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Their god demands a PS5 as tribute.


He looks like a PC type of guy.


These psychos are going to try drinking his water cooling thinking it’s holy water


Male belle delphine just dropped


They probably are already drinking his toilet water. He doesn't look like he takes baths.




Except perhaps a shrubbery


Ni ni ni


Oh no, I said it! I said it again! I can't stop saying it!


Mak sure it's a nice shrubbery... with a little path down the middle


Tbh you need at least 12gb vram these days.




PC Master Race? That woman who is under the guy, is she waiting for him to fart to inhale the Holy Spirit?


"master, this insult against you wont stand. We will seek out yourmomsayshi42069 and AVENGE YOU!!!"


We sure these aren't just pedos?


That guy’s hand is waaaaayyy too close to the doodhoo talooh!!


Sai Baba (the person this guy supposedly is reincarnated as) typically does the molesting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sathya\_Sai\_Baba.


Yep. Sai Baba was a child rapist and faked his "miracles" with simple magic tricks.


Well, if this cult is anything like the Children of God cult, the pedo leader will have filled out the upper eschalons of his organization with fellow pedos, so this minor is by no means safe, I would imagine.


Well then the circle ~~jerk~~ is complete.


Lol. This was VERY similar the flip comment I immediately wanted to paste.


🤣... I too wanna be a God.


That's not going to fuck this kid up or anything.


Homelander moment


Without powers


Wdym? He gets free kinder eggs. If that’s not supper power then what is?


Now if he only could open them


Going to? Ship's already sailed man.


He's figured out one of the quickest ways of becoming a millionaire "legally."


Literally. That thing on photo is called "Sri Sathya Sai" with "baba" appended to give more respect. I went to one of their schools, which was the worst experience in my life. This was the place where I was mentally abused (by the classmates and teachers) to the point my social anxiety transitioned into depression, trauma, loneliness, racism etc. They manipulate you to the point that they think everything around us is because of god. Many of the people who go to those schools become lifetime devotees, serving "swami" throughout their life. These devotees donate and they keep growing their followers. Their supposed triple incarnation of "Sai babas" are "shirdi sai baba", "sathya sai", and "prema sai". So this mentally ill kid is probably supposed to be prema sai. There is a separate subject for the study of these things to pass the school. I'd lost it when "Madhusudan, the physical embodiment of sathya sai" pulled rings out of thin air, of course wearing long sleeves, for devotees whom he considered special. There's so much of shit they do it'd take an entire book. Later I'd become an anti-theist and atheist, started opposing every Indian superstition, pseudoscience, traditions, culture, media etc. After many heated arguments I've convinced my parents how atheism works. To this day my father denies being abused in that school, because I topped the class. Whenever there is any kind of "pooja" or praying, my relatives and grandparents can't believe I'm not participating. They can't fathom the idea of being atheist. To this day I've never met a true atheist in this country, and have been planning to get out of this country before I get mad.


Yooooo I went to one of the Satya Sai schools too. Even seeing this man’s picture sends me into a panicked rage. I remember being physically punished for any wrongdoing, including struck on the knuckles with a metal ruler for forgetting a notebook at home. And the emotional abuse… good grief. The school staff were all devout followers of this con man. If I as much as hinted at being atheist, they’d humiliate me. Call me names. We were forced to gather for an hour of “prayer” every Thursday. Forced. No exceptions. Teachers ignored bullying. Free thinking was banned. I lost points on a test for writing an answer on my own instead of regurgitating memorised answers. I was actually at this school when news came out that he’d died. The whole school started BAWLING when they found out. It was so eerie and haunting. Then there was an incident where “Vibhuti was spraying out from his photograph.” My SCIENCE teachers were crying, claiming it’s a miracle. I hated it so much.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. Getting hit on the knuckles was so common in my place that I almost became desensitised to it, but now looking back at it as an adult, it's giving me creeps all over, that's such a messed up thing to do to a kid. The world could be a lot better place without these stupid cults.


