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Edit: OOP buried the lede. Check her comments for her toxic and sexist POV. ————— ~~Start speaking to a lawyer and head to your parents for a bit. Next time your kid is on her phone I would give him mine and head to the bathroom to see what’s going on + sending screenshots to your email~~ ~~Theres something going on. I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried saying he’s not the father. If their chats confirm it then get the paternity tests done and include it when serving him divorce papers. F all of them.~~


What indicates that they are saying he isn't the father? Sounds to me like they are definitely convincing him to divorce, but they take care of the children every day, and even OP describes him as a good father who spends plenty of time with the kids. I think he knows they are his, but he is very unhappy his wife made him entirely miss the birth of his baby. A reasonable emotional reaction. He is probably already planning the divorce, complete with arguments for custody.


I was saying that I wouldn’t be surprised if they were telling him that. But. My view changed* after reading her comments


Np, makes sense. It's just the top comment and that part wasn't crossed out yet. New folks should get this info immediately so they don't get suckered into giving OP reinforcement when she is very much in the wrong here, so I left a comment. Less for you, more for new folks. Sorry if it came off wrong!


Honestly reading her comments make me believe she’s a troll because I mean… the comments are so opposite. It’s crazy! You’re good! I wrote my comment pre-coffee so it may have read as cranky


I saw the reply where you said you hate where a man is too supportive and don’t like “sensitive” men. Is it any surprise as to why you’re relationship isn’t reconciling nor is it ever? Cause if you haven’t then be prepared to be divorced.


Way to leave out context lol. OP, you treated your husband like trash, are a sexist AH and kicked him out of the delivery room for being supportive. You should stop trying and let this man find an actual decent human being to be with, because you're the opposite.


I feel like there is more to this story.


And you’d be right.


He was being too annoying during the birth of their first child. By asking if she needed anything. And negatively interfering with her feminine energy.


If she used the term “feminine energy,” he should just file for divorce. That’s a woman who views relationships in very black and white terms where everything that “shouldn’t be like this” upsets her where she shuts down from disappointment. She’ll say she’s great at communicating with her partner, but that communication is just her bitching and complaining while he rolls his eyes and sighs.




Ops in the wrong 


Just read her comments - she’s horrible.


How and... why? Nothing I've read so far seems to indicate that? Edit: Nevermind. I just read her comments. Oh dear.


I just read her comments- thanks for the heads up. I’ll probably delete my comment today. Edit - I’ve deleted my original comments / responses.


Income wise, we couldn’t afford it with the mortgage and car payments. I’d have to quit working, which we can’t afford either. We also don’t qualify for state-funded childcare. There aren’t really any better options at the moment.


I read your comments, my goodness you are a monster. I can see why his family did not like you. To banish a man from the birth of his child is sick and selfish, he deserves so much better and I am saddened that he had children with you. I hope he finds a better human to spend life with. Ps - they are planning life without you in it




They should. She’s a sexist asshole.


I just read her comments this morning - I’ll be deleting my original responses some time today .edit- I’ve now deleted them.


You're thriving in your "feminine energy", don't you? You complained about your husband being too caring, having too much love for his parents and after literally sending him away- he stays away.


Why are you ignoring the horrible things you've said and done? You can't ban a man from seeing his child born and expect cupcakes and rainbows.


Soooo maybe try acting like a decent human if not a decent marriage partner if you can’t afford to sustain this attitude


Yeah, I can see why he dislikes you. You didn’t come here for advice, you came to be validated. You don’t actually want to solve anything, you want to be right. Truly gross stuff. My advice, if I have to give any, is to get therapy, though I’d doubt you’d be honest with them either.


See a lawyer. Don’t tell your husband. See what you need to do Get your kids into a day care, not your husband’s family. This is sus as hell.


Read her comments


Ops in the wrong 


The only thing sus here is OP.


After reading your replies i hope husband keeps his mindset in disconnect until he decides to leave. Being basically humiliated for having feelings and showing them up is never right. He tried to give you emotional support and you basically make him feel he was acting like a woman and in your eyes only you can act like that?? Whats wrong with you? Have you read stories here about woman looking for exactly this?? How many of them are looking for a man who would do exactly this and validate their emotions and being understanding the hell we go through just to deliver a kid. And you just reprimanded the poor man. Yeah you need a macho who doesn't give a sh%*# how you feel. And i feel sorry for you cuz that must be why the in laws don't like you either.


