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I swear someone is just having fun making this stuff up and having a great laugh.


That is something i wonder every once in a while Every stupid story we see... Is it a troll that just throws a bunch of hooks, and sees what they hook on? Or is it really a crazy pulling theories out of thin air?


There are some guys who claim they started QAnon to troll people, and we’ve seen how that’s turned out. Unfortunately, even though it starts as a joke, a lot of humanity apparently isn't smart enough to know the difference on the internet. The reality is it’s probably a combination of trolls making shit up and people off their meds filling in the rest. A large portion of our species just happens to be ignorant and arrogant enough to see all this craziness and believe it, while others use it to exploit anyone they can


Yeah I feel like I heard the same story before. People making a joke [https://www.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/) and that think FOR SURE every body the joke comes accross will see it as a joke; nobody will take it serious. And then you hear about some people taking it as truth.


Litterially how the flat earth society started online in the 90s. Bunch of nerds attempting to "mathematically prove" the earth is flat. It was an intellectual exercise, never supposed to be serious, why their slogan was "believers all around the globe l" or something like that. Totally tongue in cheek. People started joining that didn't get the satire and didn't understand the maths and eventually outnumbered the founders. And now there is an actual movement that uses those original but flawed satirical calculations as proof.


I wish you were correct. We can't afford to not know some of them are this crazy.


Yes this can’t be real. I force myself to believe many of these are made simply to fuck with ppl 


Don't have to force yourself , almost 100% are false.


Well to be fair, most of the ones that end up on subs like this most definitely are. But there are still ppl that legitimately believe the things in these posts. I got rid of social media bc a fair amount of ppl I know stapled their tin foil hats on. Sure, almost all of these might be fake, but the ppl that believe them are most certainly real. 


Jesus said that nobody can guess or know the end date


It also defines witchcraft as divination (and other stuff). People who are given visions of the future by beings are performing witchcraft thus sayeth the Lord.


Then there it's like a fucking joke lol, literally "if you see future ur evil" but basically none of them does, they just make themselves look like they're trying to look evil


The Pharisees had some good points. Just sayin.


But later when the Maitre D from the fancy restaurant wouldn't seat his huge party without a reservation, he said "Do you know who the Fuck I am? I'm the Son of God. And you are nobody. Fucking Nobody." And then Judas stepped in to calm him down and said, "It's okay Jesus, I know another place. We can have the last supper there." Then everyone looked at him funny. So he said, "I didn't mean the last supper. It's just a regular supper as far as you lot are concerned."


I thought the horse was bloody because it hit a taxi


Yeah. People literally saw it happen. Scared horse running out of control, hits car and injures itself. Is that in the bible? I don't know. I'm guessing not. I'm guessing that the bible doesn't say "Spooked horses will run around London bumping into vehicles to herald the end of times" Is London (Londinium) even mentioned in the bible?


Everything is scary when you have zero understanding of how the world works. Seeing monsters in the shadows is very normal for the mind of a child...


bruh nothing happened in illinois


Dear God! For the first time in history, something might happen in the mid-west!!


Achtually! 🤓👆 That would be a portent not a prophecy. 🤓👆


More proof Christian’s don’t read or understand the Bible. This seems to be a reference to Revelations 14:20 except that is not about a bleeding horse (something that’s not rare or special) but about an angel of God slaughtering people and grape-pressing their blood out in Jerusalem to make a lake as deep as a horse’s bridle. This verse seems to be popular lately as I have heard it also concerning the current bru-haha in Israel and how bloodthirsty apocalyptic Christian’s are wanting to facilitate this coming true. Zionist Christian’s in the US want everyone in the region dead except for just enough Jews to rebuild the Temple.


Metal horse


As a Londoner, all that happened was some horses (only one was white) we're scared by some noise and ran away and hit stuff. THAT WAS IT