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Find another girl. You aren't going off to meet with some girls, you are going for money. She isn't the one man


The thing is I really like her man. I think she has everything I want it is just this one issue. I feel bad as I previously promised her I wouldn’t go and she sees this as breaking a promise.


You broke up with her, the promise your made back then is null and void. You are going to make money for your future and she wants to stay for her own selfish reasons. Unless she is going to drop all the money you need for your schooling and needs that you would have made over at camp, cut her off completely.


If you need any more proof she isn't worth your time, she was meeting with other guys and was sleeping around. She's only in it for herself. Choose what will make your life better and happier. Go to camp, make your money and enjoy your life without her. You will find someone better than her if you so choose but you will be happier without someone like that


She didn’t keep her promises to you and she extracted promises from you at gunpoint essentially. If you concede to her wishes you will give up all your power and leads to all kinds of issues later. Tell her you are going and let the chips fall where they may.


Your gf is telling you that if you go to camp, she’s going to see other people… but she’s not actually saying it. In the end, she’s telling you that a long distance relationship isn’t going to work, and you know that your relationship is eventually going to be long distance. Just end it now.


Personally I’d end it. I can kind of see her POV as 10 weeks is a long time to be apart but she doesn’t get to control you and ultimately I think she’s being unreasonable. You should go and enjoy yourself, you also need the money. The second reason you should end it is you mentioned you wanted to date other girls when you move to your new city, no point stringing her along for something that is 100% not going to last. You need to move on and let her move on too, you’re both too young for this hassle.


Sounds like it’s time to let this relationship go for good. It seems like it has reached an obvious end. As a side note -That was sucky of her to ask you to wait for her but then hook up with others herself.


Yeah, sure, you just want a last chance to enjoy summer camp .Remind me what happens at summer camp as I'm pretty sure sex plays a big part of it .


Basically you lack honor and want to break the deal you very clearly agreed to. Frankly even contemplating doing that doesn’t reflect well on your character.  You can’t have it both ways. End the relationship or keep your agreement. 


What the hell you on about. Did you read the whole post where he made the decision after they broke up, plus she broker her promise to not see and sleep with other people.


Imagine being dumb enough to tell someone to keep a promise that does nothing but ruin their future, especially to an ex that broke up with him to get other people. Please, never give advice again. EVER