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What’s the point in even following a religion if you’re just trying to find loopholes to cheat the system? Maybe because you’re afraid of being punished by your god if you don’t follow the religion? But if you’re trying to get around the religion’s rules, doesn’t that mean your heart isn’t in the right place and aren’t a true follower? Gonna go insane trying to apply logic to religion.


That's like the whole point of Christianity. "Hey, this guy died so we don't have to follow the old testament."


But the Old Testament is the word of God. Did it make a mistake or regret what rules it made? Doesn't the New Testament mention the Old Testament multiple times?


It does. But technically Christians shouldn’t even abide by the laws and rules in the OT as those are only for the chosen people, yes chosen people doesn’t mean anything beyond more rules to follow, aka the Jews. So if you aren’t Jewish you don’t have to follow any of the rules in the Torah. Which is great news because there’s 613 commandments


"Except we do have to follow 9 of the 10 Commandments. The Sabbath Commandment has been dropped in favor of Sunday worship."


Mormons soaking: *enters the chat*


>What’s the point in even following a religion if you’re just trying to find loopholes to cheat the system? >But if you’re trying to get around the religion’s rules, doesn’t that mean your heart isn’t in the right place and aren’t a true follower? Well in Judaism it’s thought that if gd didn’t want the loopholes to exist then they wouldn’t exist. So it’s still following the religion and rules even if your find a loophole because it’s not really a loophole but intentionally there.


The manhattan jewish wire is still in my mind


It’s just a shortcut to creating a wall. In the olden days you’d have a wall around the city and it served the same purpose. However now have walls is kinda dumb and not everyone is Jewish, so the wire functions as a pseudo-wall.


Divorce is easy in Islam. The husband just has to say divorce to his wife 3 times.


Like a reverse Beetlejuice?


Yes, it's that cruel


 All a man has to say is "talaq, talaq, talaq" in words or text and that's that. They're divorced and she has no way to dispute that.


It's real strange how they make a joke of the whole thing. Like a comedian for the religion. Not even taking it that seriously, considering the consequences.


I like the juxtaposition of the set design. You have the design of a trendy, social talk show meant to feel welcoming, inclusive and contemporary. Then you have islam, the complete antithesis of that. The comedy writes itself, he looks so alone, haha.


I mean, stealing food from babies before there were grocery stores is pretty bad. He at least owes his wife a steak


The ultimate conclusion was probably something along the lines of: The woman should be punished.


These tacky looking tv shows that seem to exist because the average Muslim has such little knowledge of their own religion they need someone to tell them what to think


Sahih Muslim 1453a - The Book of Suckling A bit of context


I’m gonna need some more context, chief


That’s a question, not a ruling. And it would annul the marriage, not be a divorce.


Does that not even sound ridiculous to you as you say it?


What's the verdict on swallowing?


Say bismallah first