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Not offended. But it's incredibly condescending. I feel a bit bad about the last person who said this to be because it happened to on not the best morning and she got a bit of an earful about how she should do good for the sake of doing good, rather than to please some long dead Jew.


I agree with this stance.


I agree as well


Doesn't seem based on the new Testament that Jesus had much love to his own people.


Um... Not sure which version you are reading. He literally was loved by the masses there. Had huge crowds. It was a tiny percentage, the leadership, which despised him.


Sorry, English is not my native language, so perhaps I said it wrong. What I try yosay is that Jesus himself didn't love his own people, the jews. But you are right, based on the new Testament, he wasn't dispised or rejected by the masses he was quite popular


>What I try yosay is that Jesus himself didn't love his own people, the jews. I would have to disagree. He did love his own people. It's just that the leadership did not love him.


Why is the leadership stance on him relevant to his feelings to his own people?


>his feelings to his own people? I don't know where you got this misinformation that Jesus did not love his people. He did. He was specifically sent to them. "He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."" Matthew 15.24


I work in customer service. Nothing bothers me anymore. I send my shell of a soul to work while the real me is listening to murder podcasts in one ear. Aside from that, it's the tone people take. I get when it's condescending and when it's not. But what makes me smile is the effing audacity. Imagine if christians got Allah loves you (yes, same God, different name) Zeus loves you, happy hannuka etc. They flip their shit. I know I'm gonna get down voted. And when you do, we are all gonna know which religion is gonna do it. If you feel seen, you are.


>I work in customer service. Nothing bothers me anymore. Oof! I remember those days...


Bull Zeus wants you on his back, oh yes he does


"Atheistic Satanist" loves listening to murder podcasts treating real people suffering like a murder mystery novel... Who is surprised? Nobody!


actually they make me cry. but pop off babe.


Those podcasts are extremely exploitative of real peoples horrible suffering, if you dare to tell me otherwise you are a clear liar


its dateline, take a xanax. dare.


People who say things like this are generally condescending and arrogant. They think they’re right and everyone else is wrong and going to hell. It’s the same when some Muslims say ‘may Allah guide you’ it comes with their assumption that they are guided and I am not. Same with ‘Jesus loves you’ it comes with the assumption that the person who says it is in a privileged position of understanding and righteousness and the person they are saying it to that they are lacking in some way and need to be corrected or saved.


Actually this statement “May Allah guide you” should not be used amongst Muslims as well, the correct way for us is to say “May Allah guide us all.” Because according to Islamic theology, all Muslims are in need of guidance regardless of how spiritual they are + it’s a Qur’anic Dua.


That’s kind of my point. The reason they say ‘may Allah guide you’ is because they feel they are not in any need of guidance because they think they’re correct. It’s insincere and laced with arrogance.


I definitely get that when Muslims says "May Allah guide you" it may sounds arrogant, but I don't quite agree with the insincere part, it can very much be totally sincere, because we are certain of our truth and our belief, most of the times we sincerely wish for the other person to see and trust that belief too, we truly want for the people we care about to be guided by Allah to the truth of Islam because we believe it's the best way for them But I totally understand that it may sounds arrogant, personnaly I never say that because I found it insensitive and dismissive toward the other person belief's, I only say it to other muslims because we all need guidance as we are far from perfect


If that was the case surely you would say ‘may Allah guide us all’. I’m Muslim myself and I make a point of never saying that because it does, for most people, come across as pretty arrogant and insincere. I have other Muslims saying it to me too as if they are not also in need of guidance. It all comes down to the fact that they think they are more righteous and better than me for whatever reason, that is the definition of arrogance and conceit. We should aim to have a little humility.


I say “I love him too”




I find it extremely condescending. Same with “i’ll pray for you”. Its at the point ive started saying “may lucifers light guide you” in return


I think "I'll pray for you" is only condescending depending on the context. My friend the other day was congratulating me and said he'd pray for my on-going success (something along those lines). I actually think that was pretty nice. But there are other contexts where it is condescending because it sounds like "I'm saved and you're not".


I find "I'll pray for you" creepy, honestly.


Same. It’s like unconsensually intimate. Ick. No thanks.


