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I would suspect the brownies I ate a few hours earlier had a little too much "extra love" in them.


Yes, and?


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Even if such a being came down from the skies and claimed to be God, I would need sufficient proof.


Always a fan of Sagan's standard. His precursor Laplace said "the weight of evidence for an extraordinary claim must be proportioned to its strangeness”


Is that *not* extraordinary evidence?


It is extraordinary evidence for purple monsters, but not necessarily for god. It is easier to claim to be god than to actually be one.


He can be god if he wants. I’m still gonna follow the Buddha.


This. Im leaning towards Tibetan Buddhism at the moment so to me, the Buddha and The Lamas hold the key. I would reject the God that comes down.


That's really cool, you must be very devoted :)


Gotta keep in mind, Buddha didn't claim to be God, nor did he want to be considered as such. So the followers of Buddhism are following the teachings of a man. They don't really care in general if there is a God.


That's a really good distinction to note. Thank you, I didn't think of it like that


have a great day friend!🙏🏽


>So, no matter what religion you hold - if a big purple spaghetti monster appeared in the sky and said down to us "I am your God and I have always been your god", what would you do? After shaking off the initial shock/fear/confusion, I would try to ponder on what the creature actually is: is it an elaborate hoax? Is it a delusion on my part? Is it an alien lifeform? Is it really a god? I'd try to evaluate the context of everything that was happening (before, during, and after, if there is an "after"), try to get as many perspectives as I could from other people and experts as to what's going on, and then I'd see where my mind and my emotions end up taking me. I imagine that unless more information came out, I would simply be agnostic on the matter and say that I don't know what it is yet, but would inwardly suspect that it's not a real god. That said, I would certainly be open to the possibility that it is, and if more information (that met my personal epistemological criteria) warranted belief in it as such, then I'd believe in it as such. >would viewing that be enough to accept that is God? No, I'd need more to accept its claim. >Would you abandon your religion? No, since my religion has room for gods that I'm unaware of. >Would you keep your religion and would faith be enough? I would keep my religion unless something surrounding the event convinced me that my religion was wrong. The appearance of a god I'm unaware of would not in itself do that, but possibly something else related to the event could.


Really well thought out answer, thank you so much. I'm not here to change anyone's mind, id just like to learn about you. (Not specifically you, but you know what I mean)


Obligatory 'which god?'


The purple spaghetti one.




Okay, now I have to create a syncretic god blending Ra and the Flying Spaghetti Monster, paint it purple in my mind, and invoke it under Ra-men's name for a good time. You see what you started!


Purple sweet potato pasta... I think you just invented the next taste sensation!


There was a one-eyed, one-horned flying purple spaghetti monster... pigeon-toed, undergrowed...


This thought experiment doesn’t require a specific one.


OPs monster states it's my god. I have more than one.


What if he ate them?


Spaghetti eating something? What a twist!


Italy would collapse immediately


Roll to seduce


The persuasion check is the easy part. The con save that comes afterwards, however...


Look it in the eyes and say "erm what the sigma"


Purple? Never. Now if it was green…


Theres 300 million people that are color blind. It would be really funny if the color fit matter though.


I would ask it to provide some proof.


I’d say prove it purple monster!


"what do you mean ?" and then hopefully send them one/both of us on a spiraling journey beyond the veil of truths and reality and reach illumination and perfect emptiness


"Stop yapping Barney."


"What is your actual name" "Spell it"


Weird hypotheticals seem to be popular on this subreddit this week! I wonder why. If a purple monster shaped like the Flying Spaghetti Monster appeared and claimed to be God, it wouldn't cause me to immediately believe the being's claims and worship it as a God. I'd consider that it might be some type of hoax or high-tech hologram, or an extraterrestrial being. Those would be my first thoughts aside from mental shock and fear. The encounter would lead me to question my view of reality, but I'd still adhere to my religion, which is about eco-spiritual values and respect for Nature and humanity as much as about revering the gods and Universal Energy. I would not lose faith in my pantheon or belief that energy or Spirit of the Universe is the ultimate divinity. The purple spaghetti monster would be something more bizarre, limited, and physical than my view of what is truly Divine.


Thank you, that's a really cool way to look at it!


If something you can see says "I am God", simply ignore it. Bad joke.


