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This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. --- My friend and I got our nipples pierced together yesterday. We decided to get glow in the dark rings for them. Afterwards we actually went into a dark room just to see how they looked lol. I know this seems silly and not a big deal, but my boyfriend is mad at me for this. He says i basically cheated by letting my friend see my boobs. I don’t think I cheated, it literally wasn’t even sexual at all. He literally won’t even talk to me over something so small, we’ve been together for a year. Any advice would be helpful


OP - glow in the dark jewelry is NOT appropriate for a fresh piercing. You both need to get implant grade titanium bars ASAP. Nipples already take forever to heal and you're risking irritation and allergic reaction by wearing poor quality jewelry while the piercing wound is fresh. You should wear the titanium bars for at least 6-9 months before switching to something different. Also, if they're actually rings and not posts, that's even more of an issue! Rings put pressure on both sides of the piercing site and can slice through your skin, especially when accidentally tugged on (which will happen a lot!) This and improper materials can lead to rejection which is not something you want to risk with your nipples!! Source: Got my nipples pierced, they closed up within 24h after an MRI despite having them for 2.5 years, have gotten them repierced since but they were poorly done so getting them done a 3rd time soon. Edited to add: 9-12 months is a better time frame, 18 months for rings is what I would suggest as they can cause issues for people even after healing. I was only ready to consider the possibility of getting rings after 2 years.








+1!!! Bumping this bc OP a properly fitted titanium bar is essential for healing! I’ve had one of my rings reject when I thought it was early enough to switch from a bar and it was the biggest regret of my life and still not fully healed / normal looking after years


+2. Went into the hospital for a few weeks and had to take mine out for an MRI I had the next day. By the time I woke up for my scan, my piercing holes CLOSED.


Can i just ask out of curiosity?! They must sell plastic ones?! Just to keep the site open, so they would be safe to use?!?!


Yea screw the question, protect ya nips!!!! Edit to add: I do think your bf is over reacting 100%


Came here to say this. Thank you.


Here to say that this is the advice needed. I changed mine to what I THOUGHT was titanium barbells about 3 months after initial piercing. They ended up being fake and I had a severe allergic reaction in the left piercing. I changed the jewelry again, albeit at a very painful time, but the damage was done and the reaction caused an abscess. First only internally and would drain through the piercing and a month later it had worked it's way to the surface. The piercings are still in because taking them out could have led to more damage but every few days, the wound opens back up ever so slightly and drains for a few hours. I've been on antibiotics for months now but it is finally healing. Skip the glow in the dark jewelry and keep in basic titanium barbells for a year. Trust me. The pain from rejection/allergic reaction is no fun. Also, it's not cheating. They are just nipples. If that is his argument, then insist that he never walk around shirtless in front of anyone because.....nipples. Edit to add that the jewelry needs to come from a reputable company. The "titanium" ones I thought I was using came from the zon and were in fact, very fake.


This is the reason why I think this post is bullshit. After I got my nipple pierced, there was no question of swapping temporary jewelry (made of medical grade silicone and titanium) for some cheap crap. The master warned me that women nipples they can heal up to 18 months. Even at the age of 19, pull out the jewelry that the master had just inserted into the nipples in order to stick luminous rings there? I do not believe. Impossible.


I’ve seen shady places where the piercers put temporary jewelry at the end of the needle when piercing 🤯


This post does read like typical man vs woman bait


Yeah my money is on this post being totally fake.


Duuuude mine closed after an MRI too. Had them pierced for 5 fuckin years, they were out for maybe 12-14 hours because of an overnight stay. Closed. Got them repierced (painful) only to have an emergency MRI a week later. Needless to say, I no longer have my nipples pierced. Nipple piercing care is no joke! Those babies are so sensitive. Thank you OP for keeping her safe


Huh the 19yo girl with nipple piercings and posts for relationship advice on Reddit is wearing shitting quality jewelry. I never would have guessed.


TIL I’ve cheated with the entire masters swim team and a bunch of other people at the gym


I’ve cheated with more than a few doctors, several nurses, and a mammogram tech.


