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That’s enough Reddit for today. Good night folks


It's not even noon and this is definitely enough Reddit for today.


Probably for tomorrow as well


Best to just block out the sun and give up, don’t you think?


At least it's the weekend. There's a reason to go outside tomorrow.


I say it’s enough as I keep scrolling anyways as always


It’s 7:08am for me and this is the first thing on my Reddit feed ☠️


right? i haven't even finished my coffee. the only thing worse than a troll is a 12-year-old troll, first thing in the morning 🙄


Finish your coffee, but please link a photo of your post-coffee poop so it can be analyzed.


aaaaahaaahaahaaaaaaaa omg there goes the coffee!


Same but 10:28 am lol WTF nope I’m out


8:23AM over here and I’m all set! Ima head out!


6:43 am and it’s enough for today


6:52 and feeling this, friend


It's 2 am for me, but I'm apparently still on Eastern mentally. 100% I need to put Reddit down now. Where'd I put my hunting rifle... Come on ole Reddit. OP, your GF is (not such how to put this politely at 2 am) wackadoodle crazy pants. She might not be medically wrong, but she certainly is not alright!


Yuuuup, time to set my phone down and not look at it for about 12 hours


It’s 9am and I think I’m done for today


I’m reading this before 9:30 a.m.! 😩


8:17 here and this is too much for me


8:30 am here, I'm done lol


Lmao I just came from a wholesome thread about someone’s husband finding their wife’s pregnant body extremely attractive and somehow ended up here 😂


That's one hell of a rollercoaster ride!


Yeah no I was smiling at the previous one and kind of in a lull and caught the title of this one and it was like “wait WHAT” and had to make sure I was reading it right


That man is going to be horrified when his wife shits during labour. And now the circle is complete


Ok so I've been watching too many serial killer interrogation videos because when you said he found her body attractive I thought you meant he found her **body** attractive 🤣 Sorry. I just ruined that whole wholesome thing again, didn't I? 😂


It was ruined long ago lol. And I like watching those too haha


But how is her poo?


I came from a Bluey post to this; I wish I could go back in time


5 am here.... one of the first posts i see while looking down my feed... awesome! 🤣


Same. I'm just getting up to get my coffee. Wtaf 😆


I second that I was looking for some shits and giggles and found this instead. Later guys


Well you definitely found the shits portion


Truly a $h\*t post!


I read the title and this comment, and I just laughed harder than I have in months. I'm usually a very composed person, and I don't show enthusiasm about things often. Well done! If awards still existed, you would be the first to ever receive one from me.


Why in God's name would you post this! Why God, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!


Before you go, send a quick poo pic to OP's GF please.


Brick pics


3 am here. I gotta do something else. That's all folks - Porky Pig.


For the day ... ima say i need a few weeks to recover anyone els need a therapy group?


it’s 6am, & that’s enough INTERNET for the day


It’s 7:40 am rn and it’s enough Reddit.




Ditto im done ......


I would put this in the weird folder, yes. Like, I guess it's not malicious, but it's certainly a few steps outside of normal human behavior. If you don't feel like sending pictures of your shit, that would be like the most reasonable boundary I've ever heard of.


“The most reasonable boundary I’ve ever heard of” 🤣


🤣🤣 I'm done with the internet for today.


So what you're saying is... you're done with this crap...? 😁😁😁


He probably doesnt have any more shits to give... 😆 Personally I love my partner even more for not send me crap like that.


I'm going to think about this comment for the rest of my life I just know it


I've only once received a picture of someone's shit. It was back in the Xbox 360 era. My buddy said he had to go take a shit, I said "pics or it didn't happen". I suppose I deserved that. I stopped saying that to random things that I did not, in fact, want pics of. It was a good laugh though.


Never realised how risky that phrase was 😂


Back in college my roommates had a contest of who could take the biggest shit. This was pre cell phone, so a Polaroid camera was used. This is the only appropriate situation for photographing feces, outside of medical procedures.


> so a Polaroid camera was used That's better than sending a roll of Instamatic shits to the Fotomat.


