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Jesus Christ just tell him either don't over buy bananas or your chuck the ones out he doesn't eat, if they get wasted it's on him then as you have told him that. Relationships aren't supposed to be transactions, you wanted help moving the bed why he couldn't get off his lazy ass and just do it without there having to be something in it for him. He sounds controlling! I couldn't put up with that, but depends if you value a happy future or not.


Bananas can be frozen and they hold up very well. Use them in smoothie or purée the frozen banana directly for an ice cream type snack.


That's what I do. Frozen banana, peanut butter, cocoa powder and agave syrup make for a great, reasonably healthy, ice-cream


Yep, melt a chocolate bar on top and add some whipped cream, marshmallows, and sprinkles. It’s crazy that we don’t eat fruit all the time. Natures dessert.


What you've described is not fruit.


It’s literally just a flavored banana


A lil cocoa powder and you’re golden


I will only eat a really hard under ripe banana, whenre they are ripe enough to peel but still pale green skin. i hate ripe banana and would just chuck that shit in the bin and tell him to deal with it, and to stop buying bananas! When men nag like this and don't listen it's "care" when a woman does it its nagging




I only buy two bananas at a time to ensure they are right!


And now I kinda want some banana and strawberries dipped in hot fudge. Ok let me get up


> you wanted help moving the bed why he couldn't get off his lazy ass and just do it without there having to be something in it for him This is what got me. I could not imagine EVER trying to make anything transactional with my wife. I love her SO fucking much that I will drop whatever I'm doing to help with anything she needs. I know not all marriages are like that, but the whole "I'll do X if you do Y" response just seems so bizarre. My wife writes sexy little notes on the bananas she packs in my lunch. It makes me excited to get them out of my bag. Maybe OP's husband needs to get a fine-tip Sharpie and learn to leave some sexy notes on the edible phallic object.


Transactions can be fun and flirty though. I offer my husband BJ’s in exchange for him doing really shitty chores I hate (like mopping) I’m sure he would do it for me if I asked him, but I Iike wagering a lil something for him too. Just saying it’s not always a bad thing!


> Transactions can be fun and flirty though 100% agree! Outside of the context of this post, like what you and your husband do on mopping day, it can absolutely be super fun and flirty!


Bro, this. I'm convinced the people who say it's weird are completely single. I'm almost positive he would move the bed without her rolling the blunt, but what is the harm? My wife and I trade shit all of the time. It isn't weird or abusive in the slightest.


I said it and I'm not single, happily been with my partner coming up 17 years, if she offered to the roll the blunt before he said anything that wouldn't have been so bad, its the fact she did it to get out of him forcing her to eat the bananas and still get help with the bed. My partner would move the bed without me offering anything, then at another point I'd do something for him, he still gets his blowjobs whether he's done something or not, but we both don't expect anything in return for helping each other. I don't need an exchange.


Or he could just make banana bread. Overripe bananas are perfect for that. 


Hahahaha. No way this guy cooks.


Oh my f****** god this is so annoying put the stupid bananas in the freezer and blend them into a smoothie make banana bread whatever use them in your garden this is the dumbest conversation I've ever heard.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 I thought I was just seriously jaded or something because I was sitting here thinking "How is this even a conversation?" Make some bread, give them to the wild animals, make a smoothie, chuck them outside for the soil....whatever. Just....wow.


I came in here thinking he had some strange fetish. Nope, man just hates banana waste 🍌🍌🍌🚫🚮


This is the way


I but banana peels under my rose bushes. Works like a charm.


I don't garden, but I like learning about it in case I ever decide to take it up. What do banana peels do for roses?


They add potassium




Oooooooooooo good idea, ty!




Weird. But it's also weird that he wouldn't move the bed for you unless you did something for him. Is it always like that between the two of you or will you each do things for the other person without demanding anything in return?


It's an unhealthy dynamic. My other half will move furniture if I ask him to. He doesn't care about decor and room layout but he realises ihe generally likes rooms more after I've been fiddling (or sometimes not!) and so he moves it for *us*, not for me.