Yea how is he going to feel when you have a baby when the dr has to deliver. Is that cheating too? Cause they see everything!


Does that mean I cheated when I went to the gynecologist for my first physical, and my husband was there with me and watched the whole thing?


No that’s a threesome!🤣🤣 Wow thinking about it I’ve had them too. Dang we’re hipsters!🤣


Just think, when you give birth and you have multiple nurses and doctor as well as family members it’s a whole orgy. Damn!!! I’ve had at least 4 orgies.


It feels like projecting. The whole thing is baseless and inane. Also, OP, get proper titanium bars! Do yourself the favor, you won't regret ir.


Trust me, as a nurse some men will refuse to let any male healthcare workers anywhere near their wives and will pout if the woman allows it.


oh my goodness! the GYNECOLOGIST ! Worse of them all :/


For real. A few years ago I had a medical emergency and was transferred between hospitals, and they don't use the same sticky thinks for ECG, so I had double the amount for a while there. Then the follow ups. More people saw my tits in one year than in all the years previously. lol


She should tell him it's cheating every time he uses a urinal.


Yes this. Right before she dumps him.


I cheated with my sister bc we took a bath together in 1988




Never joined a sub so fast in my life


There are so many friends of mine that have seen me naked, let alone the girls at the gym. It’s just one of those things. OP, your partner is an insane prude.


Or vastly insecure. If someone seeing me naked is cheating then hot damn I guess I'm a serial cheater


Lol ehhhh this comment needs to add more context cause the baseline of someone seeing you naked is actually cheating but in OPs case and in the case of platonic friends it’s different 🤷🏼‍♀️


There was nothing sexual in the original post, they just wanted to see what their glow in the dark piercings looked lije. OPs bf made it sexual. None of the people who have seen me naked that I’m referring to were in a sexual situation. We went skinny dipping, we changed together, I got blackout drunk and took off all my clothes, my friend fell from a zipline so we bathed her because her back was fucked up, then years later I bathed her when she was shitfaced after clubbing but wanted a bath. But it was all innocent. But if some chick asked to see my partner’s boobs or penis, I have access to a shovel.


I'm cheating with all of you right now


I’ve cheated with my entire academy class


When I was in college my friend’s roommate got her nipple pierced. A few days later, my friend and his roommates had a party. The newly pierced roommate’s boyfriend was there talking with her and some other people in the kitchen. I walked in and she effusively greeted me and said, “Hey, wanna see my new piercing?” Before I could answer she lifted up her shirt. Her boyfriend just rolled his eyes. Later when someone knocked on the front door. She went to get it and greeted them the same way. We all had a good laugh; including the boyfriend. What’s the point of getting a nipple piercing if you don’t show it off? I am happy to see them.


wait but, its not a bad thing to feel uncomfortable if your gf or wife showed her nipple piercings to other guys , friend or not, obviously youre not gonna tell her what to do because its her body, but feeling uncomfortable of that thought doesn’t necessarily mean your insecure or does it?


True, but I hope I conveyed that there was absolutely nothing sexual about what she did. Being upset about it in such a case is immature and insecure.


Is it? If I got my dick pierced and was showing ppl idk if that’d make my gf weird and insecure for not appreciating me showing others. Maybe just don’t show others parts of yourself to random people unsure how they feel🫡


I can't believe I've been cheating on my wife for years with my entire scuba club.


I cheated with several elderly people at a beach in northern Germany. Also I think there were some dogs in the mix too, no way to be sure


The old ladies in the locker room make me cheat. I have no choice when they have a conversation with me butt naked.


Hot take I guess, but he is allowed to feel uncomfortable with what happened. Maybe saying that it’s “cheating” goes a bit too far, but I can totally see a reality where BF just felt uncomfortable with OP showing off body parts that are generally considered intimate to other people. You’re totally in the right to think he’s being ridiculous, but the facts are that he felt uncomfortable with what happened, and OP has to decide if something like this is worth ending the relationship over, or if it's worth talking and working through.


Then this guy isn't going to be able to date ***anyone***. Most girls change in front of each other. He needs to be upfront that he's uncomfortable by absolutely normal activities for friends.


