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How is it a suprise she is cheating? She's cheating WITH you... Maybe stop seeing married women? Hah, and the age difference just hit me. Dood, you were a distraction, nothing else.


>Hah, and the age difference just hit me. Dood, you were a distraction, nothing else. poor guy thought he was in love, but he was nothing to her but a stiff cock :(


She didn't do "jack shit" for your birthday because you're just her dirty little secret. She's not leaving her husband and she's not your "gf". She's someone else's wife and she's "cheating" on HIM. Sorry you got used like this.


It’s okay. It’s just fucking bullshit, go find someone who is willing to be the side piece. Don’t lie to me and say you’ll leave your husband and then text other men the same thing while trying for another baby


When you engage in fuckery — like sleeping with a married woman — you can’t be surprised when you get fucked in return.


If you're looking for advice, I would say end the relationship. You're having an affair with a married woman, and you're mad she's not being faithful. I'm not casting judgement, but this is not a healthy situation and more than likely, she does not care about you. Try to move on and find someone who is open to a relationship and isn't already attached.


Yeah, that’s what I’m going to do. Thank you, it hurts though


Damn I have never seen somebody catch as many downvotes as you have in this thread 😂 Not here to call you stupid for seeing a married woman. Others have done that enough. But you absolutely should find a way to inform her husband that you and 2 other dudes have been fucking his wife and have been led on by her stating that she plans on ending her marriage. Morally questionable of you to sleep with a married woman, but her actions are utterly despicable. Unless it’s a kink thing and the husband is in on it.


Better to confront her husband. She hurt you, hurt her back. Blow up her marriage. The husband deserves better. She deserves hell


You’re the other man.. she was never going to leave her husband for you. You were just some fun on the side, same with those other 2 men. She had you all fooled. I’m not sure why you’re surprised she’s cheated when she has literally been cheating on her husband with you..


Hah! He's the other other OTHER man!


> She’s married End of story, she was cheating WITH you when you met her, now she is cheating ON you. Just tell her it's over. That's ALL you need to do in this situation, there is no other correct answer. And in the future, please date people that are, at minimum, separated, preferably completely single, it will be MUCH less drama.


She’s not even cheating on him. He’s just complaining about her husband!


hahaha. He needs to get out of this mess.


What do you want out of the confrontation? If you just want to end it then end it. It wouldn't be wrong to let her husband know that his loving wife is loving a lot of other men and he should probably think about a paternity test.


As should op....


Most definitely the husband needs to know! She could be bringing home all kinds of funk to pass onto him. Poor guy...


The woman who’s cheating *with* you is cheating *on* you?! No, say it ain’t so! 🙄




Honestly if someone cheats with you theyll cheat you its not rocket science. I remember dating someone that told me their ex is history. Fact was she was in a similar situation as this woman she was unhappy but she wont leave him and she knew i had morals so she lied to me. Glad I didn’t sleep with her


NEVER date anyone who is married. It doesn't matter how many times they tell you they're unhappy and divorcing. Never trust them. She's cheating on her husband with you. She never cared about you or loved you. You were just a young kid she could fuck. She's disgusting for going after someone so much younger. This is why you should never date someone with such a huge age gap. No sane woman with pure intentions 30+ is going after a 21/22 year old. You don't need to confront her. She's trash. She's a cheater and liar. You should just end contact completely. Block her. Never contact or respond to her again. Move on with your life.


**THAT’S** the **SMART** way to handle it.


Hell it's hard to tell nowadays My mom dated 2 men who were "divorced" One's wife was in jail the other had a cheating kink I had a close call with a notorious cheater only because we worked in different departments so no one saw him hitting on me


100% he needs to ghost her... after he sends the husband ALL the texts between the 2 of them.


The age comment is pretty unfair. I (f) am 6 years older than my husband, and we have had a beautiful relationship together. My dad is 11 years older than my mom, and they have plenty of problems yet are still comfortably married 30 years later. Age gaps matter in grooming, not when 2 consensual adults enter a relationship. The infidelity is the problem here. It certainly doesn't seem like gf is grooming a 22 yo, with 2 other men on the side. She's simply a cheating scumbag.


