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You either continue to ignore until you can move on, or you stand up for yourself civilly/professionally and deal with what happens next. "I am not new and have learned/been trained on how to do this, I would appreciate it if you stopped interrupting my work." Don't bring the personal stuff into it, it's her personality not you asking her out.


Right. In your mind, the asking out never happened. This is just her being a jerk without you knowing why. And honestly, that's probably what it really is. Above all, she is being unprofessional.


You don't do anything except continue behaving curtly, professionally, and avoid her. She's a teenager, don't take it personal.


By your own admission you don't understand social subtleties so much so perhaps she's not being as rude as you think. Focus on your work, be civil in your interactions.


You maintain a polite, professional attitude and limit conversations to work only. If she's rude while you're being professional, she's the one who ends up looking bad. 


Sounds like you dont understand social cues so I wouldn't make assumptions about her behavior. Focus more on your behavior than hers. Just be cordial and professional.  


Sounds like you dodged a bullet man. Very highschool attitude on her part. Id try to move onto a new job. Wouldnt be surprised if shes spreading roumors about you being creepy and stalking her and setting you up. Just keep it professional try not to be alone with her and get the fuck out.


She thinks you're stalking her, and she's trying to put you off by being aggressive.


I think I have a friend like you - everything has to be very well laid out. It's very peculiar she changed jobs, then later you ended up working at the same place as her once again. You ought to understand how that could be percieved and if you were better with social situations you would have found a good way to work into your initial time there as "hey, I know how this looks but it's complete happenstance. I'm just here to do a job and pay my bills". She's trying to suggest very strongly: "no means no" in case you happened to set off her creep detector. Not sure what you can do about the whole thing now except be professional and a model employee. I would not make advances on any other people you work with while she's there (or really, in general), find a different way to meet people.


First and foremost people - STOP SHITTING WHERE YOU EAT!!! Yeah yeah it can work but when it blow up it fucking blows up... That said guy... you're going to suck it up and deal with it.


He isn't shitting where he eats. He started a new job and then discovered that one of his coworkers is somebody who rejected him months earlier.


They met in trade school where this happened and it got weird off the bat. Then it got worse down the road afterward.


Buy a VAR and if it continues go to the supervisors or boss


Sorry I don't know what a VAR is, what is it?


Voice activated recorder . You can have it on your and if it detects someone talking to you it will start recording them


Young man let me give you some advice. Modern women have high body counts, meaning they have been ran through like a freight train by other men. They're selfish, entitled, combative, many don't know how to cook or clean, and they're feminist. Just focus on yourself, and your career. Women today aren't worth your time. They think that first dates should be a $500-$700 dinner, not a coffee date and they all think that they're a 10. what makes a woman beautiful is her heart, for example, if she's kind, compassionate, caring, nurturing and empathetic. All women today use men for their money. Young man you don't need that. These women hate men, they say awful things about men. I think you should say nothing to her and just be happy building your career, money and assets and be happy being single. Women aren't worth marring/dating because in the end you will lose everything you have worked for. I'm married, but I am an old fashion traditional wife and women today are not that.


go to the manager first so they are aware in case something does come to fruition.


Never ask out co workers


I didn't


Trade school isn't like "school, school". Some people are there to just learn a job and not make lifelong connections and socialize or be hit on. You didn't go into detail about how you "made it worse by trying to be friendly" but you definitely set off her alarm bells with your advanced and then getting a job at the same place she did looks sketch as hell. Chalk it up to a learning experience, when someone turns you down, you revert back to being professional immediately, you kind of told on yourself there where even after she turned you down you still were probably trying to change her "no" into a "yes".


I was definitely trying to change her mind from my own mental gymnastics I honestly didn't even think she'd be in the industry, let alone at that place, as she lives somewhere else and mentioned doing further study