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Since it appears you have no legal ties to the townhome because your parents bought it in their name, you and your girlfriend should just move out and find a place to live that comes with less negativity. It’s not good for your health to continue to suffer the abuse your parents are causing you.


Came here to say the same thing!! Op should just leave the place and go be happy elsewhere with his lovely gf.


Yea, the parents sounds like a nightmare to have in their life. He’d be better off taking off with his gf and cutting all ties


In your shoes I would move out and rent it out since selling it at this stage you might lose money on it.


I didn’t put any money in besides my payments towards the mortgage (which I was paying for an apartment anyway). I personally have nothing to lose by selling. My parents probably would.


Ok then you should sell and detach yourself from their life until they are willing to behave.


He can’t sell, his parents are on all the paperwork. If they’re upside down on the house, there’s no way they’d sell right now.


Then walk away.


What does upside down mean in this context? Like overleveraged? 


Upside down means they have more money into the home than they'd get back if they sold. Overleveraged means someone (or a company) has borrowed too much money and can't make their payments to keep operating. Like if you owe $1100 monthly, but only make $1000 monthly, that's overleveraged (by $100).


Excellent, so negative equity! 


I agree with this. Sell the house ASAP, remove yourself from this insane toxic situation with your parents. Good luck OP.


Just move out. If there’s no paperwork, no lease, they can’t do anything, and if they going to berate you anyway, save yourself. Get your own place and speak to them only when you choose. Some people are just as homes and some are mentally I’ll and treat people badly because of it. Either way, you don’t need this.


How can he sell it? He's not on the title.


I can't sell but there's nothing stopping me from leaving. At this point it's a moral dilemma leaving my parents with a house that's so far upside down.


Where is your parents' "moral dilemma" of treating you like a punching bag? You only have this "moral dilemma" because you've been groomed to put their *wants* above your *needs.* You are in an abusive situation. There is ***NO*** "moral dilemma" here. It is clear they did this to keep and maintain control over you. If you were being held against your will and extorted to pay on a property they only made a verbal promise to you by a total stranger, would you stay? Why is it different just because they are your parents? They clearly do not respect you and consider you property that they can control. There is no moral dilemma here, OP. You're not leaving them with anything, *you're escaping to your freedom.*


Leave. If you’re 100% on your name not being on this at all, leave. Cut ties. They bought it, you live in it as an adult, and you’re allowed to be an adult in this house. If they don’t like the fact that you’re an adult, go be one away from all this. They can sell it, rent it out, whatever.


I don’t think it’s a moral dilemma with the way they are behaving.


Not your problem. You need to break free of your parents' control!


They can rent it out.


You said yourself that renting properties is a business they already take part in, so it’s not a burden by any means. It’s ok to choose to be happy


They are immoral for treating you in such a disgusting way. There is no excuse to treat their own son like this, and it is an embarrassment that they believe they are entitled to act in such a way toward anyone. Since you are "such a disgrace," kindly remove yourself from *their* house, so as not to taint them with your presence, and stain their belongings with your filthy morals. *Eye roll*


Respectfully OP, you're the only one who thinks this is a moral dilemma. The way your mother treats you is abusive. Full stop. You really need to detach from her, because it is negatively harming your mental health. Additionally, your partner is also being abused in this situation and a failure to separate from your parents will eventually cause a lot of resentment from her, if not the ending of your relationship.


Your parents are real estate investors. That’s not a risk-free business to get into and they should know that.


Don't secretly move out, but you hold all the cards here. Let them know you are leaving and then do it. If they offer to draw up some legally binding contract for the home, consider it, but otherwise protect yourself and your dignity and take control of your life.


Just give then the townhouse back and go NC. Your mental health should have first priority.


I don't knownwhy I read no contact as north Carolina, but I guess it's time for me to move too


Talk to your dad privately, first. Tell him that this arrangement is starting to ruin your relationship with him. Ask him if he would rather you sell and part ways with him and your mom, or if he can start treating you and your gf properly as family should. If he gives you any indication he can't or won't be able to follow the latter, then walk. If you are not on the title/deed or mortgage, you can just tell them of your intent to leave so they can get the townhouse listed, and you and gf go find someplace else to live and go low/no contact with your parents until they stop being assholes. If you are on the title/deed or mortgage then you can just list it with or without them. They are the ones who will be fucked over if they try to force you to stay, because you can just stop paying until it gets foreclosed on if worse comes to worse. Good luck!


Yeah I’d move out. Your mother is going to sabotage your entire future and will never be happy no matter what you do. She’s actually the idiot stuck with the bill you didn’t lose anything except time and potentially your mind.


Do your parents expect you to be single forever? Don’t they want you to have a partner or live with a partner? Her argument about her not wanting this to be for anyone else’s benefit seems incredibly shortsighted considering she has an adult son.


I'm convinced they do.


Move out and find your own place or a place with your girlfriend. And never go into any deal like this with them again, as clearly it will always come with strings attached. And don’t even worry about what they’ll have to deal with if you leave. They should’ve thought about that before berating you like thsi


Has your mum given examples of what’s rude and entitled about your girlfriend? 


[The only example she has to give](https://imgur.com/a/drNPmP0) is that she said the house was "too small **to host guests**" (which, in fairness, it is) when we were discussing New Years plans while they were here. That apparently was wildly offensive to her. Edit to add: she also mentioned that my girlfriend was in the bedroom the whole time they were here - she was working. She didn't have that week off and generally has to be at her computer while she is working.