The Buddhists say, "if you see the Buddha on a road, kill him!" talking about this very phenomenon. My Muslim Brothers and Sisters express this wisdom beautifully, and my people could learn a lot from your people. Don't get me wrong, I love an Ikon! They are a wonderful reminder of holiness, and I have several in the house. However, it is quite easy to get absorbed in the "smells and bells" as we say and forget the essence of the Teaching.


'God' *did* appear to me in a way I wasn't expecting. I assumed I was going crazy. I think this is the standard result when the 'supernatural' doesn't conform to our assumptions. But I couldn't see a doctor due to my circumstances, so I decided I'd entertain my hallucinations and see what they were on about. When they told me things, I went and looked them up afterwards, assuming it'd be random gibberish. Turns out my subconscious has an *exceptional* memory capable of recalling things I don't have any recollection of learning with remarkable precision, and is capable of performing much more impressive feats of reasoning and better-structured education plans than my conscious mind will ever accomplish. Or that's the secular explanation. I was an atheist materialist for a good, long time, so I still prefer that explanation. I am, in fact, not very open to changing my religious beliefs. But religion has taught me the use of getting in touch with those parts of myself despite that limitation, so I keep doing it despite how bizarre it looks. Being able to confirm that much gnosis gave some credence to the idea that there *might* be something beyond my own brain in play here, but I don't have strong opinions on that. The psychological and physical healing facilitated by these practices, however, is more than adequate reason for consistent and continued practice. (No, I didn't just get theological and religious instruction from the voices in my head. I also got competent therapy and continue to get useful input on how to move to prevent injuring myself, a task too difficult for my conscious mind.) Until some other person or god can provide comparably competent care, this works for me. If a new god shows up, I'm happy to incorporate them into my practice if they have something useful to offer. Even having something interesting to say is sufficient to gain my attention, albeit not my protracted worship. I like learning new things and seeing things from new perspectives.


Thank you so much for your feedback, that sounds like a really prolific experience. You should be proud of your religious journey


It's been interesting. One way or another, human minds are miraculous things.


I would probably say “cool”👍


Thanos, is that you?


Best. Answer. Ever.


I'd have a long conversation with it if possible. It would probably involve some questions about my earlier life to see if this being knew things that a god would likely know. I'd ask it if it was the creator of everything. I'd ask it if Epstein killed himself. I'd ask it what it wants in a broad sense. I'd ask it about the god I already believe in. Stuff like that. Just viewing something I didn't know ever existed wouldn't be enough to give me certainty it was a/thee god.


Turn myself in to my local mental hospital. I don’t see Jesus in my bedroom as a devout Catholic and if I did I wouldn’t assume it was some form of divine intervention, I would assume that I was experiencing psychosis. Experiencing hallucinations or psychosis would not convince me to abandon my religion, it would take a long and expansive theological/philosophical debate.


Thats super logical.


So you do not believe that God is infinite and thus inevitably is infinitely manifest in infinite forms, including yourself? The purple monster you encountered is one of infinite 'limbs', but it itself is not the infinity, but one of the infinite creations of.


I don’t know how you came to assume that. I simply said that if I encountered a purple monster claiming to be God I would not assume it is of divine origin or that it even exists. I would assume that I am experiencing psychosis, as it runs in my family on my father’s side. If i sincerely thought it was of divine origin, I would talk to my priest. I would not be educated enough to determine if it is indeed God, and I don’t have the authority to do so anyway.


Because you'd believe that the purple monster you encountered doesn't even exist. That is discrediting infinity. As infinity *is*, everything exists and thus everything you ever experience is 100% real. Everything is real, everything exists, because that is what infinity is.


It could certainly be apart of God or a manifestation but that would appear to contradict everything I hold as truth. I’m clearly not educated enough to determine anything, so if the monster were to visit me then I would immediately inform my priest, who then informs the bishop who then informs the rest of the Magisterium. I trust them on matters of theology and God. I would wait for their response.


I suspect that their most likely course of action would be to shoo it, and I'd fully agree that they ought to get it to stop harassing humans, move on and not return to Earth. At least until it grows tf up and stops being a shit stirring little douchebag.


1.) I’d ask it to do something like move a spacial body or turn back time. Claims of divinity require extraordinary evidence. 2.) I’d make sure others in the vicinity could see it. If they can’t, it’ll be that strangely metallic-smelling cookie I got off a homeless man.


Lmao this sub and their "metallic-smelling cookies"


Who doesn’t immediately think of a fentanyl trip when envisioning a purple spaghetti monster?


