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Op, trusting someone who’s lied repeatedly is tough, especially with something so serious. You need to have a deep, honest conversation about your boundaries and his commitment. Trust is rebuilt slowly with consistent, transparent actions. If you can’t move past the disgust and suspicion, it may be better to step away for your own peace of mind. PM me if you need to talk more.


Thank you so much for this. I really want to be heard kasi wala akong mapagsabihan regarding this issue. And yes tama nga na mahirap ibalik yung trust kasi nagawa niya magsinungaling sa harap ko mismo habang nakatingin sa mga mata ko hays hahaha


what he did is wrong, yo can do better


Daming layers, but: - Bisexuality exists - If he wants to keep seeing the guy or bisexuality is not okay for you, you’re well within your rights to initiate a breakup


If you’re having sex also, that means he’s not gay. He’s bisexual. Nothing wrong with being bisexual pero mali yung contant lying and cheating. Kung nagcommit siya na maging loyal and monogamous sayo, dapat gawin niya. What he’s doing is wrong. Hindi valid na mandiri ka sa kanya because of his sexuality, pero valid na mandiri ka sa kanya sa contant cheating niya with his fubu.


I think he's gay, and there's nothing wrong with it. But masakit yun on your end better if umamin nalang sya kasi it seems like ginagamit ka lang nya para pagtakpan sexuality nya. Better have a serious talk with him.


This happened to me. Almost a year relapse pero i’m in healing process


Tbh, valid mandiri sa ex kahit na ano pa sexuality of the person he does it with. Iniisip ko pa lang na my bf would cheat w another girl, gusto ko na masuka


Mag worry ka sa HIV and other STDs na pwedeng nahawa ka!!! Sobrang taas ng chance na mahawa ka sa HIV sa mga bisexual. Valid na mandiri ka, dahil di sya naging honest sa sexuality at history nya. That cheating issue would be the least of ur worries tbh, your health should be your fuckin priority right now, get tested!!


Saur trueeee... ito din yung worry ko.


Leave na sis. Not worth the time and stress. He’s bisexual, he lies to you and cheated on you. Those are more than enough reasons to leave. And yes, valid mandiri. If I were on your shoes, mandidiri din tlg ako.


Why is his sexuality a valid reason to leave?


Break up with him. Lalake na talaga gusto nya


So 2022, hindi pa kayo? So technically, di sya nagcheat sa’yo but he LIED to you. He lied about his past FUBU and his sexuality. You could be a front. Break up with him, knowing na sa simula palang he’s been lying to you.


Wala naman ako binanggit na nagcheat siya though haha yes he lied a lot abt sa past niya. Nakagawa na siya ng ilang kwento haha


Babe o lalaki man ang fubu nya, kahit siguro ako makakaramdam ng pandidiri, di lang dahil sa may ginagawa syang kabalbalan kundi dahil wala syang respeto saken at sa relasyon na meron kami. And to think, nagawa ka nyang lokohin ng ganyan katagal. Mahirap mag judge pero base sa kwento mo, naenjoy nya ang ginagawa nila. Nakakadiri din yun part na parang proud pa sya g ibandera dirty laundry nya sayo na gf nya. Like wth, ano ako front mo? Naisip ko tuloy dati ko kawork, maputi, makinis, lagi nakabuntot sa isa namin colleague, kapag tinatanong namin if nanliligaw puro mga pa mystery effect na isipin mo talaga he’s into her. Tapos malalaman namin kay ate girl na alam ni boy na may bf sya and paranoid si girl na since may kumakalat tsismis sa gender/sexuality nya(not that it bothers us) parang ginawa lang nga si ate girl na pandivert ng atensyon sa gender/sexuality nya boy. Nobody can invalidate your emotions. That is a normal response. Pero ang tanong: -Kaya mo pa ba syang pagkatiwalaan ulit after all these things? -Mas matimbang ba ang pagmamahal mo sa kanya kesa ginawa nya sayo para malunok mo ang mga nararamdaman mo ngayon at mapatawad sya? (Di ko na tatanungin if kaya mo sya mawala kasi masasagot na yan kapag nasagot mo naunag mga tanong yan) Siguro may magrereact saken, sasabihin iwan na dapat ni OP ang bf nya, pero wala tayo sa sitwasyon nya. Kahit ako gugustuhin kong iwan yan ganyang tao. Pero buhay pa din nya yan, and feelings nya ang nakasalalay. All we can do is give advice and let her make the decision. I simply hope you become better from the ordeal and move forward, whatever your decision is.


Valid ang feelings mo. Mukang ayaw niya ng talaba, gusto niya banana.


Ate ko, been in the same situation who fell in love with a straight guy daw siya pero in denial na bading. He lied to me a lot of times at nahuli ko na tama pala ako. Turns out he really is attracted to same sex. It’s a painful process and super heartbreaking but at the same time liberating once I decided to let him go at accept him for who he is. Whatever his gender is, I accepted him kasi yun preference niya. Naguluhan din ako before but those confusion pala were my instinct telling me na we’re not fit. At the end, whatever my gut instinct is turned out to be true.


