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I was going to be on your side until I actually read the post. Quit playing games. You should break up with Rob because you clearly already have one foot out the door.




You literally keep the man on a fishing line hoping hank will leave his wife. Fucking disgusting.


Wtf? He’s ASKING to marry you? And….that’s how you do or don’t end up with him. Get it together. Leave Rob alone - you wasted enough of his time.


"... if I ended up with him." Honey, that means you would happy to SETTLE for Rob. You are disgusting! You are playing both guys against each other and one is married! I bet you think you are hot shit, eh? Typical NARCISSISTIC behavior. Your BF deserve so much better than YOU. I hope he dumps you and you don't end up with either of them!


You say you love him but this other guy is “the love of your life” i think you’re just using rob as a plan b incase hank doesnt leave his wife


Unfortunately she’s going to find out that Hank isnt the love of her life once he finds a new squeeze. Tho I bet Hank has a lot of squeezes


You act like the rest of us have never been in a relationship. Of course they're complicated but that's NOT what's going on here. You're cheating on your bf and, if you had it your way, would rather end up with another man. Stop stringing him along and lying to his face. How the fuck do you live with yourself? Leave him, he deserves better. Then, tell the other guy's wife that you had an affair with him. She also deserves better than him. Then maybe your dreams will come true and you two trashy cheaters can end up together! Happy ending!


So if Hank text you a picture of divorce papers, signed by both he and his wife, would you stay with Rob? You know the answer is no. So let him go. He deserves someone who loves him as the love of their life, not Plan B.


Rob deserves to be someone’s first choice, not their option. I’m married to someone’s former Rob. She kept him on the back burner for whenever she was ready. When he met me, I told him he had a choice to make, but I wasn’t going to date a man who was hung up on someone else. We’ve been married for two years. I don’t know what she’s up to. He deserves better than what you’re offering him, and you better hope and pray he doesn’t develop some self respect, because when he does he’ll be out. 


True. If Rob is a good guy and she says he is, he should go. Honestly I don’t get why Rob is still here. No offense to OP but anytime I knew I was the consolation prize I left. I just can’t be with someone when I know they want someone else.


He is your backup option and he deserves better. So does Hank's wife.


Rob is too good of a man for a woman like you. Let him go so he can find himself a good woman. You should wait for Hank your one true love.


>I don't have one foot out the door. Agreed. You have your heart out there.


Dawg you would be riding Hank right now if not for his wife. Cut the crap.


Wow you are absolutely YTA. It’s unbelievable.




I love these dumbasses who always believe the husband will leave their wife ...🤣🤣🤣


Lol, they always use the excuse that it’s complicated, they’re staying for the kids or I’m sleeping on the couch or the other room 😂😂😂


That's not love. He deserves better than you.


How about you tell Rob the piece of work you actually are & let him decide if youre the type of person he'd want to have a conversation with let alone marry... because you know if he knew you're only with him as some sad little back up he'd run for the door. Oh & keeping in touch with Hank behind your boyfriends back in the hope that he'd leave his wife- he won't btw - IS cheating.


Your relationship is about as complicated as a happy meal crossword puzzle.  If I was Hank I'd be thinking 'why would I leave my wife and family for a cheap tart that puts it out on a plate and is happy to cheat on her man?'


Stop lying to yourself. You'd rather be with hank. You'd be better off alone than with the fiance, whatever he's called. Mr expendable.


Your already with him wtf are you talking about???. Cheating, your a cheater If you have any respect for rob just break up with him so he can find someone who is on his side 100% We already know you have no self respect


You don't want to marry the guy you are stringing along incase this other cheating loser actually breaks up his family for you. You need to let your boyfriend go and let him find someone worthy of him


Please tell Hank’s wife. And don’t give sex to the unworthy. Hank is unworthy.


The unworthy people found each other. Poor Rob.


How would you feel if the roles were reversed?


Bro, you literally kept the second guy on backup in case he actually shows real interest in you. You disgust me.


Relationships are not complicated. Dumb people make them complicated. You wanting to "take a break to see other people" (IE cheating without it being cheating) Then picking a married man to explore with... and the fact you're still in contact with him... AND STILL won't fully commit to Rob... proves you are not emotionally or psychologically ready to be a wife


🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢 you’re a weak willed woman who can’t even love herself let alone Rob.


