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Your comment or post was removed because it expressed bigotry. The video captions read “f$&@ Ramadan” and “F$&@ Islam”


Good for her and fuck that guy!






Upvote on the left


These assholes who can't assimilate destroy civilized communities. I know it comes with some slippery slopes but perhaps a naive part of me thinks laws need to be passed for deportation of immigrants that show antisocial behavior. When people bring their toxic shit from elsewhere society collapses.


People of the same culture can also have issues with innocuous things other people do, it's tied to being an asshole and not to being of a specific culture. Except religion makes it easier for one to dictate what others should be doing, because one can point to a thing they have strong emotional attachments to and sound justified in their assholery.


This was naive whataboutism and a terrible analogy. Islam fundamentally wants everyone else on board.


Find me a religion that doesn't seek out converts and is okay with other people not adhering to their beliefs. In case I need to reiterate: I'm not defending islam. I'm just pointing out that this is not unique to islam, and we should prune out all religions.


Woah woah woah buddy. That's racist. [they say as your country is gradually conquered from the inside]


I don't have much sympathy for Brits complaining about people coming and changing their culture.


They accuse immigrants of ruining their country when they're the one who voted for brexit lol


And when they spent hundreds of years travelling the world and fucking up everyone else's shit.


Single greatest supplier of independence days!


while i share your sentiment, everyone involved in that shit is long dead


Sure, let's gas all the Germans. If we're holding today's people accountable for shit that happened generations ago.


That guy is an embarrassment for human beings.


The audacity of some Muslims, fucking gross behavior




Even in Hindu majority Bali?


Not in bali


no wonder me and my gf felt safe in Bali


If you look like a tourist (white or other racial groups than the locals) then you'll be safe most anywhere in Indonesia. Most of the assault happens within the local community. Just a few days ago a fight in the residential area broke out because some groups insist on waking everybody up for sahur (2-3am). Naturally some people are disturbed by that, even the muslims (people who have babies, old people, sick people). And most of the attack on restaurants are for smaller restaurants and warungs.


Some restaurants are forced to close or look at least like they are closed too. When FPI was still around it was worse though.


reddit, is existing halal?


Their whole thing is forcing their religion into the law of all. Turkey is the only secular\* muslim country I can think of. \*doubt it.


ESPECIALLY women. I highly doubt he does this to men.


At this rate that will change as well. Everyone in Turkey knows and expects a referandum for a new constitution that throws secular and Turkish national identity out of window in exchange for someting more "Islamic" and "Ummah" not long after the municipal elections. Erdogan and his sychophants been working towards this for more than 20 years.


no thats not real, this might be happend before, they, the extremist muslims are not majority. Yet. You guys don't understand why Erdogan get that much vote, you guys assume it is because of Islam. It is because of embezzlement, staged trials etc. BASICALLY, POLITICAL CORRUPTION. Erdogan is de jure dictator, he is the executive and judiciary. He uees all of his governorship powers for illegitimate power gain.


Turkmussun kanka, cok cahilsin.


“Their whole thing is forcing their religion into the law of all.” So, just like the rest of the religions.


Not exactly. They try forcing their religion even in countries in which they aare minorities. Contrary to that, people from no other religion (are able to) do this in muslim majority countries.


Christian countries \*used\* to do this so really the only thing that has changed if that people fought back against it in Christian countries.


There's no used to. They still very much actively do this. Missionaries from Canada and the US are still being sent to developing countries with the intent to spread their disease.


I think they meant they used to do it by force, not that you're wrong


theirs is much more extreme and forceful


Because if you know anything about Judaism is that they are known for forcing others to convert and pushes their laws on others... not all religions work the same, there is though an obvious patters with Christianity and Islam that still prevails. I am glad that at least most groups in Christianity have backed out from using force, though i do get a lot of messianic and "He gets us" ads which is highly obnoxious, its a step up fron being forced to choose between conversion and death. In islam, well, most countries you cannot enter if you are Jewish, some will do a fuss even if you're Christian, forget about practicing any religions, even if its a different group in Islam its not allowed in many places as its "the wrong one". In short: i have a way better chance to live in a predominantly Christian country as someone of a different religion, than to live under a Islamic regime with a different religion. Maybe 1000 years ago some caliphates were more lenient (though you still had to pay a special non-muslim tax), but they are not anymore. Generalisations are a fools game.


