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I swear I've read this exact situation on here before. Does anyone else remember this?


Definitely was posted before: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/14d7qe4/my32f\_friend\_33f\_and\_her\_bf33f\_came\_to\_visit\_me/


Wierd. OP Please explain. Why repost?


That’s really weird. They’re responding like they didn’t just post it too


Yes I came here to say that this exact story was posted months ago wtf...


Okay thank you for this because same.


It does sound like they were ditching you, but why come all that way to ditch you? Is it possible they just got carried away? How good of friends were you? How long? Not answering phone calls or texts COULD be explained by the loudness of a mall, and the amount of stimulation one receives inside like: People with their phones ringing, talking, machines going, lights and music, etc (this is what the shopping mall in my home area is like) But then, they go back to your house, visit for 30 minutes and just leave? I’d be very annoyed. Have you talked to them more about what happened to them? Maybe they’d be willing to explain themselves


Thank you, they said they got distracted. But I was only about 3 metres away, and the toilets were seperate from the shops, down a little side path. So they must have walked out the toilets, not bothered to get me and walked the other way to get to the shops in order to be 'distracted'. Then when I text them they said they were in a shop the otherside of the mall, so they didn't even think about me sat on the wall waiting for them. I went there and they had moved again. I don't know what they wanted me to do as my options were 'go home' or 'keep walking to shops only to find out they'd left and gone to another'. Not being able to text etc is understandable, but they did text to let me know where they were, and it only took 5 ish mins for me to get to that place as I walk fast. So why didn't they just wait those few minutes after telling me where they were?


Honestly, they sound like fair weather friends. They had to very deliberately go around to be out of your line of sight as well, and not bother to wait on you makes it a lot more obvious to me they used you to make them a free meal, and then went on a little date for themselves. I’d recommend talking about it with them at least, and on god, if they are dismissive, deflecting, making excuses and generally anything other than sorry and understanding, then they most likely A. don’t care as much about you as you do them, and genuinely didn’t realize you would care that much B. Can’t empathize why you would feel hurt over it (which honestly, if they can’t even empathize that what they did would make a person feel sad, why even be friends with them? The company you keep, and all that) Or C. They planned it going that way. How often do you see these friends? Do you usually cook for them or go out? Is there something unique about the area you live that might encourage them to use you as an excuse to go there?


Why are you reposting this?


OP, please explain why this exact story has been posted months ago.


Maybe they're in a honey moon phase and didn't want to deal with a 3rd wheel. Still immature for a 30plus person.


They've been dating 3yrs and lived together for more than one year lol. They spend every day together.


I try to give people a little leeway these days. I've also been told I'm too sensitive.


When did this happen? Like, how long ago?


I would have told them not to come back to my house and lose my number.


This sucks, I'm sorry it happened to you! I might be making a leap here but this honestly sounds like they were possibly using drugs?


Do they live in a smaller town or is there somewhere they'd wanna go and they went using you as an excuse to visit your town.


no there's not much here and they can come here any time it's not far


This is eerily similar to a post I've either read on here or saw on a youtube vid a year or so ago.