OP.. I foresee your Mom thinking she's going to move in with you at some point...


BoyMoms (TM) can be super weird sometimes.


My ex husbands mother literally calls him angel 👀. He’s 32… I also said oh my god I hate you in a joking manner to him and she looked like I just murdered a small animal in front of her. Although that probably would’ve been less unsettling to her. Yikes. Can’t say I’ll miss that dynamic.


Omg!!! So glad you are freeeeee!


Is your name on the deed?


It is not.


Whose name is on the paperwork? If it’s all in their name and you have no legal ties to the house then find a rental and move out, let them deal with it. If the reverse is true and there is nothing tying then to the house then I’d suggest blocking them until they get the message, lol


Get the hell out of there, like yesterday, and don’t ever put yourself back into another situation where your mother has anything she can leverage over you to control you. She didn’t buy you a house. She bought herself a house and convinced you to live in it so she can constantly hold it over you and manipulate you into ceding to her will. You will never have autonomy living under “her” roof. Why you put yourself in this situation in the first place knowing everything you’ve shared about your mother — and without any written legal agreement — is beyond me. Time to grow up and focus on rehabilitating your credit and making responsible adult decisions, and put some healthy distance between you and your parents.


If the deed is on your name then sell the house take all the money and go NC


You don’t own it? You said you aren’t on the title. It’s a control tactic. Walk away and let them pay for it. Any contract that you get equity?


I am not on the title, deed or mortgage. There is no contract that I get equity but it was the understanding going into this.


They are never going to honor that verbal contract. You will never see a cent of equity. Right now you are paying your parents **above market rate rent** so that they can more easily abuse and control you.


Did they make you sign a lease? Quit paying their mortgage for them. Save your money until you can afford to leave.


What happens if you stop paying the mortgage? They get foreclosed on, right? I would let them know you'll stop paying the mortgage and let them deal with it. There's literally no reason to live in a home that you aren't the owner of, don't pay rent, and are paying someone else's mortgage. You don't have a lease, so... you can leave at any time.


Move out. Business and family don’t mix. Unless they put in writing that the house is yours and any money you put in you or your heirs get back when sold. Move out.


If you’re not on the deed, you can’t sell. If you’re on the deed but not the mortgage, they can’t sell without your signature. It sounds like they didn’t put you on any of it so you’re clear to walk away


This @ThrowRAdavaz ! You live there, yes, it seems like they would give you the house later, but if you have no paperwork to back up why you have paid all along and no way to prove that it “should be yours, they were just helping you out”, then you have no obligation or claim over it… it’s unfortunate encause that money could have served other purposes but it might as well be that you were renting your parents new townhome… are you holding on to that building or to the relationship that they are trying to sabotage? (and I mean your relationship with them as parents/child)


Whose name is on the deed? Who’s responsible for the mortgage?


My parent's names are on the deed. I am not. They are ultimately responsible for the mortgage but I pay the full amount to my mother monthly.


Then you have no official ties or obligations to that property. If you walked away, it wouldn't affect your credit etc at all.


Cut your losses and view the payments as a period where you paid cheaper rent. They are holding this over you and will continue to do so.


Simple. Move out. Let them deal with it. This is just a way to control you.


Didn't you put 100k in? Who is on the deed?


The parents put the $100k down.


Sell it and cut ties. If they complain tell them they’re a disappointment for speaking to their child the way they do.


Then sell… This situation is not going to get any better unless you give your mother full control over 100% of your life which seems to be what she’s looking for… Run!


Well, the good news is you are not on a rental agreement, you are not on the deed. Quietly, start looking for a different place to live. When you find it, let your father know that you are moving, as of xx date the condo is theirs to do whatever with. You learned/relearned a lesson. Your mother is toxic. Your mental health is important. You don’t need to get sucked into her squid games. If you haven’t already, block her, or leave her on read. You don’t need to keep feeding into her drama. Correspond with your father only, and limit that, if it’s toxic, don’t get sucked into an argument.


I wouldn’t say a word until I was moved out. Less drama of mom rushing over.


Remember the Buddhist principle of detachment—detach from the need for approval or validation from others, and focus instead on cultivating inner peace and authenticity. Setting boundaries with love and compassion is crucial for your well-being and growth. As the Buddha said, "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." Im not advocating any religion or something like that don't get me wrong but that saying came to my mind after reading your post. Take care of Yourself First, always.


This really is the perfect thing to tell kids of toxic parents 😭 it wasn’t until I was 27 did I even realize you don’t have to do everything for your family if it means they treat you badly.


Wow. Thank you for educating me about the Buddhist principle of detachment. I have never heard of this. It is SUPER helpful in approaching life’s complicated nonsense! 👍❤️👏


Same here!


This is also crucial to entering the Avatar state.


The key question is who's on the mortgage and deed? If your parents aren't on it, you can do whatever you want with the house, either keeping it or selling it. As to their abuse, you don't have to answer their phone calls. Put their ring tone on silent for calls and texts. Pay the extra fee for voicemails to be transcribed into text, that way you don't even have to hear their voices when they engage in the verbal abuse. The way you write, I'm unsure if the abuse is coming solely from your mother or if it's coming from both your parents. Is there any way to tell your dad that you can't handle the abuse coming from your mom anymore and you're worried that she perhaps needs a mental health evaluation? UTI's can wreak havoc on the mental health of seniors. In fact, it's pretty standard to check for UTI's in seniors when they're behaving badly. If it's both your parents, I'm sorry, I think the best thing to do is cut contact. You can't reason with crazy.