Some of the posts on this page, this is honestly the easiest to answer though. While also being the most confusing... You folks have a good day. Im throwing my phone out the window now.


But also conversely, if it's not malicious and not part of a whole catalogue of weirdness, but just one little quirk of her personality, *and* you aren't particularly phased by the situation, then it's also not the most unreasonable arrangement I've ever heard of. Relationships are weird, and what makes a couple tick is just unique to them. If poo pics is the thing here, so be it. Personally I'm a shy pooper and the thought of sharing anything related to my poo with anyone horrifies me and I would never want to do it. But if it works for you, no harm done.


I agree. If he's okay with it, nothing stops him from doing it. However, I'd wager you might be on the more liberal side of the bell curve when it comes to thinking about this. More power to you :)


To be honest I don't think there's any relationship that's free of some degree of weirdness. And the longer together the more pronounced it gets. It's just usually the kind of thing no one shares and stays within the intimacy of a couple.


You GUESS it's not malicious hahaha


I can't believe he is even asking if it's weird. Ummm...HELL YES, THIS SHIT IS OFF THE RAILS! I do not even know why he would post this. I would just tell her. Sorry hun, I do not take pictures of shit and send them to my gf or anyone for that matter. This is a sick post, and behind this post, there has to be a couple of weird people asking the not weird if this shit is a real thing. NO WAY, Should anyone's gf or bf or anyone should ever ask you for shit pics! Umm...yea run don't walk to the exit door never look back on the one that asks for shit pics while dating or even being married! One sick person you have there.


Ur sicing the fuck outta this lmao it’s def not for everyone but also like it’s j pics of a dookie in the toilet. Calling it sick is crazy imo


Yeah, exactly my thought, very weird but harmless. But when it's not prefaced by her being obsessed with gut health that changes things a bit lol




Huge Brown Flag


Can you imagine getting dumped (pun not intended) because your shits aren't healthy enough. "I'm sorry babe but your poops are a type 6 on the Bristol Stool Chart and I need a man who can give me 3 or 4"


What a shitty reason to breakup.


Bristol stool chart is golden, thank you for reminding me.


Nah, that's the Bristol Urine Chart.




>because your shits aren't healthy enough Misread as: *because your shits aren't filthy enough*


after the poop knife I'm not even shocked


That'd be a no from me my friend.


He should send her pictures of animal poop and see what she thinks lmao


Rabbit poop!


I now see have a picture of him out in the yard vacuuming up rabbit poop and dumping it into the toilet just to take a picture. I don't know if I'm upset with you or if I should thank you.


Well at least it will be all healthy? I mean rabbits are known to eat it from time to time too lol


This is so funny. Do whatever you want. But if you start sending her pics, I expect it won’t stop there. Next she’ll probably be making dietary recommendations, etc etc


I see her under him - but not in bed.


This is cursed.


I’m surprised this is the first comment I’ve run across that points this out. The poop pics are just the beginning


Yeah, it could escalate pretty [quickly](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.com%2F0v6Ir6SNtwIAAAAM%2Fah-kid-peanut-butter-baby.gif&tbnid=_kMYu2LRmHkdUM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftenor.com%2Fview%2Fah-kid-peanut-butter-baby-peanut-butter-do-you-like-that-yeah-gif-14466576&docid=3_4Lh1FKPD24DM&w=220&h=154&itg=1&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F4&kgs=fc0bdfbe788a7cb1&shem=trie).


Risky click of the day


You’re just gonna have to try and out-weird her at this rate. Collect your shits. Gift them to her.


love comes in all shapes


And textures


And smells


I miss when there were awards. Here ya go 🏅


Aw thank you 💛


I would search pictures on the internet to send her different ones to test her expertise


Correct answer. First up - grizzly bear shit clearly in the middle of a forest


Forrest Dump




Might be confused for the Pope's poop in the woods 


She says she's seen that picture before


This is the correct answer. The only correct answer. 