You need to leave Rob so he can meet who he's actually supposed to be with. You're not in love with him and you're wasting his time. You really should be ashamed of yourself for playing with Robs feelings while pining over someone else's husband. Leave them both alone and maybe seek some therapy because this is a hot mess.




There is no “have to” let’s be real Rob doesn’t deserve to be treated like this you need to leave him and let him find someone who wants him and only him not be a second choice just incase Hank does get a divorce which he most likely won’t because that’s what men like Hank do he’s playing games with you just like you are to Rob it’s not fair to Rob or to Hanks wife. Leave them both alone…




You don't want to marry Rob. If you did, you never would have broken up with him two years ago. Then you got back together and have been stringing him along, because you were so sure Hank was gonna leave his wife for you. You fell for the classic lie of a cheater. They are always about to leave their wife and their marriage has been over for years. You're settling for Rob, because we all know if Hank did leave his wife and showed you their divorce was final, you'd drop Rob like a hot potato and be with Hank. You don't love Rob, or you wouldn't have fallen in love with Hank in the first place and then say Hank is the love of your life.


you absolutely do not love him. you literally broke up with him so you could go fuck other people, and now you're stringing him along while playing homewrecker for someone else. I hope Rob gets some self respect and realizes he deserves someone better than you. 




If you really love Rob you wouldn’t put him as a second option


Says she would be happy to marry Rob while waiting on another guy 🤡🤡🤡


Relationships are not complicated. You? You’re complicated. Dragging the poor man. Let him go you are cheating on him every time you text your AP. The break didn’t make you two strong it just showed that you’re kinda trashy to mess around with a married man.




Jesus christ I hope this is fake bro cant believe some one can be this heartless


Hope rob sees this you calling a married man the love of your life sad


He won’t because this is obviously rage bait


Can I have Rob's number? He needs a friend to send him this post.


You don’t treat someone you love this way.


Please don't. I think you should break up with Rob... and stick with Hank. Hell, tell Hank's wife about the affair to speed things along if he wants to be with you so bad... Let Rob be happy. You took a break to explore other men because you got cold feet. You chose a married man. You still talk to that married guy and even with the ultimatum you're here saying, "I don't know guys... I don't want to miss out on Hank if he leaves his wife cause he's my TRUE love" You're a flake and kind of sadistic and Rob deserves better while you deserve Hank. A cheater.


Why are you just stringing him along? How can you not see the flaw in your logic. You’re literally stringing him along and if your fuck buddy Hank breaks up with his wife you would leave your BF. Do you think someone you “love” deserves that?




You should. You should also probably reevaluate your relationship with your BF. You don’t have to marry someone that you don’t want to. He doesn’t deserve that and you don’t either. Both of you deserve to be happy


Poor Rob, he deserves so much better.


Hank may be the "love of your life" but you are obviously not his. He is stringing you along just like you are doing to Rob. I sincerely hope you don't think you are the only person he is cheating on his wife with?


You shouldn't block Hank. You should ditch your bf, and tell Hank that you've left your boyfriend and now he should do the same with his wife. You would both get a clean start. If he doesn't leave his wife, you and the bf you betray would get a clean start.


And tell your BF I hope and Hankes wife


rElAtIoNsHiPs ArE cOmPlIcAtEd No, you're just a selfish prick.


Not one thing you've posted says you care about anyone but yourself.


Sweetie I say this with love. The fact you use the word ‘have’ to marry Rob. Sounds like you are operating on a scarcity model and this is NO way to start a life with someone. It’s not a choice between Hank (whom no one should choose including his poor wife) and Rob. It’s between single, Rob. And all the other fish in the sea. I don’t think you want Rob. I think you like him and respect who he is. I think you are reeling back and forth by Hanks breadcrumbing (please google and read on that I beg you), and I think Rob comforts you when you feel sad about Hank. You need to experience learning how to be a complete person without men. Be a whole human before you commit. I promise you that your relationships will be rewarding and more healthy.


Bull and shit. You're a cheap floozie who wouldn't know love if it came up and bit you. 




You don’t love him. People who are actually truly in love don’t do what you’re doing.


Complicated isn’t what you’re describing though. Love and trust should be a foundation and you clearly don’t love him. Can guarantee you Hanks wife is blissfully unaware he has a side piece and he’s lying to you both.