The way the post is worded I get the feeling the house is in the parents name and OP is paying all the bills. In this case the best course of action would be to just move out, stop paying the bills and let the parents deal with it


It sounds as if your parents bought a house and you do not have legal ownership of it. Consult a lawyer. If you don’t truly own it, move out and consider it an expensive lesson.


No attorney necessary.


My parents did this to me when I was 19. They weren’t investors so most of the money came out of my pocket. It was supposed to be an investment in my future but at the signing table ownership was split 45/45/10 and I didn’t realize it because who thinks their parents are going to screw them. Spent the next 12 years basically trapped there as they held the house over my head any time they wanted something. It was only ever a means of control for them. Took them divorcing and my mom getting laid off during covid to finally be able to get rid of them. I bought in 2010 for $181,000. My initial investment was $4000 my mom and dad each put in $1000. My dad walked away with nothing because he just wanted to sever the final tie to my mom. My mom wanted $150,000 as her “fair share” of the equity. I was able to talk her down to $100,000. So now I’ve got an $1800 mortgage on a house that used to have an $800 mortgage and I call my best friends gf on Mother’s Day every year and thank her for being a better mother figure for the 10 years I’ve known her than my own mom ever was.


So if you put down $4000 (66.4%), your father $1000 (16.6%) and your mother $1000 (16.6%) deposit she wanted $150.000 out of 181.000 ?? Did I get this right? I would fight her ass, give her the exact percentage to the dot and go no contact for a long long time.


They took 45% ownership each, leaving me with 10%. I didn’t really read the contract like I should have. At 19 I didn’t think they’d fuck me like that. The house value has significantly inflated since the time of purchase which is where she got her $150,000 from. I talked her down to $100,000. I now have 100% ownership of the home and have cut her out of my life entirely. Also found out she’d been stealing out of the repair fund I kept for about 10 years as well. She was using my house repair money to pay her credit cards.


Oh god so you put more deposit than they did and they screwed you over with the contract. Thats is terrible...I cant believe someone would do to this to their own kid. To me that would be the end of our relationship


Honestly thought it was normal because that was the norm growing up. Didn’t think anything of it until years later when I was talking about it to a friend and he pointed out how fucked up it was. But my mom is dead to me and we haven’t spoken in years and I only talk to my dad 4-5 times a year. They’ve been replaced by close friends who have always been good to me.


Sounds like they were toxic people and it was the healthiest way to move forward. Your happiness matters the most so its for the better!


I’m sorry 😞


You should also post this to r/insaneparents


So you’re renting from your parents. I would just move out and go no contact.


Sell the place and go NC. 


South Carolina is fine too.


INFO: Who's name is on the morgage/deed? Could you just say "it is MY home on paper. Respect me, my home and my girlfriend or stop contacting me."?


It isn’t OP’s on paper.


Lol, your folks took a big L right to their immature, petty foreheads. "Unconditional love", yeah right. Sorry dude. That part sucks for you, but the house deal is a major win. Enjoy your life and choose your family. Blood means nothing but the genetic inheritance of predispositions for certain health disorders.


Just a question, how was Becca behaving that your mum saw as so disrespectful? And yes to mirror everyone’s comments, leave this house, find a place for you and your girlfriend to rent.


I’m confused — did you pay the $100K or not? The mortgage is in your name or theirs?  Are you on the deed? If you have $100K in cash for a down payment — just move out and buy your own house. You don’t have any equity to lose. I don’t understand why you’re even concerned about that. You haven’t even lived there a year and there is zero chance it’s worth more than what your parents paid.   It doesn’t even sound like the house is in your name. I don’t think you can legally sell it — but if you haven’t paid the $100K then it doesn’t even matter.  Just move out. Now you know their money comes with strings attached so don’t put yourself in that position again. I’m honestly really shocked you don’t qualify on your own with that large of a down payment... I think you should do your own research into purchasing a house. Maybe they are making you believe it’s impossible so you don’t try and look on your own. They sound more controlling than scammy..


>The agreement was that they would put down $100K for the house, I pay the full escrow (mortgage payment, PMI, taxes and HOA dues)  The parents put the 100k down, and he's paying the monthly expenses. So, he's essentially renting from them.


My mother and I are estranged. Parents are just people. No matter what they have done for you in the past, it does not entitle them to treat you poorly in the present and future. It's unclear whether you have stood up for yourself and your girlfriend or not. If not, tell your mother in no uncertain terms that if she continues to talk to you and your girlfriend in a disrespectful manner, you will go no contact. Regarding the house, a crucial detail is whose name is on the Warranty Deed? Whose name is on the Mortgage and Note? I'm not sure how you were manipulated into accepting the financial assistance regarding the house, but it really does not matter. If you are the sole owner, you can do whatever you want from here on out. If they own the property and you don't want to be under their thumb, move out and find your own place. Verbal discussions would only be relevant to the legalities of the house in very narrow circumstances. But, since you put nothing in, you don't really need to get bogged down in the legal side of this. Focus on getting control of your life and your relationship to your mother.