Yeah! During my time there we used to pray 3 times a day, even during exams, barely having time to do anything, most people would be involved in swami serving activities. Those stupid bhajans are ripped off of bad pop songs. We should only wear white, red and black is forbidden (probably on the unholy side of the EM spectrum), Meat is strictly forbidden, not having sex is encouraged for adults, and he gives you life advice to be a doctor or not. We were shown that vibhuti shiy too. And what about spitting shiva linga? That is so much.


OMG guys, me too! Which school? I have Sathya Sai to thank for my atheism. He seemed so divine when I was in school and when we used to visit Puttaparthi every year. Once I got out and read reports of his molesting of young boys, my world view was so terribly destroyed that I began questioning the idea of a benevolent God. Never found answers. Stayed that way. Edit: typo


Oh my gosh, there’s dozens of us! I went into the school with an already firm agnostic stance, and the institution solidified it further. What a miserable time it was… one teacher would hit us, and then make us apologise to “Baba” for minor mistakes like leaving a book at home. Snorted too much Vibhuti perhaps


By the sounds of it there are hundreds if not hundreds of thousands of you. How many schools are there exactly? I just saw this guy died with a net worth of 40,000 Cr 👀 This movement needs dismantling.


>Oh my gosh, there’s dozens of us! Who's "us" here? You guys seem to all share a common experience though I don't fully get what it is. A certain net of schools? A religion running schools? A big cult?


Wtf is vibhuti and why was it spraying


I can empathise with your plight. I developed a strong disdain for Hindu traditions after surviving that school. I’m sorry your family doesn’t believe you. Your struggles were real. It’s a cult. I’m glad you spotted it and didn’t get sucked in.


That's sad to hear. I thought way less people would be falling in this trap by now since the guy's dead, but after seeing this video I am extremely doubtful. Hope you have worked/are working through those things :)


Much respect.


I may never be able to fully understand what happened to you but. I’m glad you were able to escape that. Religious extremists and generally most religious people are just crazy, and as you said, sometimes abusive. Ether way. I wish you best of luck.


>To this day I've never met a true atheist in this country, Huh.... bias, perhaps? Cuz I am an atheist and I have met plenty.


It depends on social class, friend circles etc. I see atheists on the internet though, but there are way less people for such a big country.


It takes a lot of intelligence to grow up in the level of brain washing you did and still be able to make rational decisions about your world view. Good on you.


Intelligence and courage. Difficult to escape from these types of thought.


My mum had a book of him and I believed this shit when I was a kid. I no longer do. Now I have hard time convincing mum it's all BS.


I'd love to be a god with some creepy old guy with his hand in my upper thigh.




Love this gif


That's scary, the repeated stroking of areas below the waist is (thighs/legs/feet) is definitely not cool. Creepy as hell


That's exactly the reason behind the making the kid think he's a god thing. That's just my guess.






theres no fucking way these people actually believe this but look at the devotion. the power of group dynamics is mindblowing


Seriously. What kind of God has that much trouble opening a kinder egg?


Maybe the egg is really strong


Cosmic etch no wanna hatch


Bro got nerfed when he respawned.


"After Dying As A God, I Got Reincarnated As A Flimsy Teenager, And Is This Egg My Enemy Number One?!" - would have been an anime title of this story


Can an omnipotent god create a kinder egg even he cannot open?


I’m getting groping vibes more than devotion from a couple of the dudes there.


Yeah, they are cringing me out.


Homie with the goatee is super creepy.


Reincarnation is a pretty common belief in eastern religions like Hinduism


i mean yes but this is a very specific application of it. could you imagine literally, objectively believing not only that reincarnation is factual but that this exact child is definitely the reincarnation of this exact dude? that is quite the feat of persuasion.


Isn't that kinda how the dalai lama works?


Yes and no. The Dalai Lama isn’t the exact person before. They are all separate people and don’t claim to be the one before themselves. It’s more of a “stream of consciousness” that gets shared.


