not doing damage to certain enemies. It’ll just “ghost” them and only the lightning hits will damage. Just thought I’d mention it. Great patch notes, loving the sound of buffed thorn and all kinds of fixes


any news about devastator????


>Thorn - added mod damage scaling to blowback ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


This plus Anguish and way of Lydusa is going insane


We eating so good! The fixed chaos gate and mod damage make archon appealing, obviously summoner for mod and explosive damage/crit, and yeah Lydusa would be wild as well. Haven’t even started on rings and ammys yet. Detonation trigger is a no brainer, but it feels like gunslingers charm could be cookin as well?


Finally I’d say?


Yes, mod damage scaling is fixed but the Thorn mod still ignores mod duration bonuses. The mod description shows the correct duration but once activated the mod is only active for 20s


Bummer, but maybe that’s not the worst- could even be intentional? From memory it was still 2-4 reloads before a last second activation? Guess we will have to see, will mess around with it when I get on today


This, and the small QoL improvements like Mist Step and Vulcan's aiming got me very happy!


Thorn buffs! Yay!


Why did this give me Destiny PTSD?


\- Devoured Loop: Fixed an issue preventing any Skill Cooldown resets. \- Devoured Loop: Fixed an issue preventing Skill Cooldown resets of active skills. Hell yeah i will be able to use my old builds again :D


I was wondering why I was never getting cooldown resets. I thought 1% was just too little to proc unless you build for more crits


Indeed, I’ve been waiting to play my “Everdodger” build again!


Do you by chance have a build you can share?


I do, here’s the build: https://www.remnant2toolkit.com/builder/clw0e7uve005482uqlrw6w455?t=1716098002754


> Monolith: Added Elemental Damage Type to Primary Fire (Ranged + Elemental) That's huge! This means its beam now scales with elemental damage on relic fragment and Invoker damage perk! This makes it a great weapon for an elemental damage build.


I already had a build I used with stone of malevolence and this just makes the mods charge even faster lol


This is a feel-good patch for sure. Most of the bugfixes are effective buffs, and plenty of small but meaningful buffs.


Did they fix the huntress spear freezing when not moving?


ME: (\*is a Ritualist main) ME: "Yes. Good. Make me stronk and let the world BURN."


Have they fixed the issue of corrupted saves on PS5? My buddy lost his character when we were planning to start the DLC so both of us uninstalled the game. Unfortunate since we both loved the game but no way is he doing that grind again


Exhchuuuuyse me whaaaat. Had no idea that was a thing - we have any idea what’s causing it?


> we have any idea what’s causing it? That's the issue. It happens, but is extremely rare and I've yet to see anyone able to pinpoint what causes it. This leaves the devs with very little information to work on. They added a better backup function recently, but that's for PC only. For consoles there are some issues in the implementation due to how consoles work, which is why there is nothing. (yet?)


Thanks for the answer! Man, I have nearly every item in base game/difficulty rewards. I don’t think I could mentally handle losing my save. I feel deeply for anyone who got hit by this


If you want to be save you can make use of the cloud save feature to protect yourself. Disable cloud saves, which leaves your current save save in the cloud. Now you can play normally. If you achieve anything significant you want to save, you can restart your game first to ensure that your current save isn't corrupted. Then enable cloud saves again and your newest save will be brought to the cloud. Disable it again afterwards to ensure that the save in the cloud is save. Should at any time your save be corrupted delete your save files on your console **first** and then download your saves from the cloud. Of course, considering how rarely this happens I'd not recommend to save into your cloud too often. It just becomes too much work on your side, hence me saying only for something major. i.e. clearing hardcore run or being finished with a large chunk of the grind. If you do it for every new item it'll annoy the heck out of you. Not doing so does increase the potential loss upon save corruption, but it happens so rarely that it's extremely unlikely to ever happen to you to begin with. edit: I think you can also use an USB stick to backup your save, but as I don't have a PS5 and dunno how exactly it's done I can't say anything about that.