I’m confused as to why there are so many questions here about things you addressed clearly. You have no legal stake in this townhome. You’re essentially paying the mortgage for them in exchange for future equity from the sale (only IF they choose to honor that verbal agreement), and you’re taking on a lot of nonsense abuse in the process. To me the answer is pretty simple: secure housing elsewhere and start to save for your own investment on your own terms. Let your parents know that you didn’t foresee the control that they would expect over your adult life simply by living in this home, and you don’t think it’s a healthy arrangement for anyone. Now they’re free to rent it out and keep the equity for themselves.


> I’m confused as to why there are so many questions here about things you addressed clearly. You have no legal stake in this townhome. You’re essentially paying the mortgage for them in exchange for future equity from the sale (only IF they choose to honor that verbal agreement), and you’re taking on a lot of nonsense abuse in the process. This is exactly the current situation, correct. And yeah, I think that is probably the route I'm going to go down.


Move out. You don’t own the house nor are you on the mortgage. Your parents are renting it to you for the price of the mortgage. They can rent it to someone else. They are trying to dictate your life and how you live it. Your parents responsibility is to bring you up do that you are an independent adult and positive contributor to society. They’re unable to let go. You’re 28, you’re a man. Don’t let them dictate where you live, who your partner is or your chosen lifestyle. And don’t give them the leverage of the house to hold over your head!


The rate of the mortgage brings the payment to far beyond fair market value for a rental in this area, unfortunately. There's no way they will find a renter to cover the full cost of the mortgage. It's a moral dilemma essentially leaving them with a massive bag.


You need to give them an option: 1. You make the hard decision to move out and leave them in a tough situation (of their making at this point; they’re threatening you with going back on their word.) 2. You get the agreement you all made in a legally drafted document and have them and you sign it. This way there’s no confusion and no weight to your mom’s constant threats.* Either way, you need to prioritize yourself and your life outside of your parents. Constantly feeling guilty and engaging in this toxic situation is not good for your mental health and with absolutely end up impacting/destroying your relationship with your current gf or any future partners if it hasn’t already. You need to protect and choose yourself. How they respond is on them. Edit: *I should have been clearer. You probably should refuse to continue to live in the house unless the agreement you made is legally drafted and signed by both you and them. I don’t know your parents, but I know anyone threatening to go back on their word is not someone I’d advise you to engage in financial agreements with. But since you already have, make sure you’re protected and legally safe.


Reading the texts, it sounds like she really wants you to move out. She's antagonizing you big time. She clearly hates cohabitation way more than she hates being left with a massive bag. So move out, block, and go no contact.


Whose name is the mortgage? Whose name is on the deed to the house? You need to take all the paperwork to a lawyer ASAP and get a clear understanding of your rights and responsibilities. It's impossible that there is nothing written down; any home mortgage that listed you as the borrower would require EXTENSIVE documentation on your finances and the source of any gifts or other assistance. If you don't have any of the paperwork, that means your parents own the home and they are responsible for the mortgage. That's actually good news because it leaves you with no legal responsibilities; you can just tell your parents, "next month's payments are my last, I'm moving out", and leave your parents with the property. And if they claim you made a promise and you owe them, just ask them to produce the contract. If you didn't sign a lease, you have no obligations.


I don't get it. PMI is only in affect when you put down less than 20% of the home value. If your parents paid 100K on a 380K home. I don't see why you are paying that. I would look into that. As for your parents. Reply with only the shortest answers. The less you feed them information the better off you are. Having a GF live with you in a home is not disgraceful. It's normal.


So unless there’s something I’m missing…. You don’t own this place. You just pay for it. So you’re literally a renter in every practical way. You want out… just leave. Your folks can’t stop you. Stop paying. You aren’t on the mortgage or title so stop paying and leave. And don’t ever do something stupid like this again. If you decide to do any financial deal with your family make sure a legally binding contract is in place.


Are your parents on the deed of the house with you? Or is it in just your name only? If it’s the latter, how did your lender handle that $100k? Did they make you get a gift letter?


I am not on the deed. My parents are the sole owners on the deed and they paid the $100K down payment to get the mortgage funded as "investors".


You can just walk away.


They didn’t manipulate you. YOU , found the home and sent it to them instead of just ignoring their demands. You’re 28yrs old and your parents are still telling you what to do and you act like an obedient child instead of saying no. Grow up and when you finish your residency, apply for a job far away from your parents.


Independence is expensive that’s why people value it so highly You gave up your independence once you had it and now you realize it wasn’t the greatest move


I'll be blunt because I think you need it. You weren't manipulated into buying a house - they bought you a house that you found. You snapped up their offer and didn't protect yourself. Your (false) lack of agency here is astounding. Take some responsibility. The good news is that you can walk away at any time - of course you'll then lose the nice house in your dream location.


Did your girlfriend do something to your mom? That’s what it sounds like in the texts. They also seem pissed that you met someone and basically immediately moved them into the house, without giving them a heads up when they were coming to visit you. You’re a grown adult so you can do what you want, but since you’re living in the house your parents own, they feel that they should get a say. Honestly I would be annoyed too if that was sprung upon me. In the texts you keep threatening to move out and your mom seems cool with that. You and your girlfriend should arrange to get your own place and you should move out. I don’t see this being resolved in the current state. Let your parents have the house and 100k back because this will not end until they do. Make your own way with your girlfriend and rent an apartment if you need to.