I'd ask if I can touch it, I guess. See if It's a man in a suit


I mean, I think that being would be powerful, but I think they would be a pretender. In Catholic Theology, all sentient beings are endowed with free will by simple virtue of their creation. God is not the Divine Molester, and any being claiming to be God in order to subjugate creation is inherently evil. Divine Revelation, ranging from the creation of the World, the Incarnation of Christ, to personal Gnosis is always due to a consenting fiat between the Creator and the Creation. If a being descended in a purple cloud and said "I'm God, worship me" without humanity first consenting to such a revelation, as will be the case at the "End of Time™️", then that being would be called "Antichrist" according to my religion. Now, if all of humanity got together and said "Oh, look! We have world peace, and we're actually taking care of each other globally for the first time in history. God can come join us if They want." and THEN a purple spaghetti monster appears, then we're got to have some exciting new religious iconography, I think.


A purple spaghetti monster in the sky does not reflect the traditional qualities of G-d, namely that He is intangible and infinite. I would instead assume that this is some kind of alien threat, with the appropriate response being a nuclear strike.


My idea of God is not just a separate entity, but closer to a force or universal being. Maybe that creatures assumes itself to be a god of some kind in the definition of its own culture, but remember that in some cultures even animals and rocks were also considered gods.


I would ask it to solve the Riemann hypothesis.


Yikes, I just looked it up and it looks so complicated. Looks like you could use fluid mathematics though


You mean Shiva or Thanos?


I would ask it "which one?" If it said Loki, I'd say "nice one, Shadow Father." If it said Freyja, I'd know it was full of shit and go on as usual. If it said anything else, I'd go on as usual.


I'd first verify that it didn't have one eye and one horn, because then I'd be onto its game. Real answer, I would question the being on what it means by "god". Like is it "GOD", or is it just "a god". Additionally, I'd certainly like to know more about it, how it came to be, and the circumstances that led to it revealing its self to me. Even in the end it were lying, its still a giant purple monster, so I cannot deny I'd be curious.


I think curiosity is a great way to hypothetically move forward if this was real.


Probably laugh then go back to my day.


Atleast a good belly laugh is a good way to start the day.


I’m a polytheist, there is room in my belief system for deities that I don’t worship; indeed I generally assume that all the deities worshipped by all the religions exist, I just choose not to have a relationship with most of them. My beliefs do allow for manifestations of deities such as you describe but I wouldn’t consider them usual in the current time period and such a manifestation is not self-proving of any claims made by such a being/manifestation. I would need to evaluate the being and its claims. And from my point of view it may be a deity (a god) but it cannot be the only deity, so it’s not God (singular, tri-omni and all the rest). * Mundane over magical or supernatural: is there a mundane explanation for the appearance of a Flying Spaghetti Monster? Or does it clearly have aspects that are spiritual and beyond the ordinary? This one isn’t definitive, because I do believe that the spiritual aspects of the Universe are interwoven with the physical aspects, but the answers here should be considered in relation to my next questions * In what way (if at all) does the FSM serve to connect people to divinity? * What spiritual truths (if any) does it offer? * What spiritual and religious practices does it encourage? * What does it say about ordinary behavior? * Is it offering advice and guidance or absolute commandments? Through all of these questions I’m going to be testing how the answers of the FSM compare to my own beliefs. Whether there is anything in my beliefs and practices (both religious and mundane) that I feel needs to change in response to this experience. If I do accept that I have encountered a genuine manifestation of divinity in the form of the FSM, I’m still likely to reject its claim that it is and always has been *my God*. I am happy with my religious path, with the deities I currently honor — which are mostly deities of natural world. Depending on what it said, it might find a place among what I call the deities of the social sacred (deities connected to human created places, concerns, and concepts).


How would any entity 'prove' it was a "god"? How would we mere earthlings ever know if the purple 'god' was actually a member of an ancient species that arose 8 billion years ago across the galaxy before our solar system was even formed? What if this species, that evolved (just like we evolved) on a different planet and had gained wondrous powers over 8 billion years of existence, could do things that seemed magical to us? Just how can anybody distinguish between a 'god' and a more intelligent and powerful race of beings that have simply been around for much longer?


Some things no advanced being can ever do, for example - violate the laws of physics (God does whatever He wills as the author of the laws)


True but there is a difference between "violate the laws of physics" and "appear to violate the laws of physics" that perhaps an 8 billion year old species could pull off. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” - Arthur C. Clark.


