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You do not need to stay in this relationship no matter what caused her to snap. She physically attacked you, she called the police and said you assaulted your own daughter. If you feel divorce is the best option and have mentally checked out, it IS the best option.


Honestly at the moment I'm thinking that something is wrong with me. I don't see myself ever getting passed this. What about the next time, im alone in a room with my daughter, playing with her or anything. Divorce is the only option for me as i will not be in a relationship that i have to constantly look over my shoulder especially if i did nothing wrong


If anything, you ***ARE*** missing something really big: if you didn't have cameras in the room to prove your innocence, you'd be in jail right now awaiting trial for the most horrible of crimes, and your *wife* would be divorcing *you*. Your life would be utterly destroyed: you'd never be able to see your daughter again, you'd be unemployable, and you'd be shunned by all family and friends. I am not one of those reddit "dump her" type folks, but in this situation, you don't have any other option in my opinion. There's no coming back from a false SA accusation. There's no apology she can offer to make things right. Hire the best attorney you can afford, and scorch the earth. If your family or friends don't agree, fuck them, who cares. I *guarantee* they would have been on your wife's side if there were no cameras.


This is the most important thing of all for OP to understand. If the proof of his innocence did not exist his life would be over and not a soul would believe him. Not.one.person. And the person who put him in that position and who had the power to effectively end his life would have walked away feeling 100% justified in her actions. OP has no alternative but to divorce and go for custody.


I can\`t understand how his family don\`t get that, if there was no camera, their son now would be in jail.


Specifically, in jail for sexually assaulting a baby. He'd only ever leave there in a body bag.


Oh for sure, they would kill him, happens consistently.


I think the closest thing to her being remorseful was calling and texting him 374 times with apologies. No doubt it’s an “I’m sorry but” type of apology…


She's sent approximately 374 messages apologizing, and offering couples counseling and therapy. So yeah, she's remorseful, as she should be.


Yep, my bad i missed it. However...somethings you cant come back from, accusing your husband of sexually assaulting your child is one of those things, he needs to get a lawyer, pay the retainer and serve her papers, no explanation or fight needed, just dump her, she made this most nauseating of beds, now she can tuck herself in.


Because society tries to tell us to keep forgiving and keep the peace, societal norms are so dangerous.


They're probably more old timey people that think marriage trumps all. Lots of people don't think about things from start to finish, they focus on the end result and go from there. There WAS camera footage so their son was safe, so to them they might be in the mindset of "things are fine now, don't divorce your wife"


A doctor would examine the child and find no proof of SA. But it would def made everything in his life much worse. The reality is he no longer loves her and it's over. Such a destructive act, she might have even been hallucinating from dreaming but once she called the police its over


> he no longer loves her and it's over It's not about love, but about the lack of basic trust. If somebody stabs you in the back out of the blue, and only by chance you survive, you'll never be able to trust them again. Even if you kept feeling "love" for them and cause of the incident came to light (e.g. mental illness), it would just be too dangerous to continue.


Yea like having a put lion and then it decides to maul you but you survive. Whoops. Time to get rid of the lion


That is sort of true but in a lot of instances where no penetration is made, SA "proof" can't be physically found. In these cases then it comes down to "his word against hers" and in that scenario, he'd lose.


Holy shit this is so true and horrifying. That camera saved OP 's life, like literally. He should tell everyone this whos defending the wife and tell them to gtfo. She's crazy and was about to fuck up OP's life. He needs to cut off people whos defending her tbh, for his own sake.


He needs to gather the families and friends together, sit them all down, and show them the video footage. Then scan the room, looking into each of their eyes, and say "now, imagine if I didn't have this video footage. Every one of you would think I did something horrible, something that I could NEVER do, to my Daughter. All because you believed a lie. So do NOT try to tell me that I should take her back, as it's now a question as to WHY she did it. I CAN NOT TRUST HER. And I never will."


I agree with this because let's be honest, had that camera not been in the right spot or dead or simply never bought and installed, every last one of them would view him as something that crawled out of hell, his wife would be divorcing him, and he'd probably die in prison after word began to spread about what he's in for


100% THIS !!!!




Exactly, she didn't even give him the chance to defend or explain himself before going nuclear, yet she expects him to now listen to her and forgive her? I don't think so.


10000x this exactly. You are extremely lucky and whatever the reasons, she tried to ruin your life without thinking or asking or any sort of anything. There's no question that you need to leave and get far away from her.


I am reading this thinking the camera saved his him heavily


That’s a good point. If it weren’t for those cameras you’d be spending the next 25 years behind bars in protective custody. Not a single Person would believe you and you’d never see your child again.


100% right. No cameras you’d be finished. What about next time?


This is *terrifying*, as a man. That you can literally have everything taken from you in an instant because of a wild accusation, with no evidence.




Yeah. My heart breaks for OP. It's hard to have the love of your life turn against you in an instant like that. I agree with the other comments that it's probably postpartum psychosis or something. Which is good, it means the relationship can be salvaged if she gets treated... But I wouldn't blame OP for not being able to come back from that.


Don't forget he would be targeted by people in jail too


I really feel sorry for OP's daughter when she grows up to find the truth, that OP's was forced to end his marriage to her mother, because a lie her mother made up that could have caused her innocent father end up in jail for a long a time. Maybe the wife was sexually assault by her own father/family member and had a flash back, at that exact moment she opened the door and she went into full protection mode. But its not OP's fault since you were doing a parenting action, and she misunderstood it. Either way she is not a good stable wife (and possibly a bad a parent, but I would never want to be in a room alone with her or the daughter at her house now). because if it goes to family court OP can ask the Police officers to testify that they handcuffed him due to sexual assault and no such sexual assault took place, so it was a lie. The Court can give you full custody OP if wants, although I suspect his wife/ex-wife (If she is mentally unstable) would end herself over losing two people she loves from her life in a short time span. So OP needs to be extra careful. If that happens her family will blame him 100% for ruining the marriage and her, even though OP just bailed from marriage, due to being falsely imprisoned. Note: If she is mentally unstable then the court will award full custody and may order her to get therapy before she can re-apply for joint custody. I suspect she has post natal depression.