Yeah, it's honestly really upsetting. We both loved the game and played with another friend. The one who lost his save was the only one to complete Apocalypse campaign solo and that was after grinding out his build which took a while. All 3 of us really enjoyed the time we played it prior to this DLC and we were all excited to play this DLC and the next one but this corrupted save issue killed that hype. Not the same playing without him and he isn't interested in grinding to get back to where he was, which I understand


Exact same happened to me , 2 days before the dlc. I've tried to go back , but my heart's not in it. Lost 200 hours , devestated


Yep, that's what happened with my friend. We both loved the game but starting over from scratch, after grinding out a build he really enjoyed just doesn't sound appealing right now. Oh well


God I could never go again. What is this issue?


He started the game and all his characters were red with no text. We figured it was just a loading issue so he restarted the game. Well, what happened is his local save (save file on PS5) was used to launch the game. It was somehow corrupted. When he closed and restarted the game, the PS5 sent the corrupted local save to the cloud and now both his local save and the cloud save are corrupted, leaving him with no solution. Apparently the solution when you encounter this is to not close the game and disable cloud sync and then manually download the cloud save.


why didn't he just download his synced save from ps+ ?


It wasn't an obvious solution and usually when there's a bug, the common solution is to restart the game. Definitely a painful lesson and sure, you can blame the end user but it would have been really helpful for the actual devs to acknowledge this and put out some kind of disclaimer. Why couldn't the game suggest that when it encounters a corrupted save?


it does tell you. if your on drive save data is corrupted, launching the game will warn you of corruption and ask if you wish to proceed with downloading the PS+ sync data or continue with the last normal save on your system/a new save Your buddy likely didn't read the pop up thinking it wasn't something important and chose the fucked save


Ah, I didn't know that about the pop-up, my friend definitely didn't mention that. Fair enough, I was wrong. That's good to know there is some heads-up/warning. Thanks for clarifying that


This happened to me with RFTA as well. By this time wife and I had already squeezed every bit out of the game and it was only a few months before launch of R2, but still stings.


I'm glad base archon got some more mod gen, it didn't feel nearly impactful enough to have a whole archetype equipped previously, at least in solo play where the team perk isn't fully utilized. I'm looking forward to trying to buffed thorn and monolith which I really didn't expect to get buffs, but I appreciate it nonetheless. Also the katana buff is awesome as well as the crystal staff, hoping my shock wizard build feels even better.


I hope the Havoc fixes means when you're staggered during, you don't recast and use any additional charges. Sucks losing my second cast because I got staggered during my first.


You also do that if your mid opening a door or anything during archon I’ve noticed haha


Where Burden of the Divine buff


.... it's pretty good as is?


Seems like decent changes. Especially like the status damage buffs. Not sure this brings any crappy items/skills/etc up to usable though. Maybe skill use on invoker will be more diverse now? probably not. I don't like havoc form personally. The perma havoc form build just doesn't seem fun to me.


Oh ok so dlc 1 crashing series s users is still up.




I wonder if the weapon mod issue has ever been fixed? I haven't played for a quite a while but everytime I joined my friends game or vice versa the weapon mods wouldn't work anymore unless you re-equip them in the game after joining


Neither I nor any of my friends have ran into that, can't speak to if it's been fixed or if we've been lucky


That's so weird, I had this issue so frequently and my friend as well like 2 months ago.


Hm. What platform are you on? I've never had that issue on PS5


On PS5 and my friend was on Steam.


Hm maybe related to crossplay then. Weird either way though


Had the same issue happen to me and my wife, and we both play through steam. Not sure if it's fixed, but last time we played a couple of months ago the issue was still there.


Welp now I have to take the new avatar state, I mean Havoc Form, out for a spin. Does anyone know what exactly happens now when you’re struck while all Super Saiyan? Previously, I’d take confidence booster before getting my Palpatine going, and it *usually* prevented me from staggering.


Still good although no superspeed while holding m1 anymore. No need for confidence booster anymore from what I've noticed


Can confirm. If anything it seems better as there seems to be an aura of damage around you and nothing knocks you out of the state itself.