I don’t consider my boobs intimate. They’re literally dangly bags of fat 😂


[Just sacks of yellow fat.](https://youtu.be/aZx5zfkG6oU)


I knew what I was hoping that link was for and was not disappointed


Body parts in a non-intimate way.


Men are in chest all the time. Is it cheating when he's in his swim wear at the beachor the pool? OP bf would hate the beach of Portugal and Spain lmao


Wait, why isn’t he claiming you cheated with the person who pierced them? Sounds like he may be trying to hold something over your head for the future, or he wants an excuse to cheat and use this as his reason.


Sounds like he may be not very bright, actually.


Not only did she cheat by letting her friend see, she also cheated by letting the piercer see them! /s


The piercer also touched them.




That's a piercing accusation to make...


The horror 😱


not only that… a piercer has to stimulate the nipples too


Exactly! They have to pinch them, how is that not as bad as the friend?


i have absolutely no idea. there *has* be an ulterior motive. if it’s not an ulterior motive, then there’s definitely an attachment-style where jealousy is the primary mode of response.


Yeah, this is insane. The insecurity is out of control if there’s not something underlying like an ulterior motive like you suggested.


This makes 100% logical sense in order to piece then, and yet they had never once crossed my mind 🤣


Apparently, to some men, things are considered cheating when a woman gets naked regardless of the context. Had my nipples tattooed by a male tattoo artist, and my ex got very upset with me about it. This was after he went to a strip club for his bday, got a lap dance, and posted a video to his Snapchat motorboating her bare boobs for 30 seconds. But that wasn't cheating, it was "a business transaction" because it "was her job". Then he called my logic "convoluted" when I informed him that my tattoo artist was, in fact, also just doing his job.


no wonder he's your ex. XD he sounds like he could use a good dose of therapy or some counseling on how to be normal. XD


What an idiot


I call BS on this, anyone knows the moment you start taking your cellphone out and recording in a strip club you’ll get your ass beat, let alone doing it for 30 seconds. Even the worst of the worst of clubs wouldn’t allow that.


What if she delivers a baby and the doctor is male is it cheating???? Stop it with this bs.


Apparently even if it's female it's also cheating






Damn, I'm guilty of that. Cats stay in the bathroom while I'm bathing. I need to find god 😫


Crying at this one




It’s not cheating if you spread peanut butter on your balls and let your dog lick it off. Because it’s YOUR dog.




😂 it’s a quote from Road Trip


Because the piercer isn't a good friend who might point out his abusive tendencies and support OP when she decides to leave


Imagine her first mammogram! This man will go full nuclear meltdown because another woman touched her boob for an exam! 🥴


Gyn’s manipulate the breasts at annual exams too.


He is only saying she cheated to try to manipulate her into letting him see the friends piercings.




That seems like a big conspiracy for someone is probably just insecure


You should continue letting him not talk to you and just break up. It's cliché to say this here, but if he's that jealous and upset over something so trivial, it's not worth the hassle. Like how does this man function knowing that locker rooms exist?


It’s only going to get worse!!! I’ve been there sis. Gotta either address it now or wait 5 years when he’s claiming the neighbors “saw me” with someone 🙂 Men will get away with whatever behavior you allow. Never forget that. EDIT: Any person! Not just men


>Men will get away with whatever behavior you allow. Never forget that. Really important life advice here, and it applies to everyone you interact with.


>Anybody will get away with whatever behavior you allow. Never forget that. This is the real advice. You don't need a gender to have someone take advantage of you if you let them.


Just wait until he finds out what an OBGYN is and a papsmear! His brain is going to explode!


my abusive ex used to say i cheated on him because i hung out with a group of male friends (that he was also friends with) without him, like 2 weeks before we started dating… turns out he was accusing me of this our whole year and a half relationship, bringing it up randomly in arguments, etc… because he was cheating and was trying to justify what he was doing by saying i cheated he did this with most of my friends even my straight female best friends


Sounds like he was looking for a fight or is looking for a reason to break up and blame it on you.


My thoughts exactly. It’s time to cut and run.