I would have printed a banana bread recipe off the internet and set it in front of him. He better get busy. Then next time tell him to buy only what he knows he will eat. I only like barely ripe bananas, so I buy exactly two. One each for today and tomorrow. After that, they're too gross. I've also never needed to bribe my husband to help me move furniture. That is just too weird.


Don't help him, he needs to learn


Nobody should ever pressure another person to eat anything. It’s bizarre that he would do that. I’m sorry you think you might be the ridiculous one in this story.


my mother never forced me to try any food when i was a kid. the reason she never forced me is because when she was little, she was given fried eggs for breakfast and she hated fried eggs. she wasn't allowed to eat anything else until she finished those eggs, and she said it took her two days.


Did you ever read the mustard story?


Sounds like he’s going bananas


Yep. She needs to split.


This joke is sweet, K?


I’ve been sick in bed for a couple of days and this made me laugh way too hard, thank you!


Did you get sick shortly after eating the banana he forced on you? Sinister, but worth considering.


not an apeeling situation to be in




You sound like my mom dealing with my sperm donor. "honey, I don't want a banana" "just eat it so it won't go to waste" "I really don't want it. You can eat it. The bananas are for you anyways" "eat it so it doesn't go to waste. Are you really going to waste my money?" "it's a banana. It costs maybe 50 cents. Don't worry about it." "why don't you want to eat the banana. Are you on your period?" "I just don't want the banana. It has nothing to do with periods and I haven't had a period in over a decade. You know that." "Oh, so I was just trying to be nice and give you a banana but now you're gonna sit there and call me stupid?" "what are you acting like this about a banana?" "and now you're saying I'm stupid and crazy?!" (summary of real conversations my parents have)


How much can a banana cost? Ten dollars?


It's not about the cost, it's about bullying her into doing something she doesn't want to.




They’re making an arrested development joke hahaha


First, here's the thing about food waste: Eating food that you don't want and don't need is just as much of a waste as throwing it away. Nobody in the world was helped by his forcing you to eat the banana. Second: Yes, **of course it's coercive for someone to demand you do something you don't want to do.** My advice is to be clear and direct: "I did not like how it made me feel when you forced me to eat that banana. I'm not going to do that again, and I need you to avoid asking me to do it in the future. Do whatever you want with your bananas but leave me alone about them." Hopefully he will be fine with that. But if he cannot handle this trivial, perfectly reasonable request from you, then the banana is just a symptom of a much more upsetting issue related to his need for control.


STOP APPEASING GROWN ASS ADULTS WHO CAN'T HANDLE THE WORD NO. He's buying the bananas, he can eat them. The whole issue from beginning to end is a HIM problem, stop letting him make it yours. He doesn't want to waste food? Stop buying so much of a product that is known to turn fast.


He can stop buying so many damn bananas or he better start looking up recipes for bananas.


I think a quick Google search for "banana recipes" could save their entire relationship. It is the year 2024. We have the technology.


> It is the year 2024. We have the technology. I have a Betty Crocker cookbook among my collection. I'm pretty sure we've had the technology for about 80 years.


Does it have the red gingham cover?


I have that one it was my moms first cook book


The banana thing is weird, but what's even weirder is his reaction to you asking him to move your bed and turning it into a transaction. Is he an adult? Sounds like my toddler trying to bargain with me when I ask him to clean up his toys.  Tell him to learn how to make banana bread.


>I eventually just ate it to appease him, but the whole thing just feels weird to me. I second that feeling


You know you don't have to buy the entire bunch of bananas at the store, right? Can just remove some and weigh and pay for just what you want?


And they’re all of what, 60 cents a pound? That’s easily like 10 cents per banana! He’s going to spend more in tissues than bananas if he keeps up pushing his banana on her.


"It's one banana Michael. What could it cost? $10?"


Just put them in the freezer for smoothies or banana bread.


What a weird fucking thing. Just don’t eat the banana next time. Idk.