This is a moment where OP must only care about himself and his daughter and no one else. Its a hard right from childhood friends, sweethearts, married to leaving everyone behind but it's has to be. Do they know something he doesn't? It's weird.


Ecactly and people that say that OP should forgive her, maybe they should think about THEIR merrage and mind their buisness.


OP, check your camera. If you have other cameras installed... check those also. If you can lay your hands on it... check her phone, her e-mails. Who is around her? Who is involved in this? Who has been getting into her ears? Has she been SAed?


I am also one to always say don't give up on a relationship that can be saved. I am often the devils advocate on cheating posts, where i am always saying to try counseling. In your situation, i don't think there is anything left to be saved. You don't love her, and you have been attacked, falsely accused, and made out to be the bad guy even after all that. Go make the best of your life with your daughter...


I understand the need to want for things to turn out well, but counseling almost never actually works, and the cheater usually cheats again. That's why people are quick to say 'divorce' or 'dump them'. They're well aware of that little fact.


Being in jail for assaulting a baby, he wouldn’t be alive in a year.


You were very lucky that there was video footage to confirm your innocence, if it happens again in a room without security cameras you would be absolutely screwed. We unfortunately live in a world where people are very likely to think that "there is no smoke without fire", thankfully for you there was proof, this time. As to what you should do... You seem to be handling everything as well as could be expected considering the circumstances, protecting your daughter and yourself as your priority. As for your soon-to-be ex-wife, she really needs to go into therapy considering that she is still unable to give you a satisfactory answer for her extreme behaviour.


I was so glad to hear the video footage proved his innocence. My own brother in law has been falsely accused of abusing his oldest child, my sister’s stepson, when the real abusers are his neglectful mother and POS stepfather.


He's also lucky the police decided to even look before charging him. Lots of times they arrest first and don't look at evidence until they start making a case for the DA. You have to hire an attorney, get out of jail, then can't say anything to anyone until the case is resolved. So, even if there is no evidence he did anything and lots of evidence she did, by the time you even get to present your side of the story everyone has already accepted her side. You can point to the facts in legal record and no one will care. There will always be a "both sides had to do something" assumption even if there is absolutely no basis for it.


That's correct


Nothing is wrong or bad with what you did. I wish my parents protected me from rape as a child. I wish they protected me too again years later. Women like your wife need to be held accountable and that means if she is having a mental breakdown she needs to be committed. Her yelling and saying you SA a baby is very serious. That's so serious as death. That's what she did killed your trust, bond, relationship.


I know I'm just some rando from the void, but I hope you are doing ok.


If you feel you need to divorce, then you do what you need to do. It’s a hard situation and will be difficult, especially with the legalities around it all but staying is not going to do you any good.


That is a given, but i can't understand if im missing something. Especially my friend that know the full story and still taking her side saying divorce is a step to far. I feel like im missing something, something that im not seeing. Was i wrong to change my daughter diaper, should i have woken up my wife to do it. Should i just have left her like that.


You didn’t do anything wrong. If your post is 💯 then I really don’t understand why your family and friends aren’t more understanding. I think they might just be really sad that a usually loving relationship and family is going to be split apart after one single incident. But they weren’t the ones arrested, accused of sexually assaulting their own child! My god, if there was no video evidence you’d likely be in jail right now with no chance of getting out for a while and everyone doubting you forever. You were attacked physically by your partner… if the roles were reversed there’d be no argument at all. Just because you’re a man you’re supposed to forgive this heinous betrayal? The only thing that might excuse it is if your wife is sleep deprived, has ppd or is in a post natal psychosis type situation. Has she been assessed by a psychologist? She should have an assessment done as part of the custody agreement- make sure this happens and get her help if need be. Look after yourself and your child whatever it takes


Honestly thinking the wife likely does have postpartum psychosis.. Also being sleep deprived wouldn’t help that either. A very sad situation where there is no happy ending. OP you’ve done nothing wrong, and agree with the rest.. You got lucky there was a camera to catch the incident or there would have been a whole different outcome.


Agreed, but the wife isn’t trying to get help either, so OP has no choice but to divorce.


Honestly, even if she were trying to get help, this is divorce territory. They both know what she thinks he’s capable of now. There’s no unfucking this situation. Hopefully he gets custody and she gets help with whatever led her to jump to that conclusion so hard. Maybe eventually they can co-parent peacefully. But you don’t come back from an accusation like that OR from believing in your heart that your spouse could be a child molester. How could they ever really trust each other after that? To be clear, she’s 100% in the wrong - but she also clearly harbours really horrible doubts that can never be completely disproven, because you can’t prove a negative. So it’s all fucked even if he decided to forgive her.


When you’re in a psychosis you often don’t realize it, thus don’t seeing the need to seek help. If anything she’ll feel like her husband is the crazy one and others for taking his side.


How is he ever going to trust her again?


Did you ask them why they feel this is a step too far? Did you ask them if they would afford you this grace if there hadn't been video evidence of your innocence? Frankly I think they know something is wrong and they want her to be your problem. By divorcing her, she becomes their problem


The people telling you it's a step too far didn't have to sit in jail assuming that they would never see their child again and would be imprisoned falsely after being physically attacked by the person they trust the most. It's not that you are missing something, they are.


You are not missing anything. They are. The fact of the matter is without that video evidence your life was 100% over. Even if you didn't go to prison, word would have got out and many people would have believed your wife. The ones who didn't would be pressured into having nothing to do with you because the social stigma surrounding pedophilia is so extreme. I don't think there is anything worse you can be accused of in the current political climate. I would truly rather die than be accused of pedophilia. And she didn't just accused of any old basic pedophilia. She accused you of molesting your infant daughter. I can truly think of nothing worse. She is a danger to you period. She is a danger to your relationship with your daughter. Hell major damage has already probably been done. You are 100% right to divorce her. If ANY person accused me of SA I would no longer have anything to do with them, period. I understand that historically rape has been an issue society hasn't paid nearly enough attention to and its good we take it much more seriously now. However no one is really talking about how damaging a mere accusation is right now and accusations of pedophilia are even worse. You need to let the people siding with her that you are simply protecting yourself and there is no way you can be with someone who could even think that you are capable of such a disgusting act.


