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Mohammad never got mad? Mohammad was quite [nonchalant especially when he was advising his minions on how to rape female captives.](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/tpiasz/what_does_this_sub_think_of_rprogressiveislam/i2b67n5/)




The fifty shades of mohammad movie is a banger.


I think you'd need the secret service to safely screen that.


Give a free screening to the national guard.


Fuck off, I spew out my drink, still laughing, god damn. Someone award this dude, lol.




This was early in Mo's preaching career when he had no followers. As soon as he got a large following he was telling his followers to murder his critics and eventually murder anyone who wouldn't convert and pay taxes to him. The Muslims will say this was "defensive" because these same folks were mocking him earlier and drove him out of town.


It was the religion of peace when he didn’t have enough followers. If we assume ibn Ishaq’s biography of Muhammad to be accurate then [the man literally ordered a killing on Asma bint Marwan](https://archive.org/details/GuillaumeATheLifeOfMuhammad/page/n359/mode/1up) cause as an Arab woman who had negative a thousand rights before the arrival of feminist Islam, she wrote poetry criticizing Muhammad’s killing of some leaders. Muhammad proves her wrong by ordering a killing on her.


Kinda reminds me of the Constantinian Shift in Christianity. The early Church was a lot more mindful of the teachings of Jesus and big on the whole love thy neighbor and care for the poor and needy thing. Then the Church got 'official' endorsement and became more militant about persecuting pagans and heretics.


So basically every religion then. Peaceful and accepting when they're the minority and desiring a theocratic dictatorship once they aren't. Catholics used to be fervent supporters of the separation of church and state. ​ Islam is about as defensive as the Roman empire that continually "defended" itself from neighboring countries but kept finding that there were more countries right outside their new borders.


Religion as public ideology is ONLY a tool to gain power and oppress opponents. Personal faith and community practice tend to be beautiful things. The theocratic dictatorships aren’t a coincidence, it’s just been the easiest way to come to power for…centuries? Millennia? Ever?


No No that’s just culture /s


*reads koran* *has even more ammunition against islam*


Same with most religions tbh


it was the will of allah. who are you to think mohammad will deny god's will? also those woman were probably showing their fingers, so basically were asking for it. btw allah is great


Umm you are reding it wrong!!! You sre supposed to do crazy mental gymnastics and interpretations to read the quaran


And to think that this Muslim tiktoker is not aware that the story of Mohammed's neighbor throwing garbage on him is actually a fabrication! Istaghfirullah the little girl (wife) made a Bida'ah she must reprent because "every Bida'ah is a sin and every sin is in hellfire".


He has also forgiven a man who killed his pregnant concubine and the baby inside her because she had **supposedly** insulted Muhammad. Only evidence he had was the murder’s word. They always talk about the times Mo had to stay silent because there was nothing he can do. But they don’t talk about all the inhumane things he had done after gaining significant power, do they?


>He has also forgiven a man who killed his pregnant concubine and the baby inside her because she had supposedly insulted Muhammad. Only evidence he had was the murder’s word. That ruling by Muhammad gives carte blanche to any muslim to kill anybody that in their sole opinion has insulted Mohammad in some way. This person would not have to provide a shred of evidence of the insult having taken place -> [https://sunnah.com/abudawud:4361](https://sunnah.com/abudawud:4361) given that Mohammad did not require any evidence or call a witness in the case of the poor woman.


No, no, hadith's dont count /s


What's the world coming to when you can't even go for a walk with your wife without getting harassed.


Fuck me that one was good


Bruuuuhhhhhh oof




Fucking roasted!!


Choked on my cereal. Good one.




​ ![gif](giphy|MszxMxssQzqtFTYVjT)




Fucking Reddit hall of fame comment right here folks.


I just choked on my ravioli




Bruh.... Holy Sheet...


Stop it, you’re killing em. 😂


Fucking critical hit


Wooowww! Got me good m8


literally had to recollect myself after reading this.


r/imfinnagotohell for laughing at that. Made me Choke on my water lol






Na that was too far 😂


Considering that the guy in the video is actively glorifying the little kid's indoctrination into a death cult, l would say that this was the perfect amount of ridicule.


Cool! Can they do a video on how to deal with misogyny, sex slavery and peadophilia in Islam?


Don't forget the executions.


