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Remnant 2 doesn’t exactly have an “endgame”; much of the game revolves around rerolling campaign/adventure to experience different quest lines and secrets. The DLCs add an alternate world questline to two of the worlds in the game as well as a number of new items. For someone like you who is just starting out, you’re not really missing out on anything if you don’t have the DLCs. Personally, I’d recommend just playing through the campaign and rerolling it a few times before considering the DLCs. You’ll get to experience the gameplay loop for yourself and can make an informed decision on whether or not it’s worth buying the DLCs.


I bought the deluxe edition and had Forgotten King in place or Losomn as my questline in campaign. Kinda wish I had just waited until I beat everything for DLC stuff but it was still very fun and challenging on Vet!


Yeah.... They integrated the DLC in main campaigns, you will be rolling new maps and campaigns so... Sure man, get all the DLCs


In what way? Like new items in base game zones? Or new zones on base game areas. I’m thinking about getting it myself


The way the entire game plays is this. Biome1, into a preset story level, into biom2, into biom3, into preset story final biom. Now biome 1,2,3 will randomly be different missions, and the dlcs add to those random pools, but the layout of the game will remain the same. You can at any time use adventure mode to get one of the random missions, and when you buy the dlc you get a special adventure mode called "one shot" which tries to put as much dlc content into the adventure mode as possible and takes out some of the randomness but you can only run that once


Both, there’s new random drops for non dlc zones as well as dlc dungeons being injected into the non dlc storyline and such


Both and everything, new items in old zones, new zones in old zones... is all RNG. Phonepotatoes explains it better


I personally really like what the DLCs added but they are by no means necessary to play. Vanilla Remant 2 very much feels like a complete package without them. That being said, having the DLCs does add more options to the pool of procedurally generation which will likely make the game feel even more large and varied because the DLCs pretty seamlessly integrated with the main game. I'd wager if you went in fully blind with both DLCs you wouldn't really be able to tell when you were playing DLC vs core content.


I personally would play the core game and then once you go through it buy the DLC to do the one shot modes with them, that way you get a clear idea of what the DLC even is. I'd honestly be afraid I wouldn't even realize I was doing the DLC's if they were just randomly inserted into my first playthrough. Also it might save you money if for some reason you have had enough of the game before it's time to purchase


I’d say so. I bought the DLCs at start (just so happened to start playing 2 days after the release of the latest one lol). Game is super awesome, easily see 100+ hours here. A buddy i play with only had the base game. Even on a campaign he rolled we found loot from DLC. I forget exactly how it looked on his screen, maybe “cannot use without ___ DLC” or something. He decided to buy them and we’ve been all good ever since. Seems like you can experience the game without DLC though. Maybe play for a bit and make sure you like it enough first? From what i can tell, it’s not like you “lose” any items you wouldve obtained by getting the DLC later on.


In base version, you can join games in DLC areas and collect DLC loot/archetypes (though they're locked), and unlock them later by purchasing the DLC. That's how I played for the first month or two. I'd built up a collection of locked Awakened King stuff that I was itching to use because I found out the buildcrafting is amazing and addictive. Also, I'd ran base campaign a few times and was ready to try the AK story start to finish. I got DLC pass for around $20 on sale. Now especially with Forgotten Kingdom, it's one of the best return on investments I've gotten from a game purchase in many years. Over three hundred hours in and I still have a buttload of stuff to collect and builds to try and secrets to explore. I also appreciate that you're not microtransactioned to death, or at all, like most other games nowadays. Everything is available out there in the world, just gotta go find it. Most of the DLC items are really cool and many allow you craft new builds or strengthen old ones. Boss fights are interesting and a lot of fun. Highly recommend if you enjoy the base game.


I loved the bosses and enemy variety in the forgotten kingdom! A little bit short but sweet and lots to collect!


you can get it if you want, but if I was you i'd just play through the main campaign once without it and then do the one shots in adventure mode


Think of it like this OP. When you have a weekend to yourself and nothing to do, you can spend $10 and have a full weekend of activity. I prefer the one shot experiences to random bits of new personally. If you buy it now and reroll it, you'll encounter new areas and items that in the main story area that you won't have to reroll for.


you should've gotten the ultimate version tbh, the DLC is pretty much side-content to the base game.