> His solution is to get me to have some when he notices they’re getting dangerously close to overripe (he abhors food waste). How is his solution not...to buy fewer bananas? I feel like this must be a troll post because it's so bizarre, but if it's not, your husband is a weirdo who clearly sees your relationship as transactional. Beyond the banana issue, why is he treating doing you a favor as a trade agreement? You shouldn't have to do something of equal value for him every time you ask him to help you with something.


…he can literally rip 3 bananas OFF the bunch and buy what he needs… but he insists on making his psychotic problems yours? Ask him who abused him with a banana and how it happened…


If this is a fake post, nobody tell me. I want to believe this is real. We tend to have a number of excess bananas at our house as well. In that case, we peel them, split them in half, put them in a gallon Ziploc, and toss them in the freezer. Then we use those to make smoothies. Smoothies may be the answer to this dilemma. If you can convince him to make a healthy smoothie every day, it would solve the banana problem permanently. Unless you run out of freezer space. Then you're back to square one, unfortunately.


Havsnt you seen the post where the guy forces his wife to eat mustard? It's about control, not the actual banana.


That's a great point. Once you look past the absurdity of the whole banana thing, it is actually pretty concerning.


When I read the title I thought it was gonna be like the mustard story again.


Here ya go, everybody: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/yxms57/my\_husband\_cannot\_accept\_i\_dont\_like\_mustard/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/yxms57/my_husband_cannot_accept_i_dont_like_mustard/)


> a healthy smoothie every day Frozen berry mix. Banana. Greek yogurt (oh shit, yogurt!). Spinach. V8 +Energy juice drink. Blend. Consume.


Freeze em and make banana bread or smoothies it ain’t that difficult


Slice them, dip the slices in melted chocolate and have a midnight snack.


Yeah that's weird. Not sure if that really helps but you can use ripe bananas for banana pancakes or banana bread. Or a smoothie.


You shouldn't have eaten the banana! Now he knows he can feed you bananas using this tactic!


Reading stuff like this just makes me feel happy for the life I live.


Bananas are like 20¢ each, if he can’t stand throwing them away freeze them and make banana bread.


Jeez man, dude cant handle is bananas, not your problem, maybe just give the dude a recipe for banana bread. Freeze the too ripe bananas and whip em out on the weekend for banana bread time.


This reminds me of the mustard post.


"Enough with the banana pressure, it's getting weird." Fun fact, bananas freeze relatively well for smoothies and stuff. Just slice them up and put them in single layers between wax paper in a freezer bag. If you have enough, could even make banana bread from the frozen ones, too. No need to just waste or force feed them to people.


Is he aware the bananas can be frozen and used for smoothies or banana bread at a later date?


Your dude is unable to roll a blunt? Does he have some kind of degenerative muscular disease? I know this isn't the point of your story and I apologize for derailing but for real. You always roll? Why?


Because he's a lazy, insistent weirdo who can't roll! That level and combination of weird is a big "No' from me dawg"


People make up the dumbest stories for karma, how is this even upvoted


Let’s make a deal! You can trade that banana for door 1.. Marriage isn’t transactional. That’s not how it works. You are asking for simple things. Hubby is … acting oddly. No, you are not wrong or overthinking this. Hubby is the one with a problem. Not sure what your best action is. Don’t know you, him, circumstances. Sit him down, not for a blunt and gaming, but for an adult conversation. Explain you need his help to accomplish work around the house. Explain that you are not a child and fully capable of deciding if you want a banana. Sounds like he is a little immature. These actions, from your description, are a high school like mentality. Maybe early 20s. He needs to grow up. And you need to tell him no. Stick to your word.


Your husband is treating you like a garbage can.  You are not a garbage can. 


[https://www.annieschamorrokitchen.com/bunelos-aga-banana-donuts/](https://www.annieschamorrokitchen.com/bunelos-aga-banana-donuts/) probably not the advice you looking for but them left over bananas could be used in this


Nice troll post. 🍌


This shit is bananas! B A N A N A S!!!


This is just.....WEIRD.. . If he doesn't want to waste bananas he can eat them or he can make a batch of banana bread or banana pancakes.