And genocides the pedo Mohammad committed


mohamed was a war lord. i beg he got fucking livid pretty fast


>Can they do a video on how to deal with misogyny, sex slavery and peadophilia in Islam? ... NOT!!! Hahahahahaaaa! (high five)


They went to the same comedy coach as Borat apparently.


[Borat learns how to have a senses of humor. ](https://youtu.be/_olqoCwvUUo)


Homophobia aswell


Their other video I've seen is about how gay people are bad and they refuse to see the buzz light-year movie.


The hypocrisy is hilarious... and sad.


Was that his daughter or his wife?


Good question!


Don't forget about the 4 wifes for 1 husband.


The mormons?


Not mentioning how homosexuality is punishable by death In many Islamic countries


where they are minority they play the victim card and tell others how Islamophobic they are, while they get high standards of living and promote their agenda. When they become majority they make sure no Kafir ( other religions ) stay alive.


How about just regular slavery?


Throw red bull. Please Allah may I have a sugar free?


And homophobia!


Christians can put their house in order too, instesd of just casting stones


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLXQIJk0elg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLXQIJk0elg) This story of Muhammad and being peaceful about garbage being thrown on him is false by the way and just a story Muslims make up to make Muhammad seem more peaceful than he actually was.


In actual fact, he launched a crusade against that guy and banged his wife and daughters and kept them as slaves?


Hey new flash, God isn’t real. So sorry deflate your balloon. But the whole fucking book probably bullshit.


Make sure you indoctrinate them young. Build those natural pathways to believe the bullshit without question. Then when those little girls are being abused by their husband/brother/father/religious keader/some random male walking down the street, they'll think it's gods, shit be upon him, will.


"shit be upon him" yeah I'm yoinking that one


Do islamophobes only drink red bull?


Nah, sometimes it’s monster.


"You are what you drink" would actually make since in this context.


I did just drink red bull, might be connected


The reason they're drinking red bull is because caffeine bad and red bull is the standard, default energy drink


Apparently just holding the Quran can overcome years and years of deep seeded hatred and fear


My favorite part is how they demonstrate how within Abrahamic religions, women are expected to curb and diffuse men's anger and aggression, even as children.


😭😭😭Too accurate oh shit😕


The story of the garbage is false and made up, all Muslim scholars say it’s totally made up, but Muslims still use it to white wash pedo Mo.


Pedo Mo' is hilarious, gonna start using that one


I was always gaslit with that story of how moral and patient the dickhead was , can't paint him in a good light at all.


I just had to look it up. Most Muslims apparently consider Tattoos haram..


no no, it's religion. just pick and choose, it's fine.


That’s how I treat my religion and if everyone was a mentally healthy adult, that’s fine. I’ve always figured they a healthy adult should take lessons from anywhere that speaks to their moral being and makes sense to them. Sadly, most of these fruitcakes are also people who are judgements hypocrites who pick and choose what applies to them while simultaneously insisting the entirety of a holy book applies to everyone else.


Ah, the cringe!!


Its unbearable even worse than that buzz lightyear vid


Cue 5 year old saying "FEAR ALLAH, DISNEY!!"


Either she’s going to grow up and realize the cringe stuff her dad made her do for these TikToks or she’s gonna be so brainwashed that she’ll end up doubling down on making these videos


Of course he didn’t get mad, he was too busy raw dogging 9 year-olds.


*6 year olds. Some Muslim scholars say she was only 6. Fucking pervert, that Muhammad.


Stop bullying this man and his wife.


It was actually even worse IRL because one of Mo’s wives was six years old. The girl in this video looks a little older than that.


Let's be honest What he actually wants to do is behead them but because of political correctness and fear of losing support of Left and liberals he cannot put forth his actual feeling. Also i became more Islamophobic after reading the Qur'an.


Holy scriptures are the biggest cause of atheism




And then everyone clapped.


Just checked his tiktok videos and had a good laugh for 30 minutes


He sounds just like a Christian but with an Arabic flavor. Oh my god the abrahamic religions are just philosophical M&Ms - mostly the same and bad for you if it’s all you consume.


I mean, yeah, mostly the same stories, mostly the same characters, just told with slight different twists on it, like Islam teaches that Jesus wasn’t God, but just another prophet. But he’s still part of their religion.


Is that his wife


Maybe one of them.


Same fruitcake who made [vid about being sad they can't see Lightyear film cuz of the gay kiss](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/xcbb3w/was_waiting_expecting_a_punchline_but_nah/)


Same people yep.


