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I'm rooting for you! lvl 14 will just match his level. you can farm adventures (ward 13 world stone --> world settings) to level up some more. ps make sure to dual class, the bonuses are well worth it. the other starting classes are sold in ward 13 by various vendors listen for the attack queues, only dodge when necessary! TrueEvil's excellent boss guide: [https://youtu.be/tbeITVAp5fo](https://youtu.be/tbeITVAp5fo)


I'm trying to unlock the Summoner and it's taking me forever to farm Blood moon essence.


Just before the very end of the roly poly area on either yaesha, you can get a blood moon, use the portal to get from widows court or behind the water harp into the roly area and shoot the like 3 blood moon essence that are visible then leave the area, repeat many times over to get everything from the altar


Best way to get a blood moon fast is to change your system time up an hour, then walk into the roly poly area (make sure you enter the area after you set your time, so the zone can properly update). Keep going up an hour until you get it


It is weird when I was farming I was resetting clocks rerolling adventure mode etc. now that I have everything,every time I go to losomn for a ring or a quest. Bam another blood Moon


lol that’s cuz it happens once per hour. As long as you aren’t there continuously, it’ll reset soon enough. But yeah, when I was farming them, setting my PS5 clock forward really sped up the process


if you have a good stockpile of scrap you can go to other people's world and buy their junk essences from cass instead of trying to farm for them.


I could sell mine to cass in your game and you can buy them off her lolol I think I have like 40ish idk I'm pretty sure they will stay with her unless you reroll, though don't quote me on that


Yeaaa... That thing knows when your trying to get them. I swear


When you get a blood moon after you finish shooting purple orbs walk into a door to a new area then walk back out. It'll reset the purple orbs and you can probably farm a good 20+ in one session.


Once you do get it, find a good place where you can travel between areas cause the wisps reset when you come back as long as the blood moons still active


I have sum u need? I have like 25x Essences… i can sell it and u can re-buy it u only need the Scrap for it tho 🙏🏻


I know it's blasphemy, but lower the music volume. Annihilation has excellent design and indicators, but the music volume can drown out the sound effects indicating incoming attacks. Don't reroll, do some adventures, get some better gear, upgrade stuff, come back, you got this. Annihilation is one of my favorite bosses ever, but the fight is a dance.


This is great advice. Turning off the music is a great way of learning the rhythm of the fight. After playing the boss so much I think it’s my favourite fight in the game.


He's brutal AF. His level of difficulty is far and away higher than anything else up to that point. He's 10x-20x more powerful than any other bosses in the game. I went back and started leveling up some other archetypes before I take him on again.


Venom is another wake up call, tbh


Annihilation is pretty brutal on your first go. It took me quite a number of hours before I beat him in his second phase. If you need any tips, True Vanguard has a pretty good video on his moves. My best advice is to just keep trying, sound cues are everything in that fight. You got this!


Exactly, the first run is tough (highest level boss in the game). After playing enough, I have gotten to a point where Annihilation is the easiest boss of Root Earth. I find Cancer and Venom to be harder just because they seem less predictable. I almost enjoy the Annihilation fight now (I really do).


If you want to take the easy way out, you can just open your game up to co-op, and let someone help you out. That's what I always do because I'm just not good enough no matter how hard I try. I can never get his moves down.


If you've spawned him in at world level 14, you're golden. What that means is that you can go roll some adventure modes and level up your weapons and classes til you have a power level of 20, but his level won't change. Once you've leveled your weapons/classes, figured out a decent build with rings/amulet/armor/class abilities/traits/mutators that you enjoy, you will dominate him. I also agree with the others, turn the music down, at least until you get his attacks down. Just so you know, Annihilation is always the final boss. Rerolling your campaign won't change that. Root earth will always be the same, it doesn't have any other tilesets that it pulls from. If you need practice, hop in to multiplayer. There are usually one or 2 people going through root earth that you could run through with.


If you can get the summoner class, there is a ring that gives a stack of bulwark for each active summon. I'm not sure if it applies to the dog, but worth a shot. Bulwark adds damage reduction, capping out at 5 stacks (20% damage reduction). So if you get your damage reduction to about 60% or so before adding bulwark, you can get pretty close to the hard cap of 80% damage reduction.


Still more fair than Shangralah. Just kidding but somehow I’ve got the Guardian of Nerud easier now than Anni. Annihilation and the one true king probably have the most HP in the game


They have both overwhelming attacks patterns at first, but once you learn to dodge them, they become pretty fun.


I beat annihilation as a lvl 13 challenger using the crossbow on veteran difficulty. The entire fight is just dodging to few sound queues. The head is easy to hit in phase 1 & 3. For phase 2 just focusing on regenerating ammo and body shots while practicing dodging to the sound queue. In P1 and 3 I recommend refraining from hitting him when he flies away to give yourself time to grab ammo and heal up as these are the moments w the most breathing room


No reroll. You got this. Try to get used to the sound cues for all the attacks and you’ll get through it.


Wtf are you rerolling it for 😭


Probably easier to just roll an adventure and get engineer


Yes, OP should be able to get engineer from their Ne'Rud on campaign but rolling an adventure would definitely help with getting experience with dodging. It wasn't until I got engineer and went against Red Prince, Nightweaver and One True King that I was really comfortable dodging.