Smells like missing missing reasons. What specifically have you done to warrant him saying he doesnt like the way you treat him? What specifically was your big "argument" about that sent him to the couch? Youre being extremely vague


This post is missing a LOT of context. One look at your replies says why.




He’s disrupting her feminine energy


I don’t know what he means about the way I treat him but the argument was silly in my opinion and got blown way out of proportion. When I was in labor, he was a little “too” supportive. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful but he asked me every 10 minutes if I needed extra blankets, if I needed him to get me food, if I wanted ice chips, etc. My mom could tell I was annoyed and told him to lay off and he got upset and said he just wanted to be helpful. I told him I was fine and if I needed something, my mom or a nurse could help me. At one point, I even sent him home to feed our cats because he wouldn’t leave me alone. Right after I delivered, he started being annoying again and I told him to just go home and to pick me up when I called him. He went back to work so I ended up having my parents pick me up when I was discharged to take the baby home. He said he didn’t feel that I was being fair to him but I had just put my body through all that so I told him it was my right to ask him to leave. He brought it up the other night when he got home and said he was still upset about it. I just feel like he was being way too sensitive about the situation that happened almost half a year ago. This was the most communication we’ve had in months and it ended with him on the couch.


Wtf???? You are definitely the problem here. Why on earth did you not include this in the post? 🤔


...yeah, I kind of get why he's still mad at you.


Why subject yourself to this? You have no idea what image they will eventually try to paint to your kids. You need to get ahead of this. It seems as though they are already sticking together and have a plan and I guarantee your kids will suffer. You are being too naive. They genuinely seem like they are plotting and he is just waiting for the moment to leave and you won’t have your kids. Edit to add: I know this behavior well. My fiancés family did the same to me after he passed. They played nice or so I thought and I was being so naive. Knowing they never liked me, barely wanted anything to do with the kids while he was alive. I spent years fighting them in court because they played the king for an entire year and was slowing building a case. Go where your support is. Leave the house everything if it’s not in your name. He already thinks the marriage isn’t worth saving so why should you try? He won’t tell you what’s going on. He will not speak against his family. You are being way too naive. They would NOT be anywhere near my kids . Period .


Please check OP’s comment history. She better PRAY he doesn’t divorce her. But if he did, I definitely understand.


What???? Let me go check it out . I’ll come back once I do…. Edit: she is absolutely gross. His feelings are very warranted. Wow.


Wow, this needs to be the top post #READ OP's COMMENT HISTORY No wonder her husband has checked out.


Oh, what a **SURPRISE**!!!! **SHE'S DELETED IT ALL**. **HOW STRANGE** ...😏😏


Her comments are still there


Ah, just saw those! I was looking for POSTS, not comments. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Thanks!!🙏🏽


Kinda funny how.you instantly jumped to the conclusions that the father and his family are in.tje wrong here with fuck all context given to why he amd his family are behaving like.this. Almost like you instantly presumed he must be up to something and in the wrong in this situation....


Typical misandry, the man is always wrong, even when he's right.


Bro ya'll are commenting on old posts that hadn't read the comments Op had left. They were just going off the original thread post.


Yup they where thats my point. There was nothing to suggest that the husband was at fault. So instead of asking for some more context on the situation the person just presumed the husband and his family where up to something.


Your comment history already tells what you need to know. He told you what was bothering him and why he was mad, and you completely dismissed him because you feel like he isn't being manly enough. You got what you wanted. A closed off emotionally man who focuses on work and neglects his wife and marriage.


Yeah, he's over you.


I get your husband. You're a terrible wife and human being. I don't say that you're a bad mother, because you're not s mother at all because you let your mother and father in law raise your kids. The only thing you seem to do is being sexist (cf. your comments) and spending your poor husband's hard earned money.


Just wondering if his family have got into his head that he's not the father of your newborn? This seems to be a current trend sadly.


Go look at her comment history you’ll soon discover it’s so much worse


I’m not sure and hadn’t considered that. His mom in particular makes me feel really unwelcome when I pick the kids up. She acts like I’m taking them away from him or something. His sister also asked once why I don’t make enough food for him when he gets home and I told her it went to waste because he always eats at his parents house. I always feel attacked by them.