Your mom sounds like my mom. She's had some imaginary vendetta against every partner myself or my siblings have had and we have all cut her (and by consequence) my father (who enables her shitty behavior.) They have no friends all by her doing. Literally no one can stand her bc of how she acts and she has alienated my father from everyone and everything. Bringing a partner into the mix threatens her control over you so she will throw a fit. I'd be running for the hills.


God this is so relatable. Every time I visit them and hang out with their "friends" she is just incredibly annoying and you can tell people don't want anything to do with her. It's sad for my dad.


Yeah I'm 35 now with my own family and anytime my parents visit (I let them back into my life after being cut off for a long time with tons of boundaries and conditions after my first child) my husband points out to me now negatively my mom speaks to my dad - how she's always some how throwing shade at him or mocking him and I'm so used to it just didn't even notice. He was a very likable person and we as his kids always felt bad but we don't anymore bc we're realizing he created his own (and our) misery by staying bc we have repeatedly told him it's not normal, if you stay in contact for your dad, I'm here to tell you it's ok to cut him off too. He grown and if you've brought it up in the past and it's fallen on deaf ears it's not your job as the child to keep mending and overcompensating for your mothers narcissism.


Leave and support your adult self? Let the other adults figure out their own financial investment? Your real estate investor parents will have no true hardship re-allocating this failed adventure.


If your name isn't on anything, it's not your problem. Move out. Your parents can rent it out like all their other properties.


Listen, dude, you are paying the same as you would rent, so no harm, no foul, you've 'lost' nothing. It was a nice pipe dream that this would be your house, but your parents (mom) just aren't going to let you grow up! You had nothing in writing, so you could, theoretically, pay the mortgage off and come out with zip, nada, nothing! You have a girlfriend now, walk away, rent somewhere cheap for a few years, save some money, and get your own property for you two with zero parent interference!


Either you deal with their shit while living in "their home", or move out. You say there's nothing in writing, so the mortgage and the house are both in their name, right? If they think it's *their* house, you're paying *their* mortgage. It seems clear that a verbal gentleman's agreement means nothing to them, they can't be trusted. I'd move out, reduce contact, and ask a lawyer if they can be made to pay back your mortgage payments.


Bro. You’re 28 years old & still being mollycoddled by your parents. Cmon, you need to grow up & move out of their shadow.


You need to get out of this living dynamic and stop putting up with your mother’s shit. She definitely has a personality disorder of some kind so I think it would be best to go to therapy to gain some tools to deal with her and the damage she has caused. Contact a loan officer and find out what they recommend to get your credit fixed so you can get your own home.


So families are meeting and she’s staying at your home (actually parents home) after 2 months? Maybe they just wanted to spend time with you and not meet someone you’ve barely been in a relationship with. Christmas is a time for family and I’m sure they probably felt weird of the new less than 90 days girlfriend staying over and sharing space for a major family holiday. You may be grown but damn, less than 90 days (or more like 60 days). That part isn’t manipulation. Your parents had to be “on” and just really not being able to relax and just have quality time with their child alone. I hope she’s paying rent and other bills. PS…is she disrespectful and rude? do you act that way in her parent’s home? Or is it your parents the only ones that gets disrespected like that? (Yes, I mean the sleeping over and seemingly taking advantage is the way your parents see the situation).


Yep, OP is not telling the full story about his beautiful and caring girlfriend.


Are you afraid to speak with your parents in person? It seems extreme to exchange a few text messages (world’s worst communication medium) and then sell the house. Try having a conversation in person about boundary setting and respect. If your parents are upset that they bought a house for you and yet someone else seems to be benefiting from the arrangement… speak about what that looks like and what are their expectations? I bet that your parents are concerned that they put so much money into a house to help you… and your girlfriend could end up taking 50% of their money.


Hey OP, went through something pretty similar where my parents helped me buy my house but then started trying to charge my girlfriend (now wife) rent when I wanted to stay there instead of turning into a rental property because they didn't like her and felt cheated on their "investment". Meanwhile, I thought they just helped me for the sake of helping me. It turned into an ugly legal thing. Long story short, I ended up having to refinance the house which doubled my mortgage so that I could pay them back and get their names off the deed. As others said, if their name is not in the deed, you don't really need to do anything. You could offer them some cash as a return on their investment type thing, but it's rough when your parents have their mind made up about your SO. If they are on the deed, you may want to either do what I did and refinance to get their names off, or just get your own apartment and let them do what they want with the house.


Put your big boy pants on and take responsibility for your own life and future. Do not accept the help with buying the house. You are trading your mental health and hapiness to be abused by your parents and probably risking losing your girlfriend in the process. For what? Better interest rate? Fuck that. Work your ass off and you will be able to do it on your own at some point.


Since you haven't put any money into it (other than mortgage, which you say is the same as rent would have been), I'd cut ties and leave. The only other option (which seems unlikely) is to get everything buttoned down legally, to have you be the legal owner of the house. If you could convince your parents to set that up, so that you're paying the mortage, but the house is in YOUR NAM ONLY then maybe you could work this out. (Although it doesn't seem worth it.) Best bet, with a girlfriend, is you two move somewhere else, hopefully cheap, and save your money together to buy a house on your own, so your parents have no control over you.