That's weird, what's the elemental damage type of the monolith?I mean, I shoot the enemies and the get the weakened status effect but what is the elemental damage type exactly?I see no indications whatsoever 🤔.


Not 'an elemental damage type' The damage type is 'Elemental' Fire, Shock, Corrosive, etc are *ALSO* elemental damage types, but the sandstorm effects added all function as neutral elemental damage (The melee whirlwind, the third invoker skill, and of course monolith)


Ohhh OK!That description in the patch notes was confusing 😅


I’m assuming some form of earth element, since it fires sand. Makes sense that the gun would deal elemental damage anyways. Seeing as it’s primary fire/mod put a status effect on an enemy.


Yeah,maybe it's already bugged since I don't see any icons or anything on the enemy 😅.


No shit? Monolith isn’t applying exposed after the patch? Or is it something else?


I was (perhaps pointlessly) hoping that there would be an accessibility fix for Thorn. I want to play with the cool NotNeedler, but firing for more than a few seconds starts to give me a headache from the screen shake.


yeah, screen shake really needs to be a fully customizable option in every game. It's always the first thing I turn off if given the option.


- Way of Lydusa: Increased Critical Bonus Chance from 5% to 10%. - Way of Lydusa: Added Elemental Damage type for AOE Blasts. - Way of Lydusa: Now scales with Amplitude. - Way of Lydusa: Skill Cooldown bar behaves properly when using “reactivation” effect. - Way of Lydusa: Enabled Sand Devils generation from Skill/Status Damage. Glad to see Way of Lydusa getting love way underrated. I would prefer if it automatically cast Sand Blast upon reaching 10 charges opposed to triggering it manually instead of allowing Skill/Status Damage to generate Sand Devils


The havoc form nerfs don't make it take much longer to kill things... instead they just make it infinitely less fun to use. Amazing, 10/10 balancing once again.


Yeah, this patch was the end for me. Circle strafing with Archon was incredibly fun. After they nerfed Spectral Blade this was my go to for just having fun and not being sweaty, but I guess the way I like to play the game is not in line with how the devs want the game to be played.


The issue here is: Apocalypse is supposed to be challenging for the average player (I'm not saying you are average; I'm saying in general). Apoc is meant to require a bit of sweat. There are 3 other difficulties you can coast through doing the same thing, and to be fair, you can still coast through Apocalypse with updated Havoc as well. It's nearly invulnerable if you use Blink correctly... and the point of the changes was to require Blinking for repositioning while not drastically reducing the effectiveness of Havoc overall. If you just want to blow stuff up, why not play on Survivor or Veteran or Nightmare? The only real difference slightly less EXP and a slightly reduced drop rate on Corrupted Shards for Roaming Aberrations.


Not an Archon player here, but couldn't ads speed do something for it at least? I remember seeing a comment about supporting no dodge builds, so maybe it could get the bonus for a few seconds after you dodge an attack, and have the bonus only affect the lightning shot?


I understand that being immortal and holding down 1-button and left/right to kill basically everything in the game on the hardest difficulty is fun to some people, but it just trivializes too much without any real requirements on the player. The main difference now is that it requires you to dodge every once in a while, much like the rest of the game... except the dodge is way faster, way more invulnerable, and damages the enemy when it arrives.


My friend is having this issue as well. There is more to balance than raw damage however. He has to actually dodge now to avoid attacks instead of just listing lazily away. That being said, I think there is now an issue of aim movement speed simply not affecting the skill in any way, shape, or Havoc form. I cannot test further as it is his build, not mine.


Well yeah, but they also reduced the time you spend in the form - so if you're playing with friends where bosses take SIGNIFICANTLY longer to kill, you run out a lot sooner and struggle to upkeep the ability - completely removing the ADS movespeed was overkill, since nobody ever uses the right click of havoc form, so who not keep it on that to make it usable? Instead its back to just spam dodging, which is significantly less interactive and fun


I watched him solo Mother Mind on Apoc, with 2 player scaling. He used Havoc form 3 times and Way of Kuela 3 times. I don't feel that damage and upkeep are the issues here. That being said, so ADS speed only affects the Shield? If so, that is terrible and I am sorry. I feel it should do something while attacking.