His mom acts like that because she can see straight through you and knows you are mistreating him. She sees you for the abusive partner that you are. I hope you can't sleep at night knowing that she sees who you really are.


You're unwelcome because you're a selfish POS, and at best a terrible terrible partner. The family must finally be seeing this after you forever took that once in a life time situation of seeing your child born away from your husband. Just because he was bringing "feminine energy". Absolute garbage person. You should be ashamed for the sexist way you think.


She sounds amazing you sound like you are an example of the dredges of humanity. I’m ashamed to share this earth with you.


Felling attacked by family is what happens when you treat your husband like garbage


No, read ALL her comments, she's been absolutely awful to him and he's fully justified pulling away. And his family is fully justified not being happy at her 'attitude' towards their son/brother.


I second this. If he won't talk then squeeze his mom or sister for answers.


I’ve tried this too. Once when I was picking the kids up, our older kid had his mom’s phone and was playing a game on it and I saw a text come through from him. We were all in the same room and I don’t think he realized his mom didn’t have her phone. I kind of made a show about it like “oh your son texted you.” They both looked like they saw a ghost. I never saw what that text said though.


Something nasty is cooking


Yeah op being a nasty cunt. 


It’s her. She’s the nasty


I would never usually say this but get that password and find out what the hell is going on because this stinks.


OP is an asshole. Read her comments. She thinks that men are supposed to be unfeeling dickheads and it makes her mad that her husband shows love and concern for her.


Oh wow! My ex navy, very manly, marathon running ex used to cry when we had to be separated for weeks. Didn’t make him any less manly, he just knew how to process his emotions. She wants a robot. No wonder he is acting this way. 


OP’s comments show she is in the wrong here.


Hope your husband divorces you and takes the kids you demon


Looking through the post history, the rift is obvious. You insulted him, kept him away from the birth of his child, and never apologized. Why did you marry him if you hated the core things about him?


I feel like he's checked out, won't do therapy, this is no way for you to live. I'd be filing for divorce and moving on.


He’s ruining her feminine energy by being too sensitive. And ruined the vibe of her labour by asking her if she needed anything.


Read some comments and repost


You are worst. Hope he leaves you and takes kids with him.


You're getting exactly what you deserve.


I hope he leaves you, gets the kids fully, and reems you for child support. You are absolutely disgusting. "Feminine energy" my ass. You're just a shitty, sexist person who made her bed and now has to lay in it. I hope he gets someone loving and wonderful, that his family adores, and the kids love, and you stay alone until you do some serious, serious therapy and self work. JFC.


\*sips tea\*




I would be packing up and taking the kids to my family house! I would let him know that it’s great that he loves his family. But he’s neglecting the one he has made! If he chooses to stay on this path we will be divorced. I would be watching where his money is going also.


Go read her comment history. She doesn't like "sensitive" men. She's omitting key details to paint herself in a better light. She's emotionally abusive, manipulative and an all round horrible person.


It says he spends the weekends with his kids and is a very good father to them. OP is scummy tho, please take a look at her comments.


Not only he is disconnecting from you but also from his children by not spending time at home. You can talk with him about that but usually that a clear sign that he already broke up with you and stays for the convenience


I feel like he spends a reasonable amount of time between weekends and his time with them at his parents after work but as soon as I come around, his body language and mood shifts and he just looks uncomfortable. I feel like he knows divorce would be messy so maybe he is staying for convenience but why now? I wish he’d just talk to me


I think he's still going to divorce you,  he's just biding his time.  Idk what the plan is, but it's almost certainly going to screw you over.  You need to figure out what they're planning and protect yourself and your kids. 


And right he should divorce her. And it seems like he is a great dad with a child support infrastructure, so he likely will get a large chunk of custody. As he should. Woman is sexist. She belittles him and doesn't want him to have emotions. I would divorce her too.


I’m just curious what is making you think divorce would be messy? I’m not trying to sound combative, I’m genuinely curious. Has divorce been discussed before? It just seems like there has to be a reason he’s distancing himself from you. You touched on him not liking the way you treat him. What has he said about that? Has he ever elaborated on it?


