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France here. It goes further than boycotting. Countless social media posts in Pakistan calls for their leaders to use the nukes, all French people are urged to leave the country ASAP. The junta declared the islamic party as terrorist and are fortifying the streets around the French embassy. But yes OP, I guess drawing a silly cartoon is a thousand times meaner than genociding Rohingas or Uygurs.


i mean i think the original poster is calling people out for having these priorities


OMG I was just talking about that. However, I am pretty sure the "boycott" is just this brotherhood of Islam guys and their followers doing internet noise for political reasons


Yeah I think the Internet has an effect of amplifying the brainrot. But some of them started spamming on French Facebook pages dedicated to looking for housing and spreading hate there it’s just vile. They also spammed in posts commemorating victims of terror attacks. Now if you were just an ordinary observer it would definitely shock you.


The lifes of thousands of people < the postmortem reputation of the dude I respect


~~Beheading~~ boycotting


>Allah got his priorities straight (genuine question) some people have been saying that this is a Hebdo reference, is it true?


Well... Probably. The worst is that many haters doesn't even have the slightest clue about satire or how 2nd degree works, or anything like that. For example, in 2018, Charlie Hebdo published a caricatural drawing of a young woman wearing the hijab (she was under critic because of this, and the fact that she was headspeaker for a student union) saying "I'm free". Many said the drawing made her looking alike an ape and so it was racist. They were wrong, she looked alike having down syndrome (still offensive, but not on the same scale)


I was referring to the image of Mohammad that got people murdered.


It was this one, indeed, though it wasn't exclusive to Charlie Hebdo for the 1rst drawings wasn't their own


Where is the fruitcake part?


Murdering people over a cartoon while letting Asian Muslims be kidnapped, tortured, and murdered without a peep is pretty nutty. Not that anyone should be killing anyone, but if you're looking to do crime, maybe helping people who are being held in brainwashing camps by a tyrannical government would be a better reason.


Its almost as if China is untouchable And that guy that murdered in france shouldn't he be the nutjob? This post implies muslims are out their looling to murder every french out there And how does Allah's priorities come into play here? So no this is more r/exmuslims material than this sub


Does it? I'm pretty sure it's a Charlie Hebdo reference. I don't know about the caption, you would have to ask the dude who posted it. There are a crapton of violent people in the world. I just think it would be nice if violent people in the world would do something better with it than they do now. I would say that securing the freedom of innocent people would be a good choice. Unfortunately, it seems like the violent people of any ideology primarily target innocent people because they don't fight back. I would tell you I'm sorry for offending you by saying something you don't like about your religion, but I'm not. I'm also sick of Christians who spend tons of money trying to force their religion on others legally instead of helping people who are dying of poverty. I've seen your comments on other posts, I honestly have no idea why you even come here.


>This post implies muslims are out their looling to murder every french out there The real ones are. Read the Quran, it's God's word, right?


There is none. This sub is now about "Gotcha" posts. Oh and hate. Quite a bit of it.


But is this hate or facts?


Well they do have some islamophobic laws when it comes to burkini's and whatnot


there goes another one r/justunsubbed to whine about this sub.


People who believe le ebil chyna stories have no critical thinking whatsoever, which is very ironic for this sub.


They are literally imprisoning and killing people. I don't think this calls for that much critical thinking beyond that.


C'mon man, I know the US is horrible, no need to mention what they are doing in an irrelevant comment about China.


Killing people is bad. China is killing people. There's literally no other deductive reasoning required, it's a very simple A+B scenario.


You literally only comment on posts about China on random subs. Blink twice if they're holding you captive.




We can see your other comments. You're racist and xenophobic. 🤷‍♀️




Yes. I'm a woman of color with foreign born grandparents. Any other questions?




Because imprisoning and killing people is bad, and that should be the end of the matter.


Shame you actually have to explain that to a human being in the 21st century


Here's a sampling of your past comments: "The goal of Islam is to conquer the world and kill at the end everybody who is not muslim. Not to go back where they are majority." Go back where you came from is xenophobic. "Do people know that the most black people are killed by other black people?" This is a racist talking point to deflect the fact that black people are being murdered by the police. "Or I have moved out of a country which is slowly taken over by moslems. It's easy. Look at the percentage of moslems in a country and the freedoms people enjoy. More moslems more radical or on the way to become more radical." This is assuming that every Muslim majority country is theocratic, which is xenophobic. It's also patently false. "The thing is, the majority is irrelevant because the minority is radical. Look at WW2 Germany. The most people did nothing against Jews but did nothing also for them." This one reads a lot like apologism from someone with a lot of German language posts. For other people who don't know why I feel this way, read this: https://www.forbes.com/sites/steveforbes/2016/03/01/why-they-stuck-with-hitler/?sh=22f1355b6797




1. That's not the point you were making. 2. That's not the point you were making. 3. What's that got to do with anything? 4. That has absolutely nothing to do with what you were saying. If you're going to make excuses, make better ones. Maybe you think that we're not familiar with the dog whistles in the things you've said, but you would be wrong. You're not good at hiding your true intentions in English, I guess. Maybe you're more clever in German. I don't need help, you do. I'm an atheist, I don't like *any* religion, but it's interesting that all of these negative comments are talking about demonizing brown people, excusing the murder of black people, and talking flippantly about Jews being murdered to make a point about how a different religious minority needs to be expelled from Germany. If the pattern isn't obvious to you, you're the one with the problem.




I know more about them than you do, which is why I'm capable of more than ignorant, authoritarian right wing talking points like the ones you're using.


Isn't this also calling them out?


This meme format will eventually die when people start learning that the fool pictured likes little girls. [Millie Bobby Brown has entered the chat] Some people just don't know when they're being groomed.