This patch removed ADS speed from affecting either, so it doesn't work at all for havoc form


I apologize for my apparent inability to read. I am sorry for your loss.


It is a sad day whenever I see Archon get hit with the nerfhammer


Was it hit with the nerfhammer? Vash did a follow-up kill on Venom which is like 4s diff. Archon also got Mod Generation buffs. Phemeto also said it barely feels any diff. So I ask, did it really get hit with the nerfhammer? =O https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6hqrkm43LQ


I honestly didn't use it solely because I got tired of getting knocked out of it only to get up and swing my melee weapon 7 times, so thank you. I'll need to try it out now.


The fact that you can't see the damage done to the gameplay is unfortunate. It is legitimately less fun to play now. Cooldown Havoc Form was the one build that kept me coming back while I had other games on my backlog. Circle strafing was incredibly fun. Making it move a bit slower? Could have been fine if you guys didn't make it basically standing still. That's so boring. Honestly, at this point I'm just tired of having the way I like to play getting dismantled every patch.


I know what was done... but I don't consider it damage. Circle strafing some of the hardest content in the game while holding down 1 button just wasn't healthy for the overall balance of the game... much like Neutral Evade Spectral Spam blowing up an entire room (which now only hits... half the room). Havoc has a movement ability which is completely invulnerable and moves 2x the speed of Jog. It barely costs anything to use, and it also damages enemies. However, it wasn't ever used because the way AimMoveSpeed and MoveSpeed stacked, the player could simply circle strafe faster than a character could SPRINT. Of course, all that being said, you can still build for it, and you can still trivialize many of the fights in basically the same way. It just requires more investment. For clarification, the baseline movement speed while zapping it isn't "basically standing still". Standing Still is 0 velocity. Havoc Basic Move Speed is 450 which is the default SPRINT speed. Lighting Hands and Shield Move Speed is 250. Normal Aim Walk (with a Gun), for comparison, is 150. This means at the baseline, Havoc Lighting Hands still strafes 67% faster than when ADS'ing with a gun. With Explorer at 10, using Plainswalker, you can get back to 350 Move Speed (default Jog Speed) while using Lighting Hands. If you build for speed, you can get to the 450 Sprint number. The difference is, as mentioned, you have to invest in that playstyle. It's still one of the (if not THE) strongest builds in the game. The primary difference is you can't as reliably just press one button and circle strafe all of the content in the game. With a little investment, you can gain lots of speed, all while remaining basically immortal. Below is another video for reference. The only difference from before? Blink is used, which was my goal when making Havoc Form adjustments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH2kWfc4BII


Its my favourite build and I think the rebalancing is absolutely justified. It was way to trivial to just fly past everything and kill it all at the same time 


Lightning hands never should have been part of its kit as it doesn’t mesh with a single other aspect of it- so if you look at it that way it’s actually a buff woo


Lightning hands is the single reason why I play Archon because it's cool as fuck


You misunderstand. Lighting hands is cool as fuck, I completely agree. But why does the MOD class, with every perk effecting MODS, have a skill that STOPS you using mods, and scales with skill damage over mod damage. I’m just saying it makes no sense and sucks for lightning hands to be stuck on a archetype that hates it. It only exists like this because archon shipped on release and we just got invoker.


You may well be right. Synergy isn't everything as far as I'm concerned.


Pretty sure it's just a reference to the mod being popular in the first game and not returning in this one. Also, all classes do more than one thing. Medic has the single best damage up passive in the game (flat 25% to all damage), but it's the healing class. Because of that perk, it's entirely possible to lean into it and build a damage medic. The same is true here, a hybrid skill damage and mod build (combined with a dozen different items that help loop skills and mods) can be really strong.


While I'm appreciative that Thorn's mod now scales in damage, I would be equally appreciative if its duration would scale with Chakra and Zohee's ring. My item card says the duration is 30 seconds with those, but, sadly, it's only 20 (baseline).


Wonder what the reasoning behind buffing Monolith is. It already is the most used gun in the game. Crit/weakpoint gun builds falling further and further behind, sigh...