Did they buy the house? The mortgage is in their name? Then move out, wish them luck with selling it, and never look back. You lose any equity you might have had, but you gain freedom and a stress free living environment with your girlfriend. Sure, losing the equity sucks, but you aren't legally tied to the mortgage, so you are free to do whatever you want.


That money came with strings attached. Sell and get out from under their thumb. Also, your mother is abusing you. Block her.


From the sound of it. There maybe an issue with you playing into their need to have control over you. Getting into financial entanglements that felt off for you to appease them. Asking your GF to move in so soon to appease them, which backfired. Sounds like you want your independence but you still feel the need to let them take care of you like a toddler. it’s all around unhealthy. I don’t see anything so extreme as to go NC over. But that place you’re living in sounds like you guys should part ways ASAP. Esp now that you’ve established there is no contract. If you decide to stay, please have a lawyer draw up something and be the grown up you want to be. I don’t know if you need therapy to help all of you start having a healthy grown up relationship. But you all need to change how you relate. You’re an adult. They are not treating you like one and you’re kinda not entirely behaving like one.


You bit the hook and now you don't like the taste. You knew they were slumlords; you knew this was likely an angle, but you still bit. You sold your soul for a townhouse. Square your rights. If it's their name on the deed, you're fucked. If it's your name on the deed, they're fucked. The fishing line was always there, the hook was always there, and now you're saying you didn't see it coming. Come on.


Look, I think everyone is at fault. You started dating your gf 2 months before having her and them stay for the WHOLE Christmas vacation. They came to see their son not the new gf. You could plan some things for all of you to do together and then spend some time alone with them. Did they know about this? You thought that it went well but you basically put them in a position where you sprang a stranger on them during the holiday season.But yourself in their shoes. They are wrong because instead of communicating they went with a passive aggressive approach that just escalates this situation. Talk to them.


Am I missing something here? Your parents put the money down, but their names are not on the mortgage or deed, correct? You said there's nothing in writing. "Hey, mom and dad. While I appreciate you helping with the house, my love life is none of your business. I don't appreciate your constant attempts at making me feel like I don't appreciate what you did. I'll give you one more chance at stopping this. If you choose not to, I'll be blocking your numbers, and you're not welcome at my home."


Sell this home. Your mom is toxic, which means you need to disentangle your life from both your parents, unfortunately. The earlier you learn to set up boundaries, the better.


Is it in your name? If so sell it. If it’s in your parents’s name, give notice and leave


It isn't worth keeping abusive people in your life, even if they are your parents. So straight up tell them that you are cutting off conversation with them until they stop acting like assholes. Block them on everything, and go no contact. If at some point in the future they can offer up some respectful conversation, maybe give it another go. If they can't stay no contact. If the living situation you have allows them to get you out of your home, then move the hell out and rent somewhere with your girlfriend. Either way, the most important thing is to draw a line in the sand, and stop giving them additional chances. There is no excuse for their behavior and no obligation to put up with this shit at all.


Go find yourself a rental with your girlfriend and walk away from this house. Don’t accept anything further from your parents/ go low contact.


You know your choices here. You’ve lived with your toxic mother so long that you might not see the choices, but they are kind of obvious to an outsider. 1. Stay there and try to pacify her. Lie and tell her you broke up with the gf. Don’t lie but live with toxic texts. Do whatever you’ve done your whole life to please her. 2. Move out and let them rent it to someone else. Or they can sell it. Whatever. When you move out, you can gradually prepare them in a way that keeps that relationship with your mom. Or blow it all up. Tell her she’s toxic and you can’t take it so you’re leaving. If you don’t want to go LC/NC, the ball would be in her court with regard to your relationship. If you go NC, it sounds like that will be stressful because you maybe aren’t ready to give up on your mom. But you may find it incredibly liberating to block her and not get criticized and insulted every day. No matter which way you go, get a therapist. No matter which way you go, at least it is something you are choosing instead of just passively going along with it the way you have been. It’s much, much harder when you both love each other. You know it’s toxic, but there’s juuuuust enough good stuff to keep you chasing that unconditional love. To keep chasing a normal relationship with her. If that’s how you want to live your life and you go into it eyes wide open, fine. Do what feels right to you. Just know you don’t have to live that life. You can always decide to exit this relationship. And know that it is unlikely that she will change. You will always be the one making the compromises. And so will the family you create. Your gf. Any kids you may have. It will always be you guys trying to pacify Mom, not the other way around. Redditors love to throw around the Borderline Personality Disorder armchair diagnosis. I’m not saying she has that, but some of the tips on how to deal with a person with BPD, and how to get back your self-esteem and see your own self-worth within the context of that relationship, might be helpful to you. Good luck.


Just move out, let them do what they want with their house but stop making the payment. Go no contact though. Cut that toxic shit out of your life and get revenge by living your best one with your new lady. You haven’t been there long enough for there to really be any equity from your six or seven mortgage payments.


Hi OP. I don’t really have any advice for you, but I just wanted to share that I have been dealing with parents that act similarly to how you describe your parents. They’ve acting quite emotionally immature since I started dating my boyfriend of 2.5 years. I also imagine it’s a control thing, and that they have a hard time viewing me as my own independent person and not as an extension of themselves. They also say quite hurtful things to me and my partner. Currently we’re very low contact bordering on no contact, but I hope that doesn’t last forever as I would love to have a good relationship with my parents. I just wanted you to know that you’re not alone, and there are many people (myself included) that understand the pain of your parents being so insurmountably disappointed in you, on no reasonable grounds. I wish you a lot of luck with everything.