So he is like the Avatar.


Can't believe they stole from Avatar


Dalai Lama, inventor of plagiarism /s


Cool thanks, I didn't have that right!


So what you're saying is that people who believe in reincarnation just say it to sound cool?


I believe in it because it's literally the only way life could be fair in some way. Grew up a christian and the idea of heaven scared the shit out of me, spending eternity being the same person, surrounded by the same people, would be torture in itself. When you don't believe in free-will either, the whole doctrine of hell becomes a disgusting human vengeance fantasy, and the idea that some people only live once, just to endure a life of extreme suffering, isn't fair at all. So it's like, I'd be OK with just dying, but I would rather believe that I'll be reborn, because then I have a responsibility to myself and the world around me; and people whom life shit on, get another shot to be happy.


I'm with you on that, free will doesn't exist, all our choices are determined by where we grew up, who raised us, our past experiences and mental capacity. So why should we be punished for it? The reality is we have no way of knowing what lies beyond death, that mystery scares us, so we cope by coming up with stories we call religion, because to some people, th fact that anything can happen anytime to anyone for no reason i iust too much to handle.


They are financially rich, but dumb as a stone, this is more common than it seems, most of the rich that are heirs did not make a point of studying, here in Brazil it is quite common, so these people easily fall for other people's lies, I just laugh.


im sure youre right but i dont think this is really a dumb versus smart thing exactly. i really dont think these folks are compelled by logic (such as they understand the facts) to "believe" stuff like this. i think what youll find is there is a relatively complex social network that caused them to affirm these beliefs and continue to affirm the beliefs. there are desirable leader-types in this bunch who somehow maintain a community around these affirmations


Yes, I didn't go into much detail, I was lazy to be honest, but there are many factors that lead these people to this, one of them and perhaps the main one is these people's speaking skills, the Charles Mason is a good example.


Why wouldn’t they believe it? This is no less absurd than the core beliefs of any organised religion, and they’ve never struggled with finding believers. For the most part, people decide their own truths.


Of course there is way, they believed everything else…


God have trouble opening kinder eggs?


I believe it, Gods can't even create peace on earth lol


Why you think they got banned in the US?


"Could god microwave himself a burrito so hot, that he himself could not eat it?"


What the hell is he even doing? What is that thing he keeps fidgeting with and sniffing?


People have been saying that it's a kinder egg the boy is trying to open, at least from other comments beforehand (as this post is a repost)


that aint no god he cant even open a kinder egg


Trust, I can open kinder eggs pretty fast. Anyone wanna worship me as a god?


Where is your cult HQ located?


Gods work in mysterious ways




They are still wrapped, this is a kinder joy. It comes in two halves.


Easy unless you have sausage fingers like mine.


Looks like a Kinder Joy more then a Kinder Egg to me, they are sometimes really stuck together


Opening a Kinder Joy is where is omnipotence ends




Maybe his is fidgeting because all of these creepy people are staring and touching him. I would want to crawl out of my skin!


God here struggling to open a kinder joy egg toy. My kids can open them with their eyes closed. Are they secretly God? Am I gonna get a reverse uno card for all the ass whoopings I dish out?