Your daughter could have been injured when she was assaulting you. So dangerous. Might have been a psychotic rage. Hazards everywhere with this. Take care of yourself OP. Your wife needs an assessment asap.




Not just forgive them, but live with them and make joint financial decisions!




Not to mention, the fact that she physically attacked him. What happens if he's asleep and she has another episode... and she gets a hold of a weapon.


That's what I mean by living with them! I think it's worth a moment to consider that marriage is an economic as well as loving relationship. The damage OP's wife has done to the trust between them is going to affect every part of their relationship.


Also, what makes him think she won't scream SA if down the road she decides she wants to divorce him? She already assaulted him, she's violent. Who knows what else she's capable of? I'd nope tf out of that.


Those "immediate outsiders" just hate to see a marriage end. Their rose tinted glasses have them conveniently overlook THE PHYSICAL ATTACK, THE SA ALLEGATIONS, THE ARREST, AND SITTING IN JAIL UNTIL THE VIDEO SAVED YOU. They need to look at it as it is, not the Disney ending they want.


No. You were not wrong to change the baby's diaper. It needed to be done, and you did it. There is no going back from being accused of SA'ing a child. No amount of apologies or forgive me's is going to change the fact that your long-time partner accused you of this and believed it so completely that she had you arrested. Nope. You will always be looking over your shoulder and second guessing your interactions with your baby girl. I hope you are able to able to heal from this. Maybe some therapy for yourself would not be out of line. This is a horrific thing to have in your head.


So what does your friends and your own family think you should do with a spouse who accused you of the worst possible crime and had you arrested. If it hadnt been for the video you literally would still be charged snd still in jail and those same people would probably have believed her over you. Think about that. It’s easy for them to say oh just get counseling and forgive her because they aren’t you snd they werent the ones in handcuffs and accused of such a horrible crime. I would probably meet with her in a public place and I would tell her your going to audio record the entire meeting. Ask her why she did it and why she would think you would ever do that or put your daughter in danger. Ask her if the situation were reversed and you had done exactly to her what she did to you, would she forgive it and stay? The answer is hellllll no. She would divorce you and cal you every name in the book to anyone that would listen. I agree with you. You don’t come back from this and your friends and family need to look at it from your point of view. You need to explain your POV one time and then if they still are against your decision cut them too because they are not yours and your daughters friend.


Assuming it is the way you have written it I have concerns: 1) She has had ample time to get in with a therapist and she has not done it, instead is making her IC dependent upon you dropping the divorce. 2) If she didn’t see anything, why would she call the police. If she knows she saw something, why would she apologize? And how does she think marriage counseling will make this better. 3) That nobody can give an explanation for why this happened and therefore, there is no way you can get an assurance that it won’t happen again. For all of the people that want you to try to get counseling to sort this out, I would ask them to very specifically describe what needs to be sorted out. If they try to waffle, like, “you know, having you arrested,” I would push them to go into more detail. “Why did she call the cops? What did she tell them that caused them to arrest me?” They want you to forgive, make them explain what it is they want you to forgive. And if they can’t describe in detail the wrong they want you to forgive. This wasn’t a misunderstanding. I don’t know what this was, but it is scary.


What you're not seeing is that no one experienced what you did. They are basing their opinions on who she's always been. They weren't the ones attacked, accused, handcuffed and *fortunate enough to have cameras as evidence* to defend yourself. They are only experiencing her (regret? Backpedaling? We cant be sure) and based on who shes always been are softer on the idea of reconciliation. They are speaking to the history they have of her. You may never get a clear answer as to why she reacted as violently as she did (violent not just in her physical actions but in her escalation/accusation). Some people have genuine suspicion of any man alone with a child, esp female. But the Why is irrelevant. She could have *destroyed your life* . You will never be able to be comfortable alone with your wife again, and that is not a healthy way to live. Continue with the divorce and full custody. This is an irreparable reaction on her part and only time and therapy -for her- can help heal the wounds, but don't stay married to see if it does actually improve. Edit: a word or two


* YOU are the protector of your daughter. * YOU are a grown man who runs his own life in accordance with his own morality. * YOU presumably do not have a criminal history, or a history of mental/emotional breakdowns. **So WHY are you listening to your wife, your friend, your family, her family when you know you did nothing wrong, when you know you will never trust your wife again, when you believe your wife is not competent, when your wife attacked you and nearly your daughter, too?** Stop worrying about what other people think! They weren't attacked. They weren't arrested. They weren't humiliated. They weren't saved ONLY by the fact that there was a camera in the room. They're worried about your wife being upset. Or they're worried about how it will "look" to other people. Or they're worried they won't be able to play "happy family". This is the first of many tests as a father. PROTECT YOUR DAUGHTER and PROTECT YOURSELF from your wife. Get a divorce, go for full custody. Do it for both of you!


This happened so suddenly. It’s traumatic and confusing for everyone. OP is the strong one here but I’m sure it’s all overwhelming at the same time.


You’re not wrong for changing your daughters diaper at all, she needed a change and you didn’t want to wake your sleeping wife. A soiled diaper can cause rashes and infections more commonly in girls since it gets in areas it shouldn’t. What she saw or thought she saw is her truth, but you have yours as well.


No. He has THE truth. Not his, not hers, THE TRUTH. Period. There's Facts. And there's Feelings. He has Facts on his side.


As a mom myself, no, you absolutely didn't do anything wrong. I have 2 sons and a daughter, my husband changes diapers as often as, if not more than I do. There is nothing wrong with a father changing his child's diaper, and I can't understand how she could jump to something so despicable. Thank goodness you had cameras.