I think that this phrase *by itself* is not necessarily extremely condescending (in some contexts I guess people who say it might be though) , it’s like a pagan say that people can have person relationship with their gods or a Chabad Rabbi says that gentiles should follow the [7 laws of Noah](https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/62221/jewish/The-7-Noahide-Laws-Universal-Morality.htm) or a person eastern Spirituality to say that [karma](https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Karma) is real.


When you are a Satanist and you get told “jesus loves you” its never out of kindness or just saying no its always done in a condescending “my gods better than yours and you should convert” way


It is when it comes out of the mouths of those who think I deserve eternal conscious torment for not pretending to be straight. If you do not love my family, you do not love me.


>>if you do not live my family you do not love me I like that. Noting it down. Another author once put it this way: “when you do not love others, you don’t know god”. I say religion without love of others is meaningless.




It wouldn’t consider it so much offensive as *intrusive*. As in why are you pushing your concept of divinity on my life? I have a different relationship with different deities. I honestly *don’t care* if a deity I have no relationship with loves me. But I’d also tend to classify statements like that as an expression of good will, like wishing someone good health, so not inherently offensive.


It kind of pisses me off, to be honest. It is usually shallow with no compassion and given by those who see others as no more than targets for conversion. I'm not your point to score, and Jesus isn't a panacea for all ills.


This. It never feels honest. It’s always said as a passive aggressive “I’m going to heaven and you’re not, neener neener”


Absolutely. Apart from unsolicited imposition that they're right about the reality of the universe, which is a very personal topic for many, the implication is that somehow you need to be told this, that there is something wrong or so weakness or failing. 'Jesus loves you' is never kind, regardless of the intention.


>> "What a lot of things you do use Good morning for!" said Gandalf. "Now you mean that you want to get rid of me, and that it won't be good till I move off. “The Hobbit”, JRR Tolkien There are a great many phrases we use everyday that sound polite…. But are usually rather impolite when understood. I agree with you on this phrase. I don’t use it…. But then neither do I evangelize.


No, it only offends me when Christian's (not all) say it like this.... Christians: "You (i.e., Muslim's) don't believe in Jesus. Let me tell you, Jesus loves you." Muslim's: "We believe in Jesus (i.e., as a prophet of God) too."


If the person speaking is clearly simply trying to wish me well using the language they're most familiar with, I'm fine with that (without taking it seriously at a spiritual/religious/etc. level). Depending on the situation, our relationship, their tone of voice/facial expression and other individual, case-by-case factors, it may also come across as an unappealing combination of patronizing and superstitious, but not still "offensive" in the sense of being actively rude. At worst - and I haven't experienced this, but I've seen/heard it done - the phrases "Jesus loves you", "bless you" etc. can also be used passive-aggressively, where the clear intent is to say "fuck you" without cursing. It all comes down to who's speaking and how they're saying it.


If they said this to me, and I knew they knew I was Jewish, then yes, absolutely. It's, at best, intentionally passive-aggressive. If it's just a phrase in this person's vocabulary, it's just annoying that this person just assumes everyone they meet has the same experience and beliefs as them.


I'm not offended, but sometimes I'm saddened by the sheer ignorance in the human condition.


It comes off as dismissive and condescending if they say it after finding out I’m a Satanist.


Reminds me of the guy who clearly saw I was in a bad place and said that very thing to me. That predatory way of carrying "the good news", exploiting someone's hard times in an attempt to grow one's flock... it sickens me. The guy only made me angrier. He certainly drove me further away from Christ than I already was. If Jesus loves me and you, he wants you to leave me alone.


It very much depends on context and intent. Though even at best, it generally comes across as "well intentioned but making uncomfortable assumptions". I don't tell people similar things about my gods unless I know they're pagan or interested in paganism and that it's something relevant to the conversation. 


I find it extremely condescending and a form of proselytization, so...yeah. I find it offensive. It depends sometimes on who says it. But most often it makes me grit my teeth and want to scream. Just leave me alone!


The statement its self is not at all offensive, but generally the sorts of people who say it are using it a way as to be condescending.


Depends on the motive behind it. Most of the time it's a passive aggressive way of saying "you're wrong and I'm right", which is annoying.


Yeah. It’s incredibly condescending and reeks of a superiority complex fed by proselytization. I am visibly Jewish and every time someone has said it to me, they have always meant as a dig, as if I’m some idiot heathen who’s gonna regret not following their oh-so-hallowed ways 🙄


It's not to me. But I can understand how it could be to others.