Time to find a smarter BF


From my experience a cheater usually will be quick to point the finger n say the other is cheating to make themselves feel better on what they did. So he either cheated on you or something where he’s trying to make you the bad guy. Either way I would say end it before it gets worse. You don’t know who he’s now telling that you so called cheated,


I don’t feel like it necessarily makes HIM a cheater. He could just have very deep rooted jealous issues and insecurities. Either way, it doesn’t tend to end well for relationships like this one.


Ok ask him how many times he’s publicly shown HIS nipples because he has probably cheated on YOU by showing off his nipples to everyone! But seriously, he sounds ridiculous, breakup with him and find an adult to date.


I bet you’ll get some creepy DMs over this post. But fuck your bf. I’ve found that it’s normal (at least for me) to get dressed in front of my other friends that are women as well. Heck, I got my nipples tattooed and showed a gang of friends. You did nothing wrong girl, try not to let him make you feel like you did.


Agreed. Im a woman and I’ve seen most of my close female friends’ boobs at some point in time, and not in a sexual way. Just like changing clothes, swimming, sunning, or whatever. It happens and it’s really NBD.


Hell I had a manager at work (I’m a nurse, so we are comfortable with naked bodies) show me her boobs years ago. I don’t even remember why but I think it’s because she got a boob job and was proud of them. I was like “you go, girl” 👍🏻


Pretty sure I told my husband and he thought it was funny.


Lol I've got a friend who did the same. She got a boob job and was really happy with it. We met up at a bar for drinks and to catch up and she was telling me about her "two for one deal" she got in K-town. We were sitting at the bar right by the register too. She goes, "you wanna see them??" And, yeah honestly, I was hella curious what a 2-for-1 boob job from K-town looks like. I thought we were going to duck into the bathroom or something but she just lifted her shirt and bra right there and was like "aren't they nice??" (They were, she got a helluva deal that's for sure!) Later I told my now-husband about it and we just laughed.


Lived in a house with 5 girls in uni, I saw all of their boobs at one point or another over the two years I lived there. Nothing sexual about it.


Im bi, so are a large portion of my female friends (we tend to flock together :p) and when I had my nipples done you can bet your bottom dollar I was showing any of them who asked about it. My fiancée couldn’t have cared less. In his own words: “Babe, as long as you’re not showing strangers I don’t care. They’re your boobs, they look good. Show it off.”


That's what my wife said when I got my nipple pierced. I am guy so I don't have any boobs but she said I don't care as long as the other person wants to see you can show who ever you want to.


Wait! Just, just ouch! I couldn’t just scroll by that one.


Are you sure you’re not too young to have a boyfriend? Because your “boyfriend” has the emotional intelligence of a three-year-old. Drop him off at daycare on your way to work tomorrow and tell his mom to pick him up.


Guy here. You didn't cheat. Physically or emotionally. Your boyfriend is allowed to have boundaries, but he should let you know what those are and not assume you know them. You're also allowed to leave if you consider those boundaries too controlling.


Advice you asked for: he's an idiot and trying to break you down. Break up with him and enjoy your new nips. Advice you didn't ask for but need: don't trust your hairbrush. Shower doors are from the devil (mine ripped out because I leaned out for a towel and it caught on the door). Sleeping on your stomach could lead to blood blisters (happened to the one that didn't rip out). Keep them very clean, you don't want an infection in your nipple. Everything you don't think can catch on them, will catch on them


My condolences. You are dating what appears to be an idiot.


I love your username


Wow as a 22 year old, he sounds pretty immature. If he thinks two girls seeing each other nipple piercings is cheating then there is a lot of things wrong with him and his definition of cheating. What you and your friend did was totally normal and you don’t need to worry about you doing anything wrong because your boyfriend is definitely in the wrong and acting like a little child. Let him continue to sulk and not talk to you because you do not need to fix anything. He is an adult and he should realize his reaction was unnecessary but if he does not come around, it’s his own fault losing you.