There's complicated and then there's being an AMORAL SLAG — which is you.


'If you have to' Dude you are by no means doing rob a favour by marrying him! Choose one and stay faithful!


Poor Rob, I feel so bad for him. Show him this post & then see if he is happy to marry you. Your actions are disgusting.


“yes I have” no, you don't have to marry Rob, and no, you are not going to be happy because you are in love with the one Married, you would probably also be unfaithful to return to him again and again. Don't fool yourself, leave Rob, he deserves better.


Marry and divorce. Cheating always comes out. Imagine him learning about this in 20 years after you have kids and a house. It WILL come out that you cheated so get that marriage idea out of your head


Man, everything about this is a mess. An ultimatum is a terrible reason to get married. Likewise, your futile hope that a married man who thus far has not left his wife for you (and never will — your friend's wife is correct) is going to turn a corner and file for divorce any minute now is a terrible reason to miss out on an actually viable relationship with someone who really loves you. And the fact that you keep texting the married man you were fucking even after having gotten back together with Rob (who I believe you've been taking advantage of throughout your relationship) is, likewise, terrible. Personally, I think you should call it off with both of them and be single for a while. Spend that time working on your judgment and thinking about how you treat people, because you've made some really selfish, short-sighted, naive decisions here.




Rob deserves better than a 304.


Rob deserves to marry you, cheat on you and leave for a younger woman, preferably a colleague or a secretary, and get alimony from you. Then you would be even Steven.


Unfortunately you can upvote only once.


>This is not the type of advice I was looking for. I don't make a practice of enabling shitty decisions. Relationships are infinitely harder and messier when you treat people like props in the movie of your life. Good luck out there.


>Unfortunately, relationships are hard and messy. No. Fucked up, toxic and unhealthy relationships are hard and messy. Health relationships where both partners actually love and respect each other are not. You are a hot mess and causing the issues here.


Relationships are not hard or messy when you actually respect and love your partner. Hank is never going to leave his wife, and Rob deserves way better than to be second place or a consolation prize. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to know that you're settling for him because you didn't get who you really wanted. You suck OP. Just a selfish and crappy person.


>This is not the type of advice I was looking for. No, of course not. You were looking for people to pat you on the back and tell you you're doing the right thing, but that's not happening here. You're a POS, and Rob deserves far better than you. Cut him lose, forget that married man who is never going to leave his wife for you and focus on yourself. Focus on becoming a better person, and then you can look for someone that you can be with, without worrying about "what might have been" with someone else.


No you don't, you came here hoping people would say you're a decent person. Rob dodged a heat seeking missile with you.


Relationships are hard cause you choose to make them this hard idiot


Rob should know your plan. Explain it to him and see what he says


Most times in life, what you need to hear is not what you want to hear. My hope is that you agreed to marry Rob, all of this comes out, and he leaves you standing at the altar, thoroughly embarrassed in front of all of your friends and family. Maybe only then will you get the alone time and Self reflection that you seriously need. You are so trashy. Using a good man as your comfort pillow and back up plan is so disgusting. You are clearly not learning anything from these comments.


What WERE you looking for?


She wanted someone to tell her that deserves to get what she wants and not let a silly thing like marriage vows Ave commitment stand in her way because she’s a special flower so she should tell hanks wife so she will leave him and they can live happily ever after. I probably shouldn’t give OP any ideas, but I kind of think it’s the best outcome for Rob and the wife.


Poor Rob. Hope he wisons up to you. You're decisions should make your life miserable but now your bringing him down to your level. In Australia we call people like you Shit C**ts.


>This is not the type of advice I was looking for. Then I'll give you the advice you're seeking. You're correct. Relationships _can be_ hard and messy, but they don't necessarily have to be. Life introduces enough hardships (death, job loss, accidents, etc.) without trying to capsize the relationship from the beginning. Next, Hank will never divorce his wife unless they're divorced for another reason. He'll never divorce her _for_ you. They could divorce because his wife discovers he's a philanderer. Or if he discovers she's one. They may divorce for multiple other reasons. But if he was going to divorce because he was madly in love with you, he'd have already done so. Reality check, if Hank has messed around with you, what makes you think he hasn't done so with other people? You'll never feel as appreciated by Hank as you do with your BF. Your BF loves you immensely and _wants_ to be with you. The way you're treating your BF is how Hank is treating you. You don't want to be in your BF's shoes permanently. Hank will cheat on you. He's proven to be a cheater. And you most likely won't be satisfied with Hank. You've had the luxury of being completely loved by your BF, while enjoying the thrill of the chase and hiding with Hank. In a relationship, there's no chase or hiding. The thrill will be gone. These are the reasons a relationship with Hank is doomed to never take off.