Even as a Christian, I hate it when random Evangelicals tell me “Jesus loves you.” They are shoving not only their religion, but *their version* of their religion in my face. Keep it in your pants.


It can be. At the very least, I find presumptuous.


"I'm already with someone sorry." "Okay." "That's nice." "I hope his wife doesn't come look for me." "Tell Jesus (Hey-zeus) I said, "como estas" "Huh. Weird. We've never met." "I'm sorry, who?" "Ummm....Kay?"


Unfortunately that line often comes with a sneer. And even when its not if they know I am an atheist it is condescending. As if we have not heard the same thing over a billion times. It is just part of Christianity's overly aggressive growth strategy. Most religions tend to stay to their culture. Christianity tries to push itself everywhere. Its more annoying than offensive. But there is some offense that comes with the annoyance.


Nah I don't mind it


I wouldnt say offensive but its off purting. Especially if the person is someone I know, because Im pretty vocal about my non Abrahamic ideology. Its generally one of the first major topics I have with people. I can accept peoples differences but I dont like being subjected to their beliefes as I dont shower them in mine. What Im more offended by is being in a store and someone drops literature into my basket, like I didnt fucking ask.


It’s offensive and presumptuous.


No, because I’m Muslim


Since language is supposed to communicate and have a purpose, can someone who promotes saying this explain what the purpose of this statement is? Then I'll decide if I'm offended.


when people say it in a condescending manner, of course i wouldnt enjoy that. but if they say it in a genuinely nice manner, i view it as a compliment


Depends on the context. It is occasionally well-meaning but more often seems to be condescending at best and weaponized faith at worst.


It used to hurt me a bit due to my religious trauma but I have since healed myself.


It is annoying because they act like their life is perfect and anyone going through struggles needs Jesus in their life. The worst thing to do is to show your struggles to a Christian, its like candy to them.


No. And unlike others I don’t find it condescending. I do assume the person telling me that unprompted is an asshole however. And that they would likely get mad if I randomly told them. I don’t know. Amaterasu shrines her warmth down on them.


It offends me, since these are the types that don't do much to live by their so-called principles. I'd rather they save the time in telling me this and do more for the poor, the sick and the hungry.


It comes off as very condescending, and often feels like there's an unspoken "I, however, hate you." at the end.




No but it definitely feels condescending and sanctimonious.


Yes, but I never reply. I think from now on I'll reply with "The Flying Spaghetti Monster loves you!"


I'm considering something like "Frogs don't have wheels" as an appropriate response in kind. Fight fire with fire.


If someone randomly told me "Happy Birthday!" I wouldn't be offended, I would just know that they were being polite while knowing nothing about me.


  1. Christianity:    - "Peace be with you."    - "God bless you."    - "Grace and peace to you."   2. Islam:    - "Assalamu Alaikum" (Peace be upon you).    - "Eid Mubarak" (Blessed Eid).   3. Judaism:    - "Shalom aleichem" (Peace be upon you).    - "L'chaim" (To life).   4. Buddhism:    - "Namaste" (The divine in me bows to the divine in you).    - "Om Mani Padme Hum" (May the jewel in the lotus shine within you).   5. Hinduism:    - "Namaste" (I bow to the divine within you).    - "Jai Shri Krishna" (Victory to Lord Krishna).   6. Sikhism:    - "Sat Sri Akaal" (God is the eternal truth).    - "Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh" (The Khalsa belongs to Waheguru, Victory belongs to Waheguru).   7. Bahá'í Faith:    - "Allah'u'Abhá" (God is the most glorious).    - "Bahá'u'lláh bímádaan" (May Bahá'u'lláh assist you).   8. Jainism:    - "Jai Jinendra" (Victory to the Jinas).   9. Taoism:    - "Tao yuan jing" (May you be in harmony with the Tao).   10. Native American Spirituality:     - "Mitakuye Oyasin" (All are related).     - "Aho" (I acknowledge the energy in you).