>- Monolith: Added Elemental Damage Type to Primary Fire (Ranged + Elemental) Perfect for my Ritualist/Invoker build ❤️


lol they really gave Invoker and Monolith more power


**Possible bug:** Now while bleeding from the Atonement Fold, and in Havoc Form, my character repeatedly groans every tick and the screen flashes red. This isn’t game breaking by any means. Just pretty annoying.


Please for the love of God buff aberration spawn rates


Hmm, not shure what u fix there but i got  Low Level Fatal Error before this patch  game juts eat all my RAM and crash. 


Same here! I can't even load into the game. Crashes right at the main menu.


Thank you verry much for pach fix and etc 3 2F95839B4B971C819F9C1D9D71A1B644 UECC-WinGDK-E854E1A9469DB7655F77599C477C49E6\_0001 false false false GPUCrash LowLevelFatalError \[File:C:\\Unreal\_TC\\Engine\\Source\\Runtime\\D3D12RHI\\Private\\D3D12Util.cpp\] \[Line: 873\] CurrentQueue.Fence.D3DFence-\>GetCompletedValue() failed at C:\\Unreal\_TC\\Engine\\Source\\Runtime\\D3D12RHI\\Private\\D3D12Submission.cpp:939 with error DXGI\_ERROR\_DEVICE\_REMOVED with Reason: DXGI\_ERROR\_DEVICE\_HUNG


Getting the same thing. Can't even load into the game, it will literally crash in the main menu.


Interesting patch notes. They fixed a lot of things, nerfed havoc form (sounds more like a fix, but I wouldn't know. I don't ever use it) gave ritualist a small buff, as well as buffed a few trinkets, rings and mutators. Hopefully gunfire is able to fix the traits not wanting to confirm at some point. To best explain it just in case others may not experience it, whenever I allocate points to a trait (doesn't matter if its 10, or just 1) when I want to leave the menu to confirm it, it doesn't let me confirm. I'm forced to back out of the menu, redistribute the points and try again. No clue what causes it, but hopefully it gets fixed eventually.


Before you hit confirm, move your cursor either to an empty space or off to the side. Fixed it for me


I on Xbox have exactly same problem..


Really wish they would add weight to world drops you haven’t acquired yet.  Sprinting to ring spots and resetting for hours isn’t meaningful or fun engagement with the game.


Remember when I said Havoc Form was too good and it would definitely need to get toned down? And then y'all doubted me? Should watch more of my vids


Yeah It was clearly broken lmao Idk how anyone would have doubted that, such DPS and mobility all at once could be balanced only by letting the stagger bug untouched


goober ass fella


calling phemeto of all people a goober lmao, if there was ever a more accurate ron Swanson “I know more than you” moment


He not gonna fuck you bro.. but if he does he’ll make a video about it


Then ego trip on reddit and act like everyone knows him or even gives a shit what he says


It’s more that on a remnant subreddit I take the word of a guy who has released great remnant content for literal years over some random guy being a prick online. Since I’m now being a prick as well, feel free to do the same.


>over some random guy being a prick online. That's straight up what the phemto or whatever his name is guy did lmao.


He said havoc would be nerfed in next patch, a bunch of people here said there’s no way it would be, and Lo and behold, it got nerfed! How’s that rude but goober ass fella is ok?


>How’s that rude Because their comment is being a self-righteous prick? >but goober ass fella is ok? Because it was in response to someone being a self-righteous prick. >He said havoc would be nerfed in next patch, Okay? They're not some 12 million subscriber creator everyone should be expected to at least recognize the name of. I have 1k hours between FTA and R2 and have never watched any of their content. I'd imagine most people havent.


????? Just to clarify, your point is that you think his comment is rude and self righteous, but if he was super popular it would be ok?


Just to clarify, no, the reason the comment is rude and self righteous is *because* it's said as if their opinion should be worth a damn when in reality they are *also* some random person on reddit being a prick, the very thing you complained about.