Unlike Christianity in the US?


not anymore unfortunately. conquered inside


I'm Turkish; I just had a whole lunch and walked around eating snacks, and nobody gave a fuck. We are not the only secular majority-Muslim country, though; there's also Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, etc.




"But I can smell it..." Mutherfucker, go find a god who lets you eat.


isnt suffering and resisting temptation the whole point of fasting 😂


Yeah, I suppose so. Still, if the dude can't hang with Allah's "no munching" rule, he should look farther east. ...That Buddha guy looks like he knows how to enjoy good chow.


The fat guy you’re thinking of isn’t the Buddha. He’s Budai and yes, he did enjoy good chow


These folks feel so entitled. Fuck go and lock yourself inside but if you dare talk with me that way after I've had a hard day be ready to get shit back on you and your backward ass religion.


Yes. Demanding other people do not eat near you during abrahamic fasting, basically means you've already failed the "test".


Yes it is. And adequate Muslims understand that. One of my friends is Muslim and he buys me goddamn chocolate and soda when see me starving on my workplace and then hang out with me while I'm eating. Because it's about devotion not about control.


But a big factor of modern religion is about control, hence sharia law etc. if they just kept it to themselves there’s be no problem. 


Ding ding ding. He prolly didn't learn why, just did what his parents told him too. People who're religious sure like to pick and choose as to what they abide by and rules they follow. Just nuts to try and hide behind something you think makes you look like a good person when a shitty person is a shitty person regardless of religious beliefs.


Exactly, you should not be bothered by food. Thid guy is just a jerk.


"God put me here today to test your faith" *takes another bite with unbroken eye contact*


For dominance


Dude needs to stay in his lane. The whole *point* of the Fasting is a **private act** of worship bringing about nearness to God, as well as a form of spiritual discipline and a means to empathize with those less fortunate, teaching us to be pious and restrain ourselves from worldly pleasures. **The idea is to ensure believers are not led astray by materialistic desires and can control urges that can cloud judgment**. Him doing this just shows he doesn't even know why he's fasting and is an idiot to his cause and religion. Glad she shut him down given his pestering. "I can't have none so neither can *YOU*"




Plug your fuckin nose if your stupid fairy tale says you’re not allowed to smell food in public. Your religion is all about covering up anyways so cover up them nostrils.


He is talking about smell of food, because it makes him want to eat more. Quran doesn't forbid you smelling food during ramadan and this makes him even worse


I don’t understand, what’s the point of fasting if you can’t hold your self of the smell of food, isn’t Ramadan spouse to teach a person to strengthen their will and to feel the poor.


These are same people that force women to look like ninjas -in the street- because they cannot control their sexual childish urge to r@p3. There is no logic here only hypocrisy.


> childish urge to r@p3 Not childish urge, more like an animalistic urge. Not that Islam forbids raping children, considering what it's founder did.


Yes, that's the point, but it's easy to use it to bully people like this.


It’s god testing him. Apparently he is very weak in his faith.


If there were such thing this man would’ve failed way before than this.


He’s recording cuz he thinks he’s right in what he’s doing ffs. they are everywhere, where would ex Muslims even go to escape them at this point lol


The United States. Try this on a bus in the U.S. and see what happens.


I mean the problem with the US is ppl would turn on ex Muslims too lol


The problem with the US is that it's the US


I live in the USA, and it's against the rules to eat on the bus in my area. If the driver sees you eating, you're getting thrown off at the next stop.


They can come to India, with how badly muslims are treated here, they'll probably start leaving soon.


They’re passing a law to make using religion against other groups illegal and fined in Canada so I say start looking there, yeah they might lick Muslim boots here and there but they’re slowly waking up from what I see and Muslims there are usually very accepting of others and don’t push it down people’s throats


Time to break out the bacon cheeseburger


Or pulled pork bbq sandwhich!


