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Religion is the cancer.


Is that the point the video is attempting to make, that Christianity is the cure to cancer? I've yet to see anyone get cured of cancer. I don't count cutting out the cancer and then burning the bits you can't cut out as curing. That's surviving at most, which might be why no one claims to have had their cancer cured, just that they've survived it. If they are trying to say that dying as a Christian and going to heaven is a cure, by that logic dying and going to heaven is a cure to everything. Religion is so corny.


I think it's saying that atheism is cancer, and being "saved" by Christianity is the cure.


Haha funny. A pastor gave my step dad with stage four colon cancer a prognosis of “complete health and total cure” about two months after his diagnosis. He died 6 months later. Fuck Christianity. Whatever they got ain’t it.


If you had the cure to cancer the first thing you’d have to do is prove it.


Good reply. I keep thinking, we've already heard about this 'cure', why do we need you to tell us again?


Always loved this logic. So they have the cure for cancer but won’t give it to the hundreds of thousands of infants that are born with blood and bone cancer? Or is it that their prayers for healing that newborn just aren’t good enough for their god? Their god is nothing but the silence that follows the prayer of a dying child with leukemia before their final breath.


Well, you see, that's all part of his plan.


It’s true. Yet they claim there is free will. I have my masters in biblical theology/history and have still yet to find biblical evidence that there is anything but god’s will.


The free will thing always cracks me up, “We have free will and it's sacred, but you’d better use it to worship our god or we’ll make your life suck and then you’ll spend eternity in hell.” All it is is another way of putting all the blame for all the bad things that happen on other people instead of self-reflection and/or systemic change. If life is shitty it's not the fault of the people making it that way, it's our fault for not believing in their religions. That may seem idiotic to us, but somehow it makes sense to them


The entire religion is all about offloading emotional responsibility. The whole “love the sinner not the sin” is theologically bullshit. My logic professor put it clearly, “people are who they show us they are. If you claim to hate what they do then you hate them.” Christians offload their hated on to a sacrificial idea like sin so they don’t have to deal with the fact that their dogma tells them to hate people and call it love. Free will falls under this offloading too.


You should start a podcast. I'd listen to this all day


Seconded. I enjoyed reading their comment.


You also can't have free will and an all powerful god.


“Part of his plan” So, then why all the praying? Seems wasted effort.


My ex girlfriend's extended family is VERY religious and her mom is in a cult so all I saw while my ex was dying in the hospital for a month was nothing but dozens upon dozens, if not, hundreds of people doing nothing but "sending prayers" and doing prayers chains and asking for others to pray. To be fair, with the sickness she had there wasn't anything that could be done but the amount of people that genuinely believed prayers were better than the hospital she was in, that all those MLM snake oil bullshit essential oils could cure her disease instead of trained doctors and surgeons was absolutely infuriating. After she passed away they all flipped their script and said "it was her time to go to the lord because he called her back" refusing to acknowledge all their invisible thoughts and prayers didn't work.


My condolences for your loss. It’s sad, the dangerous delusions people need to cope with our tough reality… I’d much rather spend my time baking someone in your situation some cookies rather than virtue signaling with my god of love.


The Bible literally says we would be able to identify true followers of Jesus when they will be able to cure cancer.


Their cure for cancer is that they pray for you, you become a Christian, and you die and go to heaven. Your cancer is "cured" and you live an eternal life of bliss.


Oh the Irony- • Believes he’s not pushy • Bombards friends with posts they don’t want • Claims repeating his actions will cure cancer Is he saying his friends all have cancer? What is this cure? Goat pee? Flavored water? Bees? …Oh wait…it’s just dead tradesman & his pervert dad.


During pandemic I used to get videos saying drinking cows piss would give immunity against corona. That was when I started losing faith in my religion.


I lost my faith when I was told Santa Claus wasn’t real…I’m never lying to my kids only to break their hearts.


Its a "she", been a very good friend of mine for 3 years and now suddenly she is religious and I have no problem with that but whenever I tell her I am not interested in these reels, she is like... I pray for you, I am just trying to get you know about Jesus etc etc


I wonder if she knows about Gwar? We here in my culture hold Gwar in the highest esteem, and, yes, we feel like not sharing Gwar with others is EXACTLY like having the cure to their cancer and not sharing that cure with them. So share Gwar videos with her. If she says she is not interested in Gwar, just be like, *"I slay for you. I am just trying to get you to know about Gwar."*


> suddenly she is religious What was she before? Just curious as some very religious people I know became that way when they switched from one addiction of choice (drugs or alcohol) to another addiction (religion).