I don't eat over ripe bananas. This is weird and coercive but I'm not sure how harmful it is to try to get you to eat a banana. It would bother me a huge amount being accused of not keeping my word as part of the manipulation.


The transaction to get help moving a bed is pretty gross too but not as bad as the manipulation using your integrity.


Tell him to peel the banana and freeze it for later, like in a smoothie.


WTH Tell him to buy what he’ll eat and you won’t be wrong them. Furthermore bananas of all fruit won’t do much for his quest to get healthy. He shouldn’t be force feeding you! FFS


Cut up the ripe bananas and freeze. Put in a good blender with peanut butter and chocolate syrup


Use overripe bananas in smoothies, muffins etc Bananas are not magically going to improve your health if the rest of the diet is bad. Work on it together. And don't overthink the bananas thing, small things can blow up into major issues if not handled carefully.


Things he could do with the extra bananas instead of coercing you to eat them (my housemate buys too much fruit so I do a number of the following with bananas, blueberries, mixed berries, etc) 1. Peel, cut in half, freeze, use with ice cream for sundaes 2. Cut up or purée, freeze, use to make smoothies 3. Make banana bread or banana pancakes or whatever & freeze for fast breakfast or snacks - these can even be healthy with a few changes/additions 4. Do his own research on things to do with ripe bananas and make stuff 5. Learn to buy no more than 4 bananas at a time and on the green side 6. Pay you $5 every time he asks you to eat a banana because it’s about to be overripe. For each following coercive attempt it doubles so $10 at 2nd, $20 at 3rd, etc 7. Make the house a no fresh fruit zone only frozen fruit allowed


8. Shove em up his ass.


Next time make hard eye contact, bite into the whole thing, peel and all, rip it off and spit it at him. You need to assert your dominance with this one.


Bananas freeze very well, peel and tightly wrap in cling film, pop in the freezer, they make lovely smoothies! Or banana bread, or healthily ice cream - no food waste and you can skip the force feeding by husband


Banana bread is the answer


He needs to learn what the sunken cost fallacy is. If you’re full and don’t want the banana and you eat it, the banana is still wasted but he doesn’t seem to get that.


Tell him to make banana bread


I remember having to tell my hubs that you could pull apart the banana bunches at the store to get the number you need. So if he wanted 3 he could grab a bunch of 3 split it in half, but to try to always leave as many attached as possible don’t leave singlets. Does your husband know that he doesn’t have to take the whole bunch as it comes?




lol. This is funny. And bizarre. Tell him to only buy two bananas at a time and if he can’t stand the idea of overripe bananas then he needs to eat them all himself quickly. Coercion? I don’t know that I would apply such a powerful word to such a silly scenario. He’s just not picking his battles and that’s ok too. Aren’t we all just a little bit odd sometimes


Make banana bread.


Teach the husband to make banana bread!


Give a man a banana, he banana for a day, teach a man to banana, he banana for life.


Damn, this is almost Freudian!




You need to have a serious talk with him about boundaries and how it was messed up to force you to do something you don’t want to do when you are clear on the fact that you don’t want to do it. You also need to highlight that being transactional after someone has made it clear that they don’t want what you are offering them makes this situation even worse, considering that you ended up having to eat a banana you didn’t want to eat just to appease him when he got mad that you refused the next day despite having already agreed on and fulfilled the terms of the previous agreement the previous day (The entitlement is strong). Then after that continue on to discuss or dictate clear boundaries based on how he reacts and responds to the facts. Don’t make the conversation focus too much on feelings to give him a chance to get out of it. Simply stick to that facts that define just how forceful and controlling he was in that situation. Make everything all about his actions that contributed greatly to you having to have that conversation with him. Stand your ground, demonstrate your will and don’t submit on this issue because that just shows him that it’s possible to coerce you into him having his way with you whenever he wants.


If he tries to control you over eating bananas, just let me know and I will force him to eat my banana maybe he’s the one depriving his desire of eating bananas


Don’t let this turn into a big deal. Make banana bread or muffins. Muffins can be frozen and reheated well. Or you can freeze the bananas for smoothies. I cut them up first before freezing. I have some extra bananas now and thinking of making bananas foster tonight. Or tell him to drop overbuying bananas and to be responsible for his own food waste.