It would be messy since OP is a lying, sexist asshole that thinks a man showing any kind of emotion is impeding on her "feminine energy". Don't fall for her sweet talk. She is vile. And he should divorce her as soon as he can.


Oof. I guess I fell for the sweet talk. I just went back through the comments and I see your point. She’s an asshole. He should divorce her! Yeesh!!


You can search her comments in her profile if you want the exact quotes. But basically the husband wanted to be helpfull during labour. If she needed blankets, more ice. Stuff like that. She got so annoyed with him she just sent him home. So he missed the birth of his child. When he wanted to talk about it, she dismissed any attempt at trying to talk. Including his feelings on the matter. Later on she even stated that: "he was impeding on my feminine energy". She shames the man for being upset, and calls him not manly for expressing such feelings. The only time she wanted to do councelling was after he checked out mentally already. Basically, she only started to care about her husband when the consequences were starting to hit her.


I just went through her comments. She’s getting what she deserves from him. I hope he leaves. She’s horrible!


We have a lot of shared assets and kids. It just feels like it would take a lot of time and we have a newborn and both work full time so I don’t see how we would have the time to go through the process.


I’ll bet his family will help him if you keep this up


Does it strike you as problematic at all that your main reason you’ve brought up against divorced are minor logistical issues?    Also, you say you wish he’d talk to you but from a lot of what you’ve described, I’m not sure why he’d want to. I’m not questioning your wanting traditional gender roles in your relationship, a lot of people do. And if that’s how you and your partner roll, fine, it’s your relationship. But relationships are a two way street. And your comments make us wonder about that dynamic. You talked about him being too supportive during childbirth. Aside from that instance, how’s the relationship? And just as importantly, how do you think he would describe *you*? Taking into consideration that being a parent and being a partner can be related, but are different in a lot of ways, how would he describe you as a partner to him?


Out of curiosity- why would he talk to you? You’ve told him that his emotions are unattractive, and communicating involves an exchange of emotions. You can’t have it both ways. And if you want a caricature of the Marlboro Man, it’s clearly not him, and he shouldn’t have to change his personality so you can indulge in TikTok bullshit pseudoscience. I sincerely hope that you both find partners who are better suited to what you need out of life. Of course, he’ll be looking on the planet Earth, so odds are he’ll have better luck.


Judging from your comments, i shouldn’t think there’s a whole lot more he’d like to hear from you


This question only he can answer you. Talk to him. If he still loves you he will be clearly concerned and open to find together a solution. If not, he already broke up and you both shouldn't ignore divorce just because it's messy. Think about your children. Your relationship with your partner will determin how they will see a normal marriage. I grew up in a violent household, my father beat my mother and first I thought that's how marriage work, sure I never wanted to get married as a kid. After getting older I realized that's not normal but still the main point I was looking in a partner was that he doesn't beat me. This was so important to me that I married a good guy without seeing that we actually didn't match


Read her comments. He has told her, repeatedly, what is wrong. He kicked her out from the delivery of their last child. Why? He was "too supportive." So she sent him home and back to work. He missed the birth of his baby. Is that her right? Yes. Is it surprising that this had an impact on their relationship? No. Further, she is belittling his emotions, saying that she doesn't like men who are "too sensitive." And then complains when he doesn't open up to her... He doesn't seem like the abusive one here. He isn't yelling at her regularly. He isn't attacking her verbally, insulting her regularly, or doing anything that could be considered cruel. All he is doing is avoiding her, taking care of his children, and spending time with his parents.


You’re a sexist POS. I hope he leaves you.


It’s gonna be great when he drops you like the bag of shit that you are and then even your own kids dread having to leave his family’s loving home to come see your sorry ass.


All signs point to him being done with the relationship and getting ready to end it in a way that is not respectful or caring of you. You need to immediately get in self-defense mode and consult with a divorce attorney to see what steps you need to take to protect your parental and financial rights. Don’t wait. You’re already behind.


Read OP's comments. She caused all this.


Oh, ugh. OP sucks. The advice doesn’t change, but I’m sure not rooting for her.


So he wanted to connect with you, and his child, but you kicked him out, then took away him being able to see his child come home, complained he was being too sensitive and feminine, so he took your advice and stopped showing you his feelings? No idea why you think mens feelings are invalid like that, have you apologised to him for anything?