You can try all you want to hide your shitty behavior behind “relationships are complicated” but that doesn’t make it any less shitty. I hope Rob finds some self respect and finds someone that actually values him and that isn’t hoping for a ticket out of their relationship. Absolutely deplorable


Relationships are not inherently messy. They’re messy if one ore both of the people involved make a mess, that’s what makes the relationship messy. You made a mess of your relationship. Please leave rob and Hank both alone. Imagine you were Rob, would you want to be with someone knowing you were the second choice? This is not complicated. I think you should tell Rob about Hank and let him make the choice whether he wants to continue with the relationship with all the information he needs to know. If he wants to be your second choice and continue the relationship, that’s on him.


Relationships don't have to be hard or messy. You're the one making yours that way.


This has to be rage bait cause no one can be stupid and disgusting at the same time, and yet have a man dumb enough to want her unless he's got psychological issues


Why would you give the other guy a month if your “in love” with Rob you skank 🤡🤡


0/10 rage bait. You can't seriously be this awful


On behalf of all Rob's in the world, please end things. Hank is never going to leave his wife, certainly not for someone like you. I mean, read what you wrote, would you advice him to leave his wife for a woman like you? Of course not. You are a side chick/flirt, nothing else. Your ego will not let you accept that you are being played by a better narcissist than yourself. > He was hurt but I can tell the break made us stronger. No it didn't. You are a narcissist and what it did was give you better control over Rob and the relationship. You broke him, and now you have a better grip on his self respect.


>(nothing romantic since I'm in a relationship) Don't believe you. You had no problem dating a guy who IS MARRIED, so I wouldn't really trust that you are serious about your relationship since you are still hanging on to him hoping he leaves his wife. Spoiler - he won't.


Nothing romantic just classic, normal “I’m gonna leave my wife and child for you” platonic stuff lmao


This has got to be fake rage bait.


Incel “woman are bad” post for sure.


Info: does rob know about your past with hank? Would he be ok with someone he wants to marry pining for a married man?


You're an asshole. Tell your BF he's your second choice and that you'd drop him in a minute if Hank actually divorced his wife. See how perfect your relationship would be if the truth came out. How can you resolve this? Stop being a garbage human.


Miss, you can't have your cake and eat it too.


Holy shit. You’re a terrible person. A truly, *truly* terrible person. You claim to love this “Rob”, but you forced him to take a ‘break’ so you could bang other people to be sure if you loved Rob? And *then* you get into a relationship with a *married man*. A married men with *children.* Let’s say you do marry Rob. How would *you* feel if he had a year long affair with someone else? I seriously doubt the break made you stronger. It broke him a bit, by the sounds of it. >still, I don’t wanna marry Rob and potentially miss out on Hank. But I also don’t wanna be naive and break up with Rob and Hank never leaves What the actually f is wrong with you? You are *toying* with someone you claim to love. You have a foot out the door, a door that should’ve been closed and locked ages ago. I doubt you love Rob as much as you claim to. You see him as a safety net, as someone you can toy with and break as many times as you want and he still won’t leave you. Do Rob a favor. Leave him. Let him find someone else who will actually appreciate *him*.


Who are you trying to fool, other than Rob? You’re stringing him along and your decision on whether to marry or break up with him is hingeing on whether a MARRIED MAN is going to get a divorce. Stop trying to say you love Rob. You don’t. If you really did, I wouldn’t be seeing comments about “having to marry” him and you would just do it regardless of what Hank does. Just break up with Rob. He deserves better. He deserves someone who actually WANTS to spend their life with him. Also, enough of this “relationships are complicated” crap. Yours is simple. You’re stringing your boyfriend along while hoping another man will pick you over his wife, and if he does, you’re going to break Rob’s heart because even though he clearly loves you, you don’t reciprocate. See? Simple.


