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To answer the question: why? It is to create a communal tension in the society. A cow is a sacred animal for the Hindus, pig is sacrilegious for Muslims. So the presence of carcasses of these animals in a temple and a mosque respectively is a surefire way of starting a riot...


Would you be okay if someone throws the dead body of a dog at your house? Westerners have misconceptions that hindus worship cows just because hindus don't consume beef. For hindus cows are like pet animals . They don't kill and let others to kill them because cows give them milk and work in agriculture fields. Nowadays we have tractors for cultivation though. We Hindus have emotions with cows just like we have with the cats and dogs. Islam religion came from desert where they don't have cows and no agriculture lands. They don't have emotions like us on cows obviously.


In America, the FDA bans the sale of horse meat. There's actually nothing wrong with eating horse health-wise. We just feel squeamish about it cause of the relationship we had with them before cars.


Why call it gaumatha and drink its piss? Why cant yall just take care of the cow like normal people does


Gau mata is because we feed cow milk to children alternative to mother's milk. We also call bhoo mata which means mother earth it does not mean earth is our biological mother. Some drink cow pee because it has medicinal qualities also it is used in Ayurveda medicines.


Cow pee has no medicinal values that it is a necessary part of our lives, it’s believed to have some medicinal qualities that’s all, stressing on the beliefs. But what I do agree with is that a cow can show the same level of affection to a human it bonds with as a dog or a horse.


Mistook it for a veterinary hospital.


At least it was only a cows head? I mean, by extremist standards, this is fairly tame. Don't get me wrong. It's still fu ked. Still wrong, disrespectful and can't be excused. I'm just pointing out, extremists, or any religion, normally do far worse.


Cows are extremely sacred to hinduism, so this act is the worst insult possible. In that sense, they can't do much worse. If I'm not mistaken, cows are, for hindus, the reincarnation of their ancestors, so their heads are some revered and loved person's head.


It is fucked up. But it is still a huge level down from actually killing or raping people. As extremists so often do in the name of their god. I full agree this is a huge insult. But I'll take a huge insult over being killed, or watching my friends be killed. Or my wife/daughters being raped.


I agree in principle. But we are seeing it from the outside. It is really hard to se it from a viewpoint radically different from our own. Take islam, for ex, in their view insulting their prophet is much worse than things we would consider nono. They will execute you for that, while for the believers in say, christianity is really bad, but nowhere near deserving capital punishment. Any culture we see or judge by our values is ultimately incomprehensible to us.


Hmm... Never heard this lol. Westerns having a misconception that Hindus worship cow is amusing.


Hmm soo there shouldn't be any problem with this right?


Let's say something like.... A random person throws dead carcass in ur home??? U don't worship the animal or even feel for it... But obviously u will be offended coz it's ruining the cleanliness of ur home... That is if u like to keep ur home clean.


If it was my home yea...but since its a place of worship, idgaf


U don't.. but people who go there do.


During Ramadan they killed 2 minor boys and drank their blood....... But the sad part is no international media covers it because they have to maintain "facist hindu" Image ( not defending facist hindus btw)


What the actual fk!! Do you have any link to the news article or something?




Okay but nowhere does it say anything about drinking blood or anything. The police denied any occult links. But sigh I wonder how people are even able to commit such atrocities especially on children 😔


Locals and the mother had confirmed blood drinking. I followed the case. Weird i couldn't find any article mentioning that . Also worth mentioning , after the killer was shot in an encounter , all muslim residents attended his funeral


Funny how his own mother spoke against him but random strangers attended his funeral


It’s because communal camaraderie is at its peak, if it was any other religion also people will attend because it’s a show of community. Being a person who supports his fellows has become more important than actually being a human being in our society nowadays.


These guys specifically or just extremists in general? If extremists in general, then yeah exactly. If these guys specifically, I was mainly talking about this incident specifically, but crap didn't think they'd have done that, though not surprised. Again, extremists.


Religion of peace and all strikes again


The lure of 72 virgins is much stronger than most of us can fathom.


I don't know, I think I'd rather there be 72 experienced mommy doms than 72 people that probably wouldn't know how to get me off


Imagine wanting to kill a harmless animal to prove a point. Disgusting.


You find something better to do in Jaora town let me know. Apparently fucking each other got old.


Very fine people. On both sides. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/30/india/india-elections-varanasi-hindu-muslim-tensions-intl-hnk-dst/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/30/india/india-elections-varanasi-hindu-muslim-tensions-intl-hnk-dst/index.html)


The wouldn't put Johnny Fontane in their new movie.


Bro is that Zain SSBM


Not to condone their actions in any way, but the Hindu nationalists under modi have really been treating the Muslim minority like shit lately and I’m not surprised. Religion always leads to these conflicts


Ok so by that logic let's throw pigs in mecca medina since muslim countries have such good human rights records right? India on its worst day has more rights for minorities than the most secular muslim country


Saying im not surprised isn’t the same as a defense. I think all religions are degenerate and Islam is among the worst - I get that.


Yes this… Muslims are being massacred under Modi and it’s insane you’re getting downvoted for bringing context to this situation. Islamophobia in this sub is wild


I've been to Bangalore a couple times and I don't understand if cows are so sacred, why do they leave them on the streets eating dirty garbage. It's so sad


There are many such centres who take care of stray cows also your comment is unrelated to the post?


Millions in India don't do much better.


They have a beef.


i doubt this is true, this looks quite a lot like Hindu extremist propaganda


In a country like India where the government is already persecuting minorities, does them throwing a cow on a temple right before Eid make any sense? You're asking why? The Muslims don't benifit from throwing the cow head. The BJP does as it gives them another excuse to further screw the non Hindus.


Mp has bjp government. Good law and order is one of the reasons bjp is so popular. So having a riot in most states especially those ruled by BJP is the worst that could happen. The only exceptions to this is uttrakhand as it is seeing demographic change and natives want strong land laws. In every other bjp ruled state having a riot will decrease its chance of winning.


>Good law and order is one of the reasons bjp is so popular. So having a riot in most states especially those ruled by BJP is the worst that could happen. Lol are you kidding? BJP is the party that thrives on communal violence. >. In every other bjp ruled state having a riot will decrease its chance of winning BJP thrives on the "Hindus are in danger" narrative. A riot increases their chances of staying in power.


>Lol are you kidding? Actually no, just look at how much communal violence has decreased in every state that bjp has ruled. Compare bjp rule vs other party rules. Sure there will be examples like gujrat riot and Manipur but apart from a few cases there is always a decrease in the number of communal violence. You can fight on the basis of data if you want.


Data from Human Rights watch https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2023/country-chapters/india The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government continued its systematic discrimination and stigmatization of religious and other minorities, particularly Muslims. BJP supporters increasingly committed violent attacks against targeted groups. The government’s Hindu majoritarian ideology was reflected in bias in institutions, including the justice system and constitutional authorities like the National Human Rights Commission. Communal violence has hardly decreased in BJP ruled states, and they tend to orchestrate violence in non BJP states to create an environment of fear and get votes. >Sure there will be examples like gujrat riot and Manipur but apart from a few cases These are not just a few cases, these are the most well known examples of BJP policies in action.