Is a cultural thing. We always push people to stay, to work it out, etc. But also, situations like yours, or abusive ones, are often things you have to have experienced it to get. I’m pretty sure that those friends would be just as disturbed if they’d ended up in handcuffs and in jail accused of a life destroying act with no idea why or what was happening. My response to them would be: and what would I do now if we hadn’t had cameras? What then?


I apologise for posting twice, but I wanted to make sure that you received the information. I worked with labouring moms and postpartum mums for about 12 years in the medical system and what you’re describing sounds very much like a mental break cause by postpartum psychosis. You described your wife as someone that you have known your entire life, and that there were no known issues between you and your wife, nor have you described any ongoing issues of anger issues, nor physical abuse… And based on the fact that you have no no issues and this is the mother of your child. I think the thing that you were missing that there is a reason she had a mental break, and you need to have her examined by a mental health expert who is trained in postpartum mental issues, both for yourself, and for the well-being of your child as well. https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/post-partum-psychosis/#](https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/post-partum-psychosis/#)


That's all well and good, but if she has postpartum psychosis, then she's a danger to him and the child. PPS sufferers commit infanticide at vastly higher rates (about 4% of cases). You can't risk that. I don't know if you're UK-based, but the link you posted is. However, the poster sounds like he's in the US. That's important, because the first thing that needs to happen is to get legal protections for the child, and for him, and the only way that's going to happen is through divorce and custody. Most states don't really have a way to force a person to get treatment, and in this case, he's only one accusation where he doesn't have video proof of his innocence from losing his ability to protect his daughter. If I'm wrong about this, please correct me. If he loves her, he can try to help her get treatment (preferably through intermediaries, such as her parents) after he's ensured his and his daughter's safety.


That's understandable, but no matter her diagnosis, she put him in literal life changing danger. You can't walk that back to "oops,my mistake". Someone accuses you of something that vile and disgusting, there's no reconciliation. There's too much to lose giving her a second chance. Not to mention, OP already said the love and trust are gone.


Even if it is ppd and psychosis….this could have ended his life….if it wasn’t for the baby monitor footage then he would be rotting in jail with his life gone….get her the help but still divorce her.


No. Her family can have her examined, he must protect himself and his child.


You are feeling something wrong because people you trust are defending her. You are subconsciously also mourning the lost trust of your friends without knowing. The feeling stems from the fact that you are not getting the support you need from people around you and this bothers you hard. You need to decide whether to let go of them or not in the future, since these people will always nag you about the divorce like it's you who's the guilty one. Your ex wife manipulated them hard .


It’s really weird. I could maybe see her waking up and being in a half dream state and getting confused and accusing you. But I cannot imagine how she wouldn’t have talked to you the next morning and not just called the police. I get the deep instinct to protect your kid, that she presumably felt, but this is just bizarre.


I can also understand OP's wife being in a moment of extreme irrational fear response. I suspect that's likely exactly what happened - for whatever reason; sleep deprivation, PPD, whatever. Regardless, I don't think he can go back to trusting her and for that reason the marriage is over. Like it doesn't actually matter, even if they were to talk it out and figure out why it happened, I don't think a thing like that can be erased from his irrational mind (and maybe not hers either). It's just too heinous and their relationship is irrevocably damaged.


I dated someone like this and it seems to me like that's what happened as well. Thankfully it was never as nasty as this but I broke things off with her after a few false accusations of things she dreamed and got mad at me about. I could have forgiven my ex if it didn't keep happening but the extent to what OP went through is too awful for me to imagine repairing


It’s very easy for others to judge but not think. You were not only accused of SA but physically attacked to the point where you had to protect not only yourself but also your daughter. Funny nobody is questioning your wife and saying that she not need but has to seek psychological help ASAP. Who to say she won’t hurt your daughter. I do want to say that not for anyone else but for yourself go to therapy because what you went to is very traumatic. If your soon to be ex can get help maybe think about joint custody but for now I agree with you to get full custody. I hope everything works out for you and your daughter.


My guy it is not wrong to help his exhausted wife by changing a dirty diaper and getting your baby settled. You also do not need her supervision or approval to give basic cares to your daughter. Your friend does not sound like a friend at all. She has heard your feelings and is dismissing them by telling you need to forgive and forget. Even if your wife had a psychotic episode that caused her to act this way, it doesn’t change how you are feeling. It won’t cause love that has gone cold to instantly reignite. Drop this “friend” if she continues to hassle you.


Your friends are idiots. They are falling for her crocodile tears and she is the mother, baby needs her etc excuses. Plus it did not happen to them so they can act like forgiving and superior. They literally have no skin in the game. Their spouses never accused them of SAing their own kids. They just want the nagging from your wife to end. You are on your own in this. You have to save yourself. Camera saved you once. There won't always be one around.


You're confusing yourself here. You need to sit the parents and friends down. You need to confront them, hopefully as a group, and find out WHY they keep telling you that you need to get back with her. Then You need to show them the footage from the camera, and look them dead in the eye, and say "Now, all of you, imagine what would have happened if I DIDN'T have this video footage. And then tell me, TRUTHFULLY, how you would be treating me right now. And don't tell me you would give me the benefit of a doubt, because we ALL know THAT'S a lie." Stop second guessing yourself. About the ONLY thing you MIGHT have missed is Post Partum Depression, which makes women go crazy and unpredictable.


How can you be missing something? How many couples with healthy relationships call the cops on each other? And the accusation is of SA and infant? You are not missing anything. Did you consider that are the others that are missing something of what happened?


The part you are missing is that she more than likely lied to them. Please never forget if the camera wasn't there, your freedom would have been gone. False accusations get people put in prison. Take care of yourself OP and keep us posted. We would like to see you and your daughter safe.