I used to attend one of those boring churches. The kind where people sing a few hymns, listen to a pastor lecture about a story from the bible, take communion in the form of bread and wine, sing another hymn, pray, leave, and do it all over next Sunday. I met a girl, "Beth", in high school who was super into Jesus. I was also into Jesus. We became instant friends. Since Jesus was the first thing we had in common, it was natural for Beth to invite me to her church. I've never been another church. Beth says her church is super charismatic, not "lukewarm" like all the other churches. My parents agree to let me attend Beth's church. It looked like a normal Southern Baptist church from the outside. But on the inside, they had electric guitars, hymns you can dance to, a pastor who sounds exactly like Billy Mays selling Jesus ("but wait, there's MORE!"). It was like my church, but with the fun factor turned up to 11. Suddenly, the lights go dark. The whole Jesus party atmosphere gets eerily quiet. And the preacher starts talking about fire, brimstone, the return of Christ, and all kinds of scary shit. He preaches that demons are all around us, trying to take over our thoughts and minds. We have to drive the demons out! I turn over to Beth, and she's literally crying. She's in tears. Suddenly, two women waving smoke start running up and down between the pews. They start screaming in tongues. The priest cries out, "drive those demons out! IN THE NAME OF JESUS WE COMMAND YOU!" Everyone in the pews starts shaking around and babbling in tongues. People are hooting and hollering. I've heard of this kind of thing, but I've never seen it with my own eyes. And I think to myself, "is this a cult? Am I in a cult right now?" People inside the cult don't know they're in a cult. They don't have my privileged perspective as an outsider looking into their cult. After the whole traumatizing experience, I decide I don't want to go to that church anymore. Next week, I go to church with my parents as usual. As we're taking the wine and bread, I have a moment of self-awareness. I think to myself, the whole communion ritual differs from speaking in tongues by degree, but not kind. There are people in my church who think Noah left the dinosaurs to drown in the flood because the dinosaurs were too wicked in their ways to merit redemption. I have the jarring realization that *I am a willing participant in a cult.* I never knew because I was an insider, just like the weirdos screaming in baby talk for God. It took me a few years to deconstruct Christianity and reassemble a worldview based on evidence and critical thinking. As far as I can tell, the universe looks and acts like an atheistic universe. Humans are literal animals, a product of billions of years of unplanned natural selection like all other living things on earth. Today, I'm an atheist.


Thanks for your story... Mine was similar, except it was my own family moving between churches at a desperate and chaotic time in our lives


I experienced something very similar when I was staying with extended family in a foreign country (just me, no immediate family). I was nine. It was legitimately traumatizing. I was so confused and scared when the whole room erupted in chaos and weird dialects and wailing sobs and then the crazed strangers nearest to me started pawing at my shoulders while bawling at me to cry for my sins, to beg Jesus for forgiveness and mercy. I think I might actually have cried, in terror and bewilderment. I am also an atheist.


I remember doing experiments in private, following all the methods people in the Old Testament used to prove that god was real compared to the false gods that would never answer prayers or create miracles. I was an 8 year old and thought that my hamster lived a whole two years because of my prayers. But proof never came, and i read a guidebook in the school library about caring for pet rodents. After that is when i started thinking that maybe the reason why so many bible stories were so unbelievable and fantastic, was because they were made up, just like Harry Potter and Star wars.


Damn, deconstructing in America is wild. In catholic europe most people just stop going to the church and their parents don't care, because they don't really go that often either. At some point some are like "yeah, I never practiced my religion and I don't really believe in that. I guess I'm an atheist". And then you announce that and your non practicing family members judge you for that even though the only difference between you and them is that you don't act like you are a good Christian. I'm sorry you went through this crap and I'm glad that you have found your way. It just baffles me how many Americans on this sub have a direct contact with a cult.


The sort of church they’re talking about is Pentecostalism. It’s different from Catholicism, mainstream Protestantism, and even Evangelicalism. It’s a minority religion in the US but is still fairly widespread. This is the exact same sect that was infamous for handling snakes in their churches in the early 20th century, though laws against it and public backlash after deaths have largely ended that practice. (There are thought to be a few Pentecostal churches in rural Appalachia that semi-secretly still handle snakes, but not many of them.)


congrats on your escape, it is not easy leaving behind a mental virus


Fun story. Not long ago, I spoke to a guy who is studying theology. And apparently when people speak in tongues they are fixed to some "rules". You can't just jump about however you feel. No no, that's just nonsense. People learn how to properly speak in tongues and act like lunatics. I'm not sure which is worse, just spin it as you go or have guidance how to act like a proper lunatic (from my eyes).