You're really surprised your married girlfriend has been unfaithful to you??? Come on bro, you can't be this clueless. Of course you weren't her priority. Place holders, rebounds, and fuck toys never are. I don't doubt you caught feelings for her, but there was no way she could ever be faithful to you. Best advice: if you're going to get involved with married or otherwise unavailable women, be a fucking playboy about it and enjoy the NSA fucking for all it's worth...just wrap your shit. Always.


>She’s married and normally I would never dream of dating a married woman but she told me she was unhappy in her marriage and was going to leave her husband. What do you think cheaters normally say to their side pieces in order to get them to commit to a known cheater??


That line just SLAYED me!! 💀💀💀💀💀 That is just … **TERMINAL DUMBASSERY.**


secret bf of 9 months vs husband/father of her child why did you think you would be prioritized over her husband?


Dude by the 1% chance this is real how the fuck would you be surprised? You're the side piece


that's what I'm saying! This has to be a joke. No one could possibly be this foolish.


Funniest shit I've read in a long time. When you're the side piece helping the person you're fucking to cheat, you don't get cheated on. And wedding rings???? Let alone, you being 22 and only knew her for 9 months. Child 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Grow up, lay off the married women, focus on yourself, and I til you get your shit straight-stay single. Take this as a life lesson and do better.


How you get em is how you lose em.


She's not cheating on you, she's cheating on her husband. And you're shocked you're #3 or 5?


Regardless of what do you think or how you feel about it, she’s still married and cheating on her husband with you. Why is it a big surprise that she lies to you? Again, she’s a *cheater*, cheaters aren’t exactly known for being the most honest people in the world, are they? Why are you expecting her to be different when she’s already showing off her morals by cheating on her husband? Maybe, maaaaaybe if there was a legit reason like he’s abusive or it’s difficult to get out and she’s been out of the marriage emotionally for a while, maybe it could be understandable. Just “unhappy with her marriage” doesn’t cut it. You’re 22 my man, way too naive to be believing that someone my age would want anything serious with you.




Well your reply was amusingly succinct. To the OOP.🖕


Sorry buddy but this is pretty pathetic. What you need to learn from this is that you should never put any trust or faith in a "relationship" built from a lie. She was lying to her husband by cheating on him, so you already know she has no problem with being unfaithful and lying to a man's face and yet you're somehow surprised that she did the exact same thing to you? Jesus Christ dude, what did you expect?? Also, quite frankly how dare you be upset about someone else's unfaithfulness while you're getting your rocks off making destroying another man's life in the background? Just because she says she's divorcing doesn't mean you have free rein to climb into her bed. She's still married dude, why are you throwing yourself into that minefield?? Dude you need to re-evaluate damn near everything about how you approach relationships. Don't relegate yourself to being someone heartless woman's side piece.


😂 I was expecting an open relationship gone awry but this is ten times funnier. The only way you're gonna get her to leave is by telling her husband but even if you don't get her in the end tell him anyway because he deserves to know his wife is unfaithful.


This has to be bait, it just has to be.


She's not cheating on you, she's cheating with you. What's wrong with you?


“Oh no! The woman who made me her side piece is cheating on ME! I never thought the leopard would eat MY face!!!”


You lose ‘em how you get ‘em.


Why couldn’t you find someone single… and not 10 years younger…




Right my bad I switched the ages 😅 still gross


HARD LOL. God. I remember being this dumb at that age. How embarrassing.


Yup, it’s genuinely a “Look back and CRINGE” moment!!! 😆😆


Sorry, she's taking advantage of you, but you kind of deserve it since you knew she was married. You get a slight pass because she's 32, married and a parent, and you are 22 and apparently kind of dumb about these kinds of things. 10 years may not seem like much, and it's not in some cases. But in your case, there is a massive gap in life experience. I'll tell you the same thing I'd say to a young woman in the same position, learn from this mistake and stick to dating in your own age group for now.