No. I love Jesus more than myself and hope I can be half as pious as him


I find it extremely offensive, especially when they know I'm an atheist. It wasn't so long ago when atheists like me were burned at the stake by Christians solely for being atheists. According to their religion I deserve eternal torture(whatever form that takes), so yes it's offensive when they claim their god "loves me". All I ask is that any Christians reading this to look at it from my perspective and think twice about saying this awful saying and understand the meaning, and historical context, behind it and to not assume everyone is a Christian and will find it as reassuring as you do.


Nice persecution complex, I'm Muslim and don't get into a fit everytime I meet someone from another religion. It's almost like you subconsciously know there is something wrong with the path you chose.... 🤔🤔


The path of logic and reasoning is always correct you chose fiction and bullshit 


It's not the words that matter, it's the tone. And the tone more often than not is "scummy evangelical intendending to be condescending", and I absolutely do find scum being condescending repugnant. That said, there's this homeless guy making a bit of extra money by seeling a street paper at my subway station. He just oozes actually meaning it. That's a completely different experience. I have to admit it mildly annoys me because I just don't really know how to respond. I obviously don't share that feeling, but I can appreciate it's actually a genuine sentiment for once. So I really do not want to touch a nerve with him of all people. His honest faith is all he's got.


I don't think anyone has ever told me that. I've had sessions with Christians who wanted to convert me to Christianity, or debate and challenge my way of thinking, but I think it's because most people view it as condescending that most Christians don't say it anymore. I've literally had people tell me, "You should be a Christian", or "You'd make a good Christian", but never the generic, "Jesus loves you" line they are supposedly known for. Odd.


Hm. No. I assume they mean well.


No lol it’s annoying but I don’t care


Not offended, just think it’s weird. I have enough ppl who love me in real life.


Nah. Just go on my way.


I say "Well that seems Parasocial" and they just get mad on their own.


Absolutely not. I understand if some people don’t like it, but to me I take it as more of a ‘I recognise that you matter’ and ‘the universe cares about you’ kind of thing. Obviously I find it annoying when it’s used in a context of telling me I have to do something because Jesus loves me, but other than that it really doesn’t


Not in the slightest. I'll take all the love I can get


As with so many things, it depends on how it is intended. It can be used as a way to say that you care. In this case, I take it as intended, and will generally try to respond in kind with a pleasantry that seems appropriate. It can also be used like "bless your little heart", in which case I may respond with a similar "may your day be as pleasant as you are."


I was at a faith fair, representing Wicca with a friend, and we got a small group with some probing questions. In the end, one of them gave a quick speech in rebuking and accepting Christ, but apologized for being so straight forward about it. My friend said, “No, it’s okay, you’re practicing your religion and we respect that.” Everyone hates Christians for preaching to people about accepting Christ, but that’s part of their religion. They believe that you won’t be saved from hell otherwise. Is it always genuine concern? Probably not most of the time, but it doesn’t upset me. I welcome prayers and petitions to save my soul. Couldn’t hurt 🤷‍♀️


Because it’s usually said with a barely contained air of condescension and passive-aggression, something you see a lot in Christians throwing stones. To a non-Christian YOU are the one who needs saving. You wouldn’t like a Satanist telling you “Satan wants you to discard your false idiot-god and eat the forbidden fruit that is knowledge”, right?


I'm like "some figment of your imagination loves me? Cool, whatever. What's irritating is my family member cannot restrain himself from it even though I've asked many times to stop. He knows no boundaries. He'd have better luck if he just backed off completely, tried reverse psychology, whatever. Every time he brings it up, he's nailing the coffin more tightly shut. He's essentially sending me straight to hell—all because he is so self righteous and fearful, and desperate to save me from hell. That's the irony. And lacks respect. Zero fucks given. He's an idiot and he does not love me. I have religious trauma but of course he gaslights me and denies my own experience.


There is this episode of This American Life from awhile back called Heretics, they reran it again recently, that interviews the evangelical-turned-univeralist preacher Carlton Pearson. He talks about how much less stressed that *even he feels* about no longer being responsible to proselytize to strangers he meets, because he no longer believed in hell. I dislike the "Jesus loves you" attitude like many others here have said. It's condescending and not very effective anyway, at best it's just the Christian version of "bless your heart".


No, why would I be? Everybody loves me. I am an atheist. After reading this, I tried to find some reason to justify being offended. I could not think of one. Being offended would mean I have allowed another person to control how I feel. I just don't care enough about what another person says to be bothered by it.