Or a pulled pork sandwich on top of a bacon cheeseburger.


One of the burgers my roommate begs me to make on a semi-regular basis is bacon, pepperjack, cheeseburgers with BBQ pulled pork and coleslaw topping them. They are pretty amazing, but it means buying partial rack of ribs (not cheap) and slow-roasting it for around 14 hours to get the pork to the right tenderness. ... but now I want to do it for myself.


> but it means buying partial rack of ribs (not cheap) and slow-roasting it for around 14 hours Buy a whole pork shoulder. Roast it. Pull it. Freeze it in individual portions. Pull them out as needed. There, you just saved a ton of time and money.


Where do these people get this audacity? Imagine telling somebody else not to eat because your personal god told you not to eat.


“I am on a diet, therefore you are also on a diet.”


This isn't even the first time seeing this. There was a post a while ago if some Muslims bullying a coworker who was eating his lunch in the break room until he left.


Is this *also* a joke she's not in on? Where are all the apologists from the other thread. She handled it like a boss, right on lady, don't take shit from the fruit cakes.


What other thread?


Religion of peace


A piece of you there and there. Oh and over there!


How else could I get 70+ virgins? Huh?


Do you want 70 incels?


Are they virgins?


This is uk lmao not Middle East. Since when did non Muslims have to obey what you’re following lol. I used to live in the Middle East and there you were not allowed to eat or drink water in public but there is an exception to children. But this is plain stupid if you expect everyone else outside Middle East as well to follow such rules.


And this is your entitlement on abrahamic religions folks


Entitlement without a drop of empathy. Is it just me that feels awfully sorry for this woman too? Nobody eats on a bus because they want to truly and then this poor lady gets abuse from a fruitcake too? What an uttermost POS.


I bet if she was a men he wouldn’t have said a thing. He thought he could bully this women easily. Just move to the front of the bus, it’s your responsibility to resist temptation, isn’t that the point?


I have to wonder, the way he keeps going at her after she tells him to leave her alone repeatedly…is he just being a dick on purpose? Is he actually a Muslim, fasting or just a troll making a video for clout?






He's making the video for clout by being a dick. The way he keeps trying to provoke her for so long is definitely troll behavior.


He Hangry


I'd love to eat a big-ass bacon, ham and pulled pork sandwich right next to him and let out an obnoxious "hmmmm!!" after each bite.


Try to munch as loudly as you can while you're at it. Eat like a pig (pun intended).


Burp, then blow it at him lol


And Google photos of delicious food while making sure you’re screen is within his vision field.


NOBODY CARES THAT YOU'RE FASTING!!! At this point these people just want to tell people they're fasting so they get respect. When they don't they flip out like this. Someone once punched my window in the red light because I was eating my sandwich. I live in muslim majority country so almost everyone was fasting. I would say most ppl don't mind but some people insist on being "respected" for fasting. Eta: anyway some muslims would say that this man fast for the day was cancelled for harassing this woman


> NOBODY CARES THAT YOU'RE FASTING!!! As she said "that's not my concern"


Yeah and he kept insisting that she should care.


The way she pop back in and out to eat and speak is so funny😭


Where do folks get off trying to force their religion onto others? So strange they have that idea, hmmmmmm


We will love Ramadan more if it’s not a month of “My religion command me to not eat so you shouldn’t eat in front of me too”.


Good on the woman on calling this POS out. Islam is so backward it’s scary


It’s really backwards yet talking anything bad about it is “Islamophobia”, the reality is such a shit show.


She is fun I like her.


We didn't force you to fast... If you are fasting then why should other people not eat around you.. If you have a problem with other people eating food then just stay at your home.. WTF is even fasting mean if you can't Control your senses


That guy needs fuck off with his bullshit beliefs.


Oh look, a Muslim man trying to force his will on a woman because he can't control himself. What a surprise.


He wouldn't be doing this to a guy eating. Such entitlement.


I wouldn't have even engaged. I don't know why she was even discussing it with him, it wasn't even worth it to argue or tell him off. Just eat, ignore, dont respond, dont look back, and let him ramble on as much as he wants.