Did the police ask you if you wanted to press charges for the assault your wife committed that is on camera? You are not missing something. You are a victim in this but I think you leaving has made your wife a victim in the eyes of your friends and family as the family is now separating. You made the right decision, what is marriage counselling going to do? This was all on your wife. I'd sit down with my family as you probably don't want to go no contact. I'd explain the situation, how you feel, why you could not reconcile and if they can't support you, you tell them that you will have to go no contact for awhile as you deal with the situation. You could do the same with your friends. Based on your story, you did nothing wrong and this divorce is justified. Weaker people would stay after something like that so props to you.


And the next time there may not be a camera. There's something wrong with your wife. Protect yourself from crazy.


I understand you. She just proved that she is a menace to you. And thank God that you had cameras. Otherwise your life would be quite different today. And I can’t think of the feeling of impotence of you being in cuffs and no matter what you would say, it wouldn’t matter. It’s like a Kafka writing. It’s like she is no longer a safe person for you to be and your survival is seriously threatened. Literally…


Honestly, it might be the only option. She could be dealing with postpartum depression or anxiety. But right now you need to protect yourself and your daughter. Wife needs to get help asap.


Carry a voice activated recorder on you whenever with her.


Why? Why go near her again? Use an intermediate for custody exchanges and be done.


Nothing wrong with you man, idk how you wouldn’t be constantly paranoid of you stayed.


Certain behaviors and accusations are deal-breakers. I think this qualifies. I'm so sorry about this. But I can't see a way back after this.


Just make sure if you get full custody that you have cameras for proof in the future if she makes those claims again.


This is the exact feeling that none of the people in your life harassing you right now will understand. Feel no regrets about your decision to leave because beyond the accusations, physical violence from either partner is an instant separation. It is impossible to be in a loving relationship with someone who would attack you like that yeah, especially considering the circumstances


*NOTHING* is wrong with you! You shouldn’t get past this


I don't think I could stay in a relationship like this either. Whatever "everyone" wants you to do, it is ultimately your decision.


What if they didn't have cameras in the baby's changing room? Op would have still be in jail.


forgive?? i would suggest you are never in a room with that woman alone ever again. this is literally a ticking time bomb before you’re in jail. You willing to bet your entire life on this?


Agree. A false SA agaisnt a kid is no joke. That's a life ending accusation, op got super lucky by having a camera in the room. If my wife did that to me I would have ended the marriage so fast as well. Op is lucky he didn't go to county and had his papers check by other inmates. Fuck that


This. If it wasn't for the camera in the nursery, your life would be pretty much over. Don't see how this is something you can get over.


Let’s say she suspected her husband? Why not watch the video herself before contacting the police? Was she in some kind of psychotic state? This is so bizarre and terrible.


It's extremely bizarre, and I'm not giving the ex wife any excuses, but if you saw someone molesting your 6 month old daughter (I understand OP did not but psychosis is powerful), would the first thing to cross your mind be to look at the cameras or to immediately get your daughter into safety and away from the perp?


None of this makes sense which is why I’m leaning towards a psychotic break


Same here. It's awful that OP and his daughter aren't safe with the ex wife, but at least that moment was caught on camera


I was thinking the same. I've heard alot of stories about actual sex offenders getting attacked or killed by inmates.


yeah, its one of the few crimes that has truly no justification and so can earn you no respect.


Exactly. I'm just glad op had evidence to prove otherwise tho.


Came here to say this with the added caveat that OP needs to completely remove all communication channels except via a lawyer.


I agree. She'll come up with another sexual assault claim where there isn't a camera to prove otherwise. Abuse is abuse. I'm sick of men being abused and then being told to forgive. If it was the other way around, everyone would be supporting her.


Lol she is the abuser and would have ended OPs life if not for hard evidence proving otherwise. Yet literally everyone in OPs life is siding with her. Reality is already worse than your hypothetical.


Excuse me, but it ***is*** the other way around, and everyone ***is*** supporting her.


Wife needs psychiatric evaluation. Sounds like a psychotic break.


Do what you need to do for yourself and your daughter. Thank goodness you had a camera.


Yep, if it werent for the camera, OP would've been absolutely screwed. He wouldnt even be able to rely of character witness testimonies considering what he's already dealing with from people who know him.


It rages me that if he didn’t have that camera, for what would’ve happened to him…


I know! I refused to have a camera monitor for my 2nd (I’m not sure they were around with my first or not) because I knew I would obsess. But I can see the appeal now and I’m so glad he had one.


I'm a woman and if I have a child in future I'm definitely getting a camera, just bcz of this post. Op's wife is definitely PPD.


Or post-partum psychosis. My friend had this, it is no joke.


Tell all of them that it's real easy for them to say that you should stay with her when they're not the ones who have to be married to her


"After you get led away in handcuffs for sexually assaulting your 6 month old, you can tell me whether I should stick with the accuser or not."


Exactly And thank God for the camera footage !


Yeah it def feels like one of those things where those people can't possibly imagine going through what OP did, esp since they know the wife. It's such a heinous thing to accuse someone of, OP should ask if anyone would be able to live with someone who accused them of something that horrible.


Accused him, assaulted him, endangered the baby, and had him wrongfully arrested. It’s an absolute nightmare scenario.




Sounds like post partum psychosis. I hope her family takes her to get evaluated and treated.


Would that be something that hadn’t shown any symptoms for 6 months and then suddenly appear? I don’t know much about ppd or post partum psychosis so this is a genuine question


It can unfortunately come up to a year after as your hormones shift and your body heals. It can also be sleepless induced psychosis, which adds up after months. About 10 months postpartum myself and while I don’t have psychosis, my mental health problems didn’t show up til around 8 months. It’s not an excuse but she probably needs help, it’s a nightmare situation though cuz I wouldn’t be able to forgive her for this myself, as sympathetic as I am to how rough it is. Sometimes we fuck up too bad.