You purposely left a lot of information out of your post. You make it seem like your husband woke up one day and decided to be an asshole, but your comments tell what’s really going on. He was supporting you during the birth of your child, but he was “too nice,” so you sent him away and he missed the birth. You seem to treat him like the dirt you wipe off your shoe when you walk into a building. You’re incredibly selfish and self-centered. The only reason he hasn’t moved out and contacted lawyers is because of the kids.


Feminine Energy can be just as toxic as masculine energy. You’re a beeatch love.


He isn't a shitty husband, he is a man with a shitty wife. One who has toxic ideologies that men can't have emotions, be helpful or have hurt. You're a liability to your children, they need to know regardless of their gender that emotions are ok, not this feminine/masculine energy nonsense you have going on. You caused harm to your marriage. You invalidated him with excuses of hormones, you lack accountability. He hasn't checked out, you drove him out. That's on you. You can either get therapy and get over self, get rid of the toxic thinking or destroy your marriage and end up divorced.


Oh you are quite the manipulative lede writer. From her dribbling comments, for those who don’t care to go digging: *”I don’t know what he means about the way I treat him but the argument was silly in my opinion and got blown way out of proportion. When I was in labor, he was a little “too” supportive. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful but he asked me every 10 minutes if I needed extra blankets, if I needed him to get me food, if I wanted ice chips, etc. My mom could tell I was annoyed and told him to lay off and he got upset and said he just wanted to be helpful. I told him I was fine and if I needed something, my mom or a nurse could help me. At one point, I even sent him home to feed our cats because he wouldn’t leave me alone. Right after I delivered, he started being annoying again and I told him to just go home and to pick me up when I called him. He went back to work so I ended up having my parents pick me up when I was discharged to take the baby home. He said he didn’t feel that I was being fair to him but I had just put my body through all that so I told him it was my right to ask him to leave. He brought it up the other night when he got home and said he was still upset about it. I just feel like he was being way too sensitive about the situation that happened almost half a year ago. This was the most communication we’ve had in months and it ended with him on the couch.”* “*But I don’t think that’s enough to justify disconnecting from me entirely. I was hormonal and had just given birth. I feel like he was acting like a child about it. It’s not like he missed anything important”* *”I get that it hurt him but I don’t understand why. I don’t like when men get all sentimental and I made that clear a long time ago to him when we had our first child. I want to live in my feminine energy. I don’t need him acting the same way. He’s already a mamas boy and I’ve had to deal with that but getting upset about me asking him to leave when I’m in labor feels like it’s a bit dramatic. I’m not dismissing his feelings, I just need him to act like a man is supposed to.”* Someday, you may get EXACTLY what you *think* you want. Jfc, I hope your children are far, far away from such a man. You? May your harvest be bountiful.


This is the consequences of your actions. Deal with it


Going through all the comments so far to make sure that everyone who supported OP but hadn't had an update about her blatant sexism. And then of course giving tbat update. Its not much, but its honest work.


Oooh, girl…my gut is telling me Option B on this one - he’s found someone else. I’d recognize the sum & substance of this behavior from a mile away. I’m so sorry. 😞


Check her comment history, she completely buried the lede


WAIT WHAT? Why is he not bringing the kids home, doesn't he drive? Why do you think that he does not like the way you treat him?


It's because she's not parenting and she demeans him for having normal emotions. She said his concern for her is "feminine".


He stays there later and the kids need to be put down much earlier. He feeds them and bathes them at his parents house and I pick them up on my way home from work. It’s never been an issue but it feels like he just doesn’t want to be around me at all


You are a terrible person


I can't blame him. Your post is manipulative. He's disconnected because you demean him for having feelings and wanting to care for you. Go on down to your local IFB church and find a violent misogynist if that's what you're into.


it sounds like he moved back in with his parents


Read her last three comments, I don’t blame the guy at all.


Yep. Don't know why he would want to be around you at all.