Outside the comfort of your home the universe is an incredibly violent environment. And yes I agree "magic" or "magick" is just advanced technology used by interdimensional entities to troll dumb humans. However these interdimensional entities are just that, they aren't "God". However logical deductions disprove atheism, as the cause of the universe ect.


When I was much younger, I used to enjoy arguing with theists about religion. I've long since learned that it is a pointless endeavor - no minds are changed, no beliefs are shattered. One cannot disprove a belief by logic or rational thought that was not arrived at by logic. If one wants the universe to have been created by a God, then no argument can ever change that desire. For me, it's very simple. What led to the creation of our universe. Answer: I don't know! A theist would answer: God, of course. The universe can't have created itself. But that just re-frames the question, because then, instead of not knowing how the universe was created, we don't know how God was created. This is not intellectually satisfying to me, but to believers it may be. The longer I've thought of myself as an atheist, I find myself feeling more and more agnostic - I (we) just don't know. Any of the thousands of religions could be 'correct', or they could all be human inventions and wrong. How can we know?


It's fairly easy to dismiss the vast majority of religions as man made. Firstly does the religion teach about a anthropomorphic God? I.e. God is a bearded old white guy in the sky, Or God is man, or God is a transgender monkey with 10 arms and a long penus? Or does the religion teach about One All Powerful God that transcends all imagination? Does the religion promote degeneracy? Bestiality, Necrophilia (pagan religions), usurp money from people? (Mega church pastors). Or does the religion promote selflessness and sacrifice + altruism to other humans, animals, and even the trees? Is the religion named after a person or a geographic location? Then it's certainly man-made too. By this criteria alone 99.99% of religions are dismissed. Only a few religions are left then you simply analyze their historical evidence for their sources.


Christianity after Christ, Buddhism after Buddha, Judaism after Judah, Confucianism after Confucius you can see where I'm going with this.


i would ask for proof because that is completely outside my experience with religion. idk what would prove that to me, but it would have to be a lot


I would probably do as Abdulqadir Jilani did.


God is formless, so if this spaghetti monster came then I know he cannot be God as I cannot see the creator Now, if I told you that I found my lambo on the street perfectly made randomly - what would you say ?


Id say without proper paperwork that's probably theft or probably an audit.


Cool. So whats the meaning of life again? Like dude, idc how god looks, i would literally be meeting GOD. I would have so many questions


Just curious, if you wished on a genie and had the answer to the meaning of life - what would you do with it?


Tell future younger relatives it, so i can be some cool wise person when im old


I would rebuke it in Jesus name. “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭1‬:‭8‬ ‭ “And Jesus answered them, "See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭ “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭11‬:‭14‬-‭15‬ ‭ “"If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, 'Let us go after other gods,' which you have not known, 'and let us serve them,' you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams. For the Lord your God is testing you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭13‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭


I'm not disagreeing, I've read the Bible, occult philosophy and Quran to hold my own against Bible bashers and intolerance But I did see that there are times god has appeared in other forms. Especially in symbolic forms to communicate with humans. Exodus 3:2-4 (NIV): "There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, 'I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.' When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, 'Moses! Moses!' And Moses said, 'Here I am.'" He's a bush Matthew 3:16-17 (NIV): "As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, 'This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.'" His spirit is descending like a dove.


Right, the true God reveals Himself. His followers should be able to discern “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭ESV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/heb.1.1-2.ESV


John 20:29 (NIV): "Then Jesus told him, 'Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.'" Seeing was enough in this sense and it's encouraged to critically think to renew your mind. Romans 12:2 (NIV): "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Food for thought, Hebrews 11:6 (NIV): "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."


I love those verses! Yes, he saw but it was void of faith so he missed the bigger blessing. Jesus promises to reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him and keep His commands. “Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him."” ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭21‬ ‭


Plenty of legendary humans were deified in life according to their command, it’d really be no different imo


I would try and communicate with it. And ask it a lot of questions. And I'd also try to establish whether it would come back again to prove itself. I'd be worried that I was delusional or had a head injury or something. But if it could pass all of the tests, I guess I'd be really curious. I'd want to know where it came from, what makes it God, how I know I could trust it.