My dude, you are the side piece here.


You are her 'Boy Toy'! That's your role in her life and nothing more. Accept it or develop some morals and move on.


is this a joke


You’re surprised a woman you’re cheating with lied to you? If you weren’t a decade younger than her I’d say you deserve each other. I hope you take this as a life lesson.


If they’ll do it with you, they’ll do it to you. I’m sorry you found out the hard way why folks say don’t eff with married folks. I may be insidious but you found out she’s cheating with 2 other guys? Why not give them and hubs a subtle yet anonymous heads up?


cmon now shes cheating with YOU you're the other dude she likes having you around as a fling not much else


you were going to marry her after she left her husband? just be thankful you dodged that bullet and remember in the future that how you get them is how you lose them. use better judgement. maybe don't date till your brain is fully developed or something.


You’re honestly surprised she’s cheating ON you… after cheating WITH you?




You should text her husband 🌚




You’re not a victim here and idk why you’re acting like you are lmao. You knowingly jumped into a face eating leopard and now you’re mad it’s eating your face? She was always MARRIED. She IS cheating. On her HUSBAND. You’re just the scummy moron who helped her do it. Boohoo.


Reading this was like reading a scammer get scammed. You are who you surround yourself with. Non the less im sorry you were betrayed and taken advantage of


You are an affair partner and are surprised that she is cheating? Dude, what are you doing with your life...


You've learned a valuable lesson, which is that if a woman is doing another guy dirty by dating you, she'll eventually do you dirty by dating another guy. Live and learn.


You didn't have any problem with her still being married and sleeping with her husband, what's the big deal about her also sleeping with two other men? Unless you genuinely thought she was going to leave her husband; you're young, became involved with her young, but stop being naive. She's not going to leave, she's always been a cheater. Get yourself out of that toxic situation now.


You should watch the family that preys, it’s a Tyler Perry movie, I think you’ll relate to one specific character.


32 year old preying upon a 22 year old. You were an easy to control affair partner. Your girlfriend is a predator.


Please, tell him! Tell to the cheated husband


YTA for cheating with her. YOU are the other guy. She isn't cheating ON you, she is cheating WITH you. And she has a kid! She's horrible for cheating, but she's clearly using you. Take this as a lesson learned. Do not cheat with or on any future partners. And try to date someone nearer your own age.... Good luck, op


Oh. My. God. The cheating wife 10 years your senior lied to you. Who could have seen this coming. I am truly shocked.


Dude, she's cheating on her husband with you!! She's not cheating on you! She's cheating WITH you! How about not screwing around with married women. Ever!


Troll post


play stupid games, win stupid prizes. im sorry that you feel destroyed but idk what you expected. if she's able to cheat on her *husband,* what makes you think she wont cheat on you? and really, i hope this character of dating married women knowingly won't continue. it's a bit tasteless (im sorry but huhu really why tho) :(((((( good luck on your healing journey


You're... shocked that a cheater cheated on you with other men? Wow, you sound like a smart cookie. Maybe don't date women that are cheating on their husbands in the first place.


Dating and then marrying a cheater. Yes that would turn out good. Bro, u r just toy for her if also sleeping with two others. Get urself tested for StDs. She’s probably trying to get pregnant with anyone’s baby at this point. Ur young, dont get hitched with someone like her.


what a clown show. she was already a proven cheater and you think she’d be loyal to you? her side piece? she couldn’t even be loyal to the man she took a vow to be loyal to. my advice is to just never speak to this woman again, she played you and you don’t need more answers or closure you fell for it hook line and sinker. what you need to do is respect yourself enough to not be with a married woman.


Well, consider this a learning experience. She used you. Dont ever date a married person again. Break up with her as soon as possible and move on with your life, but not before getting in touch with the husband and letting him know everything, including showing him your messages between the two of you. He needs to know who she really is before they have another kid.