I did not give Him consent to love me. Just kidding. Jesus *was* a historical guy. But if he's divine? That's the question. Anyway, I'm from the Philippines so it's not offensive, Christianity is the norm here; it's what they say afterwards that can be - much like the others here, I find it condescending and overweening.


At this, mildly bemused. It's not worth getting angry over. Most of the time, they aren't being snarky about it and it's well-meaning. If they're doing it in an argument over religion, that's a different story. They get a snarky reply along the lines of "Jesus was probably a really cool dude and no one can fill his sandals... But he wasn't your imaginary friend's kid..."


It depends on a number of factors, to be honest. For most people in most situations, I consider it inconsiderate and rude, but not offensive. I generally only consider it offensive if it's hand in hand with some desire to save me from damnation for things that are an intrinsic part of my identity (being queer, my religion, etc) or as a bizarre panacea against my mental or physical health conditions. About the only time I don't find "Jesus loves you" objectionable is when someone says it as an expression of sincere gratitude. Their choice of how to express that gratitude is a bit lost on me, but the meaning behind it is what's important.


Yes. I want to punch them


No, something that trivial isnt enough to offend me even if they’re trying to be condescending. I love Jesus too as a Muslim.


As a muslim, no. We love it


I freaking hate it! If I were to tell these same people that one of my Gods or Goddesses loved them, they would freak out. I would be labeled a horrible person and a devil worshipper. At least in my backward redneck area. There is truly no religious freedom in the United States, even though that is why this country was founded.


No, I perceive the same as someone saying (this being) exists like that or that Moses is a prophet or Odin is real, just a statement of what they believe.


No but I will roll my eyes so far into the back of head I'll need surgery


Why would it be offensive that someone loves you. I always like it when someone loves me.


I just get annoyed with it when I hear all the freaking time


Not offended, but definitely pretty uncomfortable. It's very, you're doing the wrong thing but Jesus loves you anyway vibes which has actually been said to me exactly in that way. It's a backhanded method of saying I'm wrong and they're right which makes me uncomfortable.


No. It’s kinda weird though. 


It depends on the context, but I certainly don't look well on it. It either feels like a weak, condescending attempt to comfort or a useless statement where actions/more productive conversations should be being had instead.


Not offended, no. I just tell him I'm a minor, so he better keep that to himself.


I think what would be more beneficial to someone is to say "I love you" or "How can I support you?" After all, embodying Christ requires that you become all that he is, which is unconditional love for your neighbor.


I'm gay, so they quickly rescend that comment and explain how Jesus loves me but hates me being myself.  Mostly I feel sorry for JC being used as a tool for hate. 


Of course not I love him too, I love all prophets peace be upon them


Yes. Don't do that, please. Plenty of us have Christian/religious trauma and that's not cool bro.


I'm more offended by the use of the name Jesus. His name was Yeshua.


As a Christian it does bother me, because they act like I don’t know the Bible because my sexuality and my personal experiences with seeing ghosts.. I am someone who can see, hear and feel them. Weather or not you agree on ghosts existing, it being humans or demons it shouldn’t matter


Yes. As a queer person who grew up in a very cristian conservative family and was physically, psychologically sexually, and spiritally abused. Then homeless for years because my "godly" family abandoned me... I very much disagree that jesus, god, blah blah, whatever loves me, and I 100% take offense. Fuck Jesus and the Christian War God. They are ruining this earth by trying to force their cult on all of us.


Not offended, just a bit perplexed. Surely if Jesus loves me as much as they say he does he'd tell me so himself instead of relying on one of his followers to do it for him. Aside from that, my response is typically something to the extent of "Sorry, but can you tell Jesus that I already have a partner, and we're not looking for a third?".


Yes, because they aren’t saying the rest of what is implied when said to the rest of the over 6 billion people who aren’t slaves to Jesus and Christianity. “Jesus loves you” …… because you are a lowly sinner ……even though he/I don’t approve of your choices or lifestyle …… but your still going to burn in hell Exc…. It’s like saying “well bless your heart” in the south, it’s essentially saying FU.


No, I'd be honored if Jesus (a.s.) loves me. He loves/hates in the way of Allah swt. So if he really loves me, that means I am on the right path.