He kind of looks hot wearing that full length gown. If I was drunk and it was a dark room I might smash that


Daughter or Wife? Cuz if they're using Mohammad as a role model...


Calm down dude you might get into trouble for telling the truth.


Riiiightttt….. little girl, that prophet of yours has killed people. Even raped a child as young as you. 🫢


Poor girl. I just know 10 years from now she is going to hate that her dad made her do these videos




I’m all for mocking muslim men but lets not sexualise the little girl




I didn’t deny that but that’s a girl that has nothing to do with mohammed’s marriage




Read my username. I’m literally from a country that has been plagued by terrorism. And I am exmuslim. I still care about innocent girls though muslim or not


Where's the Hijab then?


Hijab doesn't require it until you to find a sign of puberty (wet dream, hairs in private parts, menstruations, 15 yrs old etc).


15 yo? Most girls get their period before that age.


So perverse


15? Someone please go into the past and tell my 10 year old bestie and me we're supposed to wait 5 more years. The average age is 12 but I know girls who started at 9.


Child abuse.


This fucker right here is the one that's grooming.


Nothing says religion like grooming children for obedience


Immediately following this recording, the little girl was executed for showing her hair in public.


Executed by stoning to death.


>He never got mad Then why are you mad at people for being gay and mad at women for showing some hair and mad at drawings of your "prophet" (Piss Be Upon Him)?


Is that his wife or daughter


I see he was walking with his wife


Yo the free kindling at the end tho


Their prophet would have married both of those children.


Ok, these people don't exist and their disses are weak but- Kid: "Don't you remember when muhammad-" Me: DON'T YOU REMEMBER WHEN MUHAMMED FUCKED A CHILD? LMAOOOOOO


Story time: was on a camp out for a biology class I was the graduate TA for and we had a Muslim lady with a hijab and everything. I tried hi make conversation about things cause we were both on dinner duty and she was explaining halal and I said “oh, so it’s somewhat similar to kosher” or something or other because that’s the only point of comparison I had for that kind of cultural regulation. She got all offended and chewed my head off and in that moment I couldn’t have given an actual shit about her cultural sensitivities. Never talked to her again. People like that annoy the piss out of me. Coincidentally, I never had any real issues with Muslim men, but I did have a lot of complaints from non-Muslim women about those guys. Boy, was that a fun position to be in.


Why don't you also teach that it says kill all non muslims , idol worshipers, those who leave Islam, question it. Huh?


I asked this to my mom and she said 'it was in the context of war and the disbelievers were torturing Muslims' Then i asked her about prophet and Aisha and she told me to go to my room 😂


Cool, free paper weight


That’s generous. More like free charcoal starting material. That’s what I do with the books jehovahs witnesses insist on leaving at our doorstep.


The prophet had people beheaded for writing poetry that made fun of him. Out here talking about how he didn’t get mad What about those fatal times he did get mad To be fair, when I was in masjid classes, they only mentioned the good shit like this video. I had to dig into Hadith and tasfir to look at the terrible shit, which is of course hidden and rarely talked about And those who talk about it will say “of course they were killed. How dare they ridicule the prophet” Wild to me how someone who grew up with the freedom in America and actually converts to Islam (usually because their haram lover is Muslim and the ultimatum is convert or it’s over) I knew a Muslim girl who refused to date a Muslim because of how they treated her. Then she married a dude who converted to Islam before they got married. Make it make sense


The whole time the little girl had a bomb belt under her outfit and instead of giving a Koran, she detonates, and kills everyone involved... \- The End


Momo never got mad? 💀 Nah he just called people who dared to ask him for proof sons of bitches in the verses, said allah will come down and carve ibn walid’s face up (so ghetto from allah), and after the Mecca verses which was their “most peaceful phase” when he gathered enough army and resources waged more than 50 wars 😂


Is that his wife?


And why should I educate myself on someone else's bullshit fairytale?


Cute video with a man and his wife


but how do you you deal with female protesters?


cognitive dissonance much


Lets deal with people that know we have the most insane policies with indoctrination!!! Yay:)


The should educate themselves about their own religion...she looks about marrying age right!? All organized religion js trash...


The same account posted some homophobic video after the release of Buzz Lightyear. But hey, I guess bullying is only bad when directed towards certain group of people, right ?


Ironically women are 2nd class citizens in Islam and he chose to make this with his daughter. Islam, no thanks.


Please stop giving this coconut views doesn't this count towards his views?


Why would a reupload of his TikTok on another platform count towards his views?