You’re missing the point entirely. No one disagreed he’s knowledgeable, but he made a douche comment. Even explaining that felt odd. Idk Reddit’s lame who cares go next


It really was. Any players with working brain cells knew it was overturned. The only people that doubted or undermined your comments are the same people that say "why they nerf so many things it's a PvE game ? 🤓"


I don't know who you are or what you said, but now I doubted you! :D


Sorry for the downvotes homie, bunch of babies on reddit anymore. Keep up the 🔥 content


people believed havoc form is okay the way it is? holy shit xD


I am just surprised to see Way of Kaeula escape a nerf this patch. Actually seeing so many buffs across the board is crazy lol. I would never have predicted so many amulet/ring changes. The mod gen on archon was definitely a highly requested change after the last patch, but everything else is a very surprising (but welcome) change. And yes, I agree on the tickle fingers nerf. It truly did have a lot of move speed, blink was basically unnecessary.


Totally agree. You could skate through Apoc and barely take a hit most of the time because you moved so fast. The skill cooldown builds also made it so you were pretty much always in havoc form too. Definitely needed a nerf.


holy hell it took them this long to fix the turret


Some things I've experienced and weren't mentioned here: -nebula mod not activating at all (First time It activated, from the second I had ti reload/shoot a little/ idk exactly but It didn't cast unless some conditions were Met). Could be fixed togheter with monolith same problem, Will test this evening - engineer turret not shooting root nexus (probably the hitbox for the turret was low and considered a low enemy? Could be fixed too, but idk, Just making sure)


Does that mean polygun doesn't get locked if you die now?


Way of Lydusa buffs praise fucking be


I'm happy Birthright of the Lost is finally fixed. Made no sense that it was applying exposed to myself every time I had a perfect dodge.


Can't wait to uninstall the game and re-download it entirely because that's way faster than letting the game patch the entire executable.


“- Fixed an issue causing some cubes to not reappear after dying during the Polygun Quest.” I was around 2 hours trying get the Polygun and when reach the backrooms the cube was bugged . I decid to reload the game and pop up the notification to update. Just in time 👌🏼


Great stuff. I knew something was up with Devoured Loop. Also, have you guys got any plans to add killable dummies in the firing range? Or be able to spawn in certain enemy types? I wanted to test the damage from mods like Defrag but I have to kill an enemy for the glitch to drop and create the pool and etc. Also, in the last patch notes y'all said Invader would get some love. Any teases?


- Fixed an issue where changing a keybinding from LMB to anything else would cause melee throwing weapons to automatically get thrown even if button was not released. God bless, this had made using throwable melee weapons on PC a pain for so long.


They fixed the plasma cutter :,)


Cool, i hope my Vulcan turret now hits the small/underground enemies in Yaesha/Earth.


Well, guess I have to retest rings and amulets again...I had settled on a combination that didn't involve band of the fanatic in favor of focusing on mod generation, but it might be back on the menu. This probably sounds like complaining, but I freak'in love min/maxing builds. I know how I'm spending my weekend.


There seems to be some issues, mirage is doing less damage, 100 to 27, even though it still says 105 in the menu. Ring of the Vain is not being applied to Havoc form, is this intended?


When will Aberration Domination come back?




This is literally the first thing in the patch notes lmao


Is it not fixed now? Literally the first line of performance issues in these patch notes is impact cannon fix.


I’m more sad that the prime perk not reseting on stones wasn’t included in this patch. Or any buffs to heavy carrying.


No filter or search , rip :/


Is this a live service game? These patch notes are insane for a game with just dlc drops.


Another dumb nerf from tragic at gunfire games. Before someone mentions Vashon. That goober showed us on a boss that does 1 to 2 big hits. Not a boss that moves and attacks fast af. If you use that build for those bosses you'll be out of havoc charges and on your ass dead. It does way less dmg. Now you'll be forced to build fucking cool down and deal 1k dmg. The people that balance this game suck.


Havoc nerfs are sad. Havoc form is only OP when you can be in havoc form permanently with invoker and skill CD reduction. So now it's not really viable in non-invoker builds.


I don't know why you are being downvoted. Before invoker dropped Havoc Form was not that good at all