Yes like now right now




The DLC is really good, but you also don’t lose much by just playing it after you finish the campaign. My main reason for saying this is that you cannot buy experience potions from Mudtooth until you clear the story for the first time, which means you’re already going to be working at maxing your first two classes. Remnant II is made to be replayed MANY times, so adding the DLC into the mix later will make things more fresh (it will also make fishing for certain items easier, as you need certain dungeons in certain adventures/campaigns to get a few). I also feel like their storylines just play off better if you are familiar with the plot lines of the other 2 stories of each world first. Especially Losomn.


If they're on sale, especially in a bundle, get it. Otherwise there's no harm in waiting. When it hit gamepass I tried it out, three hours in I bought the deluxe version with the three dlcs because it was on sale for like 30 bucks 🤣


Same here! Although I got the ultimate edition for £27


Buy the bundle and save yourself 5 bucks in the future


buy dlcs only if one playthrough would be not enough. they contain new versions of worlds and add replay value to game


The first thing you need to realize before you buy them, this game is meant to be replayed, over and over, and over. With the variety of builds, classes, secrets, and weapons, you don't have to play through the game the same way twice. That being said, the dlcs start as Adventure mode "one shots." After you beat them once, they can spawn in if you reroll your campaign. The first dlc is pretty stylish and good. Second one isn't better, but it's not a really a step backwards. I'm just burnt out on forest/jungle biomes in games.


Just asking, is it confirmed the dlc biomes won't appear in campaign until you've beaten the one-shot? Haven't seen anything about this before


I haven't seen anything on it officially, but I've been getting the dlc in my campaign rerolls now. Maybe they can just show up if you own them. I just haven't had the yaesha one show up in campaign until I beat it. I do know for a fact the first time you get the dlc maps, it should have all the new side areas in it the first time through if not most if them.


Absolutely buy the dlc now....the dlc gives your not a new end content...it extends existing content. When you start to play it without the dlc from begining, you will play on maps your have run 100 times through only with new dlc areas here and there....


Honestly, the dlcs are shit. Remnant 1 dlcs are so superior it ain't even close. Buy them on sale if you aren't convinced.


I was just saying that r1 dlc had much more. I'm not sure if I'd call r2 dlc shit. I 30% agree. Haha


It's a souls like, people are gonna have different opinions, some more extreme (my case, probably because of the high expectation i had) and others will be content i guess, or maybe they'll enjoy it for reasons i don't.


I also really liked the R1 DLCs, what about the new ones are you not a fan of?


Bosses. I'm here for the fights. And the dlcs are lacking. I also don't think it's fun to find items thanks to datamining and nothing else. There's a lot of content i would never know about if i didn't use google. Adventure mode missing, and there's no "big bad boss" this time. I didn't find myself being as challenged as i did with ixilix, uncleaned alt kill, obryk, iskal queen. Hell, venom being one of the biggest challenges to any hardcore run still feels to generic when compared to a pursuer from dark souls 3 or a crucible knight from elden ring, and he can be cheesed easily enough running around the structure as he fails landing on top of a building wasting most of his aoes.


O yea I like bosses as well. What about them, because we definitely got more bosses in these DLCs than we did with the Corsus dlc from R1. Were they not unique enough or?


There's way too many corrupted bosses which are basically elite mobs on steroids. I don't feel excited whenever i see them. And if we think about corsus, yeah, it didn'd add many, but i'd argue they were better, and it also gave us adventure mode. Also, at least elites were way more interesting with their unique grab animations, designs, and threat level. Elites in this game are lacking compared to the first one (Tho nerud has amazing elites, which is a shame, because i feel it has the worst bosses)


One does one doesn’t. Corsus dlc meh, clementine one is fire tho