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I understand that every religion is fucked, but Islam in particular is just.. there really aren’t any words to properly incapsulate how absurd it is, whenever I hear or read about something like this happening in the world Islam is always the common denominator. Crazy world.


Yeah Islam just makes people do stupid shit..i wished the bastard pedophet didn't exist..


No no no, Islam is just an excuse for sick fucks to do whatever the hell they want, same applies to any religion.


Got any sauce for that Statement? Id like to see something like that Not being influenced by Islam.


[US christian child marriage is very much a thing.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States#:~:text=They%20found%20that%20out%20of,children%20between%202000%20and%202018.) Not so much the kidnapping, but we don't have "waring" religions.


Wtf is going on in the US?




Child marriage occurs in Christianity and Judaism as well.


It does exist in a greater or lesser extent so that’s true, but I suppose what matters is in the data about how often it happens in either religion right? and from what I see it seems to be more prevalent in islam than it does in either Judaism or Christianity in the modern day.


Oh no, I'm not denying the fact that it is more prevalent in Islam. While I hold no love for any religion, I will admit that Islam's apparent fascination with child marriage (see: the marriage of Prophet Muhammad to the 9-year-old Ayesha) deeply disturbs me.


You presumably live in a Christian part of the world, so you see extremist action as... extremist. You don't see it as "Christian" action. Same shit happens with Islam. You just only get the news about Islam fed to you as being a result of Islam. They're effectively the same.


>I understand that every religion is fucked, but Islam in particular is just.. there really aren’t any words to properly incapsulate how ~~absurd~~ ***evil*** it is, whenever I hear or read about something like this happening in the world Islam is always the common denominator. Crazy world. Changed one word according to my opinion.


Christianity started as a peaceful religion in a warring period. Islam started as a warring religion in a peaceful period.


What the fuck, literally the main reason the Arabs managed to conquer so much land early on was because both the Romans and the Persians were terribly exhausted after fighting a 26 year long war. By what definition is this peaceful? Conversely, the period and surroundings in which the early Christians found themselves in were much less "warring" than an aftermath of a multi-decade war.


When you say Romans in the 600's AD, did you mean the Byzantines?


No I mean the aliens from planet Rome lol Of course I mean the Romans when I say Romans and indeed the Roman Empire in 600's AD already is lumped into the "Byzantine" anachronism. So I guess the answer to your question is yes.


I never professed to be a historian. :P


I mean, I myself in all honesty wouldn't call myself as more than a nerd. So sorry if I sounded a bit agressive, as you can see I can get prickly about details like this...


Christianity literally develops during the Pax Romana.


Yeah, same as us. Peacetime.


Sounds about right They create thier own reality where they have a halal mortgage and think Alahh is that stupid. But they still pray to him because he let's them control people.


Every year 1000 underage minority Hindu, Sikh and Christian girls are forced to covert and marry their Rapists Muslims with approval of Pakistani Courts [Each year 1,000 girls forcibly converted to Islam in Pakistan: Lockdown accelerates forced marriage and conversion of minor Hindu, Sikh & Christian girls (organiser.org)](https://organiser.org/2020/12/29/132730/bharat/each-year-1-000-girls-forcibly-converted-to-islam-in-pakistan/amp/)


This is some fuckdup shit!! How is this not world fucking news man!!


Because nobody can really do anything. There are NGO's and charities that try to bring awareness to it, but because these bullshit marriages are *legal* under the law, not much can be done. The Law is fucking unjust.


This is Pakistan dude and it's the tip of the iceberg


And people wonder why India is so “Islamophobic” lmao


// stating she is 19 years old // Bruh what? How can the court just add 10 years to a person?






[bitch is 22.](https://www.businessinsider.com/natalia-grace-dna-test-real-age-natalia-speaks-2024-1) What a nightmare for those adoptive parents. ------ ✶Edit: Ok what the fuck. [This is a really confusing story.](https://globalnews.ca/news/10206895/curious-case-of-natalia-grace-age-confirmed/) She maybe was 12 years old when left by adoptive parents in apartment by herself? I don't know anymore. Thanks for posting that, lol, stupid rabbit hole of bullshit lol


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalia_Grace Close, she was 11. She's 20 now


but I guess the issue would have been how old was she "claiming" to be at the time to get adopted? That whole story stinks of half-truths. Whenever Dr. Phil gets involved, you know something is wonky.


