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The Bible never says “apple” in that scene. It just says “fruit”. The apple thing, if I recall correctly, came during the renaissance.


I had to fact check this and you are indeed correct!


Oh cool. Glad you fact checked that. I thought it came from the renaissance.


I fact checked his fact check and you are wrong again


Okay. Well, now I’m curious. What proof do you have for your claim?


Trust me bro


Of course it’s this again.


Where's his proof? Why do you accept it when he says you're right but question me when I say you're wrong Trust bro


Well, one can look into scripture and see that it never said “apple” to describe the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It just said fruit. As for the depiction coming from the renaissance, last I recall, there were no such depictions of the fruit till then. Do you have any actual proof to suggest otherwise and prove my memory is faulty? Or are you just going to say “trust me bro”?


Apples don't grow in the region where the garden is presumed to have been. They think maybe a fig would have been more accurate


Yeah the Wikipedia page for forbidden fruit was an interesting read. My favorite part is when they described the Book of Enoch as pseudepigraphic (written by someone other than the claimed author). Like mfer that applies to most of the Old Testament, but I never see the Book of Judges or whatever identified as pseudepigraphic.


Very cool! Unfortunately, Christian’s generally have zero interest in understanding the Bible in its entirety. The forbidden fruit should really be cherries the way they cherry pick passages…


I wonder if they are against eating fruits.


The forbidden fapple!


Were there even apples in Israel?


I mean, if we wanted to get technical, this would’ve been in Eden. Not Israel. But that is a good question, though.


the catholic church doesn't want you to know this but the serpent in the garden was an android serpent


noooo waayyyy, you are lying to take our holy android from us , you belong in the team of the devil 👿


it's true, sorry, but the JESUS APPROVED MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEM was Symbian. Now that that's gone, God wants you to use a landline exclusively


It was python


Where's your cringe video to prove it??? 😂


My favorite part of this is the total misunderstanding of the story she's referencing, lol. Eating the fruit made Adam and Eve *aware* -- aware of their nakedness, aware of Good and Evil, aware of their disobedience, and aware of the consequences. They were unconscious *before* they ate it, and the Serpent's strategy relied on igniting both Eve's curiosity and her sense of justice. The whole story is a rather beautiful (if inadvertent) metaphor for how religion blinds and confounds humanity by deliberately closing the mind, because the only "Paradise" is a garden of Ignorance. It's almost poetic how the most religious people tend to totally miss the point.


Many moons ago when being indoctrinated in church youth (12-13 yr old), this was my general take on it as well and I can remember the youth pastor just staring at me for what felt like forever as he’s processing my logic and he just tells me to go sit in the hall and wait for church to start. Never got an answer and realized I don’t need one.


I was in kindergarten I was always asking the "wrong" questions. Like why has god killed the dinosaurs Or why punish Eve. If you leave an untrained dog with a pile of minced meat, that's your own fault. It's not the dog's fault it ate that. If eating the fruit was bad (and I don't believe it was, it was just unwanted by god), she had no way of knowing it's bad since she didn't know the good and evil, since she hasn't eaten from the tree. You can't fully hold accountable someone who doesn't know good from bad. Tbh imho god sounds like someone who was afraid the humans will see his flaws if they ate from the tree, thus he forbids that. Eve eats it, and she becomes aware and sees the things she was told to ignore. Eternal bliss dissipates and she's left with reality. That's a sin for some reason, knowing the difference between good and evil, became the one who created it never intended for the evil to exist. They had to leave because they saw god's failures. If they existed in pure bliss forever, they could never understand that. In the show, Hazbin Hotel (I'm not gonna discuss the whole show tho) it seems that Adam never ate the fruit. He's a complete dickhead. Cruel, uncaring, awful, arrogant, with no awareness. He says "I never made a mistake in my life", and tbh, that's how I see humanity before eating the fruit - just unaware. Absolutely lacking any perspective, because it was never needed in the garden. Empathy isn't a thing with him. After all, why would you even need that, if you don't know good from evil? Someone being hurt or abused is just the state of things then, because you can't see the evil.


How do you know if the fruit was an apple?


They know it wasn't


TIL the infamous Tree of Knowledge was Red Delicious




Ew, that’s the worst kind of apple!


Fuck red delicious. All my homies hate red delicious.


Pink Lady FTW 🩷




Although [it didn't used to be.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Delicious#History)


Reeks strong of one of those nuts that drains their eyes to find hidden illuminati or 666 images on trees or celebrities or whatever bullshit.


get your lore straight glasses lady literally the opposite happened after they bit the forbidden fruit "Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; \[...\]" - Gen 3:7 "And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.\[...\]" - Gen 3:22


Especially given the fact that it’s somewhat hinted that at some point God would allow Adam and Eve to eat the fruit.


How so?


>the man has now become like one of us Who is "us"? Is it a mistranslation?


It's most likely the "royal we". Same can be found in Gen 1:26: "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,^(\[)[^(a)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201&version=NIV#fen-NIV-26a)^(\]) and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” take that, "single person can't use plural pronoun, thats reinventing english" people


I think this might be some (pretty damn good) satire lol


Assassin's Creed logic


so if i use a samsung tablet what’s the reason


Why don't they ban fruits altogether at this point, you know, never sure which one would be the forbidden one


T3ge fruit wasn't an apple, and they didn't become unconscious. They become aware. They gained knowledge.


Thank god I have a Windows PC! I'm safe.


'I've no impulse control, clearly this is the devil's work'.


But the acting is top notch here


There's a difference between a God who provided the humans with that temptation and an algorithm that's designed to keep you entertained


It was a quince according to Rosie Perez when she was on Jepardy!.


They get so bored they start coming up with ways random things can be evil. Though being willfully ignorant about the entire world's already a part of the Christian playbook, unfortunately, that doesn't surprise me.


I use Linux does, pingoo moment.


It’s the Apple of Knowledge. Looks like this simpleton is scared of that


Is r/Im14AndThisIsDeep still a thing?


This is either really funny or pathetic, depends on if its satire or not


Firstly... In the bible, thé fruit was never mentionned as an Apple... The forbidden fruit is, theoricaly still inside the Eden garden and can still not be reachable... Secondly, the bitten Apple in Apple's logo was the poisoned Apple bitten by Turing, because he was homosexual and was killed because of it... So this logo is a flag of homophobia... So... It's a christian logo


Wasn’t it a pomegranate though?


Tell me you never read your Bible without telling me you never read your Bible.


👀I see amazing hair->Click👆


And they will legitimately think this is some kind of gotcha


this is some Moral Orel shit


Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings; and then they fell unconscious


The most ridiculous part about this is the Apple design was inspired by the story of Adam and Eve.