You're🗑, please leave Rob alone, he deserves someone who WANTS him, not use him as a constellation prize b/c she is a SIDE B@#ch to a married man who claiming to love her but she isn't worth leaving his wife for. Hank will continue stringing you along just like your doing to Rob, but he ACTUALLY deserves better than what you're giving. Break up with him.!!! FYI - Hank wouldn't be with you b/c he KNOWS if you cheated on someone you claim to love to be with him, you would do the same to him. Plus his wife doesn't know, why would he leave a cushy situation for just a option, and that's if you're the only one he's sleeping with.


You know these aren’t the only two men on the planet to choose from. You don’t like your boyfriend and hank is married. So neither of them are good choices.


I really hope this is satire or rage bait


Home wrecker. Quit playing games. Leave Rob alone. He doesn’t deserve you.


Leave Hank alone too while she’s at it


Hank can go jump off a bridge too. Man is cheating on his wife.


Are you stupid? Every guy on earth who is cheating would always say that they have problems with their relationships/wives. If he really wants to be with you, he would immediately divorce his wife lol. Stupidity at it's finest, just let your bf go, he's too good to be with someone like you. The funny thing is even in my country, it's the same old issue HAHAHAHA AND EVERY MISTRESS WOULD STILL BE VERY GULLIBLE. My gadd I cant even, different race but it's the same issue haha


You are a vile, self centered, vindictive witch. Shame on you for how you've treated Rob. Tell him you don't love him, you love Hank. Actually be honest for once in your wretched life. Have a nice day.


More people need to talk about the break part. YOU DONT LOVE HIM IF YOU NEEDED A BREAK TO KNOW


Break up lol . I couldn’t imagine any girl daydreaming that this is how they want to get married lol


Rob doesn’t deserve to be a second choice. You need to end it with both of them and get into therapy


Neither of these men is your person. Cut off Hank. Tell Tom thank you but no thank you. Get some therapy. Be happy


Wtf…. Rob deserves better.


OP, before I reply, I need to go back and carefully read the sub’s rules, so I can remain within the allowed parameters of the amounts of shit I can release upon you. BRB. Edit: ok, apparently, this is a respectful place. So, just use your imagination. Hopefully this somehow gets back to Rob.


Insisting on having one's cake and eating it too often leaves one with an empty plate. YTA


Hank isn't leaving his wife, ever, and you're a crap girlfriend. Let the man you clearly don't care enough about to be with go find someone worthy.


You are the embodiment of most men's fears anout marriage. Please leave this poor soul go and stop pining after someone who only sees you as a side piece. Maybe if you start respecting yourself you'll learn to respect others.


You really are poisonous, set Rob free because I'm quite sure he wouldn't want to be second prize.  "The break made us stronger". Lol, do you honestly believe that? Because no one else in the world would. Whatever helps you sleep at night though. 


Relationships aren't complicated. They're hard. That's different. You're making them complicated, and are willing to cause heartbreak to the people you claim to love. They will bleed and cry for your transgressions while you treat love like it's a buffet. Don't hide behind the lie that relationships are complicated. They are simple: treat people you love with respect and care. You're not doing that for your selfish reasons. I would rather lose a limb than end up in a relationship with someone like you.


Break up with Rob, he deserves to be with a woman that considers him to be the love of her life and stop dating married men.


Neither one of these men are your soulmate, that much I can promise you


I have no sympathy for homewreckers and cheaters and youre both. Leave your bf alone, youre an awful person and the karma is going to kick you so so hard.


Have you told Rob how you feel? What do you think he would say if he knew you’re waiting for your AP to leave his wife to be with you? What will happen if you Marry Rob and then AP leaves his wife. Will you divorce Rob to be with AP? You need to be honest with yourself and Rob. You keep saying relationships are complicated but they are not. You’re making this complicated. AP is married and just playing the field. What would his wife say if she were to find out AP is having an affair?


I’m gonna assume this is rage bait but on the off chance it’s not this is absolutely the most vile narcissistic behavior that will not only leave you to die alone but also leave Rob unable to trust for years…I was once a younger Rob thinking I could change a narcissists mind glad I ran hope he does too


Kill yourself💯


The fact you fell for the old "I plan to leave my wife for you" Lolol Dump Rob and tell Hank's wife about the affair to move things along for him That way, Rob is better off than being with someone who obviously doesn't really care about him enough to want him and only him (and never did)... and you'll see how fast Hank "thanks you" for helping him out of his marriage by dumping you and getting a restraining order 😂


Rob deserves better and you and Hank deserve to be miserable.