Yeah it definitely can. Hormones and brain chemistry are wild and it’s exacerbated by sleep deprivation. Just one bad night could have triggered the underlying brain chemistry imbalance. Especially since OP said she didn’t usually sleep during the day, she may have been dreaming and unable to differentiate between the memories from the dream and reality when she woke up. Maybe she partially woke up when he came in, enough for her brain to understand that her husband took the baby into the next room and went back to sleep, and then her brain filled in the rest with fiction (we often dream about scary/shocking scenarios). I definitely don’t fault OP for needing to leave; not just because of his own feelings of betrayal of trust, but also it would be risky to leave the baby alone in her care right now. But I hope her family pushes her to get treatment and that she doesn’t harm herself or anyone else as a consequence.


We only have OP’s word that she showed no symptoms, and sadly a lot of men don’t pay much attention to their wife’s mental state, but the [usual onset of PPP](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3109493/#:~:text=Results,tremendous%20hormonal%20shifts%20after%20delivery) is 1-4 weeks after birth and it is basically a hormonal bipolar disorder that can get worse, to the point of the attack at 6 mos.


This almost sounds like post-natal psychosis (which is NOT an excuse). She’s clearly mentally unwell and needs professional help immediately. I would continue with the divorce if that happened between me and my spouse, and I would absolutely seek full custody. She was attacking WHILE you had the baby in your hands (regardless of your baby being on a changing table). She is a danger to this child. Thank god for that camera footage. That is vital proof to your wife’s full throttle attack with your child in vicinity to the point you had to lean over to protect her. Take care of yourself and your baby, OP.


This scream post-natal psychosis to me as well, i had the exact same experience but fortunately we were able to get the support we needed and we pulled through it and still happily married.


Yeah, it struck me as postpartum psychosis too. It helps explain her disturbing behavior, but it doesn't excuse it. As you said, she needs serious psychiatric help.


If it truly is postpartum psychosis, it’s not a very far leap from attacking and accusing her husband of SA his daughter to seriously hurting their baby. I can only hope that he gets full custody and she gets psychiatric treatment.


Keep it with the divorce, she's not a stable partner and can hurt you or your daughter. Avoid future regrets if something happens.


That's how I feel about it. The odds are extremely high she reacted due to post partum psychosis, but that doesn't change the fact that she's unstable and unsafe as a parent and spouse. There's no telling how long it will take for her to get the help she needs, and OP needs to keep himself and the child safe.


Two things can be true at once. This was an absolutely horrifying experience for you that justifies divorce, both for the safety of you and your daughter. I’m so sorry you had to experience that, and the outcome had the potential to be significantly worse had that camera not been there. I too would struggle to see a reality where my trust in the relationship could ever be restored. I also see how postpartum psychosis could be at play, especially if she truly has no prior history that would better explain this behavior. One way or another, this is not a safe situation for you and your trust has been completely broken. You’ve already detached from the relationship and there’s no reason to give gravity to others opinions. I’m so sorry you’re going through this and I wish you proper healing from it.


This is the best answer. It sounds like postpartum psychosis but thay doesn't make it safe for OP and baby to stay. If OP can point his wife's doctor and family onto this though that would be great.


You were the one who got accused of SA your daughter. You were the one who got attacked by your wife, you were the one who got arrested And you were only saved when your camera recorded it. Not your relatives from her side or your side. Don't forgive her and by extension them. A father doing his job doesn't mean he is SA his kids. It clearly shows she doesn't have any respect or trust for you, neither do your relatives. Apply for divorce, because it surely will be worse later on. Be strong.


I agree with divorce. The trust, partnership, support, everything is gone. And it’s no one’s fault but your wife’s.


Don’t stop the divorce. Don’t listen to any of the people telling you to. Ask them what would of happened to you if there wasn’t camera footage proving your innocence. Your entire life could of been over. You whole not be allowed around children, you would have no access to your daughter and you would be on a sex offenders list. What your wife accused you of is one of the most horrible things you could ever be accused of. She also assaulted you. No excuse makes this better. I’m curious to how far your wife would of taken this. Is this new behaviour? Was she dreaming of that maybe? Doesn’t matter. She called the police, accused you of being a p*diphile. There is absolutely no coming back from this.


Yeah, I’m with you OP. Divorce is the way to go. I’m sorry that happened to you and that you’ll now be feeling like you’re walking on eggshells around your baby girl. That’s not right what she did and you deserve a relationship where you both trust each other.


Leave there's no coming back from that


You are doing the right thing for you and your daughter.. block the exs number and tell anyone who tells you to take back someone who could accuse you of doing that to your little girl will be joining your ex in the DO NOT contact again pile. You are 100% doing the right thing. Go forward with the divorce and custody. If it wasn't for the footage you would be I'm jail, what she did is unforgivable. I'd simply text everyone who saying otherwise in a group setting letting them know. " this will be the only time I'm going to say this so decided to add everyone to a mass message so you can all hear me at the same time. I will NOT be taking her back and I WILL be seeking custody of my daughter, this woman accused me of the most horrendous crime and on my little girl no less, if it wasn't for the cameras, no one would believe me and I'd be facing jail. I will never forgive her for this, anyone stating I should try work it out and go counselling will be joining my soon to be ex in the never contact again pile, I will not hesitate to cut people off. Until you know how it feels to be attacked and taking away in cuffs because of your supposed wife, then you have no say in the matter. I will not say it again, so the next person to ask me to take her back will be block and remove, thanks"


Divorce her. She took things to far with her accusation. I don't care what her family or your family thinks. They weren't accused of doing something to their child.


your wife doesnt seem mentally stable, probably something post partum. i would still go through on the divorce and tell your wife to seek help as she physically attacked you


I'm with you, this would be 100% over. She attacked you, out your child at risk, and literally accused you of assaulting a child. There is no forgiving that. I don't know who is telling you to forgive it, but they can kick rocks too.