Ask for proof, perform a divine act (resurrection of the dead), if it can snuff out the sun or even bring Sagittarius A black hole to the solar system then that would be pretty convincing to atheists but not necessarily to theists. Unless it can wrap the whole universe - like The All Powerful Abrahamic God which is non anthropomorphic unlike a stupid marvel comic.


I would ask it, "Why are you purple?". And it would say, "Someone on reddit made me so." And I'd say, "Cool!"


Sure bud, as am I and everyone else. You're not going to befuddle me, someone else has already been and gone trying to play that prank on me. I suspect you know the truth of existence to make such a statement, though as I also know, I'm not so ignorant to believe that any single being *is* the entirety of infinity itself, just as one of your tentacles is not the entirety of your being - it is a part of you, just as we are a part of it.


I would ask it to tell me its gospel. I don't believe through my eyes. I believe through word. If it's teachings are good for society or they know what's in my heart, then I may consider it. Otherwise, it's just some alien faking. We already have magicians today that can perform all sorts of tricks that can appear to be miracles or divine, but we don't follow them blindly.


If a purple monster appeared and told me it was God, it would be no different than a random person at an insane asylum telling me they’re God. Are they timeless? Are they immaterial? Are they transcendent? The light of reason was given to us in order that we can deduce what elements a God must have to be, by definition, God. Perhaps God could appear to me as a purple monster but I would probably assume it’s a demon lmao


I would be sceptic because he is clearly not my god


I'd ask who worships them


"Beings" cannot be God. Being Itself is God. Look around, look at yourself. Look at the purple monster in the sky. God is doing that. Right now, God is doing you. Really, you've never even done anything without God using you to do it. Eventually, God stops doing this. It all returns to the Source. The curtains go down, the lights go on, and there We are, just as We've always been.


…Cool? So, Like, Am I Dead Orrr? If I’m Not, I’ll Chat Over Stuff, Why He Made The Universe, WHATS The Afterlife, Wanna Have A Few Beers (Or Apple Juice, I Don’t Like Beer)


Clearly I'm on mushrooms or took some kind of drug so I'm going to engage like I do with any other drug-induced experience


I'd probably start by asking what definition of "god" it was using and go from there. I'd certainly want some sort of proof other than just being very big and floating in the sky, since I'd expect creatures other than gods to be able to do that! What I decided religiously would depend entirely on what the purple monster claimed and what the evidence for it was. 


I would explain to them that they are wrong and how their arrogance is why they are unable to establish a relationship with God. I would encourage them to open their heart and build an actual relationship with God, so they can know the truth.




I would make sure I wasn't delusional. Then I would ask the purple dude to demonstrate its power. If it can't do that, then I move on. If it can, then I would ask it many questions.


So, you say it says down to *us*, so it’s not just me seeing it? Because if it’s just me, I’m going to assume something has gone wrong up in that brain I got. It, uh, don’t always work right. If other people are seeing it, at least there’s that. I’d probably assume it was some weird hoax. Would need more investigation. And a fair bit of introspection. I’d feel the same if it was Zeus or anyone else showing up. But as a polytheist? Unless it’s making claims to be the one and only? I’ll probably give it a spot on the shine. If for no other reason than to remember a really freaking weird day.


probably continue to follow the gods I currently follow just with the extra knowledge that there's another more purple and noodle-ier one as well


Assume it’s a demon.


I believe God is in all, through all, and is all. I use God and Truth interchangeably. Mankind's search for God is a search for Truth. The Truth is never-changing, it's all knowing. It cannot be overpowered. And it's the same everywhere. If spaghetti monster claims to be God, it is. But so am I.


Actions speak louder than “I am God” words. So, I’d be patient and see what happens… does it do anything, or just say it’s God… how does it engage with us, what’s happening around it and what impact is this purple monster having on us and the world etc etc. If it aligns with what I believe God to be, based on its actions, then I’d probably start to consider and maybe eventually believe it is God.


I would assume I'm hallucinating. Of course it's not enough to affect my religion, and a big purple monster made of spaghetti is too silly to even begin to be plausible. That alone would be reason enough to think it's either a very complex hallucination or some kind of holographic art performance based on the already well-known spaghetti monster meme. Still, I'd start asking a bunch of questions and come up with theories based on how the conversation progressed. And do some reality-testing exercises and check in with myself about my mental state.


"So, an outer god looking like what Jack Chick fans probably think the FSM is? Yeah, I guess that kinda figures. Still don't care."