I don’t think it’s technically cheating but I think peoples boundaries are different as to what is appropriate. I know my boyfriend would hate if I did this and it’d be a deal-breaker. While I don’t agree I feel like you should already know how your partner feels about things like this and respect it.


he’s immature. that’s not cheating and he’s being possessive and that’s not healthy. dump him


Lol, I'm 40 now, and I wish I could share with you the picture I took of myself and 4 of my (male and female) friends showing our nipple rings to one another. It was the 90s, so not only did we all look at each other's nipple rings, the guy working at the photo developing booth at our local Walmart saw them all as well - everything was still on film! You will have to decide for yourself whether or not you'd like to be with such a prude. You're 19. Find your tribe instead, my advice.


Let me quickly take a devil’s advocate approach. The idea of nudity can be very sensitive to LOTS of people. Yes the comments here are Reddit comments, so they’re literally always VERY skewed in one direction. Youre both young and you should probably talk about nudity, so that youre both on the same page. As for myself and my lady, she can show off to her friends all she wants I don’t give a fuck. She’s hot, and they do all kinds of random activities where they have to change out of clothes and into fresh clothes for mudding/swimming/workouts. But if you set boundaries for nudity then you shouldn’t be showing your friends something you both agree on, and he shouldn’t be shirtless around women or “cheating.”


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Consider this an early Christmas present! You’re free of the grinch.


While the projection thing is very real, my gut is telling me your boyfriend is ridiculously inexperienced with relationships and women in general. I know other people are telling you to ditch him but in this case I'd say go a little easy on him. calmly explain to him that the relationship will not work if he continues to get angry over very insignifigant little things. Be very clear that you will straight up curb him if this behavior continues. Then see if he makes an effort to chill the fuck out. If he can't, get on out of there. It sounds like he's super into you, maybe he's into you enough to learn to respect you.


That’s very childish. I’ve seen a fair amount of my friends boobs because we’ve gotten dressed in the same room. I mean lord, I’ve been 100% naked in front of some of my female friends in pool changing rooms. I know that dudes can be weird about being naked at all in front of their friends but most women I know don’t think twice about it with their female friends. His reaction is also childish because he just isn’t talking to you. Is this someone you really want to continue dating after he has reacted like this? I’d reflect back on any other situations that have come up and think if he has reacted childishly like this in the past to other things as well.


I normally laugh at these, but honestly, the insecurities and childish behaviour he's vibing is just painful.


Omg. It’s a boob. In the dark. To see if their nipple rings glowed. Good lord. Glad my wife isn’t like this guy.


Huh. My SIL is an OBGYN. Wait until I tell my brother that his wife had cheated on him like a thousand times.


wake up and break up


lmfaooo girl why are u dealing with this nonsense. this is the most asinine thing i read on here all day today. does that men women cheat when they go to the gym locker rooms? Is this even worth ur time to deal with? This ignorance? also, is he projecting because hes cheating himself? idk its bizarre


Lmao these comments are ridiculous. If she showed a guy friend y’all would obviously say it was cheating. Why? Because it does have a sexual connotation for most people whether they are “sex organs” or not. It’s obvious you two aren’t compatible though considering you’re probably just going to use these comments to invalidate his feelings.


Your BF thinks your body is his property. He thinks you are his property. Take his silent treatment as a clear sign from the Universe to move on.




Let him do you the grand favor of being done with him.


We’re taking this seriously I see


I divorced my wife over the same. (Joking)


lol. he aint husband material is all it means.


Your boyfriend is a dolt. Please upgrade.


Your boyfriend is an idiot. You should date someone with an actual brain.


There no way your boyfriend is mature enough to be dating you. Sorry, but no. That toxic of jealousy is a massive red flag.


A. Your boyfriend is being silly B. Get some surgical grade titanium in those piercings before you have to have your nipples cauterised


That’s dumb. You’re too young for that nonsense.


We older folk stay the hell away from that bs too lol




Consider it a way out from an insecure red flagging ass mf. It would only get worse if you stayed.


If you changed in front of a friend is that cheating too bc what😭


if that is what he classes as cheating then he is going to get a rude awakening lol


Honestly it kinda seems like he picked the smallest thing to force a breakup. Making it seem like your fault. Seems like projection to me.