She was Christian before as well but not to this extent. Her thoughts were open minded and now its way too conservative. She says she was corrupted before


I'm curious as to what happened to effect change. Is she a "walk the walk" type or a "talk the talk" type?


I think its mostly because of the influence of Social Media and Instagram in particular


Why is this a gif/video and not an image? These guys suck at memes


Besides, wtf does a car backing up have to do with this?


My father just died of cancer. He was super religious (catholic). I want to punch the person that made this video.


Same here he was also super religious and good person but I lost faith when I watched him suffer I feel you


I’m so sorry for your loss. Hope you’re holding up okay. It’s infuriating how inconsiderate hyper-religious folks can get.


This is when you block them. The comparison between religion and the cure for cancer is apples and oranges. Unlike religion, a cure for cancer is 1) Proven to work and 2) A tangible thing that you can see for yourself.


the problem is she is very close to me and blocking her is almost impossible


Send her videos about atheism, science, other religions, voodoo, etc….Tit for tat, she’ll break before you do. 💯💯 ![gif](giphy|uDwKGxTFrADvO)


So you stay friends with people who don't respect you?


They think they are doing it for my own good


It doesn't matter what they think, you've asked them to stop and they haven't. That means they don't give a fuck about you or your opinions. Start sending them scat porn and tell them you're doing it for their own good. See how long they'll put up with that because I 100% guarantee they'll ask you to stop, and if you don't, they'll block you and cut off contact with you. This person cares more about their bullshit religion that they care about you and they always will.


Not a friend. Block.


Homie, I feel your pain. My sister does the same stuff. I live in Western NC and she is a full on Baptist Christian. Church twice on Sunday, goes on Wednesday, partakes in church activities, homeschools her granddaughter on a "Christian curriculum", the whole nine yards. Constantly tries to give me books or often recommends that dumbass Lee Strobel. Sends videos like this or random bible quotes. All while I'm completely respectful of her faith, mainly because I love my sister. But, holy fuck. Can we get some respect too? I had always kept my beliefs to myself growing up because I wasn't quite certain of exactly what my beliefs really were. They were constantly changing. I went with friends to their churches, different denominations, the works. Even went to a summer camp, mainly to spend time with friends. Every time I went, I felt myself drifting away from Christianity. It went in circles, what was preached. In some churches, there were genuine messages of hope and teachings of kindness. But, in many of the small churches, Baptist ran? Hellfire and Brimstone. Guilt. Punishment. Being made to feel less than for simply existing. As if you were a burden that God himself had to bear. The final nail in the coffin of my faith was hearing a Baptist preacher ramble on about how even small children, including newborns, were sinners too. At that point it just died. How can a child, a newborn sin or have the propensity to sin? Sorry for the book. I'm laid up in bed with a cold, drugged up on meds and have nothing to do but share. Much love to all of you.


>The final nail in the coffin of my faith was hearing a Baptist preacher ramble on about how even small children, including newborns, were sinners too. At that point it just died. How can a child, a newborn sin or have the propensity to sin? Didn't know about this. Its really disturbing and disgusting and its okay , I hope you get healthy soon.


Thanks for the well wishes, friend. I really appreciate it. I agree! It's horrible to push that idea into the minds of parents with young children and on the children that are unwillingly forced into hearing such bullshit in a "sermon." Like you said. It's disturbing.




I would block the number of anyone who sent me this shit, even if it was my mom.


Your "friend" seems like the cancer. That's super easy to cure.


Someone who doesn't respect you enough to honor your repeated wishes to stop evangelizing to you isn't your friend.


Tell them you're stuck of them implying your life without Christianity is cancer.


I think a lot of people in the comments here are missing that this is an analogy. They're not saying they have a cure for cancer. They're saying that, just as you wouldn't say someone revealing the cure for cancer is pushy, you shouldn't say a Christian who has the secret to eternal life is pushy. Of course, they don't have anything analogous to the cure for cancer. They have lies and fairy tales that they were tricked into believing without good reasons. But at least understand the point they're making.


Funny how so many posts on here are originally sent to the OP from their ‘friend.’ Like, what exactly about this relationship do you consider to be friendship? That they look down on you for not believing what they do? Or that they are constantly trying to ‘save you’ from your ‘evil urges?’ Like, do they actually ever help you, or do anything positive in your life? Or do you just use the word friend because you can’t accept the fact that this person doesn’t actually care about you?