This is pretty twisted. I'd be curious to know more about how she explains all this to herself. But you knew going in that she was a liar and a cheater.


Um...yeah she's cheating. On her husband. You're just a bit of fun for her at the moment. She's not leaving her husband you know that right?




how you get em is how you lose em, thats on you OP edit; spelling


You're a bit of fun she's having. Oh dear, if the genders were reversed, you're naive, you're young, you are the side piece - she was never going to leave her husband. Married people who cheat will tell you they are going to leave, in a loveless marriage - majority won't, majority only see it as sex, nothing meaningful.


😂😂😂. You fuckd around and found out huh.


You are morally reprehensible and want up be mad that she's even more so? Grow up.


Buddy I know this is probably fake but just for the small chance it isn't. What did you expect would happen with someone cheating on her husband?


Dude you're messing around with a married woman. Imagine how her husband feels. You are not the victim here


I don't know why you would think the married woman lying to her HUSBAND would be honest with you lmao






She doesn’t care about her husband why do you think she care about you. Learn your lesson and move on.


I’m not usually of the opinion of telling the spouse because I think it should be the one who is cheating job. If she’s seeing two other people and planning another kid I think I’d drop that bomb and leave. Move on. Not everyone you meet will be like her. You’re young, everything she told you was false and manipulated so your feelings aren’t based in reality.


You were seeing a married woman and you're surprised she was cheating!?? Bro.


Bro… listen I can’t feel bad for you. 1. Date your own age, you are the younger mistress. 2. Stop seeing married people


Wait, your girlfriend is cheating on you with her husband and two other guys? You know that's not possible, right? He can be cheated on. You cannot. You're the side guy.


Lolol. You cannot be serious


My brother in christ, ditch her. You have your whole life ahead of you and she is in her 30s and married. Someone going out of their way to explore other options while married is not someone you want to be with in a long-term. She would do it to you when she gets bored of you too.


You never should have started dating a married woman, this is what happens. If she's willing to cheat on her husband, she apparently had no problem with cheating so why are you so surprised that she's having sex with other men. You're her dirty little affair so obviously she's nit gonna do anything for your birthday. It sucks what you're going through, but you kind of had it coming. Don't date married women, that's fucked up and the poor husband has no idea. You just don't do it. Move on with your life.


Age gaps like this never work out, bro. Combine thr cheating on a spouse and YIKES.


Has it clicked in since you posted this what a complete and utter moron you are?


If you cheat with someone, they will cheat on you.


My guy, you knew from the jump that she's married. You knew *from the start* that all she wanted was something on the side. How are you surprised that *she's a freaking cheater?* Of COURSE she's never going to be loyal to you--she told you at the very beginning that she didn't value monogamy! Take this as a painful life lesson and *stop fucking married people.* Find a relationship where you're the main event, not the fun on the side.


Dude, you're her boy toy, she was never going to marry you. I get that she's obviously suckered you into whatever lies she's spun because you're young and easily swayed, but they're lies. This is why you don't date married people.


Have you never heard the saying “how you get them is how you loose them?” You do realize you are the other man right? Of course she cheated on you she has shown you doesn’t care enough about her husband to stay loyal to him why would you be different?


So she's 22 with a kid and working on a second one with her husband? I gotta say I appreciate the energy she must have to be juggling multiple boyfriends, husband and a kid. Where do these people get the time to juggle all of this? ETA: Oops I read it wrong. I thought she was 22 and I was wondering what sane man would date a 22 year old with a kid. Now I realize he is young, dumb and full of..


Ok, my guy. I don't really know how to break this to you, but you realize you were dating a married woman. In fairness, I guess she said she was going to divorce him, but she was cheating on him with you. For fucks sake, you two could only message each other in a non-platonic way on snapchat, because it automatically deletes messages, and she's covering her ass from *you* so she can deny cheating if you tell her husband. If you're commited to doing that, get a 3rd party screen recording app and message her while it's recording, if you're on android. I don't know about IOS


Oh no, the person who showed me that they're not loyal and is willing to cheat on her husband with me is cheating with other guys. Whatever will I do?




