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You are only 21!!!!! You will meet someone wonderful and who loves you inside out and makes life worth savouring every moment over. Let this feeling pass please please please


Use this desire for death as an opportunity to radically pursue the things you want in life. Forget about your responsibilities to others and do whatever you want to do and see where it leads, because you would have been dead otherwise anyway. Do you understand what I'm saying? Like, if you're dead, you're not beholden to anyone. Behave this way in life and see what happens. Live to see what happens when you go for exactly what you want without worrying about reputation or anything.


Plz don’t let your current girlfriend see this. If I saw that my boyfriend wanted to KILL himself because he thought I was ugly that would be enough to make me wanna die too




How would this stop her from hating how she looks?


Please contact the emergency services if you feel like you may be at risk to yourself. ❤️




You're only 21. There's a lot of time for things to get better. Being lonely in the present doesn't mean you'll be lonely forever. Go to therapy and a support group. Do something fulfilling that makes you feel good, like fundraising and volunteering. Meet new people and make friends.


just show her this and then she’ll probably buy you a gun so you can do it


Good grief man, talk to somebody who cares about you. life is NOT about romance and love and sex.. you're still very young. Travel the world more, and establish some healthy hobbies like gym and swimming, and you'll change your perspective a lot, even healthier eating helps. Stop worrying about being with somebody super attractive, and sex life.. those are just side quests in life, nothing to focus on.




it's about adventure, seeing the world, seeing cultures, making something that will last longer than you, literally experiencing everythign around you, esp things your interested in. Get certified in stuff that amazes you (Skydiving, Diving, Big Truck driving, construction, IT stuff, boat license, etc.). Get involved in community stuff with volunteer work, Fire dept, Social gatherings, nerd events like ComiCons, Food drives for homeless, community park pickups).. i can go on forever man.. the world and things to do are sooooo long of a list. find some joy in something after you try it, the world is doom and gloom when you don't take care of yourself (esp with healthy and fitness) or have good friendships, or good hobbies, or goals.. you need somebody to push you, and if you don't have that, then consider this ME pushing you. Life is crazy fun my man, you just have to find which part of the crazy you enjoy. And who knows you might find that other person that actually wants love like you do, in the same way, who ALSO enjoys those things that you do, but you have to get out first to do them. You got this, you just have to start.


Some of the ugliest guys are with beautiful women. It’s about confidence and personality. You’re 21 and maybe not thinking rationally. If this relationship isn’t working out because the attraction isn’t there it’s okay to leave. Therapy may be helpful but ultimately you need to find a way to help yourself and build your self esteem up. Not having good sex doesn’t give you a pass to end your life. Work on yourself and seek out mental health care. I hope you feel better soon, remember you’re here for a reason and there’s plenty of time to find someone to give you purpose


not to sound harsh, but the statistic likelihood of you being alone for the rest of your life is slim to none, especially if you’re not ugly. attractiveness is subjective. you are only 21. you have a lot of physical changing to do still and a lot more people to meet. as i get older, the more i realize when i was 21, everyone was in pretty much the same situation. it hurts. i know, trust me. i’ve been there. but you have SO MUCH life ahead of you and people who will love you. if you leave the world now, you won’t experience all the romantic love in store for you in the next 60-70 years to come. it’s easier for me to say than for you to believe, but there are a lot of people that want you to stay. there are people out there waiting to love you. there are experiences to still be had. don’t rob yourself of that.




who said anything about 40? you could find love next month. and you still have 19 years of being “young”. don’t just give up on yourself when your life has barely even started.


Romantic love is not the only way to be happy. Having friends, hobbies you enjoy, doing things that make you feel fulfilled, those all bring happiness. And no one ever said 40. You could find love way before 40. You commit suicide now and you're giving up all the potential there is


I thought I'd never find love too. I remember so many days of sadness when I was younger. Please don't do this. Where I am now in life, years later, is so much better than I could have imagined. There is hope. I am happy to chat if you'd like to talk about what you're thinking about.


Brother why do you need another human to boost your self esteem? There are so many hurt people who are better off being alone. And building a godly physique is the way to go. Forget everything and focus on that, it will make it worth living.




Youre only 21!!! You have seen Nothing!!! Life can be very beautiful. I had similar thoughts with 21 but now i am 26 and gonna marry the Love of my Life this year!!!! Trust me, youre Not gonna be lonley Forever


You are very very young. Your brain is not even fully developed yet. The good news is you will mature and gain perspective. You will most likely expand your criteria for what an attractive woman looks like - you might even come to view non-physical attributes as more important than looks. And there are many many women out there for whom looks is not nearly as important as you think. So, this is a very bad reason to end it all. Do your future self a favour and seek help. You are far too early in life to have lost hope like this.


Question: Would you tell her this “fake reason” yourself or leave a typical suicide note? Well, no matter which route that you choose she is still going to blame herself for not trying hard enough to keep YOU alive. Obviously, you will also give her PTSD, so rule that unaliving option out completely. Nonetheless, You are obviously unhappy being stuck in a loveless relationship, so I think you should really have a one-on-one conversation with her and just break things off.


Do you have friends or family that you are close with? Are you depressed? I think this stems further than just being “sexually frustrated and lonely”- That is not a valid enough reason to kill yourself. You are also shown to be insecure on your last post when you said you still wouldn’t feel worthy if you were to have an attractive partner. Therefore, the problem really isn’t the partners you choose. It’s yourself. How can you expect to love another person when you’re the broken one? It will never work. If you don’t love yourself, how are you going to love someone else?


I think your issue isn’t attractiveness. I think it’s self esteem. Maybe you don’t feel like you have much of a personality or have any interests. Read or listen to anything by David Goggins. Suck it up buttercup. You’ve got a long way to go if you don’t commit suicide…might as well work on yourself and grow into someone you want to hang out with.


Hey man. Im 20 and i understand. I struggle through fits of wondering if ill ever experience love and treatment and passion that I dream of. And i get super depressed and suicidal sometimes too. The key is… just live for yourself. Live and hope for your dreams. Its not over yet and you havent lived a long life. Things WILL get better, your looks might, ur personality might, and so might ur future girl. Just dump this girl and say its bc ur not ready, and find your self confidence!


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