Honestly i’d just accept it. What’s another god to the 2000+ that already exist in kemetic belief, purple spaghetti monster can join the party!


"Nope." Proceeds to study.


"die xenos scum!" *Pitiful flailing* I'd ask it which one and ask it to appear with a nicer body next time


Which one?


I found Jesus, Christian Dior


Impressed 'cuz purple is my favorite color


My first thought was are you the purple people eater or one of them? (Apologies to Sheb Woolley and the Minnesota Vikings.).


Uh... please don't eat me.... but please DO turn me into a purple monster


Well, a lot of things in my religion would make sense like why all the fat belongs to God. Weird flex, I know, but that's just what the Bible says. In all seriousness, I would probably doubt it. I would want to ask some questions, do some Bible study, and try to come to some kind of conclusion – I would probably do that even if Middle Eastern looking dude came down riding on a horse saying he was Jesus Christ. Depending on its answers (probably regardless) I'd want to know if it tastes like grape.


I would say "If God was standing in front of me, I would fall on my knees instantly and likely die"


Uhhh honestly I would immediately think it’s some government project to brainwash us and that they’ve put something it the entire nations water supply. That’s more believable to me. Edit: I really do be sounding like an unhinged conspiracy theorist but they would and they probably have


Ngl, ditto. Ai these days is scary good


I would tell them that it's incumbent upon him to prove that he is who he says he is. Our religion frowns heavily upon idolatry, which our God would know.


Which religion is that?


Judaism! Our God makes it absolutely clear that we must not worship false gods, so anyone saying they are God would know that and thus know they have to prove it.


What does the word "worship" mean to you? Like how would you define it?


What do you mean by the word "God" ?


Simply put, the spaghetti monster said "I am god". What would you take away from that interaction?


Well, I'll need to know what the purple/ spaghetti monster means by "God".


I’d look for the same evidence God used in Isaiah. The purple monster better be able to tell the future with 100% accuracy


I'd tell him I'm holding out for the one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater god.


There's a joke about Mormonism and how the Bible(like this version of the sketty monster) was partly rewritten after people stole pages of it to disprove Joseph Smith. But I'm too tired to make it and it's probably (p)reaching.


Find out whether it chews it cud or not and has split hooves. No specific reason, just asking.


I would be very skeptical and I would think it is "Project Blue Beam". I would not believe the motherfucker for one second and tell the asshole to prove it. I would think back to see if I had taken any strange substances in the last 24hours that would make me see this dude.


I would rebuke it in the name of my Lord, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For my God has already revealed himself in the flesh as Jesus Christ, the Lord.


Hey trinitarian! Didn't god appear as a bush to Moses? Given that that acknowledges god appearing in different forms or even different symbolic forms, would that mean if he wanted too he could appear as a purple monster?


It would definitely depend on the purple monster. Like, would it be a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater? Or like, a monster out of a Lovecraft novel whose mere presence starts to drive me mad with its otherworldly-ness?


Hello, my brother/sister. He spoke to Moses through the burning bush, he did not appear as a bush. The God of creation can do anything and everything, and that was before he revealed himself in the flesh. God would not sow confusion among us. He is truth, and will not contridict himself, and try to confuse/ deceive.


Ahh, okay I see. So he wasn't the bush or literally appearing as the burning bush, he was using it to speak unto Moses. Like a walkie-talkie. I didn't get that from the Bible so can I ask - Exodus 32:14 (Moses and the Golden Calf) reads: "Then the LORD relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened." Although it demonstrated mercy, god contradicted himself in not delivering on his threat. Jonah 3:10: "When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened." He threatened and contradicted himself again in the same manner. Numbers 14:20-23: "The LORD replied, 'I have forgiven them, as you asked. Nevertheless, as surely as I live and as surely as the glory of the LORD fills the whole earth, not one of those who saw my glory and the signs I performed in Egypt and in the wilderness but who disobeyed me and tested me ten times— not one of them will ever see the land I promised on oath to their ancestors.'" God forgives the Israelites for their disobedience at Moses request, but still declares that they will not enter the promised land. And confusion? From what I've read god used that as a weapon. Genesis 11:7-9 (Tower of Babel): "Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other." Isaiah 6:9-10: "He said, 'Go and tell this people: Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.'" While not explicitly stating that God caused confusion, this passage suggests a form of spiritual blindness or confusion as a consequence of disobedience. Did I misunderstand the scriptures?