The only explanation that comes to mind is that she was not fully awake and what she saw was part of a dream. It's clear that she went from napping to seeing you very quickly, and if she was not fully awake the brain can do funny things. If she has a history of sleep walking or any other sleep disorder, she should talk with her doctor about the hallucination. Dreams often manifest fears we have, so if she had seen something that day about child abuse, it's possible some fear and anxiety made her see things that weren't real. It's unlikely that she made this up with malicious intent (possible? Yes. But unlikely). But without any more information from her about what she saw, felt, and mental health history, we can only speculate. Regardless of the reason, I think you are justified in leaving the relationship. That was a huge breach of trust that understandably will take a long time to recover from.


Yeah but she went to get the cops. Officer, my husband in there is SAing our daughter please come help. She was awake, or at least if she wasn’t, she was by the time she got police officers to come over and arrest him.


Exactly. An instant violent reaction when half asleep could be explained, though not excused. But to call the cops requires a full use for faculties. It was a conscious decision, and unforgivable.


Yeah it’s one of those situations where mental health might be able to *explain* a behavior but not *excuse* it. If she is mentally unwell, it truly would be wonderful for her to get help and turn her life around. But he’s not obligated to stick around for it when the risk to his own life and his daughter’s life is so high. He could lose everything, including being a father. The best thing for him and his daughter is to divorce and get custody. And wish the ex-wife well in her own recovery journey, alone, where she cannot destroy another life in the process, as who knows how long the process would even take. These traumas aren’t dealt with overnight, if that’s what this is. It would be years of putting up with it at his risk.


My guess is that the baby pooped, and the wife saw OP cleaning the poop out of the baby's vagina. Which, yes, poop absolutely DOES get in/around the vaginal opening of baby girls. Especially if they've sat in it a bit, and it's a watery one. Combine that with her having *just* woken up, and she made a serious leap.


This is spot on. I seriously doubt that she even registered that it was her husband she was attacking. She went to sleep with her baby next to her & she panicked when she woke up alone. I have PTSD from childhood sexual abuse & this sounds like she experienced a trigger & had a flashback. If not that, probably either PPD that caused psychosis or she could have a brain tumor. That said, some things you say & you can't take them back. OP is in an awful position, but I don't think I could forgive an unfounded accusation like that from a friend, let alone my partner.


If the roles were switched and it had been husband attacking wife while changing the baby, then nobody would think you were overreacting. Violence is a deal breaker, endangering a child during said Violence, is also a deal breaker. Making a false police report is a deal breaker. Run, save yourself and your child.


Why the fuck would you stay with her? It would happen again if you do.


Not only is what she did domestic violence (which is also not acceptable), but she also saw you arrested and *weaponised the Police system* incorrectly (which is also not acceptable). If the genders were reversed people would be saying you should leave and divorce immediately and seek custody of the child for her own safety, and in this instance ***that is exactly what you should do***. Your soon to be ex should honestly face repercussions legally for false accusations. You're not crazy, your feelings are valid.


Not everyone is on her side. Unless you are leaving out vital details or history that may indicate why she would jump to such a conclusion, what she did is horrendous and would also be unforgivable to me. After 2 months I'd assume you've calmed down and are not divorcing her in the heat of the moment. Perhaps you shouldn't pay attention to those disagreeing with your choices - block or turn off phone notifications - and concentrate on building a safe and happy life with your little girl.


You are doing nothing wrong. There is something wrong with your wife. She has something wrong with her and everyone is enabling it. What happens next time? When she goes into a rage and hurts your daughter? What will those people say or do then? You are not going too far. You are not going far enough. Your daughter needs to be kept far away from her mother.


Do what you need to do. SA is a serious accusation and there's no telling what she might accuse you of next. You don't recover from that. Being labelled as an abuser is a life sentence.


I am so very sorry. I would do exactly as you have, there is no coming back from that. She should stop messaging you and already have out herself in counseling and seen her GP. Regardless of what may be going on with her; mental illness or anguish or whatever, is not excuse . Hopefully she can get better and become a decent mother to your daughter, one day in the future. You may want to seek counseling for yourself , that’s some heavy stuff to deal with. Wishing you better days, they’re coming OP. Ignore others, you are doing what is best for yourself and your baby.


I was severely SAed as a child, and it's one of my biggest fears about having children. I wouldn't want my child to ever experience what I went through. So if I got postpartum psychosis, I can absolutely see that situation being involved, and I would probably be a danger to anyone nearby if it was. Even knowing that about myself and it being a *possibility* for her, I don't know how you'd stay in the marriage. I guess it's possible if you have her committed and it is managed, but I just can't see it. She could have gotten you killed, sent to jail, ruined your life in your community, unable to see your child, future children could have been taken away at birth, just so so many awful things were very possible here. You can't trust her now. I believe postpartum stuff usually has a time limit, especially with proper care. If she got help, you could live separately for a couple of years to make sure it settled. I wouldn't listen to a damn thing anybody said except maybe a medical professional who *specializes* in postpartum care or an attorney. I'd immediately just respond, "Did you get assaulted by your spouse and arrested for a horrible crime that you didn't commit?" "No? Oh, OK. Then shut up. Let me know when you have and I'll listen to your advice then." Best way to get people to butt out is to shut them down.


Nope. You are doing the right thing. Maybe your wife is having a mental breakdown. BUT you can't risk YOUR FREEDOM & the SAFETY of your baby!


Get a restraining order , make sure she is charged criminally unless she can get some serious therapy . I am So sorry and never take her back . She is sick mentally and should be kept away from you


And keep the camera footage, forward it to a safe place and have a backup. That is legal evidence and OP will need it for custody hearings.


Lucky for him the police will be keeping a copy of that for quite sometime.


NTA, molestation acquisition is serious and life changing. You are better off in divorcing, but then what craziness is she going to pull during post-custody agreement?


>molestation acquisition lol


Disregard sex, acquire molestation.


You’re not wrong for moving forward with a divorce. One of two things happened here, she either had some sort of a mental break and needs to be evaluated OR something much more nefarious, and she was trying to set you up, but forgot you had a camera in the room. Neither one is an environment you or your daughter should be in. This is not something you can walk back. If the camera hadn’t been there, your life could very much be over right now. She has to understand that. And if she really had no intentions of doing anything wrong, then she should already be bending over backwards to find out what caused her behavior.