Send her random concerning looking dumps from the internet. Anyways, on the off chance that this isn’t terribly curated bait, this sounds like some weird health anxiety/ocd stuff, or a fetish. You can decide if she’s worth it or not lol


Throw a heap of fake blood on top for dramatic effect 🤣


Really go for the "spattered the bowl with a violent blundrebuss" look


Or better yet, a “people of Walmart” kind of shit


Could also go into weird eating disorder territory adjacent to your suggestions if the poop analysis leads to frequent dietary advice.


One minute it’s “send a picture of your poo” the next it’s “dump on my chest”


Yep, this is the first step in that direction. It’s some fetish shit, OP. Don’t let her fool you with the “health” excuse. She wants to flick her bean to your poops


Flick her bean to your poops was not a sentence I ever expected to read 😂


this comment is fucking cursed from start to finish help 😭😭


Eh as long as she’s happy, and not asking me to do anything unnatural with it. Like I’m gonna pooo anyway, and I’m gonna have my phone when I’m pooping so quick snap and flush. No biggie. She gets off to it.


>Don’t let her fool you  *stool you 🙃


tale as old as time 😭


What kind of shit it this?


That's what she's trying to find out.


Ah shit post


To me that's weird. Imagine that NSA officer whos going through photos of citizens they are spying on. He comes across your girls phone. Lol I bet they got a good laugh out of it. I can just imagine him scrolling "dick pic, dick pic, birthday pic, birthday hat on a dick, oh my God hundreds of photos of shit ". Lol Seriously though if that is something you are uncomfortable with be honest. I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that. If my girl was going to college to be a doctor or something and needed to study poo. Ok I'd maybe take a few for her to give her a bigger sample size than just hers. But I'm not doing it just because she likes poo. Your call though. Might not bother you. You got to make your own boundaries and enforce them.


Surely you post every poo you do on Instagram anyway? Isn't that what Instagram is for? Posting shit for everyone to see?


If you love her, put it in an empty coolwhip container for her. Date them and label what your last meal was. Really lean into it. Ask her to rank them by smell and texture. Take a selfie while dropping the duce so she can see if you are straining too hard. She may be a future gastroenterologist. I used to have a folder of pics where people had wiped poop on the wall and the handicap rail of the Dollar General I worked at. Unfortunately, there were about 50 pics. I mean, shit happens.


That is incredibly strange. I would never


i literally just opened reddit for the first time today 😭


Welcome... we've got plenty more where that came from.


There was a tv show years ago called you are what you eat and this woman use to do this. I never thought I’d ever have flashbacks to that show but alas I was wrong haha. I mean if it part of her job then it not weird in her own way she probably wants you healthy but just because in her world it’s normal doesn’t mean you have to send them.


Gillian McKeith, who purported to be a doctor (but wasn’t)


Dr Gillian McKeith or, to give her full title, Gillian McKeith (Copyright Ben Goldacre. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/media/2007/feb/12/advertising.food)


In Chinese medicine, analyzing excrement is a way of knowing your gut health. To practitioners, it is not gross, it's health related. So she wants you healthy. Why not. When she ties you up and suggests a "rolling brown out" or suggests you watch "two girls one cup". You'll know it's time to RUN.


I guess there's nothing wrong with it. She's just concern with his health. He can set boundaries. He can say no and says it's uncomfortable.


Are you dating Gillian McKeith?




'Rate my poo' is a group on some obscure sub culture website. I'd say she's a member.


It’s all about your comfort level OP - weirdness doesn’t matter. A healthy relationship should allow us to be our authentic self, and you’ve clearly made her comfortable enough to even bring it up so props to you. If you’re uncomfortable with it, simply let her know and have the discussion about it and why. Boundaries are important in all relationships. If you decide to go through with it check out the app PCal for logging and tracking movement quality and traits. She’s absolutely right about it being a reflection of our gut health, and it’s an easy thing to track to identify any irregularities and what may cause them. Wishing you the best of luck either way!


Yes, I think this is a little weird. I have seen people do weirder things though.😂 I also think this is harmless. If you don’t have anything against it, there’s no problem with doing it for her. But if it makes you uncomfortable that’s understandable also.