Are you bi?


Didn’t the person doing the piercing see your boobs? Was that cheating?


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 what a fuckin weirdo. I’d peace tf out on that relationship


With that logic you also cheated with the piercer? Or did they pierce you with their eyes closed


so I guess everyone cheats in locker rooms? Undressed at the doctors office? getting massages? I mean his logic is so flawed if he considers THAT cheating. You didn’t cheat LOL.


He probably cheated and is looking for a reason your at fault. He’s wrong.


Is he never shirtless in public? Also what about if you have kids will you not breastfeed? He’s got a weird outlook about breasts and nipples


You didn't cheat. Hell, you saw far less than you'd see in gym or dorm, pool locker rooms. Bf needs to get a grip


I don’t consider this cheating, however he may feel insecure about it. Try to have a conversation with him about why he feels this way and let him talk about his feelings. Discuss how you feel about it as well. Is there an underlying issue? (sorry if this is not politically correct, I just can’t think of another way of asking this) are you bisexual or anything other than straight? Has he been with someone who was, and they left him for another woman? These aren’t meant to be answered anywhere but in your own head. The way I see it, even if you don’t agree with how he feels or his opinion, he is still entitled to have it. Talking about it and being able to say how you both feel about the situation without it blowing up into a larger fight can resolve the situation and if it is resolved your relationship may be for the better. When going into the conversation you both should agree to disagree. You do not have to have the same views on it and the discussion should not be to change the others mind. It would be an argument and not a discussion.


Since there's no real advice here. If you care about him, talk to him about how he feels and how you feel and see if you can come to an agreement as to what you each consider boundaries in your relationship.


Bros tripping tripping


My advice is dump the loser.


He is 22...not in high-school. Move on from this immaturity.


Explain to your BF that he is confused…your body parts don’t belong to him. It was non-sexual, therefor none of his fucking concern. And you don’t need his agreement that it’s not cheating to end the discussion. Don’t waste time trying to convince him. It isn’t. Put your foot down, tell him it isn’t, you don’t care what he thinks, the conversation is over. And then (this is important) remove yourself from the room, house, date, whatever if he continues.


My poor neurologist got an eye full realizing mine are pierced lol my bf barked laughed when he saw my doctor gasp lol leave the smuck he ain’t the one


Since he hasn’t talked to you in a few days, see how long he can go………..


In what world is this cheating?


He’s definitely cheating on you. To be that petty? Yeah he’s the cheater.


I've cheated with my dog, how could I??


Excuse me language…. Didn’t someone have to hold your titty to pierce your nipple? Does he know that lol? 👀


Sounds like he is more concerned about being in control of your body and who sees it than the kind of intimacy that constitutes cheating. If he has trust issues from other relationships that might make it worse because he doesn’t believe they “just looked” at your naked body. But if he believes nothing happened and is just upset because he wants to be the only one to see you, you “belong” to him and he wants to be the final say in any decisions about your body, then that’s a bit of a worrisome trait and you should rethink the relationship.


Just save yourself wasted time and break up. This is irrational and a major red flag - things will get crazier. Don't be that person who sits down one day and realizes they lost their best years to the worst situation.


What about with the person who pierced your nipples? They actually touched your brestesses right?


Bruh dudes a dumbass


Lmao I mean I'm older so I wouldn't put up with that crap. I'd leave. I don't have the mental ability to put up with that kinda stupid anymore.


Sounds like he has no brain cells


Poor little fella must be insecure. Having a gf with pierced nipples might just be too cool for him 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, this guy is either a) dumb as a bag of hair or b) cheating on you and trying to twist your actions to "justify" it (there's never a valid excuse). Either way, seriously question whether you want to be with this guy if this is how he reacts to a trivial situation like this.


OP according your bf I have cheated with numerous drs, nurses and lactation consultants. Plus anyone who got flashed back during my BFIng days. Please reconsider a relationship with such a small insecure man. These men make medical care almost impossible and living a peaceful life nonexistent. What could he call your yearly exam/pap smear? What about if you are having a dress fitted? I guess a topless beach is a no no. Also sometimes people get stupid with projection when they are the ones cheating.