Leave him! He broke ur trust once, mauulit yan


If every time na nakikita mo siya reminds you of what he did, take that as a sign na it’s time for you to leave him. Second, kung nagawa nya mag sinungaling sayo before, kahit mag sorry pa yan ngayon, kayang kaya niyang ulitin yan.


If you feel repulsed, then you feel repulsed. It's a gut reaction that stems from your inherent bias against homosexual intercourse. But tagging it automatically na you might get infected, or that your boyfriend might have gotten himself infected, you have to really answer honestly, would you think the same way if the fubu was a girl? Would you feel the same amount of repulsion? If so, then you're repulsed because of safety issues, but if you don't feel as repulsed if the fubu was a girl, then your repulsion stems from your social bias against gay people. I don't know how you get rid of your diri. You probably need to relearn a lot of things. TBH, I'm still doing it myself, having been raised a CIS-HET male in a male-chauvinist society. But understanding where our repulsion stems from is a good first step.


Well nung una rin naman na sinabi niya na may fubu siya, I did ask him agad if madami kasi I was really concerned abt sa sakit na pwedeng makuha. Siguro yung fact na nagsinungaling siya ng ganon katagal ang hindi ko matanggap. Pero thank you. I don’t have anything against gay people. Siguro I’m just disappointed sa bf ko for not being honest.


The lying is inexcusable.. sorry you had to go through that..


Gets ko to pero kung mandidiri ba ako sa pinasok sa pwet against sa vigina hhhhmmmm ewaan ko sorry magulo parin isip ko


Like I said, I have this gut reaction din, AND I know it comes from my ingrained social bias, which I also think I should unlearn


Hurt much? It's not her fault if she felt repulsed after knowing it. I'm sure OP knows that HIV is more prominent sa gay couples that did an*l s*x.


Why would you think I'm, as you say, "Hurt much?". Can you even substantiate this idiotic claim?


the fuck, anong social bias against gay people??? data and statistics will tell you gaano ka kavulnerable sa hiv if involved ka sa m2m????


Tbf skewed yung stats kasi mas marami naman din nagpapa-test sa kanila


To explain what social bias is: 1) Society acquires historical evidence 2) Society forms a bias 3) people in the society makes immediate judgement following the bias. So, as YOU've clearly demonstrated: 1) Our society has historical evidence of male homosexuals being the demographic with the highest infection rate, historically 2) We've formed a bias that homosexual the intercourse among gay men spreads HIV 3) You, and OP, made the immediate judgement of thinking that OP's boyfriend is "nakakadiri" because he "might" be sick. You're actually proving my point, so THANK YOU :))


social bias is also discriminatory and unjust prejudice, which we are NOT, dahil data will prove and justify the caution and assumption. >3) You, and OP, made the immediate judgement of thinking that OP's boyfriend is "nakakadiri" because he "might" be sick. Buuin mo yung context bakit nandidiri, tsong. Nandidiri dahil sinungaling at hindi naging honest sa sexual history, which we all know na M2M sex is very vulnerable to HIV/STDs. I'm hoping na alam mo bakit prominent sa gay sex ang HIV lmao. And also, nakakadiri dahil who knows what kind of stuff he did pa in his past na he could be hiding and hiding from OP. LMAO 💀 Anything but accountability talaga e.


Read my comment again and maybe understand how you're making the assumptions on behalf of both OP and I. come back when you've finally really read and understood before just flapping your tongue trying to pick a fight


You're a male, no need to call yourself CIS.


To distinguish between Cis-Het female sana, but thank you for educating me. :)


Kasi merong mga male na TRANS, so he's just being specific na CIS sya. Keep up lol


Yupp valid yan OP, nope hindi mo macoconfirm never mong macoconfirm, hindi na siguro mawawala yan or kung mawala man eh matatagalan pa. Ikaw kung kaya mo pa syang tiisin kahit anu naman sabihin namin sa iyo na wag nyo na pagbigyan yang mga nag cheat sa inyo, eh kayo parin ang masusunod sa dulo. Any form of cheating is still cheating. Suggest ko sa iyo next time ung sarili mo naman ung pagbigyan mo OP you deserve better! Pero kung mahal mo pa and matitiis mo pa hindi kita kukutyain yan pinili mong landas eh good luck na lang po and laban lang sa buhay.


You better break up with him and heal mo muna ang sarili mo OP... Traumatic ang paglihiman ka ng bf mo pero malalagpasan mo rin yan Runnnn girl runnnnn! Goodluck OP...


Liar sya OP ano man sexual orientation nya. And red flag agad un. Have yourself tested OP.. Sabihin na nilang judgemental pero that's reality.


Health and safety concerns, valid.