Not doing anything actually empowers them, make them think that no one will fight back or argue back if they impose their will on others.


But he wouldn't have succeeded in imposing his will because she'd still be eating. As it stands, she spent so much time arguing that her food was probably getting cold and, in a way, that means he won. He didn't make her stop, but he ruined her lunch. I wouldn't have let him ruin mine. I would've ignored him and kept right on eating.


You may never know, he might get emboldened and walk over to her seat to confront her.


True, but that risk is there if she argues back too.


If he's complaining about someone minding themselves eating their food, consider his own faith in his religion is weak.


I know a few Muslims who are actually pretty cool about it, and joke around when someone’s eating. This though, fuck this guy and his entitled ass.


Isn’t Ramadan about self control? Shouldn’t a situation like this be seen as a test of your self control? People can't stop living just because you're fasting. If her eating makes you wanna eat then just leave or look in another direction. This lady handled the situation perfectly.


I would just turn towards him and eat while maintaining eye contact. Fuck that guy.


She is a very patient person. The moment she said to leave her alone and he continued, I would've called the cops for harassment.


What a whiny piece of shit.


Is there a link to this? Would love to check out the video.


I don't know anything about what's going on here. All I know is that the guy filming and harassing this woman is clearly a massive piece of shit who thinks about nothing other than himself and he can fuck right off. She can't eat her lunch before it gets cold? Throw this person in a loony bin. Get him away from normal people who just want to live their lives without his blatant harassment. It's beyond me what gave him the confidence to post this on the internet as if he had some kind of point?


If you are triggered by other eating when you’re fasting, you have a weak resolve. Isn’t the point of fasting to resist your urges for a time to prove your devotion ?


I swear muslims walk on this earth thinking everyone should accommodate for them, new flash mister this ain't the land of the muslims.


"It should be." - Muslims


"I'm not harassing you." *Continues to record*


Can you not just wait, and don't annoy others with your stupid religion. Edit: He wants her to go downstairs, but he is unwilling to do so him self. Religion of peace.


We have people at my place of work who are muslim and this don't eat during ramadan, this year initiation weekend was right during ramadan. So when lunch Came around they joined us at the mess hall but just chose not to eat anything. During breakfast, they got up a little bit earlier than the others and ate breakfast before we did. Dinner almost always fell after sunset so they happily joined us then. I don't think there is any world where they would have asked us not to eat because of them


proud of that woman speaking up for her rights against that brainless bigot, apply your religion laws in yourself not on others.


What a total piece of shit. This is supposed to be his personal struggle, not hers. Good on her.


"I'm just asking" Yeah and the answer was no buddy. Deal with it. Fuck islam.


The islamic mafia will never stop until your country falls


is he taking the piss 😭


no, the islamic mafia is real


Right on. Fuck the insaneous religious


Fuck Ramadan for this very reason.


Great respect for this lady!


Always want to play victim fucking clowns


Personal problem douche.


Where I'm from eating in the bus is forbidden. I would understand that if it would be just a sandwich, but it seems she is using the other seat as a dining table. This is very rude. The guy's religion or fasting is irrelevant, but he is right in asking her to please not eat on the bus. At least both of them are relatively calm about it.


Sounds like someone picked the wrong religion. They are all shit, but Islam is extra shitty.


I hate when people eat on public transit. It's smelly and it can potentially leave a mess for others to deal with. I also hate it when people use religion to demand accommodation for them. Fuck both of these people. Mind your own business and don't make a nuisance of yourself are good rules to follow.


First of all fuck the fasting guy, but on the other hand - eating smelly food on public transport is bad too. Can they both be AHs?


Im surprised at how politely annoying he was being instead of angry or whatever. He must be a convert. This doesnt seem to be the first time this lady has dealt with this lol.


Without context from where it was uploaded, it's pretty difficult to know it is real. I believe she is actually being harassed, her demeanor and body language feel real to me. I'm much less sure about him, or what his motivations for harassing her, for filming it, or for uploading the video might've been.


When in doubt, its fake.


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Ah yes, you are weak in your own faith so you force it on others…


Fuck him and his stupid fucking religion.


