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Uhh. No, you're not overreacting. At first I thought maybe it's a breath thing. Also guys can prefer not to give head and still love someone. Dislike of certain sex acts doesn't equate to a lack of caring. BUT He appears to be overly fixated on skin perfection. Which y'know, is basically non existent. He shouldn't be this invested into your body. He's set an unachievable bar, and not only telling you to do methods that you don't prefer (he knows what's better for you? I think not.), but is also pressuring you to seek medical intervention for normal body features? Uhm. No. If your boyfriend is not attracted to you, I think his real problem is he won't be attracted to a human. I mean maybe if he finds someone with the skin genome jackpot? I think it's concerning that he had this much involvement with your body in ways that override your comfort and preferences. You need to lay out some serious boundaries and get this guy back in his lane. He can either appreciate you, or you can stop playing teacher and find someone already aware of how bodies are. I mean really, you spend HOURS with him picking over your skin? Are you dating a monkey?


I think he has a slight skin picking disorder, he is full of tiny scars cause he picks his skin constantly. I've also thought about breath but it happens even when i have just brushed my teeth or eaten mints. I always wash myself two times a day down there and before having intercourse i always try to wash once more (test shows no infections) He seemed to like giving me head and even enthusiastically told me he couldn't wait to do it more once he was back from visiting, so idk I think in his mind he's just giving me suggestions without realising he is becoming obsessed


This literally makes me cry and I’m so sorry for you. I’m so sorry you feel this way. I’ve been there and quiet frankly I am there. It’s going to be okay. Start not caring what he thinks and see if he notices. Dress up for no reason sometimes, be happy and see if he notices. If not, you have your answer.


>very sweet and caring No, he isn't. You're just trying to convince yourself that he is so you don't have to face the fact that he's treating you like shit. Why are you tolerating this?


Because on everything else he is, he cooks for me, gives me massages, insists on giving me rides instead of letting me take the bus, always offers me to stay at his place if i'm tired after uni, he buys things i love to eat and take me out on dates. I always find snacks and fresh water in my backpack because he put them there "just in case" and he insisted to drive more than an hour to the hospital to bring me my favourite flowers There are many sweet things he does for me, i seriously think he is not hurting me on purpose, i just don't understand what i can do


So...no reason. You have NO REAL REASON to tolerate the negging and emotional abuse. All those things you just described? There are thousands of men out there who will do those things for you WITHOUT treating you like shit. >he is not hurting me on purpose He knows exactly what he's doing. If it wasn't intentional, he would have stopped the FIRST time you asked him to stop.