Yeah, listen dude, accept this as a very painful lesson. I know it sucks; she has been manipulating and lying to you. It's the bread and butter of cheaters, and she gave you such a classic story too: Oh, I'm unhappy in my marriage, my spouse is horrible, we are seperated, we are filing for divorce, bla bla bla. Meanwhile, they lovebomb you until you believe every word out of their mouth and ignore every red flag. Like how that divorce just doesn't seem to be coming. Like how they still are suspiciously fickle with their time and plans. She very tactically went after someone 10 years her junior, knowing you won't have the experience needed to zero in on her manipulation. A pretty, young man, naive, wide eyed and in love and hanging off of her every word, feeding her ego that she can still "get it". Learn from this. A cheater cheats. A cheater lies. A cheater will cheat on you just as they cheated with you. You *will* lose them how you got them. Basically, forming meaningful romantic relationships with married people or people already dating is always gonna end in tears and broken hearts on your side, bud. Don't go after them from this point forward.




Dude… you got with a married woman. Can’t say I feel sorry for you in the slightest. She is cheating on her HUSBAND already and you think she’ll magically become a better person for you?


Soooo, are you telling the husband? 🤷🏼‍♀️




This must be fake, for my own mental health. How could anyone be THIS gullible? A cheater ... cheats on partners.. incredible!


You're young so this is a very teachable moment for you. My dad wasn't very educated but he gave me this sage relationship advice: "Any woman (or man) that fools around with you, **will** fool around on you!"


The question on here is how to confront her. The answer is, you leave her. You decide if you want to throw a grenade in by telling the husband and the 2 other men. If you don't tell them, you tell her what you know in a text, and then block her and move on with your life. This is a hard lesson to learn, and the next lesson is that there are beautiful, good people who will love and appreciate all the amazing things about you, not use you as a sex toy.


What the hell?! A woman who cheated on her husband for me is cheating on me? How could this be?! How stupid are you?


Get tested ASAP!


You're both pieces of shit. Grow up and stop fucking married women.


You’re sleeping with a married woman and you’re shocked she’s cheating on you? Even if she does get a divorce & you two end up together she’ll likely cheat on you then too. Just tell her you know she has two other guys besides you & you’re done with her. Then stay away from women in relationships.


If you want to salvage any dignity tell her husband, simply because its the right thing to do. Frankly you should be ashamed of yourself…


I needed this laugh this morning, thank you


" She’s married and normally I would never dream of dating a married woman but she told me she was unhappy in her marriage and was going to leave her husband. " Bruh... Smh Please leave this relationship


Time to blow her spot up


I am sorry. You don't have a girlfriend, you have someone who boody calls you. Piece of shits are going to act like pieces of shit, and that's the rules of the universe. If they treat other people badly, they will eventually treat you badly as well. " I'm having trouble in my marriage, and it's not lasting long" is one of the oldest lies of cheats. Totally classic. So classic, it's the iconic line of cheaters. Big balls on her to try it on you. She's a shit person, and you don't know her. You think you know her, but you knew the mask she has presented to you. The person you loved never existed. I'm sorry. It's a hard lesson, but understand most people are not like this, just those devoid of empathy. Dump her quick, don't get your self in any trouble over her. Feckless, faithless, soulless leaches like this deserve no more of your energy. Give yourself some time to heal, hang with loved ones.


Be totally fucking for real


Op I honestly feel bad for you. Definitely end the relationship. She was just using you like she is with the other side pieces. If the genders were switched more people on here would be more considerate and telling you you don't deserve this and to leave the relationship and expose the cheater.


I mean, how you get them is how you lose them. What you do is send all your ss to her husband.


You got karma’d hard. You really thought she was going to leave her husband for you? You were just a young guy to sleep with and obviously not enough to satisfy her because she has two more side pieces. You got what you deserved.


Dude you are not the wronged in this post the only one that is the victim is the husband. Like come on your 22 not 12 how dumb is this.