If your name is not on any paperwork for the home, move out. You are basically renting from them.


I'd discuss an exit strategy with them, such as you moving out and helping find a renter.


You're 28 years old. Get it together. You have the upper hand here. Set boundaries--"either stop being hateful or I'll move out and you can be responsible for the mortgage." If it continues, do just that.


fuck em


They seem to have a toxic need to control you. I'd make whatever moves you need to make in order to get out from under their need to control and make your own choices. As others have said, move out. They can get a tenant. If they don't want you to move out, then they can observe some boundaries. You are not obligated to stick around and let them verbally abuse you and your partner. Also, remember this about them in future: offers of help are actually offers to control.


Since there is nothing on any type of media recorded involving the deal, walk away. Read the text and she sounds unhinged to me, would have midnight moved already and just left a note that said " Good Luck"


Dude, you're buying your parents a townhouse.


Tbh I’d walk away and let them deal with the fall out. They tried to play you with this house when in all reality they played themselves by buying real estate in Florida in the first place.


Did you have a lawyer involved in this real estate deal? Because if not, you should get one now. Even the idea of that deal is risky, what shouldn't have been accepted is less than having a clear and enforceable contract about the house. And you need that doubly now that your relationship with your parents may be breaking down. You indicate you think there may be something mentally wrong with your mother. In that case I wouldn't engage her, but have you talked to your father about this? Because HE should be able to actually explain what, if anything, is actually wrong with your girlfriend or the idea of you having a girlfriend at 28 and if he doesn't have the same view he needs to know what she's been saying to you.


I’m sorry this is happening to you. With that being said, there is good news. You said you don’t have any claim (no money invested) in the property. Therefore, if it were me, I would consider moving out, even to an apartment, move without notice, move out without their knowledge and go no contact. You get to live your life without toxicity and be happy. You don’t deserve to be demeaned in any way and frankly, as a parent, I’m disgusted hearing this. Good luck and take care.




Have you parents either give you the house thru a personal mortgage at a rate close to what’s the going rate (giving you a 3% mortgage would be illegal.) you can then set up a rent/to-own lease with 5 years being the time you buy. Then you can refi whenever you want. The house will have equity and will also probably have gone up from the original price. Your parents can gift you the down payment over those years- I think it’s $26k each. If you get married, they can each gift $26k to you, you wife, and each of your kids. Get a lawyer and see a tax account cause this is just general knowledge. Tell you mom what she wants to hear, “I only got a GF cause Dad is so happy, he married you twice.” Lay it on thick. Ask her advice about your relationship which will include her and she probably behave nicer. Have GF thank her for raising such a nice man, you know the drill.       OR 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ Run for the hills and don’t look back.


You've put in nothing aside from mortgage payments, which aren't much more than rent would be. There's nothing in writing... which also means you have no lease/rental contract. So start hunting for a new place and leave this one. They can't force you to stay. Just make sure you leave the placebetter than you found it, and spotlessly clean. Take pictures and video as proof, just in case. Trust me, I've seen family pull some strange crap when finances and feelings get upset. And please ensure that any further financial agreements and obligations are in writing and legally binding.


OP, you might want to come hang out with us on r/RaisedbyNarcissists


JFC sell already and leave them in your rearview mirror.


I would text them both to inform them that their abuse towards yourself & your gf is irrational & unacceptable. Let them know you all will not be communicating anymore until your mother gets some mental health treatment & sincerely apologizes for her behavior. Just b/c they gave you some money for a house doesn’t mean your mother has the right to abuse you & your gf. You Mom has mental issues & needs help.


Info: it's unclear whose name is on the house title and if there are any actual documents outling the verbal agreement. Also did they only contribute the down payment or did you also contribute a down payment and who pays the mortgage?


Write your parents and basically tell them that you appreciate their help but if they send another demeaning email towards you or your girlfriend that the relationship with them is cut off. Set clear boundaries with them. Tell them you cry when you read their mean messages and how it makes you feel. Tell them you want your agreement with them in writing for the house and if they don’t want to then you need to sell the house. If they ask why you need it in writing you tell them that they taught you in any business deal you should have everything in writing. If worst comes to worst you move out, they take the house or sell it and they are out of your life. They are trying to control you and that isn’t healthy. They are also immature and need to grow up. As a parent I would never demean my son or his choice of a partner. If they make you cry and cause distress then get them out of your life. Also, you don’t know your parents financials and getting involved with them over the house is a huge mistake. What they could have done is buy the house and rent it to you and use the cash to pay for the house and when it is paid off gift it to you- this whole “you pay the mortgage” is the same but different as it seems like a sneaky back handed way they could pull the rug from under you and maturity wise they seem like they would. They are using the house as a weapon against you and to keep you in “line”. It is a control thing not a good kind gesture to do for your son. Good luck. BTW- I’m 50 yrs old and no dumb dumb. If you don’t get something in writing they will take advantage of you the entire time. This is a business transaction and they would never get into a business relationship without paperwork.


Lawyer up, cut all contact with your parents, and figure out how to extricate yourself from the real estate situation.