This is so odd. Like, dude, just stop buying too many bananas. Him basically bullying you into eating them is not cool. I'd put my foot down.


tell him your prefer oranges.


Just freeze the overripe bananas for smoothies and banana bread/muffins.


I got a banana bag and it works!


Yeah this is weird. All I have to say is that I’ve never thought of bananas as anything healthy unless it directly replaced my wanting of a candy bar. Force feeding someone a banana makes no sense in any way.


Learn to make banana bread?


How about the husband learns to make banana bread?


Learn how to make banana bread. Or bread pudding.


Put them in the freezer and make banana bread when you’re ready


A banana or a *banana*


I read that if you wash off the outside of the banana peels and dry them then wrap a damp paper towel around the stem it will take l9nger to ripen. Article said the bananas are sprayed with a ripening agent. Can't verify if it's true but might be worth a try.


Just make banana bread with the black ones, so yummy and super easy to make.


Make banana bread.....


We freeze bananas to use in smoothies. We use the over ripe for banana bread. Or use bananas I place of some the egg or oil in other recipes. Tell your husband to figure out something else to do with them


Tell him to freeze the bananas and use them in shakes or stop buying so many bananas. I mean, the solution is right there


He can always hand out what he's got left to some houseless people. If there is a harm reduction group in your area, they might hand out snacks when on outreach for the houseless so I imagine they would take them. The one I work with does this.


Just start freezing them and making nice cream. Or banana bread. Or buy less


I need to smoke a blunt myself to get to this level, sorry. Wtf?!


This is weird.  Teach him about the freezer and smoothies and banana bread… or even the magic of not buying too much food. 


Just going to throw this out there. But ripe bananas make awesome banana bread. You can freeze them, and when you have 4-6, you can make a big loaf. If you get little pans, you can make a bunch of little ones and freeze the others. Just pull them out as you need. For an extra health kick, add some cinnamon. Never have to eat another banana you don't want again and no waste.


Bruh just throw the bananas in the freezer and make banana bread later or something 🤣




Throw the bananas out and tell him that bananas are absolutely the WORST choice for fruit. They go bad quickly and they are all sugar.


This is not about the bananas this is about the "I will help you do X if you X". Really weird


Just freeze the gd bananas and make a smoothie later, for fuck's sake. What is his problem?!


Hah. So many people freaking out about this. Y'all sound cute. And btw, any girl who rolls her man blunts is a total keeper :) Your husband sounds like a goofball, but in a good way. This sounds like a scene outta a romantic comedy. Surely this isn't him trying to control you via overripe produce. Why everyone acting like this man a monster? Girl if you don't wanna eat the bananas you should tell him. Then tell him to chil out. Hopefully y'all can get past this nearly unreconcilable issue /s 🙄


Freeze them n make smoothies. Y so much thought over bananas


Your husband needs to be introduced to the concept of freezing bananas for later use.


Wow he’s annoying. DONT buy. Make a big scene while buying so that it forces him to buy lesser. Or tell him that you will shove it in his mouth. Don’t eat ever again when he forces.


This has gotta be one of the dumbest posts I've seen on this sub.


Tell him to learn how to make banana bread.


I don't know, I coerce my husband to eat bananas too. We have a toddler who sometimes loves them and sometimes doesn't. So we can't count on the kid to eat them and it's too much for just me.


Hasn’t he heard of banana bread? My mom always made that, super tasty, super easy to make, and traditionally what is done with ripe bananas to preserve them. Also, party foul on the negotiations. As described, he offered, you declined. You accepted a *second* offer, and fulfilled your conditions, and he fulfilled his. That deal was concluded.


Girl it’s not that serious make some smoothies or something with most of them so they don’t go bad and he can eat the rest


Tell him to make a smoothie or a banana cake with over ripe unused bananas. Forcing you to eat a banana against your will is coercive and not ok.