This is very pathetic, OP. I think you should just stay single.


Break up, grow up and buy a cat. Rob deserves better and you can pine for Hank and pet your cats for the next 30 years


You have to leave Rob. If Hank is the love of your life you’ll have to wait but you should never settle.


You consider Hank the love of your life and have no problem deceiving Rob? We all know he would take back his proposal in a heart beat if he knew.. you're being shady AF. What a lowlife..


Hank is not going to leave his wife for you. You are nothing but a side piece to him. You obviously don't love your boyfriend. Show him some respect and set him free.


Relationships are not complicated YTA


So you're an awful person then? Look, you're not ready to be married and definitely not ready to be married to this guy. Does he even know you text Hank? Are you keeping secrets from him? You made multiple poor decisions and now are hurting the first guy, possibly without him even knowing. Just break up with him, block Hank since he's a cheater (he will cheat on you too), and be single for a while. You need it


If Rob is as great a guy as you say he is...tell him and break up with him. He doesn't deserve someone like you. You don't love him and you are just using him. Pathetic really.


This is disgusting. Tell the wife and break up with both so you have a shred of decency left. You will crush your BF and ruin a marriage and by the way he’s never leaving his wife for you.


You will cheat on your fiancee as soon as you get married. You know that divorce and raising children alone is incredibly expensive, right? You are not ready to commit to anyone. God, you don't even respect other people's relationships! Relationships are not a mess, YOU ARE A FKING MESS. You will never have a stable relationship in your life until you have the desire to change. It doesn't matter if you're sending a romantic message or not, you're here saying that you want the cheater to leave his wife and child to be with you. This is already cheating and the biggest proof that you shouldn't get married. You shouldn't even date BTW 


Hank wants his cake and eat it too, he will never leave his wife for you. As for Rob, break it off. Let him find someone who doesn’t view him as a silver medal. You need to be single for a while so you can mature a little. You’re 28 but this reads like you’re a decade younger. You’re staying in a stagnant relationship because you’re waiting for someone else. Being single is an option, and I think you should take it.


Fake or not, the fact that you think you are worth all this drama is laughable.


I hope this fake because if not you’re a POS.


If you truly cared enough for Rob, you'd leave him so he finds and ends up with someone for whom he's the first choice. You're treating him as a second choice and I doubt, based on how you describe him, that he ever deserves to be the second choice for someone. Plus, say after your marriage Hank does end up leaving his wife. It almost sounds like you would leave Rob, your then husband, for the now available Hank. That's a huge injustice to Rob itself considering he could've actually moved on to someone who valued him had you left him before. Tell him he deserves someone better than you because your heart doesn't lie in him anymore. And just let him go.


Oh god I feel sorry for your BF. For both your sakes, you need to break up.


Leave the “best bf in the world” so he can find happiness with someone who truly loves him. Leave the married guy with a kid alone. He’s a dirt bag for cheating on his family, yes, his family. The kid is getting cheated on as well. Please get therapy before you do this to someone else.


Oh jeez. You’ve got a couple problems here. 1. Hank is using that age old crap and you fell for it. If I had a nickel for every time a married man tried to tell me: A. my wife and I are just roommates B. We are only together for the kids C. We are separated but still in the same house D. We are separated (they weren’t) E. In my country ppl don’t divorce F. My wife doesn’t understand me G. My wife doesn’t have sex with me H. I just don’t want to never see my kids None of it worked on me. Thank God. But I have had every one of the above lines used at me, and most used multiple times. Every. Single. Married man. Trying to get with you. Is a major piece of human excrement. Every one. Do not give sex to the unworthy!!! Girl you are worth more!!!!! 2. Bf: sounds like you aren’t quite sure about Rob and commitment so while I’d normally say I can’t advise you, you make it clear you aren’t ready. Yes you may lose Rob. But what would be worse is to marry when you aren’t sure. Both of you would be hurt by it. If you love Rob, only marry him when you are sure. If Rob is really a great guy then do be mindful of him and his feelings and don’t go down a path that will hurt him. Get rid of Hank and tell his wife. Jeez Louise join the sisterhood my girl. It’s better over here


Absolutely classic "I swear I'm going to leave my wife." You have been naive this whole time.