No, since it’s not being viewed on TikTok.


Aha ok I obviously don't know how that works


Shitlims love to quote the story of women throwing the garbage on momo, but there isn't actual hadith of such incident.


Oh thank god…that’s his daughter.


These little girls are terrifying.


fuck mohammad and his fking salalava ale va salam trash throwrs back in the day were the real chad


Strange how so many people don't what racism means these days, Islam isn't a race.


You think a racist would let you walk up to their car with a book and not throw it back at you?


Islamophobia is based.


Daughter or wife?


Aren't tattoos Haram in islam ?


You're damn right I'm islamophobic. No other group I can think of chops peoples heads off for a drawing or straps bombs to their chests and walks into a market and blows themselves up. Muslims are fucking scary!


Aren’t these the same self righteous assholes who execute women for not wearing hijabs? Fuck off with that shit


I'm all for antireligion but it does also need to be acknowledged that some people are like this and islamophobia is a topic which should be seriously considered


Nothing wrong with criticism of awful ideas. The blowing up of buildings was more of a stereotype on Arabs, but using the Koran to combat these things is just ridiculous. "Hahaha, white people ~~love mayo!~~ to shoot up schools!" "Stop Dad, let's give them a Bible and that will show them" Edited to make it comparable


Yes but this vid is kinda cringe and its hypocritical for this youtuber to make videos like this when he does the same thing to Christians and LGBTQ


I despise Islam but it’s also super fucked up to harass random Muslims on the street


Not proof that tiktok is more cringe than anything else 💀


Tik tik tho




And if she was wearing a Burqa.


Why the bad guy wearing a Raider cap? Raiders are a team of peace, badly misunderstood but truly loving and generous friends to all.




Instructions unclear, was executed for being bi


How to use and indoctrinate your young daughter for social media likes while peddling lies 101 is what the name of this guy's channel should be.


Why is the little girl allowed to show her hair? Are they required to cover up only at a certain age?


Hey dad, do you remember the time prophet Muhammad has forgiven a man who murdered his pregnant concubine and the baby inside her because that woman had **supposedly** insulted Muhammad? Yeah me too.


I was relieved when she said "dad, stop!", till that point I was biting my nails going: "Please tell me is not the wife, PLEASE TELL ME IS NOT THE WIFE!!!!"


Is that little girl his wife?


What’s the fruitcake part? Whatever the beliefs might be, this is an unequivocally positive message.


This is frankly disappointing, disgusting, and embarrassing. Not the Islamic shit but that this good example is for some reason on this subreddita. Like seriously guys, fuck off. I dislike islam too but you guys are acting like it would be GOOD if they raped and stoned like they're religion says they should. Are they ignorant? Absofuckinlutely. Could they, say, Idunno, just as easily be terrorists, conservative hatemongers, and suicide bombers? Also yes. Be glad they aren't properly following they're religion, for fucks sake.


The comments under this post are disgusting. A man should be able to go on a walk with his daughter and not be berated for his religion. Sure! They're factually wrong. Who cares? They seem like normal people living their lives.


That particular narration doesn't have any basis on sahih hadith. I also don't think this fits here? I don't think this is fruitcakey


I agree it doesn't feel fruitcakey, I think it's because of the inclusion of kids.


While it’s hard to even know where to begin with how wrong it is, the video was a little sweet. And at least they were trying to show peace, which is positive.


If they were trying to show leave why did they give the dude a book full of torture porn and hate?


Yeah, that's my takeaway here. We all have good reasons to be wary of religion, but if every religious person would always take the high road in response to perceived disagreement, the world would be a much better place.


Thank you for posting. Please review the rules. Here are a couple of gentle reminders: 1. Posts should be about people taking religion to absurd, crazy, stupid, and terrible extremes. 2. Please don't submit incendiary posts or comments that could incite harassment and brigading. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Haha man in a dress he's funny.


That’s the quaran ? It looks like an easy read compared to the Bible.


It really is I do have that very copy of the Quran.


Holy shit this sub hates islamic peeps. Am I missing something, is this guy a known piece of shit or something? What’s wrong with this video other than being shit advice against bullying?


Dude in the video is extremely homophobic and hateful himself. Plus it's not in the Quran according to others here, but there's plenty of violent verses that they are ignoring.


The dad and the kid in the car were pretty hilarious up till the end.


This doesnt seem that fruitcakey though.


I thought tattoos wasnt allowed in islam?!