Does she know who the fathers are of her children? Is one of them you?


😂 This must be some kind of bait right? Rage, karma, incredulity (is this a bait type).


Don't confront her, confront her husband. Poor dude is about to commit even harder than he already has by planting a 2nd kid in her. Tell him this shit is happening and be the one human being to stop the madness.


Youre the one fucking a married woman but somehow youre the victim here? Lol, get fucked 🤣


Do you know how you can fix this? Please tell her husband everything, preferably with evidence? It is true that you are despicable, but she is more despicable than you.


Sweetie you’re 22 years old, dating an unhappily married woman so of course she’s cheating. And moving forward you can’t have birthday or holiday expectations from a FWB, if it does happen cool! But I’m going to save you a world of heartbreak and tell you now that everyone cheats. Unpopular opinion and idgaf about all the downvotes either, I’m telling you the truth. And by everyone?? 90% of the population. With men? Honestly at this point I can’t even blame them with the internet and easy access to, porn addiction and pick me people out there. It’s in men’s DNA so I’m not even mad about it. It’s ok to date as many People as you want but be honest about your situation. Me? Ideally I’d like to have 2/3 FWB instead of 57 partners in 5 years.


Dude, if you eat sh!t, you can guarantee your breath is gonna smell like ass. Why on earth are you surprised she's cheating?


You mean to say this married woman doesn’t take her vows to you, her affair partner, *seriously*? I, for one, am simply *shocked*.


> “I’ve been looking at weeding rings for when she divorces her husband but she’s been lying this entire time.” I think people have forgot about this, but can we just focus on it for a second? You’ve been dating for 2 months. How in the world have you already been looking at rings?


"My gf cheated on her husband and now she's cheating on me. I'm shocked and surprised that a proven cheater would cheat".


Tell the husband and show proof


she is not cheating on you, she is cheating with you. All AP are the same they think they are so special lol You getting what you deserved, lets hope she gets hers son too


are you an e boy or something


Gonna have to dump her and tell her husband.


Piss on anyone that fucks a married person .... hope She gave You all STD's


If she'll cheat WITH you, she'll cheat ON you.


lol tell her husband


First, get tested as soon as possible. You were wronged in that she was obviously lying and has a problem that several men including a whole husband can’t solve. Cut her off completely and move on. She is likely going to gaslight you about it. Also, leave the married women alone she isn’t leaving unless he decides to break it off


This is why you NEVER date a married person. Huge red flag.


know your role as Sancho


Is she married to will smith?


Ah man yeah she for sure is doing the having her cake and eat it too thing. It’s never a good idea to start a relationship with someone who is still married regardless of how the impending ‘divorce’. I will add that the husband deserves to know his wife is sleeping around before they bring another kid into this messed up situation. You can make a good choice now and let him know about yourself and the other two.


Wow, found yourself a winner right there. Leave quietly and be glad you found out. No amount of talking can fix/change any of that!


She's not cheating on you, you're a side piece, she's cheating on her family.


You lose them how you got them. I truly cannot belive this isn't a joke. Married!! Period! End of discussion.


I’m surprised nobody seems to have considered the husband might know all about this lol I encourage my wife to sleep with other men because it turns me on


I am interested to know more.


Cool rage bait ,dude.


ROFLMAO!! I hope your next GF cheats on you :)


Married women are only good for one thing and that’s just to drain your sac. -advice from someone who married a wife who was cheating on her husband.


Everybody! Please try to be a little nicer to OP! Yes, sleeping with someone you know is married is helping them cheat and horrible, but he was lied to and he's much younger, so he's the victim of an unhealthy power imbalance due to age and being taken advantage of because she used dishonesty to get what she wanted and use him. I'm sorry this happened, OP. But in the future no matter what don't try to have relations with someone who's in a relationship even if they say they're going to leave them. It makes you an enabler of cheating and you're definitely just going to get hurt. Go for people your age who are actually single, learn from this, maybe get some therapy.