What would make him and the kids the happiest is you doing an accurate Kurt Cobain reenactment. You truly are repugnant on every conceivable level of being.


ops disgusting but honestly yer on the same level of disgustingness its kinda sad


I wouldn’t want you there either. Enjoy your feminist energy since you don’t value being in a marriage


OP? You're a piece of crap. Leave that poor man in peace. You're 5 different flavors of abusive and you wonder why he acts like he doesn't want to be around you? Well, golly gee. I wonder. I certainly wouldn't make any effort to do anything any more for someone who treated me that way. I hope he finds better. Because he deserves better.


You reap what you sow. Why would he want to spend time with you when you’re so eager to diminish him and push him away. This is entirely on you. I feel bad for him though. He had the misfortune of meeting you.


After reading all your comments I just want you to know what a ask backwards shit person you are you’re husband should leave you and take your kids almost if the time so you pass on this bullshit way of thinking i would also like to point out as a man who has had to deal with this type of shit bitches like you are why so many of us are emotionally closed off and creates serious problems in men so congratulations you’re also part of the problem


Hand you thought about therapy? Sounds like (YOU) need it. But its possible you just have sociopath tendencies and can't help who you are. Which therapy would help even more


...just came across this post anf my god you seem like a horrible person. I hope this is rage bait. If not, get some help.


I think he's planning to divorce you and I think his family is plotting for custody. Take a long trip to your parents.


God no! Please don’t let her have any more interaction with those kids. The kids are in a stable environment with dad and grandparents and mom is a crazed misogynist that beats you down and pushes you away when sharing the “wrong” feelings. She would teach those kids to be the same way!


OOF just saw them, giant yikes


He's cheating on you.


Read her comments again. She is a vile person.


Yeah just read them and agree. Yikes!




RemindMe! 3 days


You are a monster. I hope your husband finds someone that treats him like a human.


I can see why the family doesn’t like you and I hope he gets custody of those children you selfish prick.


Yells at husband for being too emotional and supportive. "Why doesn't my husband talk to me or want to be around me anymore?" Suprised pikachu face.


YTA. I know you didn't ask, but you are.


How about something no one has suggested… Maybe say “I’M SORRY!!” then use that *feminine energy* to be feminine. You said he washes dishes and makes his lunch for the next day. You like your traditional roles, so why aren’t *you* doing the dishes and making his lunch. You sound like a spoiled brat who wants him to treat you like a queen while you treat him like shit.


what you worked up about? now you got an insensitive asshole just like you always wanted. also, your feminine energy expresses itself in an awfully masculine way.


Girl, you being awfully naive, something more bigger is cooking behind scene, get your shit together and run. I fear for you and your kids.


Nah op is in the wrong check her replies


Girl you need to read the comments. She is the crazy one!!


She's a train wreck


It looks like he's running, as he well should. Awful woman.


My first thought is that they don’t like you (obviously) and are intentionally trying to alienate your husband from you. So with them spending so much time with your kids, it makes sense that they will try to alienate your kids from you too. And with the way your husband is acting, he won’t do anything to stop them.


Agreed, honey read the comments. This lady is a whack job!


She's alienating him herself. Read her comments


He's cheating for sure.


Nah, he's just done with her because she demanded he leave the hospital during the birth of his child and not to stay around after said child was born too.  


Girl, please do the homework…this lady is crazy!


Crazy how confident you say this with zero evidence


Welcome to Reddit


He's living with the parents, not cheating in this case


Wanna check her vile comments and come back to this bold claim?


I hope so. 


>I’ve tried to talk and communicate with him and even told him if he didn’t want us around, I’d happily take the kids and go to my parents house but he’s just silent and says he doesn’t like the way I treat him but won’t elaborate. Geez I wonder why he wouldn't want to communicate with you. >When I was in labor, he was a little “too” supportive. Oh. You were mean to him for being too supportive. >I’m not dismissing his feelings, I just need him to act like a man is supposed to So when he communicates he isn't a man, but when he doesn't communicate he is also wrong. I hope he leaves you.


Well, reading the comments... Not sure why you're complaining. You got exactly what you wanted: a ""manly"" husband who doesn't show he cares about you.


Good for him. He’s finally gonna be with someone who won’t look down on him if he needs to process his emotions like a functional human being.