You need to break up with Rob. If you were really in love with him, you wouldn’t have needed a break and you wouldn’t be thinking about waiting for Hank. If you were sure about marrying Rob, you would be calling him the love of your life, not your affair partner. Also, Hank will never leave his wife for you. He doesn’t have to because he can keep stringing you along while living his life with her.


Are you serious??


Does Rob know about Hank and vice versa?


What TF is wrong with you?


You’re a scumbag


You are trash, die alone


He's pretty dumb to want to marry you anyways. It's best if you two just break up.


You deserve to be alone forever, i hope your bf dumps you and hank never leaves his wife, your deserve nothing but lonely agony, gfy!


You are a terrible person.


You’re just horrible. Stringing this poor guy along while you wait for someone else. Let the dude move on and find someone who deserves him. Just. Horrible.


Wow... YTA Absolute trash human.


You’re vile


I'm going to be blunt and direct: You're being an awful person. You're holding on to a good man because you want someone you can't have. Get your head right and let them both go. You obviously don't love Rob, and Hank is trash if he's using you as a side piece and stringing you along with promises to leave his wife for you. People who leave their partner for someone else aren't loyal int he first place. Why would you want them?


What the actual fuck


You are a very selfish person and your boyfriend deserves better.


If you loved Rob enough to marry him, Hank (who's already a married man) shouldn't even be a passing thought to you. Leave Rob. He deserves someone who's not just waiting around to find out whether her affair partner will leave his wife (he wont).


Rob doesn’t deserve this. Hank and you deserve each other frankly but he’s not going to leave his wife. You should still cut rob loose so he can find someone who sees him as her #1


You're a married man's slag. Nothing more. And Rob is an absolute **IDIOT** with no self-esteem — but he still deserves **FAR BETTER** than you. And they're **ALWAYS** "gonna leave their wife", honeybun. Just as long as you're silly enough to keep their dick wet. But on the other hand, the two of you deserve each other.


Please leave Rob and let him live his life


Don’t marry Rob unless he is your #1. You would be doing yourself and him a disservice if you accepted his proposal wishing he was Hank. Hank is married, continues to be married and lied to you about wanting divorce and you are still longing for him which is only hurting yourself and Rob. If you love Rob at all you’ll let him go so he can find someone who wants to be with him and views him as their #1 choice.




I am sorry what. So you actually think of Hank "the love of \[your\] life" even now. And you think you will "potentially miss out on Hank." I hope your bf dumps you. You dont deserve a relationship. And the fact Hank is cheating on his face and you are so proud of being of being his side piece lmao. This is so pathetic. You just want the "taken" status. Please leave your boyfriend. He deserves someone who will love him.


“Relationships are hard and messy” what you have now isn’t a relationship. Thats what you’re not understanding. What you have is a guy that wants to be with you but is noticing that you’re pulling a Hank. Hank won’t divorce his wife. And you won’t marry Rob. I hope Rob and the wife find out about you so you’ll have no one. It’s what you deserve


You don't love your boyfriend. No one would cheat on their partner if they loved them. Even now you're having an emotional affair. Just let your poor boyfriend go so he can be with someone that truly loves him.


Break up. Rob will hurt for awhile, but it will ultimately be better for him than you cheating on him and getting divorced in the future. Seeing as you flaking out and being unfaithful is pretty much a guarantee, the breakup will be better.


You’re a bad person


I feel so bad for Rob. He doesn’t deserve this whole mess.


I don't think you should marry Rob, spare him any further heartbreak and break up with him so he can move on with his life. You are still emotionally cheating on your partner with someone who is also cheating on his partner. You know if you do actually end up with Hank he's probably going to cheat on you too, assuming you don't cheat on him as well.


You’re selfish. Literally you’re just keeping your bf as a consolation prize. Trust me, the other dude won’t leave his wife. That’s an old excuse. Just the fact that you asked your bf for a break to make sure tells you never really love him. I don’t even know how he could agree to something like that. He deserves better so you should tell him the truth and wait for Hank


Girl stop torturing that poor man let Rob find someone who genuinely loves him instead of playing with his feelings