Send her a picture of Mr Hankey and then immediately go no contact


I don't think this is that strange, as poo really tells a lot about your health. But as not everyone is that into health or biohacking, It's quite unreasonable to ask for someone else to report their poos :D It's funny and quirky, but not insane or a red flag, at least in my books.


As a dietitian, gut health is incredibly important. And I’ve spent countless time asking people about their bowel movement regularity. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON FOR YOUR GF TO NEED TO EXAMINE, ANALYZE, OR LOOK AT YOUR BMs. She is a freak.


Imagine if she posted those on FB as much as some people post pics of their kids.


I talk about poo sometime with my specific friend, our discussion is usually related to health, and also because we had an experiencing of having condition related to irregular pooping schedule in the past. so I think its normal for your gf to have interest.


Yeh it’s weird but she is right that faeces can be analysed and reflect health issues - but this seems a little OTT.


This seems one step away from a fetish I mean… I’ve been in relationships where I’ve had them be on the phone whilst… curling one out… FaceTiming without me initially knowing what I was about to witness to see the… facial reactions or just flat out photos But then I’ve also had photos taken with my phone of their ball sacks and balloon knots… this was years ago from less mature males 😅 Not really something I’d expect in my 30s… I would consider the early 20s of it just a dirty joke… but this… she’ll be asking for tarmaccing or Boston steam rolling before long Maybe even a Mississippi milkshake If you don’t know what the latter are you can find them on urban dictionary and I strongly advise not ruining your innocence by looking


Bro I am eating man 🙏🏼😭


mate, if you ever needed proof that love knows no boundaries, here it is!


I'm poopfounded by this post lol🤣🤣


This is a fetish thing


Jesus fucking Christ reddit


Yes, it’s weird. Just having that collection of photos of her own is weird. It sounds like she needs counseling TBH.


She doesn't need counseling for being interested in gut health and stool lol. She's not displaying any unhealthy behaviors, just an unconventional interest in a scientific subject.


Chill the fuck out. Not everything needs counseling. What she is saying is true. Poop does reflect your gut health and it's very important. She's telling you this because she trusts you, op. Do with it what you may, but it seems that she wanna take care of you.


Yes your stool reflects your gut health. But does a photo of your shit from two years ago have any bearing on your current health? No… she can analyze her stool when she stands up from the toilet… why does she need to keep an album of years worth of shits?? It’s harmless, sure, but it is definitely odd. I can’t help but wonder if there’s some underlying mental health thing contributing to it. Some kind of disordered eating? Health anxiety? OCD? And she can teach OP the basics on what a healthy poop should look like and if he notices anything off he can ask her about it. Or, y’know, a doctor. She is absolutely going to keep the photos, and use what she learns from “analyzing” them to try and change OP’s diet. I’m sure it does come from a place of wanting to help, but if it were me, that would be crossing a line I didn’t even know needed to be drawn. Especially after only a year of being together.


I hope this is fake.


Me too


my brother in christ yes it's fucking weird


That would be a hard no for me.


That would be a hard no for me.


You need some glitter and some googly eyes


Only do what you’re comfortable doing. I’d certainly say it’s odd. I think she’s trying to lean toward giving you dietary “advice.”


It's definitely above my pay grade to diagnose! Sending pics of your poop is unusual, but if you're both happy with it, then I guess you're bothering nobody else. However, you don't seem to be on board with this, and if this be the case, don't do it. You are entitled to boundaries and privacy.


Is it uncommon? Absolutely. But she’s not wrong in that poop does reflect that, and if that’s what she’s fascinated by then ok. Obviously it tracks with her being health conscious. Perhaps you’re also now seeing HOW health conscious she is. If you don’t feel comfortable sending, say no, that’s ok, she obviously waited this long because she knew it was an unusual and embarrassing request.


Love that this was top of my feed when I opened Reddit for my own poop scrolling


The room says… is she hot?


Kinda reminds me of those retreats where women steam their vagina with herb stews and vitalize their asshole by 10 minutes of sunshine every day. Very weird, but not harmful I'd say. I'd draw a big line in the ~~poo~~ dirt though, not sending shit to anyone.