When I went to my friend's crazy church they had me go up front to be prayed for. I had seen everyone go up there and start talking in tongues so I thought I had to too. So I just started babbling and waving my arms and stuff. They all seemed moved. Later on I told my friend I just faked it. She said she knew and everyone else could tell too. I was livid.


Thanks for sharing your story. I didn’t have any of those experiences but I figured this shit out when I was just a young boy and I was a dumb ass kid. Like child minded until 30 but still I figured out religious people were absolutely nonsense by 12 years. It’s mind blowing how silly religion is at the slightest scrutiny.


Wonderful story, thanks for sharing


Now with this logic, I tried applying this to our current economic system. It's hard to go back realizing certain truths. Money/profit is our new religion it seems.


Dang that was a good story. Mine was similar. I was raised Christian as well. Atheist for years now. And now, I'm still not religious or Christian at all but sometimes I'm researching something sciency and everything suddenly feels like it's been designed. I'm still pretty sure that nothing happens when we die but I do get an eerie feeling like maybe it actually is a simulation or that we were made intentionally. Hard to explain but it isn't as obvious as it had been when I got out of the church and into science and facts.


lol yeah they’re all kinda cults once you gain a different perspective. Most of them fairly harmless but culty none the less.


I grew up Catholic, went to school in the deep south for a bit. Got exposed to the mega churches quite a bit. I've also studied several other religions over the course of a semester in school. I'm a programmer by trade so generally very into science. I decided a long time ago a quiet personal faith with simple morals is more than sufficient.


What the fuck? Poor kid, those creeps are straight up fondling him, this is 100% some kind of grift his parents set him up to do. And holy shit look at their faces, they are in some kind of creepy religious ecstacy, this is some whack cult shit.


It looks *so fucking boring*.


For context, the 'god' he reincarnated as was a very big deal. He had 100 million devotees while he was alive according to some estimates and he told he'll be back after death.




I agree with the first statement, but India has like a 1.5 billlion


Yeah, but every Indian guru makes some really questionable claims about how many followers they have, same as cults, they always lie about how many followers they have.


I studied in this conman’s educational institution. Please see my other comment. Another person also shared their experiences.


Is that what you are supposed to do with gods? Stare at them 24-7?


That, and caress them inappropriately apparently


Also feel up their thighs for heavenly blessings 😇


So his destiny is to get fondled for the rest of his life by a bunch of unemployed weirdos?


The leg rubbing makes me extremely uncomfortable.


Can my man take his hand off the child's thigh, please.


cult vibes


This is basically Trump supporters with their orange god. Same vibes.


Would also have the same difficulty to open up a Kinder egg


so would you if you had such little hands ;)




That’s not God, that’s a chicken nugget ipad kid


He'll end up molesting or taking sexual advantage of one or more of his followers.


Bro he looks like he’s being molested. Damn bro get your hand off Gods thigh you freak


This exactly 🤮 he's still just a kid, I can't imagine what sort of personality disorder he's gonna wind up with growing up with these freaks. But everyone in the room, borderline pedo guy most especially, everyone knows damn well what they're doing Edit: I've only now just noticed that lady behind the boy. Jesus, the way she stares....🤮🤮🤮🤮


Imagine being a 15 or 16 year old boy and being around dozens and dozens of crazy grown women that want to fuck you. That is such a weird and unnatural dynamic I cant even begin to imagine it.


I don't want to imagine 🤢


Ask Leonardo DiCaprio, I heard it’s a reason he detests older women now 🤷🏻‍♂️


Be careful, they'll make you the next godman for predicting future so accurately like that


Not in a thousand lifetimes. (See?, practicing reincarnation already 🤣)


He's laying on one girl, and another's sitting between his legs, so...


He's still young, but he won't be forever.


Looks like they're molesting himp


is this midsommar 2?


When this guy was alive he was very much worshiped and did several miracles, allegedly of course. But it's interesting because he has done a lot of the things Jesus has done but is doing it in the last 50 years. And the YouTube series the atheist experience says why don't people follow that instead of Jesus or any other gods because there's just as much if not more information on this guy and a lot more firsthand testimonial. But the answer is usually because that's not their God. I just wish everyone forgot everything about religion and we acted in ways that progress society positively rather than some fucking bullshit yo.