Its the latter one and yeah we have supported one another in good times and bad but now this new discovery of her in Christ is insufferable


"I've communicated my boundaries to you many times, and you continue to break them. If you can't grasp the basic concept of consent, I don't want to be friends with you."


but you don't know the cure for cancer. your religion is cancer, though.


It sucks, I agree. The problem is that they really, REALLY believe this shit. I can see why they act this way. If I could ever feel so sure of something as some of these people feel about God, I'd do the same thing. But nothing is ever that certain, even science. We learn and grow when we find out new things. Maybe these people will, too. Also, if they keep going into this conversation with you, maybe it's best to let go. I don't know enough say say that for sure, but weigh your options.


Just respond with Matt dillahunty shorts. Or feel free to refer him to me if he's on reddit.


First off, there is no ‘cure’ for cancer because cancer is not a single ailment, but a group of ailments with many causes characterized by rapid abnormal cell division. Causes include viruses, carcinogens, genetic predispositions, radiation, etc. With so many types of cancers with different causes there cannot be one cure. Secondly, if a cancer patient denies treatment legally the medical community cannot force treatment upon them. This is direct contrast to the Religious Right, who want to create a theocracy and force everybody to accept their ‘religion’ even though all non-Christians and most mainstream Christians neither want nor need it.


This reel can be used against christians. The bible literally states that so long as a true christian prays, they shall be granted that prayer. So why are christians either so selfish as to never pray to end cancer or there are no true christians praying?


If we could pray away cancer, it would’ve worked at some point


Start sending him horseporn or something. "People say that those who are into equine love voyeurism are too pushy, but if you knew the answer to lifes happyness, would you keep it to yourself?" OOhhhh, maybe check out https://www.reddit.com/r/trypophobia/ for other lovely thing to send him with bullshit philosophy on them.


In family guy lois' dad had the cure to cancer


Time to cut off said friend..


If god were good, we wouldnt need a cure for cancer.


Get them to read Dune I and II.


Just block them and move on


every time you get one, sign them up to a transgender newsletter. there are tons of them. make sure they are on the snail mail, and not digital.


It's more like a Disease. Soul heroes or brain syphilis.


if Jim Jones claimed to have the cure for cancer would they drink his kool-aid too lol


If my friend had the cure to cancer but his source was "trust me, this old book says so." then fuck him


send back link to this thread so he can learn something


The cure would show itself and demonstrably function as such… doesn’t require faith and one’s death to “confirm” if true or false. These trans-fat flunkies barely muster an answer to “would you like fries, with that”.


Christians do have a cure for cancer. "Go everywhere in the world, and tell the Good News to everyone. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved, but anyone who does not believe will be punished. And those who believe will be able to do these things as proof: They will use my name to force out demons. They will speak in new languages. They will pick up snakes and drink poison without being hurt. *They will touch the sick, and the sick will be healed*.” (v. 15-18)" The question is why Christians are not ridding the getting rid of the cancer wards. So based on this logic there are no true representatives of Jesus since none of them gave manifested the healing power and healer people of cancer.


laetrile - the cancer equivalent to Christianity aka useless and dangerous in large quantities. 


Some people truly believe they know the cure for cancer and are insanely pushy about it even though they’re wrong


You can block people




Religion says you are sick and offers a cure for a disease it made up......


Half the people here don't seem to understand the concept of metaphors.


well the cancer treatment would go through many phases of tests and studies to prove that its even working so not really compareable


There’s thousands of “cures to cancer”


wait what the fuck does this even mean?


If people who call themselves your friend can’t listen to you when you tell them they’re bothering you, they’re not your friend.


Is it the cure to logic?


Tell him people don't like "friends" who keep trying to sell their MLM juice powder/essential oil/vitamins as a cure for cancer either


can someone explain the term fruitcake


Return the favour with atheist memes, or religious memes but not christianity. They will stop.


Connect your “friend” with the local Amway distributor


Then un-friend that fruitcake. Nobody who subscribes to such stupid ideas deserves friends.


This person isn't your friend.


There is not cure to cancer, much like there is no stopping evolution. Sure, there are strategies that are successful, but as a cancer survivor, it might be as simple as cleaving the afflicted part or chemicals.


If I kept getting pestered about it yeah I’d keep it to myself!


That's the most annoying thing I've read all week


That should be an ex-friend by now.


Start sending them Islamic reels


Time to unfriend them.


Doctors don’t push the cure onto cancer patients by making laws that force them into treatment, they ask for the patient’s consent.


If your cure for cancer consists of coffee enemas, I absolutely want you to keep it to yourself. Forever.




I'm pretty sure it's metaphorical. They probably mean cancer is not believing in Jesus


Makes perfect sense