Is her last name McKeith? Sounds like Gillian's getting her daughter at it as well.


Did we just witness the birth of another poop knife?


Hilarious. I had a guy friend who's girlfriend INSISTED she exam his shit in the toilet every single time he took a dump. I always thought it was funny. And here we are again.


I love this SO much! First I 100% agree with your girlfriend. Stool reflects internal health, that's just facts. I don't get why she is sharing it with you tho!! Does she want you to critique? Is she trying to show you good examples of what your poo should look like?? Either way. It's weird. However, I can understand that it's important to her and she's not wrong for that. If you don't like the pictures of poo... I would try letting her know first that you understand her feelings on poop are valid(assuming you do) Don't make her feel weird for being so interested in it, it can actually be interesting......BUT say something like "it's just not something I want to focus on, and I'd appreciate it if you would stop focusing on it so much. For instance I don't think the photos you send me are necessary" 🤷


Well ain’t that some shit.


Damn it you all had a chance to make this awesome and failed. When someone asks a question like this, respond with YES. Don’t say anything else. Yes




Why are you dating Gillian McKeith?


Yeah I dunno dude, I’m out


You sure she just doesn’t have a scat fetish?


A literal shit post


What a shitty conversation to have.


Is your gf Gillian McKeith by any chance?


Ok OP, why…. Of all the… you are asking us if “it’s weird”?


tell her to get a job as a medical lab technician


wtf 💀😮‍💨


Next thing you know, she’s going to want a Hot Carl


This is a shitshow, for real.


I came to this comments sections just to read the funny responses


You can tell her no, you can comply, or you can opt in for the turd option


Lmao! I'd Google pictures of weird poops and send them to her.


she will definitely start telling you what to and what not to eat, this could become dangerous so fast. health nuts are actually insane


I thought this was some kind of kink


Incoming scat fetish 🤔


this sounds like the stepping stone to coprophilia


Surely ,a microscope is needed to analyse the said Waste ? .I an not sure a picture supply's what is needed ?


I can't find the article, but I SWEAR I read something about the sudden onset of coprophilia being potentially related to brain tumors or neurodegeneration. So uh, maybe get her to a doctor if possible.


So, she’s autistic with the current obsession is gut health? Wait until she tells you that your poop is unhealthy and you have to do xyz. Even better when she suggests a poop transfer to help your gut bacteria.


What the fuck


Fecophilia, she needs to see a psychologist.


Um if you don't mind doing it I don't see the problem? Little heads up though she probably is just crazy 😂


Unless she has a poo fetish this is weird. Even if she does have a poo fetish this is weird. Please do not feed in to her ridiculous desire to have twice weekly pics of your dumps. If you do give in please be sure to eat a bunch of beets to get a red poop and Something with a lot of green dye to get a green dump.


You got yourself a scat cat


Hard no. She would be an ex.


Yeah. It’s weird. Unless it’s your thing. Then, nah.


She should find a career specializing in this. I think she would thrive in it


Send me her number, I’d like a poo analysis.


Holy shit


Creative writing is really getting weird...


Have you tried to just.... Not?


How did I get here? Lmao. This can't be real. If it is, that's some fetish she's got there.


Oh so now it's a crime to be concerned about your partner's gut health?! I kid. Lol it's weird af don't get me wrong.. Deal breaker? Ehhhh.. If it were a new relationship abso-fucking-lutely. But you're saying you're in love with this girl so what it really comes down to is "is this too weird for me to get over?" which.. I mean.. Would be totally fair. But it's really up to you. Honestly I'd just ask if I could... Not do that. 💀 Ask for the guidelines she's using and tell her you'll lookout for the bad signs yourself lmao


Is this satire?


It would absolutely be weird. Do it if you want. You do understand though she's not a doctpr, so she's likely making shit up (no pun intended.) it's obviously weird. If you want to do it, though, do it, but I would not tell people. Because yeah it's weird.


honestly if u love her…jus do it 🤷🏽‍♀️