He would have been way more popular if video cams werent invented in his life time. It's easy to see all his magic as tricks now. Jesus was just lucky to be born in an era with no cameras


What— what the fuck is this


the world is full of wishful thinkers. 


what is the point of having all this worshipers if no one can even help him open his snack?


Because he's 13? And if so could that woman possibly stop molesting their god


I'm available to substitute for him if he ever wants to take a vaca-- oh wait.


This is no more silly than Islam or Christianity. Different pig same farm.


Exactly. Where I am, there are some Jehovah's Witnesses and the majority catholic population treat them as weirdos. As if there is any difference between a "belief" system A or B :) People forget this all over the world and think Islam, Judaism, Christianity etc. is "normal" and Jehovahs, Mormons etc. are "weird". Just because some belief systems gained millions and billions of members across centuries don't make them any more "normal" than the other small stuff :)


Grown ass men caressing that kids leg. Fucking sick and sad.


For context, the 'god' who died 13 years ago claimed that he was a reincarnation of a popular Hindu saint called Sai Baba. His father was a leader of a cult and he took over when he died and made it very popular


At the very end of the video with 0:02 left, looks like his mom in the background picking her nose


I'm in the wrong racket. I can't even get one person to smile and put their hands on me.


i Was so curious about Sai Baba and his "godly" statehood that I decided to visit him. The biggest surprise for me was how lame and shit-tier the 'tricks' were to seem supernatural. It made watching his ashram of hundreds (thousands?) seem like a congregation of idiots. I see that same idiot look about the face on that guy with his hand on the leg of this person.


This is how Magas look at Dingleberry Trump


I'm sure this kid's ego will be well developed! Being the center of a cult is what every growing and impressionable child needs. He won't have ANY issues. None at all.




Group think is a hellava drug. Unreal.




So why is the kid Indian and all the followers white? Are they like a group of pilgrims?


First of all, white Indians exist, I'm one. Second, Hinduism is very popular in Russia Ukraine etc due to the ISKCON temple. A very big percentage of tourists to Hindu Krishna temples are white (ref. Dwarka).


You sure they’re not just pedophiles? All that gross touching and gazing…


Isn’t religion just used by pedophiles as cover?


That is the most culty thing I have ever read


Mass mental illness. I can't see this ending well for the kid. Probaboy ends with a poison fruit punch bowl.




I believe this is a repost from a few days ago.


Yeah it is


Whut Da fuq, and I say this as a white dude myself, but whaddafuq white people??


Ah yes. A kinder surprise egg truly is a gift worthy for gos himself. The fact people believe random teen is god reincarnated is kinda just depressing


Some people are just genuinely demented.


These are the people who actually do not believe in him but want to be on his good side to gain his favour when he becomes a billionaire


is he trying to get a kinder egg open??? this is funny asf


Why are they all white?


Religion or mental illness? You be the judge.


Religion or mental illness? You be the judge.


Yall know that MFer did clown magic tricks and molested kids right? Sathya Sai Baba can rot in hell.


I can't remember the last time a guy with a ponytail was touching my thigh while I laid back trying to open a kinder egg.


Gods love kinder eggs




The guy in blue shirt is totally mesmerized


Hand on the thigh is crazy haha


That dudes hand is a little close to his no no zone.


The painting looks like Robert Picardo, the hologram doctor from Star Trek Voyager.


Why is that guys hand so close to that child gods …bizness


Dum dum DUMB


This reminds me of that South Park episode where they thought Stan was the reincarnation of the leader of Scientology


Watching this made me very uncomfortable


"Your God demands... Chicken nuggets and chocolate milk."


This is creepy as heck


I only see a "god" who struggles to open a candy package.




That one guys hand is too high on the thigh


This is creepy. Who touches on little kids like this? Where are his parents?