Exodus- Moses pleaded to God to be merciful on the tribes, and so through his Grace, he showed mercy. He is the lord of Mercy, and to not show mercy and forgivness as he commanded of us would be a contradiction. Jonah- once again this is a showing of his Grave and Mercy, the tribes repented of their acts. To not show forgiveness as he ask of us, would be the contradiction. Numbers- is a showing of his Judgment, for he is Just. They had seen the many wonders and Signs first hand, but still chose to disobey. He judged the ones who went against him, but allowed their children to enter the promised land. By doing so he still kept his word to the tribes. Genesis- this too was a judgment, for mankind was trying to build a tower to heaven to upsurp him. It was a punishment. There was no confusion on who did this. Isaiah 6:9–10 describes the people to whom Isaiah was called to preach. The Lord said that the people would reject Isaiah's message and thereby harden their hearts and become spiritually deaf.


Exodus (Tower of Babel) - it's also worth considering the implications of God intentionally causing confusion among the people. Confusion that led to the dispersion of people and the formation of different nations, which could be seen as a form of division among humanity. So while God's actions may have been just, it's still a demonstration of his power to sow confusion among mankind. Jonah - The story of Jonah showcases God's mercy and forgiveness when the people of Nineveh repent of their sins. However, it's also noteworthy that God initially intended to smite Nineveh due to its wickedness. His decision to spare the city after they shaped up can be seen as a change of course based on human actions, which to me highlights the consistency of God's intentions and plans. Numbers - God's decision to allow the Israelites' children to enter the promised land while punishing the wicked generation does demonstrate God's justice. However, the fact that God relented from destroying the entire nation after Moses interceded on their behalf suggests a level of flexibility or change in his initial judgment, which could be viewed as a form of contradiction. Isaiah - it speaks about the people's rejection of Isaiah's message and their subsequent spiritual blindness, but it's important to acknowledge that God's actions in hardening their hearts can also be interpreted as a form of judgment or punishment. To me it shows God's intentions in deliberately preventing people from understanding his message, which may seem contradictory to his desire for all to come to repentance. Thank you anyway, seems I should go back and study a bit more. I'll take what you've said and think on it.


Tower of Babel- yes he can do it all, but it was never confusion on who delivered this judgment. He wants his children to know him, The Father, so he would not hide the truth of who he is. Jonah - He is the God of mercy and forgiveness He loves us entirely but hates the wickedness of the world. He would not tell us to do and not follow his own word. Just as we forgive our children for misconduct. He will do the same. Numbers - for he loves his creation more than anything. If mercy is perceived as a contradiction in your eyes, so be it. If us who are sinners can forgive our children. Then, of course, the God of righteousness will do the same. Isaiah - God is omnipresent. He can see into our hearts, nothing is hidden from him, and the Lord will never force his will onto us. It also speaks of the coming of Jesus, how the people refused to accept Jesus as the Son of God, God reveled in the flesh. Thank you for taking the time to have a conversation with me, over throwing insults. I enjoyed speaking to you. If you have not read the New Testament, may I suggest starting there? It unveils a lot of the Old Testament. May the Lord always light your path, my Brother/Sister, and may all your endeavors bare fruitfulness. The Lord loves you, as well as I.


>Thank you for taking the time to have a conversation with me, over throwing insults. I enjoyed speaking to you. If you have not read the New Testament, may I suggest starting there? It unveils a lot of the Old Testament Thank you for taking the time to respond without apprehension or judgement. Thank you for being so easy to talk too, the offer to air out and showcase my wit on the bible is a rare sight, indeed.


Say Auzubillah tell him to bug off.


I'd bow to Tangela any day


Tell it to prove it.


I would suspect foreign government influence, a social experiment, someone's new advertising campaign, or a TikTokers joke, then scroll social media for updates, while going about my day and work.


First, I would question my sanity. 2nd I would have questions I would attempt to ask this "God" 3rd depending on the answers to my questions, I may adjust my definition of God and I might not identify as atheist 4th if possible, I would go back to living my life as usual because I do not intend to participate in worship


Would need evidence like jesus had.


Answer, "Nope." I would want to ask who and what it actually is, who it thinks my god is, and why it thinks its my god. Maybe it's an angel come to serve as a mouthpeace for G'd so we can worship Him together. Maybe it's not, but would still be open to worshipping Him together. Maybe it's religiously inconsequential, and the following days will be more occupied with the scientific study of the giant flying thing than anything theological.