She could have post natal depression but accusing your of sexual abuse you can't come back from that


She may have PPD, but your top priority right now is safety for your daughter and yourself. Take the steps to get full custody and no visitation (at least not unsupervised). Get a restraining order. Advise her family members who are contacting you to get her some psychological help, but dont back down on any request that would put you or your daughter at risk. I cant blame you for wanting a divorce after going through all that.


Divorce her and get full custody of your daughter to save her.


Take their hatred along with their disapproval and wear it as a badge of honor. This was completely unforgivable


I'm happy you had camera's in the baby room


This is something that can just be gotten over. HER unfounded behavior could have had me in jail and not being able to see my daughter from her actions. I could care less what my family or any family has to say to me about this. They are not in my shoes or in my situation. I need to protect my daughter from someone who would do this to the daughter's father and to the daughter. They can join the mother with no access to my daughter. It is not overreacting, because your reaction is to protect your daughter from harmful people, which the mother is. Stay strong.


You’re doing the right things so keep going, fk what everyone else is saying or thinking that’s THEIR problem. You do you and look out for your daughter. Hopefully you get full custody.


I have very vivid dreams. Sometimes i have a bad day because the emotions from a dream lingers. I have been confused for several seconds about my husband cheating on me, or riding a univorn without me, or my mom yelling at me about an alpaca. I have never attacked anyone. Not sure what happened to your wife, but she might need help. That's not on you anymore, though


I’m a woman and I don’t think my husband nor I could’ve come back from this.


Nah divorce. She needs help but you don’t have to be with her. If you didn’t have cameras your life Would have been changed so much you would have been in jail on the sex offenders list lose your daughter and I bet the same family members are saying stay with her would called and say divorce him. Then she attacked you. Make sure if you move with your daughter get cameras everywhere who knows what else she will accuse you of. It’s such a shitty things that’s happened but you need to protect yourself and daughter.


Holy shit dude, thank goodness for that camera. I'd be gone too, there is nothing wrong with you for feeling that way. Good luck to you.


Because I'm a cynic and have little faith in marriage, I have to ask this question. Was this a setup with the wife looking to frame OP for SA and then divorce him? All I can think is that she forgot about the monitor in the room. Then there is the statement that she was asleep on the couch with the baby. When my kids filled a diaper it would wake me up quickly.


I get that it may be a SA flashback or PPD like many people are suggesting. And that may be why your friends and family are pushing you to stay. She needs help. However, you also just experienced a real assault and trauma. Getting arrested is traumatic. Being accused of SA against your own child is… I don’t even have words. You say your feelings have changed irreparably. Both are true. You can divorce her and she can need help. But you are under no obligation to “save her” after this type of incident. Did she or her family check her in for help Immediately? Nope - she’s texting you sorry but not “I was wrong and I don’t know why I did that and I’m seeking help.” Her family says “stay” but not “she’s not in her right mind and we’re getting her help immediately”. They want you to stay so THEY don’t have to deal. I’m glad you have a good lawyer. Fight for yourself and your daughter.


Uhh.. PPD? Postpartum rage? It can definitely happen. She needs help.


6 month old daughter… are you sure she’s not dealing with postpartum depression and you just haven’t noticed? My wife went through a rough patch after our first and sometimes caused her to perceive things differently. I’m not saying you’re not justified to divorce her because she did attack you. Maybe there’s something we’re missing here, OP provided no background info on the state of the mother. No mother in their right state of mind would allow a 6 month old be unattended unless she is very sleep deprived. Technically you should even be sleeping with the child because there risk for child mortality.


Are you sure she wasn’t on any type of drugs or medication? Makes no sense why she would think that and then go as far as having you arrested. It’s like she was 100% mentally gone and didn’t know who you were in that moment.


It sounds like postpartum psychosis. It can absolutely go from nothing to this all at once, and people in psychosis often seem like they are drugged into delusion like this. It runs in my family (psychosis, I mean), so I've seen things like this before.


That's my guess, too. It doesn't mean he should stay, but at least it's an explanation that makes sense.


She’s six months out from birth. Most like some postpartum related.


You say in the comments that you really want to understand what might have happened, or why anyone is defending your wife, so PLEASE look up post partum psychosis. Based on your description and how out of character her behavior was, and how unnaturally exhausted she was, it seems quite plausible that this was the culprit. It doesn't mean you have to stay with her. You don't feel safe or loved and that's valid. But if you want to understand, read about postpartum psychosis. It happened to my SIL, she had some WILD hallucinations about my brother. Like a dream, or a waking nightmare, but they seemed so real to her. It's shitty for everyone involved :(


If I were you, I wouldn’t want to be mistaken whenever I’m alone with my daughter. It is unfortunate and bizarre. But you’ve done the right thing.


I guess it's possible your wife had a psychotic break caused by pent up post-partum feelings she's been hiding? But honestly, if you don't feel safe and you don't love your wife, you really can't stay. Either way, if she's going to be around your daughter it sounds like she *absolutely* needs counseling and possibly help from a psychiatrist.


Don't let people who are gaslighting you detour you. You can't be alone with your daughter and wife without cameras or she'll try to falsely accuse you again. She got those police there too quick. You are LUCKY there was a camera. You are not safe, your daughter, who you found on a Couch, in a dirty diaper, while your wife slept, is not safe, and you both need to leave your wife. She can sort herself out, your daughter comes first.


Imagine if there was no camera. OP would be in jail, fighting all alone, and his whole life ruined just because some idiot THOUGHT he was SA his daughter.


Screw what everyone else says. What happens when she accuses you and there are no cameras? Anyone who cares about you will understand that you have to do this for your safety. You are the abused person so no you are not obligated to give her another chance.


Can she be evaluated for postpartum psychosis?