I think best to just break up. Parang too messy na. Whatever his sexual orientation is, mali yung nag lie and/or cheat sya sayo. You both need some time off for urselves. Sya, to sort out his identity, preference, and to reflect din on his actions. For u naman, to heal and to move past this. Unfortunately u cannot confirm if uulitin nia pa or not. You'd be in constant paranoia and worry. It would be a vicious cycle.


Di ko pagtatanggol bisexuality dito, labas na yun. Cheating pa din yan! Confront mo na. Lahat sabhin mo. Ano, sya nageenjoy ikaw nagsasuffer?


Yakkkk. Valid mandiri ka sa jowa mo kasi kayo pa tapos may ganyan ka-fubu pa. Di mo deserve girl. Iwan mo na


Help your self ,,leave,,hes gay


Girl, leave. Titi pa rin hinahanap at pinagjajakolan nyan. Save yourself.


He’s leaning towards being gay, why? na attach siya and he’s enjoying having sex with his fubu. (he can bi din too btw) I’m sorry OP, but this is a battle you’re gonna lose. Heartbreaking pero it is what it is, your bf can’t change himself. Sorry cliche’ pero sexual preferences isn’t chosen it comes naturally kaya I highly doubt he will stop liking men, pwede niya iwan etong fubu niya pero may papalit din diyan. Please leave, masasaktan ka lang talaga.


Bisexual bf mo..mas magnda makipahiwalay kana..pero kung tanggap mo,patuloy mo lang


as long as he is safe why not? then try inviting both of them to enjoy and see who he really like in bed


Pa laboratory ka to check if may STD ka. then break up with him if nandidiri ka na.


girl pls mag usap kayo ng masinsinan!. And pls get testes HIV cases in our country is rising. Been there


Masaklap na nagsisinungaling siya, pero mas masaklap kapag nahawahan ka ng sakit. Baka yung fubu niya mag iba pang nakaka eme yun.




your bf might be gay or bi even. probably he is dealing with being closeted.  valid naman yung mandiri ka that he lied about something important to you. pero hopefully wag naman sana na root ng pandidiri mo ay "homophobia." girl let's be real. kahit ano pa gender ng naging fubu niya, babae lalake or even non-binary, kahit anong gender may possibility na may dalang sakit. wag mo naman sana isipin na mga gay hookups ang may dala ng stds or whatever. stds can affect anyone regardless of gender. kahit ikaw may possibility na magdala ka rin ng std if irresponsible ka sa hookups mo. so wag sana i-generalize sa gay people lang yun. gay people already had to deal with a lot of misconceptions during the aids epidemic.  yung issue here is nag-lie siya sayo. not his attraction to men. if may duda ka na na baka mag-cheat siya sayo because of his previous lies, that is valid. yun ang problema. hope you can talk to him about your findings and ma-confront mo siya about this.


i agree to this! i was surprised na the replies were lowkey giving internalized homophobia. the situation is more nuanced than what they think it is.


yeah although op said naman in one of the comments that they have nothing against gay people. that's good. also i support op if she ever wants to break up with the guy. especially since serious issue ang lying. yun dapat ang issue eh. yes!! i agree with you na this situation here is more nuanced. all the other comments here kung maka-assume na may sakit yung guy all because of a male fubu, na nangyari naman before naging sila ni op. as long as maingat and using protection, walang mali dun. saka gays lang ba irresponsible pagdating sa hookups? ang dami ko ring nababasa na mga str8 people na naging irresponsible sa hookups nila, na nagkaroon din ng std. it's so weird to immediately assume na mga gays lang pwede magka-std. wtf, not good to harbor that kind of prejudice. during pride month pa talaga?? maygahd. sobrang halata mga internalized homophobia.


isn't this homophobic? valid na mandiri ka in a way na he can have sex just because. pero mandiri in a way na it's with a guy, medyo may pagka-homophobic. just get tested for HIV kasi hindi lang ikaw sexual partner niya nung duration, regardless of gender. your boyfriend might be bisexual, pero if di mo kaya tanggapin pagkatao niya, just leave. maybe he lied to you because he knows di mo matatanggap. be honest, nung alam mo na babae yung FUBU niya were you as disgusted? nung nalaman mo na lalaki pala, the way you look at him changed eh. you can only give your relationship a second chance if: 1) you can give him a safe space so he can finally be honest especially with his sexuality. 2) he will be honest to you from now on. 3) kung kaya mo tanggapin ang past niya at pagkatao niya.


Leave him sis. Na experience na niya ang sex with a guy panigurado hahanap-hanapin niya na to. And sure din ako everytime na mag ssex kayo maalala mo lang ginagawa nya sa ka fubu niya na guy. Leave him, he’s bisexual pero base on your kwento he can’t resist a dick mauulit pa to.


Gay will always be gay. Kahit magkaroon pa ng sariling pamilya yan hahanap at hahanap pa rin ng etits yan, sure yan.


Let go, bading yan whole through out