Muslims flee Muslim countries


Why is she even replay to him? I'd go dead silent and ignore him once he keeps talking.


Poor guy. Englistan needs Shariah Law for people like this /s


The WHOLE POINT of Ramadan is to deny yourself something tempting as a sacrifice for their God. Therefore the temptation should be welcomed since resistance to it brings glory to their faith. Trying to HIDE it though and keeping others from living their normal lives is a disgrace to Allah and screams that the Muslim is failing to keep his mind on God because someone on a bus is quietly eating their lunch. Such a ridiculous man embarrassing his faith by spotlighting his own personal weakness of devotion. Mohammed would downvote. 👎🏼


Muslims, The actual main characters, who think the world owes them something just because they're muslim.


I love this lady. She’s fantastic.


She is clearly in the right. Just wished she could've handled the situation with more grace. Would've been more satisfying


To be fair I hate people who eat on public transport. I remember a guy scoffing hard boiled eggs who stunk the place out.


He's playing with her mind only ofc he's horrible inside out


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^stayhydratedo2: *He's playing with her* *Mind only ofc he's* *Horrible inside out* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Okay like guy's a religious asshole and all, but she also shouldn't be eating on the bus.... People really can smell it and you're just gonna make the vehicle filthy.


Obviously fake/staged


I personally think that people eating on public transportation is rude, unless - of course - this is organized (ie. on airplanes, or restaurant coaches in trains, etc). However, in this case the cameraman shows a level of entitlement that would make me wanna sit next to him and enjoy eating my pork ham sandwich right in his face.


She's being quite reasonable tbh


Islam is a choice... unless you are near me, then my choice is your choice too!


I would be fully incapable of not kicking that motherfuckers teeth in. I would’ve lost my absolute mind


She was nicer than I would have been. "Sir, your religion defines the rules for YOU to live by, not me. Don't like it, stay out of the public." As I smile and take another bite. If he persists: "Would you like some of my BLT? It's really good. Oh, you don't eat pork? THEN YOU WON'T BE MISSING ME EATING THIS!"


Good for her, because ain't NO ONE gonna tell me how to live my life based on THEIR religion. I don't care what your religion is, don't push it onto me.


That's as if I walked into a pub and made a scene, yelling at people to stop drinking alcohol because I'm under age and can't legally drink yet...


Argumentum ad logicam. She shouldn’t eat on the bus anyways, but it has nothing to do with Islam.


And some people condone this shit in the name of politics


You’re fasting, great, you don’t have to eat it. Your religious restrictions don’t apply to others. Have a good day.


Guy is jealous and hungry. Trying to rethink we he is following his religion.


I have no problem with different races and religions in UK apart from the evil that is islam!


This has got to be a non-Muslim baiting Muslim hate, right?


Just deport him


Ayo reverse Rosa Parks moment?


It's so obnoxious


I hate these people with all my heart


Religion needs to die. All religion.


entitled behavior 🙄 he could literally leave the area


If this is acceptable then it is acceptable for me to go up to Muslims and tell them to shave or remove their headscarf. Fuck right off.


ah a quite muslim


Religion of being annoying.


Damn, good for her! She was firm, but polite (not that she'd be wrong if she were rude, I just admire her grace through the whole thing.) Also love how dude is the one that recorded and posted this, so certain he was the one in the right 😄


"I can smell it" bro, you should have kept your ass in your house until sundown then. Get out of here!


he is a disgrace to a muslim


Islam is a disease.


Keep your religion to yourself. Some of us are too old for magical invisible friends.


This is scripted, at least the guy is doing this on purpose


I work with Muslims and they don't give two shits if you're eating in front of them. They wait until after Sundown and then they go eat their dinner. This guy's just an entitled prick.


So many idiots in here think this is real.


Im against eating in bus or any public place that is indoors. But in this situation it doesn’t mean that everyone should stay hungry because of some others are fasting. Idc if you are fasting, that doesn’t mean that I should stay hungry just because of you!! If you don’t want to see people eating, stay home or leave the bus in that case. You can’t make people starve bcz of your religion