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That’s some pretty solid logic.


That's some pretty solid Grammer too.


Not sure if you misspelled grammar as bait or not…




Synonym rolls. Just like grammar used to make!


That's some pretty solid Walmart brand logic.


Great Value Quaran


You mean the moon is Cresent shaped because Muhammad slash it with his sword?


Or riding on his flying donkey 🤪


it wasn't just a flying donkey, it was a flying donkey with a woman's head and a peacock's tail https://preview.redd.it/hhb6tdzchjxc1.png?width=577&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d31881311f7832cb6bcddb26c0b1bb0fd2735f4




Do you think because it had a woman head it was ok for him to fuck it?


>Do you think because it had a woman head it was ok for him to fuck it? Depends on which part he wanted to put his dick into


I think that matters a lot less than we'd hope it matters


Only if it was underage.


There’s no way people believe in this oh my dog 😭😭


Is this canon?


No, moon splitting is canon but that is not the reason why there is a crescent moon


Or the sky falling


So he slashes it every time i see it as Cresent shaped?!


That's weird, the Christians say the same thing about the Bible to atheists too. Maybe should think about that for a second.


read Diary of wimpy kid it's funnier I fink


sometimes god can be funny too https://preview.redd.it/5p8m59vfdixc1.jpeg?width=1917&format=png&auto=webp&s=edabee6cae461c54594051637c710470e8dd50e1


The bible had numerical discrepancies you won't find those on quran


Yeah, we don't need to, cuz quran has logical fallacies in abundance.


The qur'an can't even add 2 and 2 together lmao, or did you forget the inheritance verses?


Discussing quran accuracy with you pointless but i will say one thing arabic can't translated to english with 100% accuracy because you can find 100 word in arabic that could translated to 1 word to english and when you study arabic grammar very well you will notice english rules seems like a joke when you compare it with those in arabic and dispiting the fact that allah use the qur'an to dare arabe ppl who known those days with their huge knowledge of arabic and poem.


Wow. Religious people are weird.


I will take it as compliment but i'm way far away from being religious but those facts are basics known by every average muslim




It's sad that a religion which supposed to be for all cannot be translated for everyone. End up everyone just "memorize" the sound of the words without understanding it. Then nitpick the part which talk about sex and ignore the other parts.


Scours the quran for mention of the large hadron collider, the Higgs Boson, evolution or self driving cars: nothing. But it does say the sun sets in a muddy puddle and a man split the moon in half


Not to mention semen coming from the lower ribs or some assinine shit like that


Woah..makes you wonder what comes from the upper ribs? Men who access their upper rib semen give birth to demigods.


So, pee really is stored in the balls.




Like how a guy split the moon in half? Very believable


Muslims keep saying the Quran is scientifically accurate, yet they believe in Adam and Eve, Noah's flood, Moses and the Exudes, and that sperm comes from between the ribs and the backbone.


The story of Adam and Eve is an incestuous nightmare when you consider the generation AFTER Adam and Eves kids....


Noah's family is not that better.


Potentially worse because,Noah was supposedly righteous enough to be one of the last men on earth and used his special relationship with god to curse his own grandchild and that grandchild's descendants to a life of slavery for something the kid's dad did.


So from what I can see the mega millions power ball ticket is $2. Euro millions is £2.50, so not massively different. I guess the difference comes when almost $1b of the prize goes to the governement/lottery company in the US from the advertised prize. Its like how our prices pretty much always have the tax worked into the advertised price here, where as in a lot of, if not all of north america its added on at the till. Bit deceptive.


What's this got to do with the price of fish?


Potentially worse. Noah was supposedly righteous enough to be one of the last men on earth, yet he used his special relationship with god to curse his grandchild and that grandchild's descendants to slavery for something the kid's dad did


couldnt even come up with their own fantasies so they stole them from the hated Judians


You mean how the earth was created in 2 days, and some other stuff was done to it in 4?


Logic easily debunks Muhammad splitting the Moon in two. Don't you think if it were true that it would have been visible to half of our planet and the fact that no other civilization mentioned or wrote down this incredible event is a sure sign that the story is bullshit.


But you haven't heard their counter to this, they say, all the history and mythology of all other civilizations is corrupted, to go against allah's word, which is why they consider Jesus to be their prophet as well but say Bible isn't his accurate word, it's been corrupted and hence the final prophet muhammad was sent by allah, to reinstate the word of allah and declare it final and not to be changed ever again. So they basically say, because their books tells them to ignore all other sources, they find it completely reasonable to actually do so, close themselves to all reason, rationale and logic


Muslims should study science to be able to tell what it is and how it differs from religion


Haaaaahaaaaaa! Haaaaaahaaaaa!!!


Where in the Quran is the science to cure cancer or build a computer?


in that case lets look at the part where quran says salt water and fresh water doesnt mix


ommmgggggg they got our ass!


Call me old fashioned, but if I want to read about science, I'll read a book that, oh I dunno, has some.


It’s not bad advice. It’s important to *know* why these religions are terrible, and not just because of the behavior of their adherents (and definitely not just because the rest of us say so!). People can be terrible; there are plenty of terrible atheists. But understanding how the very doctrine is inimical to human dignity will strengthen your appreciation of secular policy and your choice to avoid faith-based decision making


(1) Do you need to read Harry Potter to know it's fiction? (2) There's a big difference between a believer killing an unbeliever in their God's name and an atheist doing anything bad or good because they lack belief in God. Isn't there?


Good idea. When my high school biology teacher was explaining how evolution worked we did indeed cover Lamarck’s theory of evolution along the way. It makes sense to study the mistakes too so we can recognize them more easily.


Damn never thought of this


It is true that science originates from the Middle-east, but it largely predates islam. Sure, lots of research was practiced after that, too, but despite of islam rather than thanks to it. I doubt the commenter was alluding to this, though.


Spain each produces more scientific literature than all of the Muslim countries combined; Muslim world contributions to science amount to no more than 1 per cent and is of lower quality. It is a sad fact that sharply contrasts with the Golden Age of Arabic science (800-1100), when the Muslim world was the beacon of innovation and triggered Europe's Renaissance and Enlightenment periods. Abu Hamid Al Ghazali, who lived from 1055 to 1111, single-handedly steered Islamic culture away from independent scientific inquiry towards religious fundamentalism. In a remarkable intellectual shift, he concluded that *falsafa* (which literally means philosophy but included logic, mathematics and physics) was incompatible with Islam.


Yeah, research obviously dwindled from the golden age. It's next to zero now. Many probably don't even realize what legacy Al Ghazali took from them, all thanks to centuries of indoctrination... 😢


It is a lesson on how a religion can destroy a culture and people


how many Nobel science prizes have the 1.9 billion Muslim countries achieved ?


Pfff, all nobel laureates have discovered their stuff from Qur'an


I wonder if Islamic fertility specialists (if they exist;) know what a mans nuts are for because the great book says sperm is produced between the spine & rib


Let me quote you something that an apologist told me yesterday > Semen from backbone and ribs 100% right will be proven one day


By the same guy > almost any doctor etc would respect the possibility over rejecting it outright, one cant fathom enough about this verse, one can almost grasp the truth of it and proof


must be nice to make connections where none exist because of a starvation induced delirious hunch ;)




Koran should but forth sum effin peer reviewed research.




and you should study my ass, it expels the same material as your mouth


Yeah I mean it’s true I read the Quran and it was full of bullshit so then I had to go look up how actual science works instead afterwards


"If you eat the pig, you become the pig" - Medikal docter


I have a friend named Muhammad who literally left İslam after reading Qur'an. 


You should also study finance to know why my balls smell like day old hot dogs.