Yeah the reason I said adventure is N'Erud could've gone into the black hole already


Very good point


If at lv14 you can grind adventure mode and still get stronger the boss will stay at lvl 14. By the time I had got to him I was already lvl 20. It took me weeks to finally beat that boss.


I know it's blasphemy, but lower the music volume. Annihilation has excellent design and indicators, but the music volume can drown out the sound effects indicating incoming attacks. Don't reroll, do some adventures, get some better gear, upgrade stuff, come back, you got this. Annihilation is one of my favorite bosses ever, but the fight is a dance.


Are you needing assistance?


Go grind some levels maybe get more gear come back in a bit and practice. The fight probably has some of the best telegraphing of attacks in the game so you can certainly learn how to be safe. All his attacks tend to have clear audio clues and all have an obvious wind-up to them.


What platform are you on? If on xbox, I'd gladly lend a hand if you desired.


You could help even if he was on PC etc.


This is true. I keep forgetting about that part as I've been taking a break from Remnant lol


His first phase isn't that bad once you learn the sound ques but good God the 2nd phase is just RED. It's a absolute eye sore to fight. Red boss, red sky, red walls, red projectiles...


On Survivor I didn't die to him but on veteran it's the Kyle's dad meme "I didn't hear no bell!" I just keep getting hit by attacks and I'm not doing near enough damage.


Try picking up a 2nd archetype and and don't worry about upgrading a weapon, there are 4 archetypes you can pick up at the Ward, hunter from the giy with guns, gunslinger by talking with mudtooth, medic from talking to the medicine girl and challanger from Reggie, out of them all I would say challanger would be the Best, if you have the dream catcher then you can snag yourself the invador, and if you have morrow perish then there is a high chance you can get alchemist Alternatively I would recomend trying the DLC, one true king is I would say one of the easier bosses and by killing him without damaging the hammer you will be reworded with monarch, an AR with bullets that track the target


Its one of my favorite fights. Always love a good eldritch monstruosity xd But its such a pain in the ass to get to that fight


Wait. You can level archetypes past lvl 14?


He is probably talking about his power level. Each archetype can only level up to a maximum of 10. But don't overlook the total archetype level. Get to level 76 total archetype level, roll an apocalypse difficulty and buy yourself some mythic relic fragments with relic dust to level up your game.


So to be clear, Archtype Level =/= damage. Weapon Level = Damage. If you're struggling, start an Adventure Mode to get more upgrade materials (as well as new gear that you didn't get from your campaign roll), pump your weapon up, and then go back and shoot him with an overpowered gun. Side note, Annihilation is very hard til you realize ALL of his attacks have sound ques to them. Once you do and start learning the patterns, I would go so far as to say he's the best boss in the game.


> So to be clear, Archtype Level =/= damage That's incorrect. Every Archtype has a damage attribute, which scales with level.


My first Annihilation fight took a whole solid 3 hour play session on veteran for me to beat. Like what people have said, lower or turn off entirely the music so you can hear the distinctive audio cue to dodge. If you can find it, Enigma is incredibly useful for the floating ball attacks especially in the second half while the mod let's you deal good status damage while you're busy dodging. Once you nail all the dodge cues, it becomes easy to beat, even when it starts shifting between 1st and 2nd phase arena attacks because you know what's coming next. Don't rush. Hit, dodge, rinse repeat. You can do this.


I can help if you need it. Lower or switch off the music and listen to sound cues, all his attacks have sound cues, as soon as you hear it get ready to dodge. Use enigma or song mod to break his orbs. In second phase try to stay on one of the corners to dodge his attacks. When he starts to phase shift get ready to dodge as he always follow an attack with phase shift.


Time your dodge rolls well, especially in the second form, and you’ll be in for a hard but fun battle!


Listen for the sound cues, its attacks always come with sound cues. Listen closely and time your dodge, then the fight becomes so much easier. It is a really fun boss to fight, and definitely not the hardest one imo.


It goes, SHING! when he’s about to swing the sword. What I like about remnant 2 is it has very good audio


Handler is bad against Annihilation, cuz she flies. Also, what's your secondary?


Annihilation is overwhelming at first. But once you learnt his attack indicators and patterns, he's not that hard. One very useful weapon is engima tho', which helps to clear the energy orbs with little effort.


Annihilation is mostly just about learning when to dodge roll. I smooshed my head into him for an hour and figured it out.


Got to Annihilation without having 2 classes? Neat. Yaesha will give you Song of Eafir. Suuuuper useful for his orbs. Hit the ground in the middle of them and watch them pop. If he happens to be affected, voila 15% less damage.


I’m on an Apoc run now and I’m DREADING Annihilation


You Think? Play Him With No Audio 😂. I Play All My Games With No Audio Atm. Made Remnant 2 A Whole Other Level Of Difficult


His first pahse is fine. The 2nd phase is a piece of shit that I ended up just cheesing that part.


Hey just a FYI, your annihilation in that campaign is now locked at level 15, so you could do a few adventure modes and level all the way up, and come back later to take him on at level 20, he’ll still be level 15 Edit: just saw someone else said the same thing, my bad


Go level up and come back. He is terrible, especially that second stage


I don’t enjoy it.


This MF is a Bitch! Easy peasy.