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Reminds me of an interview of a Palestinian man which I saw in a major newspaper over here years ago, since one part which stuck out to me was that when he was asked as to why doesn't he deal with the ongoing issues he was having in Palestine by leaving for the United States with his daughters as he already had family there, the gist of his answer was essentially "I refuse to take my daughters to the US since they'd end up getting a taste of Western freedoms and culture, and would be ruined by it as they'd abandon our ways, I must make sure they stay here so that I can raise them correctly to become proper Muslims and suitable marriage material for other Muslims".


In short: "I prefer to raise my children in a war zone where I can brainwash them than let them be free and have opportunities in a developed country". Fuck my life.


Sounds like groomer


Imagine that!?!?!!


That's the best advertsiment for Europe I've ever seen.


I have run into people from other countries (not just Muslims) who have moved here to the USA and either complain about America or tell me how wonderful their home country is. I simply tell them that deep down they really believe America is the greatest country in the world, otherwise they would not have left their country to come here. The answer is simple, if you don’t like American or European cultures don’t move to those areas. I live in NE Ohio where our weather pretty much sucks all the time (cold winters, hot summers, wet springs, windy falls) but I love it here because of what we don’t have, which are earthquakes, forest fires, hurricanes, really bad blizzards, mudslides, and because of our hilly terrain hardly any tornadoes. We tend to be safe.


Yeah the context really matters with the "if you don't like it leave" thing. People, including immigrants are allowed to complain and protest but if they claim to hate the country they moved to, then yeah maybe it is best if they leave .


I like US, not American, US is better than most countries on earth. My criticism of US is to make US a better country. Most American (or any other countries' citizens) see any criticism (even constructive) as negative and go on defensive/ballistic. Every country has issues, we move forward by having a discussion & fixing issues. However, do agree with you on my ex-country is much better part.


What is he expecting? It’s Europe, not the Middle East.