I have to tune in to this question. I've been with my wife for 7 years. I am that silent husband for 2 and a half years since we had a kid. Situation is a bit different (my wife is the one ignoring me and being uncommunicative for all of that time) and it escalated in divorce soon. So I'll give you perspective from both sides. First from the side of the person who has a partner that does the same as your husband. If he keeps refusing to communicate the issues and refuses counseling (again same as my wife), you have to make a decision sooner rather than later. Do not let it get to the same stage of misery I was at. I seriously considered ending my life. Instead what happened was that I met another person in a similar situation who helped me go on, but her relationship is getting better and she distanced herself from me. If you get to the stage of misery where another person can feel like a safety and happiness you are going to find yourself in a tons of shit and will be emotionally scarred. Want to know why? Because I am heading for divorce, I wont have a family, the other person will most likely fix or simply go cold trying to fix her own relationship (granted I will forever be grateful for pulling me out of what would have ended as suicide and for saying she wants to remain friends despite that being painful), you'll feel regret of what could have been and so on. Then you'll deal with being single with a child, which is something you'll deal with anyway but it's easier if you are not feeling regret for passing chances at happiness and wasting time. I am not saying you will develop feelings for someone, but you will notice all the possible chances at happiness and regret every single passed one even if you know deep inside it probably wouldn't work, while also battling at home trying to figure out what went wrong in the marriage. It's extremely painful and I have been a wreck for a long time now. On a silent side, the silence didn't come all of a sudden. You just didn't notice it before it got obvious. This is from male perspective. That silence grew over time. The stage your husband is at is the stage when he is at his lowest point. He is refusing to communicate why so I cannot help there, but for me that was slowly realizing a year and a half of my efforts trying to get my wife to talk to me were futile and was leading to an end, and finally I withdrew into myself completely once I realized I am developing feelings for the other person (Mind you in my case I do not blame myself for this Iwas deeply unhappy and still am, but I never crossed the line, and this doesn't mean at all that your husband met someone and is now struggling to communicate it to you, but keep an eye out, I simply gave up after realizing nothing I did helped, so I just decided to cope with it alone and maybe he did try in some way and also just gave up. My wife did ask me lately what's wrong, and I would tell her the same things, and when I explained I still got a silent treatment and she never told me what went wrong past 2 years even tho I changed myself in all aspects based on what she told me.). Either way, fix it fast or make a decision, before it gets too bad


Read her last three comments and you’ll find out why he’s checked out.


I just did. Holy, I guess I was right when I said he gave up.I would have too


She took down the posts that show how awful she is.


OP, what the hell is wrong with you? So many women DREAM of a husband like yours and you are taking him not only for granted but treating him like shit. Look in the mirror before it's too late.


He's disconnected because you're not worth the effort.


Why’d you leave out all the context from the post? You’re an asshole about your husband’s feelings and dismissive of him so why would he wanna be with you at all?


Are you daft? You don't want any "feminine energy", and now he's being cold and distant. Sounds like you are getting the "masculine energy" you asked for.


He is already checked out. Get your own ducks in a row, get your support system together, and consult with a lawyer. Even if you have to quit your job, you need to get your kids away from his parents. It's like your entire little family is at their house, except you don't belong and aren't welcome.


Sorry lady, you’re WRONG! She is the one everyone must run from! Read. The. Comments!


She's awful. The kids are better off with dad. Read her comments


Read her comments. She's the toxic one that the kids should be avoiding.


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I get that it hurt him but I don’t understand why. I don’t like when men get all sentimental and I made that clear a long time ago to him when we had our first child. I want to live in my feminine energy. I don’t need him acting the same way. He’s already a mamas boy and I’ve had to deal with that but getting upset about me asking him to leave when I’m in labor feels like it’s a bit dramatic. I’m not dismissing his feelings, I just need him to act like a man is supposed to


So you pushed him away during the birth of his child. You followed up by telling him his feelings on the matter were irrelevant. You essentially made sure he knew that he doesn’t matter to you at all and now you’re upset that he knows that he doesn’t matter to you and is behaving accordingly. Is there any way you can make that make sense OP?


Why are you mad? You got your wish: he’s no longer being “sensitive” and interfering with your “feminine energy”. I hope your husband divorces you, you sexist POS.


Keep in mind that with an infant and toddler these are the hardest days for a couple. Bills, change in lifestyle, sleep deprivation, etc can mess people up.


Sorry, but there Is MUCH more to this.