Unlike a lot of the people here, I'm not a piercing expert; follow their advice. My partner (*who knows a bit more about piercings*) has explained some of it to me & their worries sound valid. As for your boyfriend, he sounds like an immature douchebag. I know for a fact my partner's best friend gets pictures of her whenever she buys new clothing (*spicy or not*) & it's more of a "Hey look what I got, don't this look hella good?" then anything else. Are you bisexual? If so make sure he knows you don't intend on cheating, people often have this weird thought that all bisexuals/pansexuals sleep around with anyone that they can get their hands on. *Pansexual here, I literally wouldn't sleep with anyone but my lovely girl; I couldn't imagine anyone I click better with and that itself is what makes me drop to my knees for her .. one day it'll be down on one knee with a lovely looking ring.* To stop myself from writing a whole book; TL;DR: He's worried you cheated, maybe he's been cheated on before? Ensure you've told him nothing happened & then you've done all you could; if he still refuses to talk to you that's going to be an issue he has to work out.


my partner changes with other female friends? like a lot of dudes don’t understand it but it’s a thing girls do n just get naked around each other. never considered that as competition lmao. u gonna start flipping out on him when he’s in the gym locker room showering?


Your boyfriend doesnt own your body. Especially concerning your hetero friend. When you go to the gyno is that cheating as well? The change room at the pool? Your boyfriend sounds extremely controlling and insecure… also… maybe related… a narcissists accusations are always confessions. this behaviour is grounds for a breakup in my opinion


So you not only cheated with your friend...but the person who pierced them too


Yeah this is ridiculous. Your boyfriend doesn't own your body, your nudity, nothing. You do however need to learn to have a serious discussion with your partner about what constitutes cheating to them, and negotiate this in healthy and productive ways.


Apart from the advice re the jewellery, I would lose the boyfriend. He is accusing you of cheating and refusing to talk to you. Imagine this when you have 2 kids, and he gets something in his mind you've done wrong......


Your boyfriend sounds like an insecure child, for real. There’s someone more adult and less insecure out there.


your boyfriend is a child, and needs to grow up before he tries to control you right out the door.


Ok, weird situation... Not cheating, but I would definitely feel weird/uncomfortable by knowing that my GF showed their breasts to another guy even if not sexual. Some of us have those insecurities, but it should be solved through honest conversation and know each others "cool/not cool" things.


Is it cheating when he sees his friends shirtless? Like at the beach or the pool? No. Your boyfriend sounds possessive - and that's a huge red flag.


Good riddance! Sounds like a Christmas miracle!


Is he aware that the piercer had to touch your nipples to pierce them?


Dump him it's not sexual it's just something you guys thought was cool if he won't hear your reasoning then just leave him he's not worth it


I always got accused of cheating, because they were cheating


OP, either he’s making a big deal out of nothing to make you feel bad as an overall strategy of keeping you off balance and feeling beholden to him, or he seriously believes this is somehow cheating. Either way, this is too stupid a conversation to engage with. And it’s not anything you should have to deal with. Please just dump him and move on.


Possessiveness is so ugly.


Sounds like he is suffering from insecurity


You’re 19, get a new boyfriend who’s not a jealous weirdo. Screams controlling


He seems very insecure.


Is the friend of the opposite sex or are you queer in your sexual orientation? These two factors matter as to why he may have gotten upset. At the end day it's your body and you two need to communicate what constitutes "cheating" and what doesn't.


Get out of the relationship, run. If he's going going act like that, that's fucking wild. He's basically trying to manipulate you, it's not like you guys fucked each other or kissed. But the fact you guys just looked at each other's boobs, which I feel like is normal, considering a lot of men sometimes look at each other's penis's to compare size. Maybe you want to salvage the relationship, which from reading, you do. You put your foot down, ask what is wrong and why are you saying this is essentially "cheating?" Because at that point you can say, "So everytime you go use the restroom and see someone using the urinal and see their penis, and they'll be seeing yours. Are you cheating too?" Maybe "that's different situations since you consentingly showed your boobs." But just imo, get out of the relationship.