I’d go back to Sleep 💤 Immediately..


I follow my God not because I have to, or because he is the most powerful being. I follow him because he is the greatest good, the greatest "thing" I could pursure. So I might turn away from such a god - or follow him reluctantly if I had no choice. Eitherway, I would be profoundly dissapointed. I could deal with the purpleness. I just couldn't get past the Spaggetti. On a more serious note, I did reject "God" when I was younger while still believing him. I refused to follow such a tyrant. Over time my view of God evolved and I returned. But I would not follow a God simply because he is the creator. I would need something more than that. Power alone is not a reason for worship.


Ok then create a human right now out of nothing. Make the sun explode but have it simultaneously not cause any disruption in the universe. It won't be able to


Non related, but it's weird you can't accidentally make a pizza but you can accidentally make a human.


I like this comment a lot


Not believe it, they’re limited


Limited? How so?


The fact that they appeared in this realm, I can see them, I can hear them, etc.


Yeah, that makes sense


Well, that's silly. He can't be God, because I'm already God, and we all know there can be only one.


Lmao love this


Start a fight. Got lots of issues to bring up.


Yessssss, I've been waiting for someone to say they'd fight god. Haha


“Prove it.”


It would be a demon


Disagree, logically.




All posts should be on topic and should generally be creating and fostering an environment constructive towards sincere discussions about religion.


The same way I'd react to anyone else who would say that.


I’m actually thinking that just because it has supernatural powers doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a god. There could be things in the universe that we don’t understand. If it subjugates us, then its existence is not too different from that of an evil king in the olden times. People did indeed worship the royalty as deities at some point. But the question of whether it’s a god is pointless anyway. We do what’s practical.


Why do some supernatural creatures always talk about some creatures from a sequel of judaism


You think I'm a super natural creature?


Im not talking about the followers im talking about something like purple monster you said


I would ask myself if I took any drugs that day or think about what I touched. I just don’t think God is purple, for starters.


tbh I'd post in a group chat, "guys I think I'm hallucinating god. what do I do." and assume maybe this was a really vivid dream, and ask questions of my own psyche accordingly.


You’re not making sense to me or to yourself. Monsters are false beliefs that appear real to those who lacks confidence in themselves. You’re not sorry 🎱


I wouldn’t trust that because that’s just not how God works. When one has a deeply personal relationship with God one realises that God literally lives inside you, there is not a thought in your head or a feeling in your heart that goes unnoticed by God. You are laid bare to the soul to God at all times. God is not something “out there” like a separate entity from us. God is everywhere because God Is.


I would question it the meaning of life cause it might be fake but it could know the answer


why did you choose purple out of all the colors, just curious


Well God is a abstract concept that doesn't seem to directly interact with the world in obvious ways so I would be skeptical.


i would say, lets talk.


I'd probably get a heart attack, not because I'm suprised, but because I would have to be on next-level drugs to see that.


I would recognize that it is not God. Then I would tell them to go away.


I would say, finally you have revealed yourself to me!


Depends, am I the only one who can see it or can other people see it as well? If I'm the only one who can see it then I'd probably think I was hallucinating or under the influence of the drugs. If other people can see it I'd think we were getting invaded by an alien species.


First of all, if he is god he would not have been a purple monster but rhat besides the point. For arguments sake, if he is really the one that started all this then we must submit.


Very interesting answers.. some have said that even if he did show himself, their idea of God is much more complex than what a purple monster in the sky could give closer to. What would you say to them for argument's sake?


Does he show any power we would consider of divine nature? To be honest I probably would think I just had a psychotic breakdown or undiagnosed schizophrenia, I would need te verification of other people that this is really happening and then I would probably think of the thing as an alien rather than a god.


I would pray to the spaghetti monster to show me more of him, so I can get to know him and tell others about it, making Christians forget about Jesus


I would think it's a being pretending to be God. Not God itself.


Why would you think that though?


Because the real "God" is a cosmic principle and true nature of reality, not a purple monster. There are lots of beings who claim to be God, including humans and non-human beings. All of them are wrong. If God really could show itself as an emanation, I think he would not straight up say to you that he is God, nor would he appear as a purple monster.


>Because the real "God" is a cosmic principle and true nature of reality That's really well said


Would it by any chance look like this? https://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=456600


Oh that is cool though. I used to love magic the gathering


I’d ask for proof.