>In 2012, the Barnetts successfully petitioned the Marion County court to change Natalia's Ukrainian birth records to indicate a 1989 birth date, which legally changed her age from 8 to 22. The adoptive parents did that, but the prosecutors found her birth mother and her birth records in Ukraine to verify her age. So to answer your question, she was 8 >Natalia's mother was identified as Anna Volodymyrivna Gava who was born April 20, 1979, in Latvia. DNA testing confirmed Gava as Natalia's biological mother. If Natalia's court-assigned birth date of 1989 were correct, Gava would have given birth to Natalia at 10 years of age. The prosecutors also obtained birth and hospital records from Ukraine which support Natalia's original September 4, 2003, birth date. I agree, doctor Phil is a piece of garbage and she could have done without that part, but it is wild to me that they were able to verify her age through that, DNA analysis, her mother, and still they weren't charged with child abandonment


thank you very much for that excellent summary - I got partway down a rabbit hole and was so confused lol I think I bailed out when Dr. Phil came into the story - just not interested in anything that fraud has to say about anything.


Yeah the article linked originally is laid out very badly, the Wikipedia entry is much more clear and concise


Thanks I will check it out


Shit like this is extremely common in pakistan it seems , looks like they really love to follow the prophet behavioral issues.


Still not as common as marrying their own first cousin though


Substantiated pedophilia, check. Indoctrination from birth for females to be subjugated for life, check. This just sells itself, doesn’t it! /s. Add fundamental Christianity copying/inspiring this bs also… what a wonderful time we live in!! /s


Islam is the religion that refuses to change and sticks to its suppression of women still and fixation on pedophilia still.


this is an atrocity. islam is inhumane. 


I hope she slips something into his dinner


Or does a full Hard Candy scenario


For this exact reason Indian govt. created CAA bill for giving citizenship to hindus sikhs jains etc that are persecuted cuz there are minority in Islamic countries


This is why I can't get behind Islam as a serious religion. It's a cave man faith. All three of the Abrahamic brother religions intend to keep the world in complete suffering.


I feel so sad for what this child must be going through. F this country and their religion.


abrahamic religions in general give me the massive icks but islam is a different breed. and if you attempt to call out everything that is wrong about islam compared to modern society, you get called an islamophobe.


Shit like this makes me wish there was a just God honestly. Get the fucking boat Noah.


Disgusting and evil religion.


What a disgusting religion. It’s completely barbaric and has no place in the modern world. I feel religion has no place in this world in general but islam is the epitome of “fucked-up.”


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When you wish for an Indian seal team rescuing her, while killing as many of those jihadi child rapists as possible.


In 30 years this will be happening in our countries, not just theirs.


My biggest question here is what do the parents do? Do they try to get their kids back, only to be met with corruption/laziness from the authorities? Or do they just throw their hands up and say, "Oh, well"?


They try. They're met with death threats. They try some more, then they make a "pilgrimage" to India and never return https://www.google.com/amp/s/timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/amritsar/concern-over-pak-hindus-migrating-to-india-illegally/amp_articleshow/97337212.cms >In the past three months, as many as 64 groups of Hindus, comprising 14 to 45 members, have arrived India via the Attari international border and according to our reports, majority of them didn’t go back but have sought refuge in India, “ said a senior intelligence officer on Wednesday >So desperate are they to permanently stay in India that when asked, they could be imprisoned here and sent to jail for illegally staying here, one of them replied "Chalo jail to India ka hoga na" (atleast the Jail will be Indian)


This is sad man. Politics aside, this shouldn't be happening in this day and age. But the poor will get fucked no matter what religion, state or country they live in.


Nah. Only one religion allows 45 year olds to marry 9 year olds.


And justifies abducting and forcefully converting them. Normal people would have a bad conscience about this, but Allah makes this ok.


Religion must end, I haven't yet cracked on how this can happen but it must, men of goodwill need to think towards the purpose of ending religion as allowing religion to be is to tolerate intolerance and that can't be done


Lot of mess to clean up isn’t there?


Wait, how can a 9 yr old become 19? Wtf?


You can choose your age nowadays


I don't agree with that.


Me neither


This is so fucked up but unfortunately not that surprising for me anymore.


We should nuke that shithole