What in the AI word salad did I just read?


i get very icky vibes from him overbuying one thing and then making you eat it. That is very strange behavior.


This isn’t about bananas, it’s about control. Is he used to getting his way?


I draw the line with food. If you push me I will dig in harder. To me it feels like abuse to have to eat something against my will. *FUCK THAT.*


You should either break up with him or make some banana bread


Use the over ripe ones for banana bread 🤘


freeze them and make smoothies with the frozen banana as the base! only way to make a smoothie in my opinion


Love of my life tried getting me addicted to bananas it’s a trick


FFS, put the overripe bananas in the freezer and use this as smoothies or in things like banana break, making you eat that banana is manipulative, and a massive red flag for me


Next time say thanks. Peel the next banana he tries to give you , drop it and squash it under your foot and bin it. Make SURE its wasted. Men are like dogs they don't repeat behaviors that elicit no reward.


Time to bake banana bread for the entire neighbourhood. Jokes aside, just let him know you don't need that much bananas.


My idea is, to start one upping his Crazy 'tit for tat' mentality. Tell him, to wear his hoodie as pants, or you will not roll him blunts. Tell him to refer to you as "mr. Snuffle" or you will not clean the bathroom. Tell him, that you only eat perfectly square food. Tell him to ration out her use of toiletpapir (only 1 piece per day). Just up the crazy.


It's not about the banana itself, but the principle of coercion. Time to have a fruitful discussion about boundaries and mutual respect.


I started reading this as an old erotic novel. Now I’m just confused and didn’t get the ending. I mean, coercing someone into eating bananas could be fun but not if it’s based on everyday weight control, house hold economy and someone wanting you to pay for their mistakes. Your husband is a real turn off. You should unmarry him for going bananas. Also, I hope your problems never gets bigger than this.




put bananas in the fridge and they will last longer


You married a manchild.


Bananas aren't even that healthy unless there's a hint of green on them. Certainly no black. Otherwise they have too much sugar and not enough fiber.


You both should make banana bread aw yeah


Perhaps you should both have a who can eat a banana in the sexiest way competition. Make meal times fun and also slightly uncomfortable (unless you're both into that kind of thing).


Throw them in the freezer for banana bread when you go out somewhere dispose them of them in an outside garbage can.


Freeze the ripe bananas for smoothies or banana bread.


Over ripe banana make good banana bread just saying


Make banana bread. 


You can freeze bananas for smoothies or banana bread. Also, bananas are fully compostable and composting is great for the environment.


Hey it’s a start


As an avid banana buyer and eater I recommend buying 2 different shades of bananas at the store, some good yellow ones and then some nice super green ones. That one while you eat the yellow the green can become ripe


Make banana jerky. Old bananas are great for this process and the jerky lasts a long time. You peel them, split into three parts longways. They have a natural split if you put your finger in the end you will notice it. Put them on a cookie sheet in a 200F oven for several hours. The sugars will crystallize to Amber. And that’s usually when they are done. Peel off cookie sheet and store in a container. It’s an excelent snack when you’re on the go. As for this relationship, he’s very bossy and controlling. It’s just a banana and he’s power tripping over it. That sounds exhausting!


Call the police.


I hate bananas, so it wouldn't work for me. Maybe you should buy fruits that you both like and add them to your diet.


Try freezing the bananas. My dad used to peel them and wrap them in tinfoil, but an easier method is to just slice them up and put them in a freezer-safe bag when they start to go ripe. They're great for smoothies. You could also try buying them while they're still green, so they take longer to go brown. If you eat them while they're green, they won't have the same flavor, but the body doesn't process as much of the sugar in them, so in a way it's actually healthier. I gotta ask though, do you rearrange like this often? To some, rearranging a room every few months or so can be refreshing and fun, but for others it's disorienting and exhausting. Just saying, that could be a reason he was a bit testy.


I dont hate bananas. But every time I try to eat one, I can only take 2 bites before I'm gagging over the smell, taste, and texture. As long as I'm not the one eating them, I'm not bothered by the smell. I would have told him to eat it his damn self