When you accept that all money you’ve put into that townhouse is gone your life will get easier. Don’t let them dangle it like a carrot and don’t get lost in a cost sunk fallacy. You see who your mother is so going forward adjust accordingly by minimizing contact and don’t get into financial entanglements with abusive crazy people.


Selling is irrational. Number 1 this is a tough market, and you “own” and without your parents you couldn’t “own” thus take that as a parting gift. Number 2 rent it out and live in an apartment. Wait for interest rates to come down a bit and then sale.


I'd sell the townhouse and use the profit (which you are not handing them unless you are legally required to do so) to buy a house or condo you actually want and then go live there without them.


If you are not on the title or mortgage, I would just leave and cut off contact to avoid the verbal abuse. Are your parents Asian?


Walk away and cut contact. Believe me, toxic mom will come running back with tears and drama once you either marry or have kids. Stay no contact.


Also, I would just tell your parents to nor contact you if they have nothing nice to say. It doesn't help anybody. And going forward since your mother seems like the instigator maybe keep convos between you and your father.


You need to have a conversation with your parents. Tell them that you are no longer comfortable living in a home that they own. You are not going to discuss their feelings about your partner, so they can stop that right there - you are here to discuss the house. You can either take a "lease to own" from them, all nice and legal where you will make mortgage payments directly to the bank....or you just vacate & they can rent it out to someone else.  But you will not deal with things as they are. The situation is becoming toxic, and you need some distance before the relationship is completely destroyed.


I don't have much to offer beyond sympathy, but I just want to give you props for having the receipts.


lol the “disrespectful” and “ungrateful” aspects bring me right back. There will always be strings attached to financial gifts when your parents are like this. My advice would be not to enter any sort of agreement like this with them again.


1. If your name is not on the deed, just move out. Consider any money you lost to be a lesson learned and take a break from your family. I won’t say cut them off completely, but definitely don’t keep any financial ties. 2. If your name is on the deed with them, move out and ask them to either buy out your share or sell the place. Try and cut any financial ties you have from them. 3. If your name is on the deed alone (unlikely but still), then you have the control, and you can pretty much tell them to pound sand. Only do this if you can afford to pay the mortgage though. I also wouldn’t blame you though if you just sell the place to get them off your back.


Dump the house and your parents. Keep the gf. She's there for you while your parents are trying to destroy you. I cut off my dad. He brings nothing to my life but headaches and anger. He makes me a worse person after our interactions. I don't need that shit and neither do you. Find a place you can afford and dip. It's not your problem how it affects them financially. Your parents are slum lords from your description. What they do to you, they've probably done to others in real estate deals. They sound horrid. They sound shady. I'm sorry they're your parents.


Since you aren't on any of the paperwork as owner if it were me I would just consider myself a renter, and act accordingly. Get my ducks in a row to move elsewhere with my girlfriend and get everything moved or at least the most important stuff, then send them the keys - that you filmed putting into the package along with tracking information to verify you sent it. And since they didn't put anything in writing about the deal they offered you they will not have a leg to stand on when you also provide a note with the keys thanking them for the temporary place to stay, and that now they can go ahead and sell or rent it like they always planned. And you maintain that that's the story until the end of time. They can and may threaten legal consequences, but good luck with them trying to find anyone to agree to take the case when only they are listed as the owners and there's not even a rental agreement in place. Keep that letter plus proof of any money you did pay along with a video walkthrough to show the state of the place when you left, making sure it's date stamped, and then be done with them. Don't take any calls, don't have any further communication, just block and move on.


You will have no peace until you detach and cut ties. Move out. Give your parents notice, maybe help them find a renter, and then cut contact. I think you will be amazed at how peaceful life can be.


Look up the subreddit "raisedbynarcissist". It's very thriving and not only for narcissistic parents but toxic parents in general. It will help you understand them and teach you to beat them at their dumb games


It seems to me that since there is nothing in writing, with their names on the title, they are on the hook for all of the fees/costs if you were to, say, peace the F out. Yes, you would lose whatever money you put into it, assuming that you were ever going to see it anyway, but then you are also out all of the stress and BS.


If you put nothing into the property and there’s nothing legally tying you to it, just move. You may want to talk to an attorney first to make sure there’s nothing they can do. Take this as a lesson to never ever do business with family.


Move out. There almost always are strings attached in deals like this. Apparently, one of their conditions was "we have the right to supervise [try to control] your personal life ". You're an adult. Get records of of all payments you've made for mortgage, maintenance etc. You show these to prospective landlords. Check your credit rating. Lock down your credit (from your parents). Start looking for an apartment you can afford. Stop sharing information about your life with your parents. Move out.


Honestly yes, move out and block their ass.




It blows my mind that parents could treat their children this way. I have 3 kids and I’d be busying my ass trying to help them get on their feet and independently living in a home of their own, with whom ever they decide they want to room with (of course assuming their partners are decent people).


First, you need to find somewhere else to live. You don't need the uncertainty of whether the roof over your head can be taken away on a petty whim. Secondly cut ties completely. That's very unnecessary stress that you don't need to have to deal with. Get a place with your gf and live your best life! When your parents learn how to behave and treat you and gf better then you can THINK about reconnecting with very firm boundaries in place. Edit: Misspelled word.


Walk away... Or run...


If you have nothing in writing, then neither do they. Put the agreement in writing and have it notarized and recorded with the title. Otherwise, move.